  • Report:  #354386

Complaint Review: Junior Gym - West Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- ARCATA, California,

Junior Gym
2218 Cotner Avenue West Los Angeles, 90064 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My husband, Brad Sims, became an investor & business partner in Junior Gym beginning in 1983. Brad also worked at Junior Gym as an instructor from 1975 to 2007.

Brad drew a personal salary of approximately 1400.00 per month which he claimed on his personal income tax forms, while the income he earned as a business partner was deposited into a separate trust account by business partner Dermot Kiernan.

Brad passed away on January 13, 2007 after being diagnosed with cancer in 2005. I cared for him in our home, and that is where he died, safe in his own bed. The moment he passed he was looking into my eyes and holding my hand. Brad was not just my husband of 5 years, he was the love of my life. We met at the ages of 14 and 17 at a summer camp high in the Trinity mountains; Manzanita Ranch.

It was nothing short of a miracle that I was able to protect him from his rabid business associates during his last days. We were constantly hounded by these people who's only apparent goal was to get Brad to sign legal papers which would clinch their embezzlement of his estate. Brad never signed any of the papers they asked him to sign and as his death drew nearer they became frantic.

While I trying my best to help my husband prepare for his impending death, I became the subject of intense scrutiny and plotting subterfuge. His business partners did everything they could to ensure we enjoyed as little quality time together as possible. We rarely had visitors prior to the last months of his life and suddenly we were overwhelmed with many frantic phone calls and uninvited drop-by visits.

These business partners participated in an all-out attack to pressure Brad into making arrangements that would benefit them financially. It was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. He was dying and all they could think about was how to keep his money.

Brad's memorial service was held at Junior Gym 3 weeks after his death. I did not attend this service because I couldn't bear to look at these traitorous connivers so soon, and of course they were all there, working hard at looking sad.

What they were really sad about is the fact that Brad had a wife and that would disrupt their plan to embezzle his investments. I became the subject of vicious slander and gossip to a ridiculous extent. These people were unsuccessful in their attempts to force Brad to sign over his assets, so they concentrated on me next.

Brad's business partners were members of his own extended family and Dermot Kiernan. These people told anyone who would listen that Brad did not die a natural death, that his wife had killed him. They made phone calls to the owner of the building we lived in trying to convince him to evict me; they hired private investigators to continuously stalk me, go through my garbage, hack into my computer, and question my neighbors. The harassment was constant and intense.

Brad's own mother assured him that his "family" would take care of his business matters in an appropriate manner and not to worry because they would make sure his wife received the benefit of his investments. One of the last things he wrote his mother was to ask her again if she was sure I would be ok financially.

The betrayal of his business partners (extended family and Dermot) was not completely unexpected by me. But to witness their betrayal of Brad broke my heart. Towards the end he finally understood their selfish intentions, but it was too late. During his last weeks his "family" treated him like he was not altogether human and he asked me not to leave him alone with them. I knew then that he knew what their objectives were.

Within a week after Brad's death, his business partners began transferring his assets and property. I was devastated and grieving and I could do nothing to stop them. I had very little money and was emotionally spent. I started calling attorneys months later and was told a large retainer would be required. Now I understood why Brad's mother had tried to have his disability lump sum payment automatically deposited into her account. She wanted to make sure I had nothing when he died, so that I could not afford to hire an attorney.

Dermot Kiernan did not come forward to inform me of Brad's legal interest in Junior Gym and when I asked him he denied that Brad was ever a business partner.

I went to Junior Gym 6 weeks after he died to pick up his personal items and was told there was nothing there that was his, and that he was "only an employee."

Dermot Kiernan owes me an explanation and an accounting of my husband's legal and financial interest in Junior Gym.


ARCATA, California


8 Updates & Rebuttals

Jesikamay AKA Brad''s Wife


#2Author of original report

Tue, December 14, 2010

UPDATE:  "Junior Gym" belongs to a large group of franchise gyms owned by the corporation 'Sarah's Playhouse' of Sunnyvale, Ca. 

Sarah's Playhouse is attached to many other corporations including Computershare, Jm Saghi Enterprises, Resumix, Ceridian, Hot Jobs, and Yahoo!.  

Brad Sims was an executive officer of "Yahoo! Resumix" according to an owner/officer search from Know-X. 

But according to Yahoo headquarters in Sunnyvale, Ca ... Resumix no longer exists and hasn't since it was purchased by Hot Jobs in the late 90's. 

(To see scanned copies of the Yahoo emails and replies, go to my facebook page and look at the photo album called YAHOO. There is also a letter from the transfer agent Computershare.) 

Brad was a wealthy man with plenty of resources for further medical care. But his "partners" were embezzling his assets long before he died, and told him he was 'broke" during the last months of his life. 

In reality his "partners" are still "managing" Brad's assets to this very day through Trusts, trustees, AKA's and false identities. They even have a "Jessica Sims" to fill in for me on the paperwork for the SIMS 2004 TRUST in Ventura County. (Who needs real live human beings, not them) 

The new "privacy" laws really worked well to make it hard for me to find my own name on property transactions. Interesting..

Is this really America?  Seems more like old England where the royalty did whatever they wanted. 

Think I'll get an attorney to 'represent' me?  Sure they are all anxious to take on multi-millionaires with a lot to lose.. 10 deep at my door. All holding flowers. heh. 

Think I'll ever shut up about this? .. nope. Because I know I'm right.. period. and regardless of anything else I know one thing very clearly. These people ripped us off. 

