  • Report:  #897966

Complaint Review: Ken hollowell - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
Loder investments LLC - Bradenton, Florida, United States of America

Ken hollowell
Orlando Orlando, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ken hollowell of the Profran capital group and CEO of Sun mobility holdings Inc along with his partner the CFO Mr derek malam sold us a franchise renting and selling mobility scooters to the disabled. We were informed that they had the sole rights to operate out of the Simon group malls. After closing on the 02/01/2012 we expected to take charge of our chosen mall in St petersburg Florida, a week passed and we heard nothing from them. Then we received a email informing us that another company was operating the same business out of our mall.

Our obvious question was how can this be when you informed us that you had the sole rights? their reply was they had no idea that another company was in said mall?

Malam stated that the company renewed their lease 2 days before we signed the closing documents, we said you must have known when you told Simon malls that you had a franchisee interested in the said area?

We also had multiple documents from both the Simon group, the business broker, Rockrose realty and Derek malam stating that on completion of our change of status from a B1 tourist visa to a E2 investor visa as we are both from the UK we had to apply to the USCIS for approval. Our Attorney believes the documents are fraudulent?

We requested the return of our investment as they broke the contract, they refused to return our money and offered us a mall 80 miles from our chosen location which would have been impossible to run from a location 2 hours away. Furthermore the mall was inferior and businesses were pulling out of the area.

We contacted a Attorney who has now filed a law suit against all parties concerned the case number is 12CA01471 and is filed at the Manatee county circuit court.

Malam is a ex British Police officer and Hollowell has had judgements against him in the state of California, also he has been featured on Rip off report before.

Hollowell claims to be a expert in the field of business franchising and raising capital for investors i would not trust him with the time of day and Malam with the date.

Susan Barnes the business broker is also involved in this fraud.

All this has left my Wife and I land locked in the USA as if we return to the UK we will be refused re entry and break our status, we have had no help from USCIS as to our position, we have earned no money since December 2011.

Furthermore we are living on our savings and handouts from our family in order to fight this law suit, we will not give up and will see this out to the end to prevent other victims from being conned by these crooks.

We will have the funds to get these crooks into court and get judgement against them also we will endeavour to close them down wherever they trade.

38 Updates & Rebuttals


End Of The Lies

#2General Comment

Sat, December 21, 2013

Having read all the comments on this particular case and done some digging of my own, It has indeed become apparent that mr mallam and mr hollowell had what they thought of as a 'water tight' scam going.

Mr Loder does appear to be ranting and rightly so,Im sure if someone had conned any of us out of our hard earned dollars we would all be very angry.

What mallam and hollowell didnt anticpate though was mr loders persistance for justice,you see this well thought out scam and all the evidence that hollowell/mallam (we all know its you two) keep spouting is just contract information that will be proved in court as misleading at the least.

Mr loder on the other hand is playing his cards close to his chest and i beleive he has a sucker punch lined up,it is inevitable these two corrupt beings will lose any court battle with mr loder and will probably result in them facing incarceration to boot.

I Await the result of this case with baited breath.


Al B.

Bogus franchise agreements from Hollowell.

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 27, 2013

Only in Florida and NO OTHER STATE IN AMERICA, can Hollowell get away with this stuff. I am so sick of reading his rants about his self proclaimed legitimate "franchise" agreements. I signed one of those in December of 2006. It was with National Franchise Services Inc. The address on the agreement was 3630 Barham Blvd. Unit Z309 Los Angeles, California 90068


By the time I discovered that this compnay did not even exist, Hollowell and his crooked partners Jim DeCicco and Marcus Barcroft had taken control of my entire business structure. He challeneged me to litigate the matter in court. When I hired a lawyer to handle my case, Hollowell used funds I had raised on my own that he had seized to hire a group of attorney's to fight back. He created the biggest nightmare for me and my wife, eventually costing me my marriage.


Hollowell is tall and bald and tries very hard to be intimidating. He is a bully and a thug. He is not used to people fighting back. He counts on people to surreneder and give him their money without a fight. He will threaten and cajole you until he has taken everything from you. I have never hated anyone in my life. I have to tell you, I truly hate Ken Hollowell.


