I went to Mr. Drapers faciltator training in January 2019 in Peru, with the lovely Matses people . I went with the best intentions of being of service. I have been a provider for many years and was
there as more of an observer. What I witnessed was a lack or organization, poor planning, improper communication and a major lack or empathy. Bryce draper is in no way qualified to lead a
training. There was little to no actual information or guidance on the application of kambo. and no discussion of the risks. After a few days the training was moved to an ayahuasca camp.
This was a Kambo Training. WHy were we drinking Ayahuasca . There was no clean water or food and the cook quit. Bryce gave them rotten Masato and they got sick. Some of the partiscipants
got infections and sepsis. One gentleman hurt his back badly and was in terrible pain. Bryce refused to check on him and said to give him an asprin. One of the women there stayed up all
night with him until he was better. The people who got sick were told it was thier fault. Several people there have been harrassed, threatened and manipulated.
This a short version of the events that occured. At the end of the "training" Bryce gave assurance that the students were ready to apply Kambo. One gentelman served someone 18 dots the
first time . This can be leathl. Another Gentleman burned a women so deep she got sepis. I was taught that Kambo does no Harm. Harm happens with provider/teacher neglagence.
I felt had to say something in order to stop this from happening again. Unfortunately he is offering more trainings. There has already been a death that in part was a diret result of Gardia caused
drinking river water unknowingly.