  • Report:  #262409

Complaint Review: Kasamba - Internet

Reported By:
- Adelaide, Other,

http://wwww,Kasamba.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Something needs to be done about these Kasamba fake psychics taking advantage of vulnerable people.

I think that people should pass on their experiences in writing to the IRS or some person or news company that is interested in doing a story.

I believe that anyone who has been ripped off should post ideas about an organisation such as a news agency who may be interested.

We are NOT powerless - those who have been ripped off can do something.

We just need to find the right approach an decide to do it.




22 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Mon, August 27, 2007

Glad to hear you are a lot happier now. One thing about visions for the future. I had a reading about 15 years ago and she told me I would have a fish tank. I'm thinking "not me, not interested in fish". 15 years later my partner has a fish tank and I see it everytime I walk in the front door. Some things take time to come around. You will see your "greenery" at some point, and it's a very calming feeling for you.


Not everyone is perfect

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, August 26, 2007

I've always found them to be very accurate with me. I guess they can get it wrong occaisionally, but I haven't found that myself.


United Kingdom
Sorry Lucy but.....

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, August 24, 2007

I have had readings with Tantemia and Karma Apple off of your list of "authentic" list of psychics and predictions did not come true, also wrong information (as I found out later than the 4 week ratings deadline) was given. This isnt about mud slinging - just reporting back the readings that I have had and the experiences I have had. If it's fact its fact. A concept that many "psychics" who visit this board fail to comprehend.


Thanks Lucy...I DO appreciate it...but

#5Author of original report

Fri, August 24, 2007

I am actually very happy now. I became very depressed but I sought help and I pulled out of it quite quickly. Like everything that has adversly affected me (and I have survived some horrendous experiences such as the death of my only sibling and a resulting family breakdown), I pick myself up and I refuse to wallow in self-pity. I am not at all stressed. I just finished a major paper that goes off to the journal on Monday and have planned some leave for Mid September. I was driving home tonight and thinking that it is going to be such a beautiful weekend after such a cold winter and my poor dog deserves a couple of long visits to the park (so he can have a good sniff insead of me dragging him home after 20 minutes because it is so cold). Those who are attacking me are much more negative that I. However, I do believe that something needs to be done about Kasamba practices. Did you read the report on scamfraudalert website? It was posted on January 24th 2007. Go and have a look. It is truly scary. Sorry, but my desk at home faces the fence and my desk at work is in a hospital office so no greenery.



#6Consumer Comment

Thu, August 23, 2007

Something else is going to come into your life and take your focus off this experience. You will look back on this period of your life one day and think "why did I let that happen to me". And you will be in a much better frame of mind and a lot happier person. Actually see you very relaxed and free from stress which is what you need in your life. Does your desk at home look out a window looking at greenery - like grass or trees? There is a very calm feeling about you in the future anyway. And that's for free.


Not ALL of the psychics 'bad' ..we KNOW that

#7Author of original report

Thu, August 23, 2007

We are NOT saying that. The issue is that from the information that I have gathered, Kasamba practices facilitate fraud. Such practices include editing ratings, allowing multiple profiles, sharing transcripts, allowing psychics to work irrespective of consumer complaints. We want those practices changed. It is NOT about going after individual psychics, it is about trying to stop those psychics who defraud clients doing it on Kasamba. I just got a reply from someone who had applied to the group. I ask everyone to 'prove' they are a client. It looked like she sent the wrong email because it appeared to be a standard reply to a bad rating type of email. I checked out the name and yes, she works on Kasamba. Needless to say, the application will be declined. I am SO NOT going to trust people like that.