Meanwhile, 6 years after my encounters with him, I have rebuilt my business, yet he still tells everyone he meets that he was "CEO" of the Los Angeles Music Awards, something we never had before him or since, seeing how he was a self appointed "CEO". This position was created for him based on two written contracual promises.


1. That he pay me a consulting fee of $150,000. (he never did)


2. That he raise $2 million is sponsorship to produce and televise our events. (he never did that either)


What he did do was demand all the money I was already making on my own without him to give it to him and his partners. When I refused, he accused me of embezzlement! Hollowell has a special place reserved for him in Hell. He is a bad man. Do not trust him.



Report Attachments

Al B.

Ken Hollowell is lying once again.

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 27, 2013

This is unbelievable reading this latest Hollowell crap. He is THE BIGGEST LIAR I have ever met. He claims I was embezzling funds from my own company! Then he says that he sued me and successfully won the suit? COMPLETELY FALSE. I sued his  former partners in 2011 and WON THE SUIT on two of four counts. UNFAIR BUSINESS PRACTICES and UNFAIR COMPETITION. You can see for yourself. www.lasuperior.org Type in case number BC 398485 and you can reading the judges order. PLAINTIFF PREVAILS. That was me.


I despise Ken Hollowell. He nearly destryed the independent music community here in LA. He is a greedy self serving liar. Thanks to me, he kicked out the Stae of California by the Attorney General's Office and the Department of Consumer Affairs. I cannot believe what I have just read here.


Take a look at this order from the California Attorney General telling Hollowell to stop breaking the law!




After this was issued, agents from the AG's office came to Hollowell's apartment and told him to leave the State of California and NEVER COME back. I hope Hollowell dies in a fiery car crash. He is a destroyer of dreams and a thief of the highest magnitude.

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
A complete plonker

#5Author of original report

Wed, January 09, 2013

Malam you plonker you're in need of medical attention!! You know what they say keep telling lies and eventually you'll believe them?? No one else does including the Loder's Atorney and the judge when you shut the company down? Your deluded Malam go get some tablets? While your there tale the lot and do us all a favour? That's the only way you'll escape justice.


Glad the B.S is slowing down from Rob Loder / Sand Loder and crowd.

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, January 09, 2013

Well, sitting here on the beach at Sarasota, I am delighted to see that the Loder's and their crowd are shutting up a bit.

I can now get back to enjoying the sunshine, and digesting my New York Strip.

Not sure who you are, but I would love to discuss this further over the telephone?  Perhaps you would love to give us contact number?  Then we can continue this conversation over the phone?    Are you familiar with how to communicate without a caveman grunt?

Have loved destroying your B.S on here.  I am sure that IF Mr Mallam see's you in court he will do the same to you there, as I have on here.

You see, here in the USA, we have a superb justice system, and the courts LOVE a well put together file.

Before I go though, you did not answer the question about if Rob Loder had ever tried renting out the buggies himself?   Sure everyone on here would love to know if he has or not.

I bid you a good afternoon.

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
Oh dear oh dear

#7Author of original report

Wed, January 09, 2013

Malam is do desperate for people to believe his lies he can't leave it alone!! So much rhetoric and nonsense you spout it's frightening!!! As previously mentioned see you in court Malam you pathological pathetic cockroach of a liar. See if you're as mouthy then?


You really are making yourself look so uneducated, Loder and Gang..

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, January 09, 2013

I need to start this post with an apology.

Loder was right.... I know, shock horror.

It actually turns out that Warren sold her business through Susan Barnes business broker for $85,000.

This being the case, if she paid $60,000 for it, and she did nothing with the business, and then sold it for $85,000, she actually made $25,000.  Not a bad profit for someone who, as you put it, "Had No Business To Sell"

Wow.  What a great way to earn money.

