  • Report:  #535655

Complaint Review: Kaching Kaching - Henderson Internet

Reported By:
Jim - Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.

Kaching Kaching
9029 South Pecos Henderson, 89074 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I can not tell you boldly enough the Kaching Kacing is a scam.

It is and always will be no matter what the company crys.

First it is simply "I-Supply" re-packaged. I-Supply is one of the ways the owners of Beyond Commerce ripped of about 20-30,000 people... and millions of dollars in ad fee's from small family owned businesses.

The second thing you'll hear is it is a new owner... bull crap these guys are ALL the same..  their crimmials selling false hope. It was transfered in name only to someone else who is fronting the whole thing now.

Third, you can get these website also anywere for free or for a one time fee of less than $50.00

I will not give sites, as I am not promoting anything, simply search...

plr website... or turnkey web sites

Kaching Kaching is a scam... anyone selling it is trying to steal money from you.

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Do Your Research

United States of America
Do Not Fall For This.....Again

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, April 17, 2011

This is a total scam. Theyve taken most of the site offline, sent JW Stratton to tell everyone to hang in there, but that he has no info. He doesnt even have his email address because he doesnt have a business card on him. They took KCKC off of the beyondcommerce.com site and replaced it with something called PriceCrusher.com, which SURPRISE, has a
referral program coming soon. In the meantime, they have continued to charge for monthly licensing fees and have cut off any way to communicate with them. Customer service is closed, live help is offline, they took KCKC off of facebook, all KCKC company high ups have locked their walls so you cant post on them. Its a joke. Run for your lives, they took everyones cash and bob went and bought himself another company with it, then shook he tree hard to piss people off enough to make them ask to leave to lesson his burden. Go to the BBB and read the reviews on Bobs last MLM company called Local Ad Link, BBB gives them an F. Also research something called Boomj.com. This is all on top of misleading sales pitches and the fact that NO ONE HAS EVER GOTTEN A REBATE FROM THEIR SHOPPING WITH KCKC!!! Man, what a fool I am, but I can still sleep with myself at night. Thankfully I never got any of my clients or family into this mess.

No Way Will I Fall For This

Los Angeles,
United States of America
10 Red Flags on Kaching-Kaching

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 16, 2010

I have seen a lot of scams both on and off the net.  Naming them here would take a while and a lot of space.  The current times we live in are full of potential victims: those of us who lost jobs due to the downward spiral of the economy.  Also, the new key word in marketing is "green."  Add these two together and you have people ready to believe anything that will help them out financially and perhaps save the world.

Enter kachingkaching.com. 

I had a friend all excited about this venture and talked to me at length about the "new way people will make money."  He used statements like, "we aren't looking for people who want to make sixty thousand a year.  We want people who want to make over one hundred thousand a year." (Red flag #1, sales hype.) And he capped it off by saying, "Kachingkaching will soon take over Amazon.com and put them out of business."  And it will be "green" because people will shop from home.  Not a bad idea, since a lot of people do that anyway, and with positive results.  But he insisted that Kaching-Kaching.com would be better, and I should join and have my own store to run, and make a lot of money. 

I told him no several times, explaining the messes I got in by other "great money-making businesses," but he insisted on telling me to join.  He sent me an email with a link to watch a presentation.  I entered my email address and phone number (both are what I call my "non-serious contact points," in case of problems, then I can cancel them.)  I watched the video.  It kept repeating itself over and over and offered little information, other than it is a new online store and I could make money. (Red flag #2, insufficient information to keep you on the hook.)  At the end of the video I was told that I now have my own free store.  Yippee.

I surfed the "store" and searched for items, but instead of finding brand names, I found model numbers and prices.  (Red flag #3, selling products by misrepresentation, as if to say "They don't like this brand, but they don't know the model number, so we'll fool them into buying it that way.) 

Later, I was emailed a telephone number for a national conference call so that I could learn more about this thing.  The number was a long distance number, not an 800 number.  (Red Flag #4, I have to pay to listen to a business call?  If they make so much money why don't they have an 800 number?)  I called the number (I can afford a half-hour call to Vegas), and heard one lady back-patting everyone in the company but said little, other than how excited she was about this business.  Another person started talking about how excited he was, then another person, and finally Bob McNulty, CEO and such.  He said the most about kaching-kaching while doing more tap-dancing than Bo Jangles. (Red Flag #5) 

At the end of the call, nothing much was said, other than how happy everyone was.

My friend came over a week later for the next call.  For two hours before the call, I put him on the spot about how I felt uncomfortable about joining.  (I was playing Devil's Advocate with him).  He deflected every point I had with scripted answers. (He was in sales mode.) Then I asked him how much he made last week.  "Well, nothing.  I just started."  Later on in the conversation I asked him how long he was doing this.  "I've been at this for six weeks."  OK, six weeks of work, and nothing, not even a statement.  (Red Flag #6, working for free?)  He told me that his friend, and mentor (Red Flag #7, heard that term "mentor" from other business scams) had made seven hundred dollars the previous week.  I asked how long he was doing this.  "Twelve weeks."  And the total amount he received?  Seven hundred bucks, some $8.33 per day. (I made more than that on a slow night delivering pizzas.) (Red Flag #8, all work, and no pay makes Jack very broke soon in telephone bills, advertising, and recruiting.)

