  • Report:  #302888

Complaint Review: Kelly And Eva Mahan - Grandview Missouri

Reported By:
- Grandview, Missouri,

Kelly And Eva Mahan
13106 13th Street Grandview, 64030 Missouri, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My landlords get ALOT of pleasure out of causing me SO MUCH pain. I've been so fearful, hopeless, distressed and depressed that I don't want to live anymore. I hardly go outside anymore - only when I have to. A couple days ago, I was going outside to start my car and warm it up so I could leave, but Kelly (a man with a girls name) was next door. So I didn't go. I had to slam the door really hard because it doesn't close unless it's slammed. Then I went to my bedroom to see if he had left yet'. I just barely peeked out of the blinds as to not be noticed, and I saw him leave in his white van. As he was driving by, he looked at my house with a big smile, laughing, and waving, as if all the hurt, pain, the trauma, the turmoil, the destruction he and Eva have caused in my life.terrorizing me.all the harassment, emotional duress they've inflicted on me..making me lose my truck, my job, my credit, my home.giving my house key out to strangers so they can walk inside my house while I'm in bed....lying to get a restraining order on me so they could have me arrested and cause me to have a bad criminal background......and having police come to my house nearly every day to harass and terrorize me..this morning when Kelly was driving by my house, he was waving and smiling like this is all a great a big joke to him and Eva.like it's really funny like it's hilarious to jerk people around, treat them like a garbage can or a soccer ball and kick them around like their life is a toy to play with. As he was driving by in his car, waving, smiling and laughing, he acted like haha.look how much we have hurt Tammy! We made her lose EVERYTHING she worked for we've DESTROYED her life and drove her to want to commit suicide for our own entertainment - hahahahaha!!! These PEOPLE ARE REALLY REALLY SICK IN THE HEAD! This only proves that they are BULLIES and they LOVE to hurt people that they don't care about anybody else, EXCEPT THEMSELVES.it proves they are NOT Christians..they are HYPOCRITES and WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING! - DEVILS in disguise, because Jesus would NEVER do anything to me like what they are doing -OR- CONDONE their type of behavior. Since the Bible says you'll know them by their fruit, their actions only prove that they are not true Christians. If they were truly Christian at all, they would stop everything they are doing - BUT THEY HAVEN'T!!! They haven't because they're not Christians and they have absolutely ***NO CONSCIENCE!!!***..... they have lost *ALL* their humanity!

Kelly and Eva's behavior also prove they don't care about me, or how their actions affect me now and long term. and if I were dead, it wouldn't matter to them. As long as I am not in their house anymore, THAT'S ALL THAT WOULD MATTER! KELLY AND EVA MAHAN/MAYHEM ARE INSTIGATORS TROUBLEMAKERS BIG HUGE BACKSTABBING BULLIES WHO WILL RUN ANYBODY OVER TO GET WHAT THEY WANT, REGARDLESS OF HOW MUCH HURT, HEARTACHE AND GRIEF THEY CAUSE SOMEONE!!! They cause problems to get a reaction out of me, so they can come up with a solution that is good for them. And then they turn around and blame everything on the person they are targeting (me or someone else). I know if they treat me like this, they will do it to someone else, if they haven't already.

My landlords keep sending cops over to my house to harass and terrorize me at different hours of the day and night about 3 days ago, they came at 11pm they were at my house 3 times on 1/19/08 up until 11:40pm. Then on 1/20/08, they came again at about midnight, 1am, 2am, 3:30am, 6:30pm, 8:30pm - and again at about 9:30 on 1/22/07....THEY WON'T GO AWAY! I'm afraid there's going to be a Waco here that they'll start throwing smoke bombs in the house.I don't know what they are going to do, or why they are here, or why they keep coming back! They said they weren't here to arrest me; that they just wanted to give me some papers.but I don't trust them. I literally SHAKE and tremble when they come here. The cops stand up on things to look through my windows, break my stuff, shine flashlights inside my windows pull in my driveway in their cop car and shine their bright lights from their car into the windows of my house, blow their siren, and turn their red emergency lights on make a big HUGE scene! The cops come knocking on my door lying, saying they are here to deliver a Yellow Pages and pretend to be Catholic priests to try and get me to open the door (I'm not Catholic). They POUND hard on my door DOZENS of times and try opening my door....then they walk around the other side of my house, shine lights through those windows, and bang on those doors.call me on my home phone AND cell phone. I don't answer the door OR my phone though, and eventually they go away. I don't want them bothering me. I just want to live in peace, and be left alone! I hate cops! They can go to Hell for all I care!

I don't understand how anybody like my landlords - people who call themselves "Christian", can be so downright cold, cruel, selfish, self-centered, and mean-spirited! I swear! They wouldn't care if I was sleeping in my car in 10 degree weather....they wouldn't care if I were dead! As long as I was not here in their house anymore - that's ALL that would matter to them!!!