A few of the good ones

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, August 22, 2007

I certainly havent tried all of them, and I'm sure there are others on there who are just as good, I just havent tried them. But those that I have tried and I know can be trusted completely are: Tamtemia Karma Apple Amber Humphreys Iris - Spiritual Readings new one Amy777 - very gifted and will do well Psychic Marshall There are others but I have found these to be consistently accurate and genuinely gifted with a desire to help. Also honest and that is what we need. No fairytales to make you feel good, but the truth. There are some I found good at picking up current situations however their future predictions simply didn't happen. Check out the cheaper ones too, just because their price is lower doesnt mean they're not as good. Some are starting out and need to build their client base. Always read their ratings to make sure some clients have had predictions come to pass. And dont rate your own readings immediately just because they made you feel good. I don't read on Kasamba because I don't like the format. I don't need to make a living from it and am uncomfortable with the pressure put on you in that environment. I prefer to be more relaxed and able to take time rather than the client pushing you for information because the clock and dollars are ticking. I admire those that can do it with so much ease because it's incredibly difficult to "work" under those conditions. The good ones deserve every dollar they make out it. And remember, Kasamba takes half of what they earn.


It is a lesson to be learned from

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, August 22, 2007

I experienced exactly the same situation as you Janice. I went to countless readers asking about a relationship and they told me it would work out, even though I had my own doubts. I then found some readers who said the opposite, which confirmed my feelings, as much as I didn't want that. But in the end, I made the decision to walk away from the relationship which was heartbreaking but ultimately the best thing for me. Psychics can't make you do anything you don't want to. It's ALWAYS your choice. The lesson I learned from it was to TRUST MY OWN INSTINCTS and not allow psychics to rule my life. That was the lesson I learned, didn't you????


United Kingdom
Who are they then?

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, August 22, 2007

Lucy, if as you say some psychics on Kasamba are athentic and you have clear facts to prove it then who are they? There are so many posts on here re peoples experiences with con merchants and then generalisations about authentic psychics but no names? Who? I personally dont buy the "get victimised by jealous bitter experts" bit. If your authentic the power of that would be enough to see you through. Not destroy you. Also why don't you work on Kasamba?


I agree to a point

#11Author of original report

Wed, August 22, 2007

Lucy, I understand what you are saying and I and a lot of others who post on this site are NOT out to 'accuse' genuine readers. Some of the readers DID NOT attempt to con me but a lot did. I had one reader when I confronted him say "maybe I was wrong" but then he said I needed to get "closer to God". This is a person who, after a long time of reassuring me when I expressed doubts, suddenly said, as I was crashing emotionally, that I should be grateful that I had learnt something from the experience and could use it to make myself a better person. I Don't Think So!! He was the first reader I went consulted and his first and last readings (with almost two years in between) we not only completely contradictory, but he had the gall to refuse to read his first (and subsequent) readings because, he said, he wanted clients to come out of a reading feeling better - which, of course doesn't make sense as an answer - it is just denial. Moreover, on his profile he lists himself as 'accurate'. I questioned regular readers over and over again were they sure about this particular issue, because I had doubts and they said they were... etc etc...I have the transcripts to prove it as do others. You need to understand that the decision to do something was not made lightly. I have a heavy workload and aging parents to look after. For weeks I woke up at 5.30 am to work on preparing my transcripts and gathering information because that is the only time that I have. After a short break this week I will again, be back to waking up at 5.30 to work putting information together. I am giving up a week of holidays soon to collate it. Go and read the tutor's post and you will see that this is not a vendetta against all psychics on kasamba by some disaffected dumped woman. There are some REAL concerns, as you know and we just want to address them.