I asked him how do I make money then?  "You have to call people and get them to sign up.  Just having them shop at your store will make you money.  But if you invest in the $99.99 store you can give away ten stores and generate more business.  If you sign up for the $299.00 store you can go international, give away unlimited free stores, and share in the company stock."  I told him that I would watch him for one year and see if he can make it work, then I would go for it.  "But we're new.  We just started, and in a year, everyone will already be doing it.  You need to get in on the ground floor..." and so forth, implying the need for urgency to join. (Red Flag #9)

Then I lowered the boom.  "Sorry, I'm not interested.  People pay me to work for them.  I don't pay people to work for them."  He sighed and replied, "Well, I'm only trying to help.  And we're only interested in signing people up who want to make money." (Red Flag #10, using the guilt trip.)

So, there you have it, the new online scam takes hold of America.  "Kaching-Kaching: The Sweet Sound of Money" (leaving your account and lining theirs.)  This isn't too far from the truth, as I received an email from them telling me about a business conference in Las Vegas.  All I have to do it get there, and pay $65.00 for the meeting. (THE BIG RED FLAG.  My father was a sales rep, then district manager for a large company, and he never once had top pay to go to meeting, other than gas to get there, and then it was on his expense account.)


United States of America

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, March 06, 2010

I could not agree more that the business of Kaching Kaching are running with the sole purpose to rip people off, take advantage of vulnerable people, force them to pass along the same practices so they can benefit from them as well. There is nothing legitimate about the business. These are experts in financial corruption and consumer destruction and psychological abuse. Their goal is very simple, build a gigantic pyramid that will allow this small group to live off of the people they rip off financially and psychologically. Ultimately so they no longer have to work for the rest of their lives and live luxurious lifestyles without lifting a finger. these are Sociopaths committing a crime that has been already uncovered by legal authorities and they are building a huge case against the company and followers group with the help of people like me that is currently providing evidence (recorded conversations) to help bring the company down, ultimately Bob Mcnulty will have a bigger debt than the one he is currently under and we are talking millions of dollars in debt that he is trying to recover from the people he is taking advantage of financially with the Kaching Kaching business and local ad link.

If you have been scammed out by this company continue to exposed these sociopaths and criminals all over the Internet and if you have evidence too and are contacted by the lawyers, do not hesitate to provide that evidence as it will help to make a much stronger case. I am ready to receive the invitation letter to the trial and speak about the coverup, present my evidence and be at peace that I contributed to help others from being taken advantage of by these human waste losers.

FYI: Ron Loveless has no involvement whatsoever with this scam! his name was presented as a backup plan in convincing people of a "legitimate network marketing campaign".

Report Attachments


san francisco,
United States of America
Kaching Kaching is NOT a rip off!!!

#5UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 28, 2010

I can speak very boldly here because  I was part of the whole issue concerning beyond commerce.  I would like to make everything clear.  Local ad link WAS a division of beyond commerce.  During the life of the division, another company liked and wanted the division (local ad link).  They among others outside of beyond commerce worked very hard to sabotage the company.  Any one can go online and read the lawsuit filed by beyond commerce.  A federal investigation has been launched into the demise of beyond commerce.  People will go to jail.  It was a very planned out event.  sharesleuth.com dated 1/05/10 "Mark Jarvis, ceo of zurvita and paul morrison implemented in the current FBI investigation of the demise of beyond commerce".  Isupply was never sold and was never part of localadlink....it was only another division.  I will say with honesty that people were ripped off.....not scammed.  We all believed that all was ok while the back stabbing was happening at corporate.  It was not our fault and it was not the owners fault.....we got ripped off too.....we lost over 13 million because of what happened.  Now we are dusting ourselves off and trying to make things right.

So what about kaching.  After the **** hit the fan. Bob Mcnulty brought in Ron loveless (who was the first ceo and president of sams club and walmart and is responsible for what they are today)who invested millions in kaching kaching.  It is not a rip off.  It is a legitimate way to make a good living.  The websites are not available anywhere because we hired someone to build them from scratch.  They are not affiliate programs.  Everyone who owns a store, actually owns it outright.  Kaching is powered by isupply which is a search engine....not a store.  People are making money with this and the checks come in every week....on time!  I am not making a fortune but I did pay my rent with my last check.  Beyond commerce was a victim as well.  We are so sorry that things happened the way they did, but we will pull through and we will succeed.  Articles like this are great to protect people but it is also important to report facts......not just opinions.  Kaching Kaching is not a scam and neither is beyond commerce.  Let me make this clear......I do not own any part of the company.  I am not trying to protect the company or make excuses for what happened.  I am only stating the facts.  Kaching Kaching is NOT a scam! 

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