They were sooooo worried that I would leave THEM high and dry a couple years ago because they knew I was going to get a settlement soon and I would buy a house once I got the money (litigation is taking longer than expected, and is still not settled in court)....but I told them if I were going to leave, I would not leave until they found another renter because that would be really rude, hurtful, and inconsiderate for me to put them in a financial bind....and what do they do?....they turn around and do TO ME what they didn't want ME to do to THEM!......they created a financial crises for me, and left ME high and dry, not having anywhere to live. P.o.S. landlords! a$@holes!!!! Freekin' BACKSTABBERS!!!! And they call themselves Christian! Yea...this is exactly how Jesus would treat others, ISN'T IT?!?!

Well.I hope they lose everything..I mean *EVERYTHING* they have!!!! Exodus 22:22-24

These people have lost ALL their humanity! They have absolutely no conscience of moral principles the principles Jesus taught to prefer others above your own self, and love doesn't seek it's OWN it PROTECTS and PRESERVES.it's not RUDE it's KIND. Just because they have the legal right to do this, does not make it MORALLY RIGHT! And nearly everybody I have talked to has agreed with me even NON-CHRISTIANS!!! What Kelly and Eva mayhem did is NOT kind - it was EXTREMELY inconsiderate and RUDE. It didn't not preserve or protect me, because all they were thinking of was their family member; and in lieu of wanting to put a roof over their family member head, they caused me to LOSE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING I HAVE!!! Now I'm set back 17 years because of their one selfish decision!


Not everyone who calls Jesus Lord, Lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven!

Don't let appearances fool you! Eva and Kelly Mahan are cruel hearted, mean-spirited bullies/a**holes. They are owners of Curves women's gym at 12036 Blue Ridge Extension Grandview, MO 64030 - (816) 965-5554...their home number is: (816) 966-8144. Their home address is 13106 13th Street, Grandview, Missouri 64030. Their current email address is [email protected].

Because of these a@#hole landlords from Hell, I lost my job, my truck, and got a criminal record all in the same day....now my credit is DESTROYED for SEVERAL years....now I have a criminal background record because they had me falsely arrested, AND....I have nowhere to live because everybody is turning me down because of my credit. I almost took an entire bottle of sleeping pills the day I lost my truck/my job and got out of jail.

All this because they wanted their family member to move in because they had an emergency and because Kelly and Eva Mayhem "prayed about it" and this is what "GOD" told them to do! All this sounds exactly like what Jesus would do to someone else, DOESN'T IT?!?!?

The line of work I do requires background checks.

Many landlords want background checks, a clean criminal record AND good credit. And in order for me to even get into a home, I have to have a job. These are critical areas in anybody's life that are necessary to live and survive. But all that is destroyed now because of Kelly and Eva Mayhem's selfish, self-centered decisions.

This is the FIRST TIME in 17 years I've had drawers to put my clothes in.

It took me 17 years to get ALL my stuff out of storage and get my life back together, and in one - *1 month*....Kelly and Eva Mayhem *COMPLETELY* DESTROYED my ENTIRE life!!! Now I have NOTHING!!!!! Oh, but they think it's hilarious.a big joke.it's funny, and they laugh about it it's fun to derail people's lives and destroy them.

They got me involved in THEIR personal problems! - whatever they are....I really DON'T CARE! There is no excuse....*NO EXCUSE!!!* to involve a good long standing tenant - or ANY tenant, for that matter, in the landlords personal problems; to disrupt and destroy someone else's life, put them on the street so their STUPID "family member" can have a roof over THEIR head! Take your personal problems SOMEWHERE ELSE you selfish, self-centered incompetent fools!!!! "Do unto others as YOU would have THEM do unto YOU"!!!!! Love is KIND...is not RUDE!....does not think of itself! Love PROTECTS and PRESERVES (1Cor 13) - love does not destroy! (John 10:10).

Whatever bad comes to you, YOU DESERVE IT!!! What you sow, you will reap, and that you will reap abundantly...and when you reap it, don't act surprised! Exodus 22:22-24. The world would be a much better place without jerks/a@#holes like YOU in it!!!

Thanks for giving me even more reasons to hate Christians and to not want to ever go to church again! And thanks RipOffReport for letting me warn the entire world about these people - the whole world needs to know what kind of people these cruel, wicked, evil, two-faced backstabbers are. I'm glad my statements will be permanently archived on this website,and that these reports can never be removed.

RipOffReport.com should also be called The Wall of Shame a wall for posting the dreadful deeds of shameful people like Kelly and Eva Mahan/Mayhem. These landlords are TRULY the "landlords from Hell"!


Grandview, Missouri


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Ummm... What?

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, January 24, 2008

I think you are full of it. What is the real issue, do you want your deposit back? There are lots of accusations (none of which are even close to being specific) and no proof, nothing even specifically saying what was done and how. Just a long and rambling letter.

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