Be careful of who you accuse

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, August 22, 2007

I have had readings on Kasamba and can say a lot of the readers do leave a lot to be desired - ie predictions not coming true etc. However, I have also come across some extremely gifted readers on there who have helped enormously and their predictions have always come true. I am also psychic myself and do readings - not on Kasamba, I do them for free in my home town. So I know how psychic ability works. Readers get visions, and to give an accurate timing on a prediction is indeed a very special gift, some are very good at it. The readers who say, "sorry I can't give you a time" are being honest with you. Really, unless they have proven their timing abilities they shouldnt give you one because it leads to expectation and then dissappointment. I've even had a reading where they told me I would be in a particular place with a particular person in June. It didn't happen by the next June as I expected so I assumed the reading was false, however, it DID HAPPEN the following June! So I had to wait a year longer than expected, but it did happen. They also get energies mixed up. They may tell you "he will contact you on such and such a day" and on that day, someone else contacts you. Or "you will be together in June" and as June comes along you've actually met someone else and are with that person. This happens a lot and I dont understand it myself but they do get energies mixed up. I agree the scammers should be shut down because I've come across a few myself and it's dissappointing and a waste of your money, but don't ruin the livelyhood of the genuine ones who sincerely want to help and choose to make a living out of it. I used to read for people all the time and have not for some years due to other committments, but as a reader, I miss it because it's something deep inside of you and you can't ignore it. Most readers would tell you the same, it's a part of them and they have been given their gift to fulfill their role of helping others - not to take advantage of them. If anything, Kasamba should be taken to task, they should implement some sort of test to verify the readers abilities before allowing them to practice on their site. Target Kasamba, not the readers. The readers are taking advantage of an avenue to use their abilities and earn an income. Kasamba should take more responsibility for who they allow to use them. So be careful of who you accuse.


Be careful of who you accuse

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, August 22, 2007

I have had readings on Kasamba and can say a lot of the readers do leave a lot to be desired - ie predictions not coming true etc. However, I have also come across some extremely gifted readers on there who have helped enormously and their predictions have always come true. I am also psychic myself and do readings - not on Kasamba, I do them for free in my home town. So I know how psychic ability works. Readers get visions, and to give an accurate timing on a prediction is indeed a very special gift, some are very good at it. The readers who say, "sorry I can't give you a time" are being honest with you. Really, unless they have proven their timing abilities they shouldnt give you one because it leads to expectation and then dissappointment. I've even had a reading where they told me I would be in a particular place with a particular person in June. It didn't happen by the next June as I expected so I assumed the reading was false, however, it DID HAPPEN the following June! So I had to wait a year longer than expected, but it did happen. They also get energies mixed up. They may tell you "he will contact you on such and such a day" and on that day, someone else contacts you. Or "you will be together in June" and as June comes along you've actually met someone else and are with that person. This happens a lot and I dont understand it myself but they do get energies mixed up. I agree the scammers should be shut down because I've come across a few myself and it's dissappointing and a waste of your money, but don't ruin the livelyhood of the genuine ones who sincerely want to help and choose to make a living out of it. I used to read for people all the time and have not for some years due to other committments, but as a reader, I miss it because it's something deep inside of you and you can't ignore it. Most readers would tell you the same, it's a part of them and they have been given their gift to fulfill their role of helping others - not to take advantage of them. If anything, Kasamba should be taken to task, they should implement some sort of test to verify the readers abilities before allowing them to practice on their site. Target Kasamba, not the readers. The readers are taking advantage of an avenue to use their abilities and earn an income. Kasamba should take more responsibility for who they allow to use them. So be careful of who you accuse.


Be careful of who you accuse

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, August 22, 2007

I have had readings on Kasamba and can say a lot of the readers do leave a lot to be desired - ie predictions not coming true etc. However, I have also come across some extremely gifted readers on there who have helped enormously and their predictions have always come true. I am also psychic myself and do readings - not on Kasamba, I do them for free in my home town. So I know how psychic ability works. Readers get visions, and to give an accurate timing on a prediction is indeed a very special gift, some are very good at it. The readers who say, "sorry I can't give you a time" are being honest with you. Really, unless they have proven their timing abilities they shouldnt give you one because it leads to expectation and then dissappointment. I've even had a reading where they told me I would be in a particular place with a particular person in June. It didn't happen by the next June as I expected so I assumed the reading was false, however, it DID HAPPEN the following June! So I had to wait a year longer than expected, but it did happen. They also get energies mixed up. They may tell you "he will contact you on such and such a day" and on that day, someone else contacts you. Or "you will be together in June" and as June comes along you've actually met someone else and are with that person. This happens a lot and I dont understand it myself but they do get energies mixed up. I agree the scammers should be shut down because I've come across a few myself and it's dissappointing and a waste of your money, but don't ruin the livelyhood of the genuine ones who sincerely want to help and choose to make a living out of it. I used to read for people all the time and have not for some years due to other committments, but as a reader, I miss it because it's something deep inside of you and you can't ignore it. Most readers would tell you the same, it's a part of them and they have been given their gift to fulfill their role of helping others - not to take advantage of them. If anything, Kasamba should be taken to task, they should implement some sort of test to verify the readers abilities before allowing them to practice on their site. Target Kasamba, not the readers. The readers are taking advantage of an avenue to use their abilities and earn an income. Kasamba should take more responsibility for who they allow to use them. So be careful of who you accuse.


