  • Report:  #32330

Complaint Review: K-Mart - Lenoir North Carolina

Reported By:
- Lenoir, NC,

HWY 321 Lenoir, 28645 North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I bought an outfit (shirt and capri pants) for my 6-year old daughter. The outfit was on the clearance rack and I only paid $3.00 for the shirt and $4.50 for the pants. When I got the outfit home and she tried it on, I noticed the pants were ripped and they also were a little to long for capri pants. So, we decided to return them for a shirt that she had saw there at another time which was a $20.00 shirt.

I was informed at the front desk that I would not be able to return the outfit for that shirt because I did not have the receipt, even though the tags were still attached to the outfit that showed they were only about a $10.00 outfit, and that I would either be stuck with the outfit (which was also ripped) or trade for one just like it.

So I looked on the rack for one like that one, and of course there wasn't another, so she still refused to allow me to trade up. There were no signs that stated this fact and nothing in writing or visible for any other customer to see this policy.

There is no wonder they are going bankrupt because the company completely sucks. Needless to say, I am still stuck with an outfit that was ripped and to small for my daughter.


Lenoir, North Carolina

13 Updates & Rebuttals


Wow Amy, you seem to be living in la-la land.

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 07, 2005

I don't have any "problems" with walking into a Kmart here, why BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY. Every freaking one of them was shut down. Please, don't feed people the BS of what your district manager wants to see with facts. First off, why would they tell you crap? I was a front floor supervisor, I can assure you, I know the ropes very well. Again, KMart has NOT brought out Sear, yet. They plain to make their offer final by the end of March. Secondly, a company estimating grossing a 3.9 billion profit to buy out Sears at 11 billion, both of which are still in Chapter 11, is asine. But you live in your la-la land and well all keep the facts at hand. You do understand how Chapter 11 works with business's, right? I guessed you didn't. My facts, I hold several stock bonds with good stable companies. I know exactly what goes on in the business world as I get reports each and every day. Keep believing that KMart and Sears are so great. Look around, who else has filed chapter 11 and stayed a float more than 4 years. No one!


North Carolina,
Last post

#3UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 07, 2005

My last post was in response to Wendy, but I suppose it actually was addressed to you April on your facts on us buying Sears. The media is not always going to tell you all the facts because they simply do not have them all yet. As far as the bad experience in the store that was to the original post...posted by Wendy.


North Carolina,
Oh I'm sorry April I didn't realize you worked their too...

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 07, 2005

April, I attend meetings everyday...with district regional and corp mgrs. We are no longer Kmart .We were kmart holding and are now Sears Holding. My district mgr today was explaining how the merger will take place, in about two years most stores will no longer say Big Kmart or Super Kmart when you enter the parking lot...the stores will be called Sears Grand. I mean we bought them the stores are now one it's all in the news so what are YOU talking about? Where do you get your facts. So silly...you're obviously just angry because you didn't get your way when you went in the store so now this makes you a expert on our financial status? Ok. Sears and Kmart both really do have some quality products. Whether it will be a huge success I don't know, but I don't claim to just because I've been scorned by a bad experiece. I've had bad experiences in everyone of the major retail chains. This is something called Life...and you just go on. Have a great day


I'm not a financial analyst!

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 06, 2005

I copied that off a website. I don't count kmart's money. All I know is what I read! There's a store here, near me. I shop there sometimes. That's all that really matters to me.


Wow, you guys need to get your facts in check first...

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 05, 2005

Amy, No, KMart has not brought out Sears. They are bidding to purchase Sears, to their hopes, by the end of March 2005 for $11 billion. Sears has also filed Bankruptcy on numerous occassions. KMart filed Bankruptcy in 2002 and 2003. They had to close over 600 stores down, ASAP. I can assure you, KMart may purchase Sears, which has been hurting for many years, and they'll find themselves right back where there were 3 years ago. Paul, KMart is not reporting a "cash" on hand of 3.9 billion, they believe that their profits for the year could be about 3.9 billion. However, if they do purchase Sears for 11 billion, and they've only grossed 3.9 billion, they will lose out bif time, especially when you purchase a company with a history of not being able to keep up with te other chains as Sears and KMart both are. Today, KMarts shares have dropped 1.35. If you all are believing that KMart will survive the previous Chapter 11 and then purchase an even worse company for more than they have, well, that speaks for itself.


North Carolina,
kmart is not bankrupt

#7UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 04, 2005

also wanted to add that we are not bankrupt. we just bought Sears Roebuck and Co for over a billion dollars. Does that sound like we are destitute? Nah I didn't think so.


