  • Report:  #1213285

Complaint Review: Jonathan Heah Hopkins (Suntech) - Lugoff South Carolina

Reported By:
Ben - Hopkins, South Carolina, USA

Jonathan Heah Hopkins (Suntech)
15 Rio Ln. Lugoff, 29078 South Carolina, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I was working for Suntech in Lugoff South Carolina installing DirecTV Satellites for about 8 months. It was my first time ever doing this type of work, so I was excited to learn a new skill. The owners name is Jonathan Heath Hopkins. He goes by Heath.

I thought it was a good opportunity to make some good money because at the interview he was telling me that I could make $50,000 easily doing this type of work because there is just so much work that needs to be done. My wife and I were so happy that we finally caught a break and I was able to land such a good job! So we thought.

Okay so when I first started, I had to go through a 2 week training period that paid $100 a week, which pretty much just paid for my gas to get to the warehouse and back home, but one of the other supervisors gave me an extra $100 to get by which was nice of him, and I really appreciated that and still do.

After the 2 week training period, you start out with a couple of jobs a day until you catch your speed up, but then you have to wait I think it was another 4 weeks until you get your first check which is crucial when you need gas money to go everywhere that they send you which was a lot of the times between 30 to 40 miles out.


But that's not where my compaint is

My compaint is that Heath is a Lying Thief!

I really should have known with all of the signs that he was showing me, and I actually kind of did but I didn't want to believe it. He seemed like a straight up guy at first.

Okay so it first started when I was seeing an unusal amount of QA's being deducted from my checks right around November. I'm not sure if they have different names for them at other companies, but I am talking about the call backs. When they send someone out there to check your work and something was done wrong, so they charge you $30 or every one.

So at the first time, I noticed around 6 of them. And the way they do things is, they post everyones points for the week up for everyone to see. So I was able to see how many call backs the other guys had.

And what do you know? Almost all of them had around the same amount of call backs (QA's). Nobody ever metioned it, and me being the newest guy there didn't want to be the one to bring it up, so I let it slide. And like an idiot, I let it slide some more, up until after Christmas. I mean almost everybody was going home with under $500 for the week and about $250-$300 of that went into my gas tank every week.

So, Heath is a good guy right? (sarcastically speaking) He has a Christmas party every year for his employees, and buys them all expensive gifts, like iPads, laptops, big screen tv's, all kinds of stuff. Yeah, I wonder if this whole QA thing goes on every year around the same time, so that he can use the employees money to buy their own gifts. (just saying)

 Still not where my complaint is

Now I am a hard working guy, and Heath knew it. He knew that I wasn't going to turn down work, because I have a family to support. A wife and four kids to be exact. Heath knew that he could take advantage of me by giving me the jobs that the other guys said that they couldn't do because they knew that they would take way too long for the few dollars that Heath was talking about paying for them.

And if we don't take the jobs, then it goes against our points, and we had to keep up a cretain amount of points if we wanted to keep our jobs, or at least that's what they said. And me still being the newest one, I was trying to keep my points high.

I worked late nights, sometimes up until 10 or 11pm and we worked 6 days a week and my checks have been as low as in the $300's at times, due to the over priced material that he sells his employees and, the BS QA's along with the low paying jobs that he was giving me.

 It gets worse. This is my compaint.

Around Christmas time I was doing a job for someone and he liked the way that I worked and handled a situation that he had been trying to get countless amount of people to help him with to no avail.

So he offered me a job, which I of course jumped on to get away from all of this mess. I gave Heath as much of a notice as I could when I was certain that I had the job which was in January 2015.

I worked with Suntech up until the day before I stared my new job, and since Heath was trying to get me to stay he was giving me really good jobs my last couple of weeks. On my last day he told me that if I change my mind, that he will keep me in the system so that I can start off where I left off at.

Which was nice of him (So I thought).

So I start working with the other company, and since I had to wait so long to get my first check with Suntech, I still had a few checks coming to me for my last few weeks of work with them.

My wife and I were so worried that he was going to rip us off, since he knows that I'm not coming back. But my first couple of checks were actually looking good.

Mind you, there is really no way of telling if he he paid me for everything because of the way the pay goes. It's just meant to confuse everyone. There is no specific pay for anything. It all depends on what you do, the type of boxes you use, and how many rooms, etc...

But my checks were over $1000 so I was happy. Especially since I did do a lot of installs the last few weeks and I knew that my check should have been over $1000, but I was worried that he was going to hit me with some other crap.

 And then he did

My last check was only for 1 week this time, so I was thinking that he wouldn't make it that obvious and hit my smallest check with those stupid QA's. I should be okay. He's not going to do that.

Well he did. He hit me with 16 of them to be exact. $400 worth of QA's!

I was T'd off because here I go with another 300 and something dollar check. When I know good and well it should have been way more. He took over half my check. And then my wife reminded me that he isn't even suppose to be charging me for most of those QA's because they were over 90 days old.

So I called around and asked some other guys that worked with me and they said the same thing, and that the other charges were bogus too because they don't even do QA's after 2 weeks of the install or service that we provided and all of those QA's say they were done after the 2 week period.

So I tried contacting Heath to no avail of course. And then I decided to send him a text message letting him know that if he doesn't contact me about the money that is missing out of my check, then I would be forced to pursue legal action.

So I sent a mass message to him and the other 2 supervisors, so that they knew what kind of guy they were working for, and so that he couldn't say that I never tried to contact him, unless the other guys would be willing to lie on his behalf.

Well then he finally contacts me back, but not to settle the issue. Instead he says that since I threatened him with leagal action, he can't talk to me anymore, and to talk to his lawyer.

He never talked to me about it in the first place. That was the reason for me texting him. He is a complete Jerk and I recommend everyone considering to work for him to run the other way because you will regret it.






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