Be careful of who you accuse

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, August 22, 2007

I have had readings on Kasamba and can say a lot of the readers do leave a lot to be desired - ie predictions not coming true etc. However, I have also come across some extremely gifted readers on there who have helped enormously and their predictions have always come true. I am also psychic myself and do readings - not on Kasamba, I do them for free in my home town. So I know how psychic ability works. Readers get visions, and to give an accurate timing on a prediction is indeed a very special gift, some are very good at it. The readers who say, "sorry I can't give you a time" are being honest with you. Really, unless they have proven their timing abilities they shouldnt give you one because it leads to expectation and then dissappointment. I've even had a reading where they told me I would be in a particular place with a particular person in June. It didn't happen by the next June as I expected so I assumed the reading was false, however, it DID HAPPEN the following June! So I had to wait a year longer than expected, but it did happen. They also get energies mixed up. They may tell you "he will contact you on such and such a day" and on that day, someone else contacts you. Or "you will be together in June" and as June comes along you've actually met someone else and are with that person. This happens a lot and I dont understand it myself but they do get energies mixed up. I agree the scammers should be shut down because I've come across a few myself and it's dissappointing and a waste of your money, but don't ruin the livelyhood of the genuine ones who sincerely want to help and choose to make a living out of it. I used to read for people all the time and have not for some years due to other committments, but as a reader, I miss it because it's something deep inside of you and you can't ignore it. Most readers would tell you the same, it's a part of them and they have been given their gift to fulfill their role of helping others - not to take advantage of them. If anything, Kasamba should be taken to task, they should implement some sort of test to verify the readers abilities before allowing them to practice on their site. Target Kasamba, not the readers. The readers are taking advantage of an avenue to use their abilities and earn an income. Kasamba should take more responsibility for who they allow to use them. So be careful of who you accuse.


United Kingdom

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, August 21, 2007

I have found the site and sent the email. hope to hear from you soon. I have PLENTY of evidence which I am willing to share if it means stopping this company and these fake psychic in their tracks.


Dotty please to find us

#17Author of original report

Tue, August 21, 2007

We are organising things and have a plan. The group may seem small and not much activity but I use it as a contact point to correspond with everyone as we cannot give out emails on this site. I also store some of the research I have collected on it. I am taking a week off work to put everything together in mid September and I keep the members fully informed about everything. The messages and files all get sent out to members in an email. The members all have my yahoo and work email so can email me personally. If you apply to join the group the email goes straight to me. But you will need to identify yourself as it is a closed group. S DO find us. As I said, just type Kasambavictims on the yahoo groups home page. We are serious about this as you will see. Hope to see you there :)


Yes the group is open

#18Author of original report

Tue, August 21, 2007

But I am not allowed to put the url link on this site. It is a yahoo group. If you go to the yahoo groups home page and type in the name of the group it will come up. You then need to apply to join as it is a closed group. The name is: Kasambavictims Please join us there.


South America
To Jan of Adelaide

#19UPDATE Employee

Tue, August 21, 2007

Regarding my previous response. Have you opened the group you mentioned yet ? I also responded to this other thread; ripoffreport.com/reports/0/234/RipOff0234750.htm Thanks.