You keep going on about Mallam's former occupation.  I personally think he has done the right thing by not answering to your crap on here, and from what I have seen documented, he has a VERY FULL FILE all put together, that, if it comes to it, destroy every allegation that Loder and his uneducated team have every spouted off.

Happy days ahead.  I am really enjoying all of this detective work.  Feels like a real life version of Taggart!

P.S.  Has Loder ever tried renting out those buggys that he showed in his garage?  No point in just cleaning them, if he is not going to rent them.   Just saying.   Maybe that was not explained to him?



Maybe have a word at the Restaurant where the waitress work is being performed.  They may allow you to stick a cart or 3 outside?     Just an idea!  :-)

Talking of food....

Now, off for a nice Steak Dinner.  Got to love the United Plates of America.

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
Complete fabrication yet again from Malam

#9Author of original report

Wed, January 09, 2013

How do I know your a Liar Malam? It's simple your mouth Is moving? Everything you say or do cannot be believed no one trusts you and the depths you stoop too are incredible!!! First of all provide proof you were a Metropolitan Police officer? Let me guess? No you can't because you're a liar a cheat and a fraudster. Susan barnes did not sell Ms Warrens business because she didn't have a business. We will provide evidence of this to the court in Btadenton if required? Yours hiding behind a public record that doesn't exsist. Malam you are a complete plank of wood, a coward, a conman, a fraudster and a liar. Let the judge decide who's telling the truth and stop your waffling. Now go away and rip somebody else off ? Can't wait for our friends and associates to see you squirm in court!!


LOL - You obviously don't look at facts.

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, January 09, 2013

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.... there you go again.

Facts all wrong.

I have seen the paperwork, and anyone who is interested in seeing the BS that Loder and his team spout off can do so themselves.

Sandra Warren sold her Mobility Scooter Rental Company for almost $12,000 more than she paid for it.  FACTS, FACTS, FACTS .... Gotta Love Em

All there on Public Record for the world to see.

You see, Loder, when thing are Public Record, and financials are recorded, there is no getting around it.

Ms Warren sold the business on through Susan Barnes, who is a Business Broker in the Florida area.

Any other B.S that you want me to destroy for you?

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
More lies and waffle from Malam

#11Author of original report

Wed, January 09, 2013

This poor excuse for a human being called Malam is a pathological liar and a fraudster, Ms Warren did NOT sell her business for more money than she paid!!!! She didn't have a business in the first instance because Malam and Hollowell these two chiselling little crooks took her money. Another fine example of criminal activity and we really can't wait to put an end to these two vile cockroaches.


Glad you mentioned it....

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, January 08, 2013

Ahhh  The Loder gang, I am glad you bought that one up.

I am sorry it took me a little while to reply, I had to dig up some facts on this Sandra Warren, and I am glad I did.

Tax records indicate that Sandra Warren actually SOLD her scooter rental business for MORE MONEY than she paid for it?   Sounds like that was a real bum deal, eh?  You really are not that bright, are you?

Once again, you naturally have about as many facts as Mr Robert Loder and Mrs Sandy Loder themselves.

You really are getting boring now.  This is far too easy!   Facts are very easy to find out here.  Everything is public record.

Pip Pip Cheerio!!!

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
Criminal activity

#13Author of original report

Tue, January 08, 2013

Your glad the other side are coming out? Is that the side where others have come forward regarding the lies and fabrications? For example Ms Sandra Warren? Who he conned out of $60,000? Your putting up a poor defence for a filthy despicable cockroach of a human being? If you support criminal activity? Perhaps your dealings should be brought into question? We dare say your either the cockroach Malam or a pathetic sympathiser?


Malam wrote back

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, January 08, 2013

For anyone interested, I asked Mr Malam for comment, and have posted it on his behalf on the following link!


Glad the other side is coming out!

Loder investments LLC

United States of America

#15Author of original report

Sun, January 06, 2013

I'm so pleased I won't be hearing from you again, we have had so much support and love from genuine law abiding citizens. You see Malam is a cockroach and if you are Malam you know your a dirty filthy liar!!! Everything that has come from either your mouth or written has been contemptable verbage, you talk more excrement than a sewage farm...The charges may have been dropped against you but you were definitely arrested and photographed in a police station. Your former Wife made allegations of domestic assault against you.

