  • Report:  #1103355

Complaint Review: JUDGE LAURA M. WATSON - fort lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
Florida Judicial Watch - FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida,

201 S.E. 6TH STREET fort lauderdale, 33301 Florida, USA
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 The tragic reality of the world's biggest corrupt legal system -America's rigged courts, bribed judges, fake and phony trials, extortion by lawyers, and over 2 million prisoners in the USA gulag. Why USA "justice" is not like in Hollywood movies, and why YOU could be the next victim on USA territory - innocent and sent to prison, or strapped to a table and put to death; or robbed of your life savings by American lawyers. Why YOU can be tortured, have your freedom and rights taken away, and why people in America are afraid to help you, or even tell what happened to you. The recent pattern of American violations of international law are ultimately based in the corruption of the USA domestic legal system. Phony USA courts are very dangerous even for travellers and visitors to America, who can easily wind up among the USA's more than 2 million prisoners, or lose all their family's possessions to corrupt American lawyers. All world citizens should know how the corrupt USA legal system, is a danger to every traveller, visitor, and guest worker from overseas, and to every individual who takes the risky step of entering upon American territory. Just ask the overseas families of prisoners who were put to death inside the USA, with their embassies never even being informed that they were arrested - or the many foreign people serving hugely long prison terms in America, after they were jailed on flimsy tainted "evidence" from criminal snitches. The reality is that the United States of America, which proclaims itself the "land of freedom", has the most dishonest, dangerous and crooked legal system of any developed nation. Legal corruption is covering America like a blanket. The corruption of the USA legal system is well-known, but also well-hidden, by the news services of America's corporate-owned media. The US media companies are afraid both of reprisal, and of the social revolution that would come from exposing the truth. Here is what the US media companies know, but are afraid to tell you about American "justice".

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Oklahoma is the most corrupt state in the union

#2General Comment

Sun, December 01, 2013

A lot of people wouldn't believe this but Oklahoma has the most corrupt judges and corrupt cops probably in the united states. Because Oklahoma is in the Bible Belt, the judges there use the bible as a means of determining the outcome of a case. Most judges also act as if there some king when a defendant approaches them. There are strange cases in Oklahoma that involve contempt of court. Several people have gone to jail over speeding tickets. How? Because they were in contempt of court when they tried to ask the judge a question after the judge  asked if they plead guilty or no contest. I've heard of several people hanging themsleves in the jails in Oklahoma. There are cases in which law enforcement used different means to harrass several individuals who the mayor or city council deemed unstable or mentally ill and once they retaliated they were arrested and sent to prision. Some of them were sent to mental institutions against their will. Many individuals who are harassed and arrested have a history of taking prescriptions for a mental illness. There are many cases that involve cops planting false evidence in a vehicle during a traffic stop such as drugs, or open beer bottles. Mothers who have had a history of taking medication for a so called mental illness have had their sons and daughters taken from them by the state of oklahoma. Judges act a kings and if the defendant doesn't say yes your honor or no your honor, then they are held in contempt of the court. There are cases in which an individual was sent to jail for not properly addressing the judge. In some of these cases attorneys were hired but in the end couldn't over ride the judges decision! The attorneys still got paid even though the defendant went to jail for contempt of the court. There is no innocent plea, only a plea of guilty or nolo contender. Nolo contender is pretty much the same thing as guilty, it's just a nicer way of saying it. Many people who have been sent to jail mysteriously die, or hang themselves for no reason. When the cops are questioned, they all say it was suicide. How do we know what goes on inside the jails? It's come to the point that what a cops says goes, no quesioning the cop. The officer is always right and anyone who says otherwise seems to be a terrorist.

This has got to stop!! Someone has got to stand up, and rise up against this system that is causing people to lose their life, their freedom and their homes! People aren't protesting enough against the system! It's time something be done about this. The people must rise up against the system and stop this madness. It might turn into a civil war, but I see no way around it. It's going to become so oppresive and restricted that people aren't going to be able to use their own property the way they wish to if something isn't done! Surevellance cameras will be installed on the people's property! Something similar happened like this in England and the colonists broke away from England because of it. They wanted to start their own country with no rulers or officers telling them what they can and cannot do. It was called America, home of the free. But now look what we've become. We're under the same oppression that our forefathers were under when they started this country!! The Constituion doesn't seem to matter nowadays. It's just a piece of paper that's old and crumbling to shreds. It's up to the people to do something to stop the oppression and the corruption! If you wish it to continue this way, then stay in your homes, watch t.v, listen to your radios, and pretend life is great! If you don't want to continue down this road, then stand up and protest against the corruption or nothing will be done, and it will continue to get worse! 

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