South America
Jan of Adelaide

#20UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 20, 2007

How can we get in touch ?


i am going to do something about this - start a Kasamba and Keen fraud victims group

#21Author of original report

Fri, July 27, 2007

The psychic junkie website is a a welll needed support group. I respect that some people want to foget the experience and move on but I want to do something about it. So I have decided to start a closed group where people who have been ripped off by Kasamba and Keen can be proactive and bring it to the attention of the media. I have already started working on this on my own situation. I will set it up over the weekend. It will have strict criteria to join i.e. people will have to prove they have been ripped off (as I will prove it) in order to keep out psychics or people who just want to make fun of us. I have some ideas about how banding together can be communicated to the media. Anyone who joins must be prepared to gather together their information so it can be passed on to the media. I have already started doing this with mine. so anyone who reads this please think about whther you would be prepared to take some action. Some people need to vent or just forget the whole experience and this is quite ok. However, this group will be for those who are prepared to do some work so we can pool experiences and find someone who will help bring this to the attention of the media.


I Agree

#22Author of original report

Thu, July 26, 2007

Great idea. Sounds like my story. I have been getting up early most mornings to write a manuscript of my experiences to send to the media. I am an academic who does research so I decided to write it all up in a research report. It is possible to set up a 'closed group' where victims of Kasamba could band together- I know because I am a member of one that discusses handbags. I will email the moderator and ask her how to set it up. In order to only allow victims (and keep out spies) a few strict rules would need to be agreed upon. Let's do it. I have found a contact who works for a high profile media person into exposing scams (not associated with this site). It might be easier now that Kasamba is owned by an American company but that is a great idea. How many people would be interested? They would have to be prepared to write up their experiences


New York,
Let's ban together

#23Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 26, 2007

I totally agree and have tried to get other people that have been victimized by the "Experts" on Kasamba. I wrote many letters to Kasamba and advised them that I intended to bring this situation to the media - they ignored me. They ignored ALL my substantiated information and refused to address the issues on the site. Fortunately, I found this site where I attempted to warn other consumers not to get trapped and endure substantial financial loss. To date - after spending literally thousands of dollars - not ONE of the relentless predictions I was given by the "Experts" at Kasamba have come true. What I really want to do is to find a way for all the customers that have had all the same experiences and KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that they were ripped off, tricked, manipulated and used to ban together and bring this situation to light in the media. I am convinced if a letter was sent to the appropriate venue and there was multiple people willing to come forward - a media venue would hear us. We have options. The IRS isn't going to help us - the media will. If other people respond that they are willing to proceed - we can find a way to be in contact outside of this site. I do not want other people to fall victims of this trap. All the "Experts" respond to this reports and defend themselves - BUT - they never mention anything about how THEY continued to support the customers judgement errors. They all respond by saying "take responsibility for what you've done", "get professional help", "realize Psychics aren't God", etc., etc., etc. Yet - they never made these statements while the clock was ticking. The issue for me is the unethical behavior of "Experts" that continued to give extremely expensive readings KNOWING that the customer was desperate, emotionally distraught and not thinking clearly. I will tell you, honestly, that I DID have several "Experts" advise me appropriately and did advise me to wait longer periods between readings and did consider the amount of money I was spending. The rest bled me dry. Then when I complained - they insulted me and insisted it was all my own fault. I was accused of "thriving on chaos" and "wanting to destroy the life of the person I was seeking information about" - ALL THE WHILE - when I would state I wanted to "give up" I was told - "I don't think you should, this man is your soulmate, you belong together, he is not gone, don't give up on him now". I was given explicit dates, times and information that people involved in this scenario were arrested and I lived in fear as I was continually told that my safety was in significant danger due from the people connected to this man I was seeking information about. NOW - if that doesn't encourage you to "come back" - WHAT WOULD? I am CONVINCED that these "Experts" are sharing information as I reviewed many, many readings and they are almost like a script - and ofcourse that gave me confidence that the information was correct. Thinking - "they all can't be wrong". I NEVER occured to me that they could be sharing information. The level of compassion and encouragement was nothing but a ploy to keep me coming back. This has got to be brought to media - I am prepared to pursue that - I need others to agree. So, based on this report - you are interested in doing that - so LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN. This venue will get us no where - although I did get an 'apology' from the "Expert" that ripped me off the worse - read through - you'll find it. But, an apology is not enough. Kasamba's "Experts" are causing people to experience financial ruin and betrayal. Let's do something about it!!

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