This gives us and others a clear view of your disgusting character. Robert and Sandy are two of the nicest people you could wish to meet and their family is very very angry at the way you have treated good honest individuals. They will see this through to the end and we believe you are going to regret ripping off the wrong people.Another Woman you conned out of $60,000 has also been contacted and will be looking forward to seeing you squirm Malam?

Now kindly refrain from spouting any more of your nonsense and the Loder's will see you in court for judgement day.


United States of America
Courts will LOVE you.

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, January 06, 2013

LOL. Loder, you are obviously not educated enough to know the difference between an arrest and a conviction.  I almost feel sorry for you.  (ALMOST)

I would advise the owners / former owners of the company that Loud Mouth Loder is talking about to print out ALL communications shown on here, and if needed, hand them to the courts.

They clearly show the character of all parties concerned, and the courts will certainly take that into consideration.

I am sick of seeing what this guy has to write, so I too will actively do anything that I can to help the former owners.  Loders, you desever EVERYTHING YOU GOT, if this is your attitude.

I am not going to waste my energy on this case any longer.  I think everything has been said.

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
Wife beater Malam

#17Author of original report

Sun, January 06, 2013

Be quiet you fool, you know you were arrested for domestic violence...If not sue me? Florida mug shots clearly show you in custody...When we inform your wife let her make the decision...Now just go away you gutless coward and I look forward to seeing your ugly mush in court...SOOOOOOOON.


United States of America
The other forums are right

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, January 06, 2013

Mr Loder, I read a report on another forum this morning, and they were all saying the same thing, about how you are a big mouth, who goes right off topic.

Last night i thought i would dig further into your WIFE BEATER claims, and by going into Lake County Florida records, I found the arrest record.

On digging further, I also looked at how the case was resolved, and the OFFICIAL court records say that NO ADJUDICATION OF GUILT WAS FOUND, when mallam was arrested.

This is an official court document, so why oh why do you keep trying to throw this around?

I know you are not from the USA, but in this great land, being arrested has no reflection on conviction.

Anyway, nothing to do with me, but it just seems like all of your facts are not actually facts at all.   

I have never posted so much on a forum site like this, but idiots like you Loder need to get all of your facts straight.

If anyone else is interested, I have attached a screen shot of the Guilt Withheld ruling by the judge.

You never told us which restaurant we need to visit to meet your wife?

Report Attachments

Loder investments LLC

United States of America

#19Author of original report

Sun, January 06, 2013



Loder investments LLC

United States of America
Malam and Hollowell are chiselling little crooks

#20Author of original report

Sat, January 05, 2013

OK Malam...just stick to whay you know best...Ripping off people and beating up Women...You wouldn't do it too a real Man because your a coward.

See you in court...Check Malam out on Florida mug shots...


United States of America
Digital Spy Discussion

#21Consumer Comment

Sat, January 05, 2013

Seems like the whole of the UK have this guy summed up.


Have to agree with the Knobs comment.

Not making too many friends by mouthing off like you are on this forum Mr Robert Loder.  Probably best wind your neck in a bit, and try to be a bit nicer to people, if you want their sympathy.   

Now play nice, and get on with renting out the mobility carts that you showed the cameras you have in your garage!


United States of America
Looking as pathetic on here as you did on TV

#22Consumer Comment

Sat, January 05, 2013

We are laughing out loud here at the continued rants by the Loders.

I have seen replies on here from Hollowell, but nothing from Mallam or barnes.

Anyway, as an outsider who has been presented with evidence on this case, we ask again,  Please Provide A Copy Of your October 2011 Franchise Agreement?   

I have seen a 20 page agreement, signed by you both.   Oh, and a check that you wrote on the same date.

You can slip and slide, and try to spin things, but you will loose.   Once the court hears that you have NOT presented all of the facts relating to what you signed up for, they will laugh you out of court.