One problem does not make this company a fraud.

#8Consumer Suggestion

Tue, January 04, 2005

If you search here, you'll probably find several other complaints. But, overall, I certainly don't feel the company is a fraud. Quite the opposite, they will bend over backwards for you in an effort to provide you with satisfaction. The other comments accurately reflect the policy that I have found when shopping there. Torn clothing? Rest assured, K-mart didn't tear it. Either a customer did, or it arrived that way from the manufacturer. Bankrupt? Not by a long shot! When I was a truck driver, I delivered to their central warehouse facilities. Millions of dollars in consumer goods pass through there everyday. They may not be number one any longer, but bankrupt? They did restructure the company over 2 years ago. But, now they're back with a vengeance. Read for yourself: Kmart said it had about $3.9 billion in cash at the end of December and is expected to have about $3.2 billion at the end of its 2004 fiscal year, compared with $2.1 billion at the end of fiscal 2003. Does that sound like bankrupt? I should be so lucky! They're about as bankrupt as Donald Trump and Bill Gates are!


Winston Salem,
North Dakota,
No return or exchange without a reciept

#9UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 04, 2005

I am currently a employee of Kmart. I work at the service desk occasionally. This however is just how my store does things and if your local store is violating company rules you should request to speak to a District Manager of that store. But when a customer comes in with no reciept we can still trace your purchase in our computer unless you paid by cash. And even if you did pay by cash you would be allowed to exchange that item for something of the like and same price. You really should request the store mgrs help and if he does not resolve the problem demand to speak to the district mgr of that store. Thanks for reading



#10Consumer Comment

Thu, November 07, 2002

April..You said you worked there years ago. Don't you think the policy has probably changed since then? Just about every store requires a recepit now. Who's to say the merchandise wasn't stolen and then brought back in, in an attempt to get a credit. Store's aren't going bankrupt because they are requesting receipts for returns, they were going bankrupt from thieves stealing their merchandise and then taking advantage of their once lenient return policy. You shouldn't be giving advice about K-Mart's policies since you haven't worked there in years and have no idea about their current policies. The lady should have kept her receipt. It's her fault, not K-mart's.



#11Consumer Comment

Thu, November 07, 2002

April..You said you worked there years ago. Don't you think the policy has probably changed since then? Just about every store requires a recepit now. Who's to say the merchandise wasn't stolen and then brought back in, in an attempt to get a credit. Store's aren't going bankrupt because they are requesting receipts for returns, they were going bankrupt from thieves stealing their merchandise and then taking advantage of their once lenient return policy. You shouldn't be giving advice about K-Mart's policies since you haven't worked there in years and have no idea about their current policies. The lady should have kept her receipt. It's her fault, not K-mart's.



#12Consumer Comment

Thu, November 07, 2002

April..You said you worked there years ago. Don't you think the policy has probably changed since then? Just about every store requires a recepit now. Who's to say the merchandise wasn't stolen and then brought back in, in an attempt to get a credit. Store's aren't going bankrupt because they are requesting receipts for returns, they were going bankrupt from thieves stealing their merchandise and then taking advantage of their once lenient return policy. You shouldn't be giving advice about K-Mart's policies since you haven't worked there in years and have no idea about their current policies. The lady should have kept her receipt. It's her fault, not K-mart's.



#13Consumer Comment

Thu, November 07, 2002

April..You said you worked there years ago. Don't you think the policy has probably changed since then? Just about every store requires a recepit now. Who's to say the merchandise wasn't stolen and then brought back in, in an attempt to get a credit. Store's aren't going bankrupt because they are requesting receipts for returns, they were going bankrupt from thieves stealing their merchandise and then taking advantage of their once lenient return policy. You shouldn't be giving advice about K-Mart's policies since you haven't worked there in years and have no idea about their current policies. The lady should have kept her receipt. It's her fault, not K-mart's.


That is NOT K-Marts policy

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, October 12, 2002

I worked as a supervisor for K-Mart years ago. The return policy is: If the item is over $50 without a receipt then the manager or supervisor would have to sign off. If the item is under $50, then they would give credit of the lowest sale or clearence price. Now the only execption to the above is, they record your ID without a receipt, if you continuously return things without one, come the 3rd time, they will ONLY exchange the item. If this is the first time you've come in without a receipt, then you need to go in and ask for a manager, if the manager gives you crap, you then ask for the name and number of the chain supervisor or district manager. This information should be hanging above the customer service desk. If it has to go that far, something should be done then. Please update this report is you still are having problems. Good Luck!

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