  • Report:  #657129

Complaint Review: Kealii Blaisdell - Wailuku Hawaii

Reported By:
warveterans - Kula, Hawaii, United States of America

Kealii Blaisdell
Waihe'e Street Wailuku, 96793 Hawaii, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Keali'i Blaisdell, is Not an attorney.  He does Not have a law degree nor does he have a license to practice law in any State.  Keali'i Blaisdell, is an 'Alias.'  'Keali'i Blaisdell, is not his family name.  Alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, is an assumed name.  The primary reason for this masquerade by this fraud, - he is a crime syndicate member.  His family name, is synonymous with crime in Hawai'i.  Alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, masquerades as an attorney.  He pretends to be an authority on Native Hawai'ian Law, Native American Law and Hawai'i, Washington, Oregon & California State Law.  A secondary reason for this pretense by this fraud, - to avoid court ordered child support payments.  He has failed to support his children.  There are court ordered warrants for his arrest in the United States.   Finally, alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, intentionally, terrorizes and harasses his victims with threats of violence if they report him to the authorities.    If you or anyone else has been victimized by this alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, please report him to the Federal Bureau of Investigation ('FBI') and/or your Police Department, immediately.

Thank you.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Alias, Ke'alii Blaisdell, Alias, 'Madcrab,' etc., 'Aneurysm,' of 'Ethics,' & 'Intelligence,' II

#2Author of original report

Tue, January 18, 2011

Steven Christian Du Pont, Mau'i

'Cyber Terrorism.'

Recently, an alias, decided to commit fraud, and harassment via the Internet. This alias, 'Ke'alii Blaisdell,' has created false police reports, has created false court judgements, and has creatively re-written history, - 'cyber terrorism.'

The tragedy is that Steven Christian Du Pont, is not guilty of any crimes, - anywhere.

The tragedy is that Steven Du Pont, lent this alias, 'Ke'alii,' two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.), to assist this 'Ke'alii,' with his child support payments only to discover that this 'Ke'alii,' had used the loan for expensive holiday's in Waile'a, and Ka'anapali, Mau'i.

The tragedy is that this alias, 'Ke'alii,' has created false pretenses, essentially fraud, to obfuscate the truth on the Internet whenever and where ever possible in reference to Steven Christian Du Pont. Why? That is the question...

Why, this 'Ke'alii,' is obsessed with Steven Christian Du Pont, is a question for qualified therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. The reason for 'Ke'alii's,' compulsive desire to harm others is well beyond the scope of this article.

Finally, Steven Christian Du Pont, has had an extraordinary career as an advisor, insurance agent, and realty agent.

Aloha Nu'i Lo'a

Report Attachments


United States of America
The irrelevance of 'Ke'alii.'

#3Author of original report

Fri, December 24, 2010

When you learn that the earth is round you see that the previous mysteries are not solved; instead, they are rendered irrelevant.

This alias, 'Ke'alii' 'Blaisdell,' a.k.a., 'Ke'alii' 'Aiken,' has fabricated,andcreated fictitious Internet essays, and articles, - recruited the complicit, andthe idle, to his obsession with Steven Christian Du Pont.

When this alias, 'Ke'alii, was finished, his fantasy had become so confused with reality, he could no longer separate his fantasies from truth.

This alias, 'Ke'alii,' claims that even dismissed cases are not dismissed, -this alias, 'Ke'alii,' claims that even sisters are not sisters to you, -with this alias, 'Ke'alii,' regardless of where you reach or search, the truth for"Ke'alii," is absolutely, - unnecessary.

Report Attachments

Keali''i Blaisdell

United States of America
Hey Steve...by the way....

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, November 08, 2010

Hey Steve?

Remember this? Does this sound familiar?And I believe this is a quote from you to someone...


Gee Steve... I wonder if this also sounds familiar to you???

"Legally, your property in the apartment is considered to be abandoned but rather than pursue that I would prefer to either leave you the apartment or remove your property as quickly as possible.(It is your decision but please decide quickly, I have other options.) I will be traveling to California, New York, Dominica, Barbados, London, Paris & Rome in the next thirty days. I have new development projects to attend to".

Does that bring back any memories at all? Or do you think im still a fraud? How on Earth could I have come up with this??? I mean after all Steve you claim to people im a Fraud and yet I am able to dig this up...

yup...fraud huh...sheesh!

Keali''i Blaisdell

United States of America
Keali'i Response to Steve C. DuPont

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, November 06, 2010

Keali'i Blaisdell, is Not an attorney.  He does Not have a law degree nor does he have a license to practice law in any State.  Keali'i Blaisdell, is an 'Alias.'  'Keali'i Blaisdell, is not his family name.  Alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, is an assumed name.  The primary reason for this masquerade by this fraud, - he is a crime syndicate member.  His family name, is synonymous with crime in Hawai'i.  Alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, masquerades as an attorney.  He pretends to be an authority on Native Hawai'ian Law, Native American Law and Hawai'i, Washington, Oregon & California State Law.  A secondary reason for this pretense by this fraud, - to avoid court ordered child support payments.  He has failed to support his children.  There are court ordered warrants for his arrest in the United States.   Finally, alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, intentionally, terrorizes and harasses his victims with threats of violence if they report him to the authorities.    If you or anyone else has been victimized by this alias, Keali'i Blaisdell, please report him to the Federal Bureau of Investigation ('FBI') and/or your Police Department, immediately. Thank you.


Okay Steve Christian DuPont... I have had enough of your lies and idiocy!!!

1. I have never said I was an Attorney you idiot, I am a legal consultant that has a Legal background you moron. 

2. Kealii Blaisdell is my real name.

3. Since my work does involve the usage and consultation with the Maui Police Department, dont you think that if I had an arrest warrant on me, that I would have been arrested already? I am involved with the WMMWSP and Sgt Perkett of MPD is involved with it...

4. And as for Child Support, you know nothing of it.

5. Speaking of the FBI, if you knew anything, once in a great while I do consult with them. And just incase you need a reference, the Special agent in charge of the Maui Office is Special Agent Stephen Carter...why not give him a call Steve Christian DuPont? Im sure he will be very interested in you and Nelson Waikiki's Ponzi scheme concerning Opunui Water Company...call him Steve.

6. And where in the World did you get all those other States from LMAO! 

7. Conformation of my Native Hawaiian background concerning Native Hawaiian Issues, why not contact Kai Markel of OHA, or maybe even Kama Hopkins of OHA, or State of Hawaii Rep. Mele Carroll and Faye Hanohano, or Attorney Sharon Murakoshi, or hey, maybe even the Maui County Council members Gladys Baisa and Elle Cochran...even former Mayor Mufi Hanneman??? Hey even better why not call Governor Elect Neil Abercrombie for conformation???

In any case people, I truly apologize for Steven Christian DuPont's attitude and immaturity. He's very upset at me right now because I turned him and Nelson Waikiki Jr, in for a Ponzi Scheme that they were doing in Maui and on Oahu conning hundreds of thousands of dollars from people for their Opunui Water Company LLC. and I guess this is his way of retaliation towards me.

Steve, if you really want to turn this ugly, you're on...but do it in a Court room. If you have nothing to hide, than you have nothing to worry about. I can post so much things on here about you, your past history, you criminal history, that fact that youre on Probation in the Hawaii Judiciary System, all the list of names of people you owe money too, how you got that truck youre driving (yes, I spoke to the woman who bought that truck), the list of names of people who you conned money from, your tax evasion from the IRS and on and on and on...

Do yourself a favor and quit...like I said you want to start something, do it in a Court of Law, if not...shut up.

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