Loder, you are a pathetic individual, and whilst watching you on TV last night, that became evident to the rest of the UK.   Boo h*o.   

Please tell the rest of the site how many days you worked at your business.  The reports I have seen show that you instructed a lawyer to try and get your money back within 1 week of your training by the owners of the company??  Is this true?   Did you expect to just sit back, do nothing, and make money?    Pathetic.

I will continue to follow this case with interest.

By the way, which restaurant does the mrs work at?  Will have to go in for a chicken pie some stage.

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
You Liar

#23Author of original report

Sat, January 05, 2013

What British Police?..You mean the fact your not a Policeman? How Pathetic you are Malam...False names are your modus operandi? The onlt pathetic persons in this scenario are you, Hollowell and Barnes..See you in court MUG...

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
Hollowell and Malam are conmen

#24Author of original report

Sat, January 05, 2013

Hollowell is a Walter miity character and Derek malam is a convicted domestic violence abuser...They ripped us off and they are conmen..Do not trust your hard earned money with these two piles of rubbish...All their chickens will soon be home too roost and we fully intend to recoup our money.

Hollowell has been featured before ripping off his clients...Please see my linked in account who have all backed me up with his dodgy dealings..Malam claims to be an ex British Police officer...I have checked him out and he has NEVER been a Police officer and in fact has been convicted of criminal activity.

We will prevail and whatever it takes to get our money back will be pursued...Please Please do not get involved or listen to any of these individuals lies.


United States of America
oh dear, oh dear, oh dear

#25Consumer Comment

Thu, January 03, 2013

Just watched Rob and Sandy Loder on the UK tv show.

How sad they looked.  I have been presented with ALL of the case files relating to this reported incident, and it is pathetic.

Rob and Sandy Loder, you need to check the Franchise Agreement that you both signed back in October of 2012, where the area you were buying was Bradenton.   NO MALL was ever in your original franchise docs.

The courts will look at the ORIGINAL agreement, and you will be laughed out of court, if it ever goes that far.

Would Mr Loder care to comment on his recent contact with the British Police??  Bet he won't.

I would ask Mr Loder, to please produce for the viewers of this site, A COPY  of the ORIGINAL franchise agreement signed in October of 2012.   

Paul McNabb

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
Hollowell is a confirmed conman

#26Author of original report

Sat, December 01, 2012

Ken Hollowell has now been confirmed as a complete fraudulent conman. Having spoke with many individuals who have used his dodgy services and others who were close to using his dodgy services have confirmed that this individual is NOT what he states he is... What is without question is that this moron is a liar and a cheat. Once the facts come out and we have judgement against him for much more than the original investment. He has sent threatening emails to us which was forwarded on to our Attorney and once the judge has reviewed said emails he / she will undoubtedly see what a dispicable vile person he is. Additionally Derek Malam his former partner in crime and incidentally another liar and a conman will also be brought to book and punished accordingly.

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
Hollowell and Malam are conmen

#27Author of original report

Sat, September 15, 2012

Please, Please, do not trust Hollowell or Malam with your money... They are serious conmen, Hollowell will attempt to extort you in any way he can... He's a fat lumpy pudding and he's gutless just like his rat of a side kick Malam.

I have numerous e-mail communications from this pig hollowell and others from the fraudulent Malam. It's my aim to drive these two vile individuals out of business to protect others from losing their hard earned money. Anything with their name on it will not be legitimate, they are fraudulent, lying, filthy scumbags who don't deserve to breath the same air as good honest hardworking individuals.

Kindly take this as a warning that you should avoid them like the plague. You wiill lose your money... Trust me.

We intend to pursue these crooks until we receive our money back... Believe me we have plans for these two cowards... Obviously i can't tell you what at this stage but they will be served.

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
Derek Malam and Ken Hollowell

#28Author of original report

Tue, July 10, 2012

It is my belief that these two alleged crooks have closed Sun mobility holdings inc down and they have ceased trading? If this is confirmed then this is a clear indication of guilt by Malam and Hollowell, how anyone could trust these two after this is beyond me, they will be finished in business because once our website is finished and out there for all to see they will not get another sniff of anyones cash.

