  • Report:  #352471

Complaint Review: Justis Barrymore - Milton

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

Justis Barrymore
justisbarrymore.com Milton, 2538 Australia
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I attended a few of Justis seminars and stayed with him at the castle for a long time. Justis tried to scam me out of $1000 AUS. One of his minions told me that when they banked a cheque that I gave them it was $1000 short. I said that when I got home I would check my statement. I told them that if it was short I would send the money to them or give them cash on my return.

I checked my statement only to find that I had overpaid by $200, In between this happening there was an email from Justis saying that they was $1000 short from my bank.

To cut a long story short, I returned to the castle a couple of months later with a copy of my statement and I asked to see a copy of their statement. I also said that I would go down to the bank with them to sort it out as I believed that the bank was ripping Justis off, that was until I heard Justis talking to one on his minions, he said We're not going to get that $1000 this person's too careful with their paperwork.

I was really heart broken, had he asked me for the $1000, I would have given it.However this is when I sat up and started taking note. I started getting the same sort of stories from friends I made on my various visits to the castle and to seminars that had been scammed.

I have seen the phyisical evidence that Justis has ripped people off, and it's a shame.Up until the end of summer he was on the scene, he was doing one day seminars, which suddenly stopped when the police started to investigate him. Always double check someone's background when they ask for your money. I hope noone else will be scammed by him. Thanks


San Diego, California


1 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
who's the real rip-off artist? Angela and Robert obviously!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, July 19, 2008

First off, I can't believe I'm seeing this. Justis hasn't done any workshops in 3 years because he was publicly crucified by jerks like this. But you will not stop him helping people....and who's going to make sure liars (Angela and Robert--nice made up names by the way) DON'T stop him? People like me who truly KNOW him and who he is! By the way, any of you other liars out there should at least research REAL names to use, as he knows the name of every person who ever attended his workshops! I also have lists of everyone who attended for several years. [no ANGELA's on those lists] It's COMPLETELY UNTRUE....how do I know? I've know him very well for almost six years. I set up the first workshop in the USA, and I handled the money for that one. The costs of the workshops barely covered the expenses. And if he was such a clever rip off artist, he certainly wouldn't be living the lifestyle that he has all of his life. I have NO PROBLEM with anyone contacting me PERSONALLY with any questions about his integrity. Because of jerks like this, I've also had to face questions from my family.....that is UNTIL they met him. If you want a testimonial, I can give you a long laundry list of people that I know that will stand up to liars like you. So now that I've gotten my initial anger off....let's face some TRUTH shall we? Angela (interesting choice of a made up name by the way...Angel A) if you were so heart broken and "overheard" the "minions" speaking about money....why on earth would you go back? Ah yes, that's right you never went in the first place did you? Or if you actually DID....it was using a different name. Who's the liar? As for the castle, the cess pool of people that started the money crap before (can't you at least get more inventive?) were all connected to Stuart Wilde. Shall we talk about the other nasty things they did to Justis and his friends? And more importantly, WHY? Jealous of Stuart's relationship with Justis....that's what they were. Or should I say obviously still ARE. It's truly powerful getting people to see their DARK, and obviously you can't handle it. You want to talk about heartbroken? Let me tell you the heartbreak is on Justis's side. People like you, truly disappoint him. Do you really not see who he is? Or are you so hungry to feel important that you attack him from behind a computer screen? I know how to reach him....if you've got something to say. I humbly suggest you say it to HIM instead of trying to smear him in cyberspace. Ah, but then again cowards and miscreants like you never do anything more than poison with doubt and lies. As for the police investigation....again a fabrication. As for money? Justis was audited by the Australian tax department, and produced ALL the documentation and satisfied the investigation. He also left the castle more than four years ago. I know these names are fabricated....so if this is written by the 'one who seeks redemption'....don't be so daft....contact him and apologize....as you well know....he has the HUGEST heart. And if this is someone else....don't be so stupid as to use American names and addresses, as we are all aware of our shadow and will stand up for him and TRUTH. If you are someone who is just reading this crap, and has no prior knowledge of Justis....let me point out that no where in this email do they mention his work? Or the thousands of people he's helped over the years. Let your heart be your guide. It was a higher power that led me to him, and the "minions", and I am a far better and happier person because of it! I say prays of gratitude, and will continue to support him....ALWAYS in all ways.

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