Report Attachments


Jaesen Kanter "72 Hour Notice"

#3Author of original report

Tue, July 28, 2009

Got an email today from my husband's nephew who says he's giving me 72 hours to remove his name from this post. Everything I said in this post is true and I will not retract it. If anything it was worded a lot nicer than the actual reality of living in the nightmare Sims family. No mystery to me why Brad drank for 33 years straight. What IS a mystery to me is how they managed to convince him to stay in that broken down apartment at 5411 Centinela for so many years while the rest of the family lived high on the hog 24/7 ..?? Now there's a mystery. Brad never knew exactly how much money he had, his mother "handled" his investments and when he was dying she told him he was broke, the whole family was broke, and there was no money left for medical treatments to try to save his life. During his last Christmas in 2006, Brad's relatives said that they were so broke they had to buy presents for each other at the 99 cent store. Give me a lie detector test, that's what they said. I don't give a d**n if those lunatics sue me every day for the next 10 years. The truth is still the truth and what I'm saying is true. Tough if they don't like it.


Jaeson Sims "72 hour warning"

#4Author of original report

Tue, July 28, 2009

Got an email today from my husband's nephew who says he's giving me 72 hours to remove his name from this post. Everything I said in this post is true. I will not retract it. If anything it was worded a lot nicer than the actual reality of living in that nightmare Sims family. (No mystery to me why Brad drank for 33 years straight.) What IS a mystery to me is how they managed to convince him to stay in that broken down ramshackle apartment at 5411 Centinela (rats, silverfish, broken windows, zero privacy, no yard or patio, stained cement, broken mailboxes) for so many years while the rest of the family lived high on the hog 24/7..?? Now there's a mystery I have no answer for, only theories. Brad never knew exactly how much money he had, his mother "handled" his investments and when he was dying she told him he was broke, the whole family was broke, and there was no money left for medical treatments to try to save his life. During Brad's last christmas (xmas 2006 - 2 weeks before he died) I was told that the Sims family was so broke they had to buy presents for each other at the 99 cent store. Give me a lie detector test, that's the truth. I don't give a d**n if those lunatics sue me every day for the next 10 years. The truth is the truth. I know where Brad's partnership and financial records are and am filing a probate petition shortly. They should save their money for a defense attorney. After I finish administrating his estate they will no doubt need one. it's their own fault - greed is not nice and stealing from your dying relative is horrendous. Who could trust a person who would do that?


This Report has now disappeared from the Google Search Pages

#5Author of original report

Fri, July 25, 2008

This Report has now disappeared from the Google Search Pages When I first posted this report it showed up very nicely on the first page in Google search. A day or two later it suddenly disappeared altogether along with the associated report regarding "Able Investigations - Howard Eisemann"


Kathlen Kierba Kiernan Trust - aka Kathleen Trust Kiernan

#6Author of original report

Fri, July 25, 2008

I've been doing some research the last few days and found that the "Trust" that's affiliated with "Junior Gym" is 107 years old and is called the "Kathleen Kierba Kiernan Trust." Sometimes it's refered to as the "Kathleen Trust Kiernan." The really odd thing is that all or most of the people affiliated with this trust use many different alias names; primarily distinct variations on their legal names. My husbands relatives and business partners all use many alias names and this habit appears to have increased since he died. The list I have of all the alias's used is long and I have cross-referenced and double-checked them - what in the world are these people up to? I've never seen anything like this. Interesting that Howard Eisemann found NO pertinent information but after spending a few hours researching through public records online, I found this trust which has the business address of "Junior Gym" listed under it along with a bunch of other properties it apparently owns. What the heck ?


Able Forensic Investigations & Howard Eisemann

#7Author of original report

Wed, July 23, 2008

I hired a Forensic Investigator to research the legal background of Junior Gym and got taken for a ride in the process. To see my complaint regarding "Able Forensic Investigations, enter "Howard Eisemann Able Investigations" in the search box of Rip off Reports.com. Do these people all belong to the same club ?


Can one business be investigated for 2,500.00 ?

#8Author of original report

Wed, July 23, 2008

Mr. Eisemann was provided with various documents pertaining to a business my deceased husband was a partner in. (Junior Gym in West Los Angeles) His summary report did not include even one mention of this business. Since Junior Gym was the primary source of income through which my husband's investments were made, it would be common sense to start THERE. Instead I received a report that stated that my husband's relatives had multiple checking accounts (3-4 each) that don't have my husband's name on them, and some other nonsensical mumblings. I have no idea what this guy is up to but it's clear to me that no real investigation was performed.


Business Partners of Brad Sims

#9Author of original report

Wed, July 23, 2008

Brad's Business Partner's/Relatives : Dermot Kiernan : aka - Kiernon Elizabeth Sims : aka - Elizabeth S. Kincannon; Zabeth H. Sims; Elisabeth K. Sims; Elizabeth S. Sims. William Earl Sims : aka - Bill Sims, Jason Douglas Kanter: aka - Jason Sims; Jaesen X. Kanter; Jaesen Dkanter. Dominique Genice Kanter : aka - Inique Eg Kanter. Paul Arnold Kanter : aka - La Kanter Michael James. Kanter : aka - Hael James Kanter. Nicole Marie Kanter : aka - Ole Marie Kanter Note : Elizabeth switches between her maiden & married name and has no middle name but randomly selects middle initials. I've done a lot of property and online searches and found that Brad's "family" uses alias names frequently. The current favorite method is to drop the 2 or 3 letters of their first name. (Elizabeth Sims =Zabeth H. Sims etc) William Sims and Dominique Kanter are licensed Real Estate Brokers.

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