However they need to hastily check their contracts and then see if they think they have escaped prosecution. We will pursue them to the end of time.



Temple Terrace,
United States of America
Please Answer The Questions

#29General Comment

Wed, June 20, 2012

Mr Robert Loder,
I have read this case with interest. You have had the conviction to post the initial report.  It was also interesting to see that the company owner has replied to you. Why have you not posted the evidence that you claim to have ?

As an outsider, I would say that you look the weaker party if you cannot back up what you say. I will keep reading this post and await your update.  If I do not see one, that speaks volumes to me and everyone else on here.


United States of America
Get Your Facts Right Again!

#30REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 17, 2012

You obviously don't even know who signed the Franchise Agreement. Take a look at the signature page and you will find it was not Loder Investments LLC, it was Robert Loder and Sandy Loder. Sun Mobility Holdings, Inc. has no dealings with Loder Investments, LLC.

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
More false allegations and rubbish from Hollowell

#31Author of original report

Sun, June 17, 2012

Get you're facts correct it's Loder investments LLC v Sun mobility holdings inc.
We will soon find out who is correct, i will say no more on this site until the conclusion of the case. I want justice and we have invested a vast amount of money and will prevail as honest people like us will always overcome those who thiink they are beyond the law.


United States of America
Fabricated Information by Loder

#32REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 17, 2012

It's interesting how Robert Loder has chosen to implicate Profran Capital Group which is a Florida Corporation that I own completely as its only shareholder and officer. Profran Capital Group had nothing to do with any of the affairs of Robert Loder whatsoever. Everything that surrounds the association was in my capacity as CEO and Director of Sun Mobility Holdings. Inc.

This is yet another attempt to mislead people just as the original posting whereby it states that Ken Hollowell took Robert Loders life savings. I challenge Robert Loder to produce any check written to Ken Hollowell or Profran Capital Group buy himself or his company. Loder purchased a franchise license from Sun Mobility Holdings, Inc. and the initial payment of funds went to that company only.

Loder states that only deals in facts. Well what I've written above is just another fact that he misrepresented in his postings.

Then there's the threatening letter I allegedly wrote. Please put that up here for everything to see. I would also like to see it please. You know perfectly well that you ONLY had dealings with the broker, Susan Barnes and Derek Malam from early October until January 2, 2012 when I was present for the closing of the franchise. You signed a revised franchise agreement because you to once again change your territory which we allowed you to do. In your original post you made a big deal about a mall in St. Petersburg...do you remember this e-mail from Simon Mall?

Subject: Tyrone Square Mall

[email protected]

Thu, February 2, 2012 12:13 pm

[email protected]

[email protected]

Hi Robert,

Thanks so much for your interest in a partnership with Tyrone Square Mall. I have included a proposal for the sponsorship of our Guest Services Booth, which would include you providing the scooters for our patrons by utilizing one half of our existing booth. Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to speaking with you further. Thanks so much and talk to you soon.

Lauren Clark
Area Director of Marketing & Business Development

Tyrone Square Mall

DeSoto Square Mall
6901 Tyrone Square

303 US-301 BLVD
St. Petersburg, FL 33710

Bradenton, FL 34205
p (727)345-0126

p (941)747-5860
f (727)345-5699

Yes, I have postings on Rip Off Report by if you take a close look, they are from an unknown source or "Big Al"... While I was CEO of the Los Angeles Music Awards, Al Bowman was found embezzling funds from the company and interfering in the business of the company and was sued by the corporation which won the suit. Bowman much like you, decided he would get his pound of flesh by posting false states, allegations that were untrue, in an attempt to damage my reputation. It didn't work then and won't work now. Actually many of my clients in business become my personal friends. I'm grateful for the business association I development and the friendship that pursues.

Mr. Loder, no one sold any money from you. You had 3 months to think about and act on your decision to become a franchise of Sun Mobility Holdings. You received personalized training & personalized assistance from Derek Malam who went out of his way to assist you in the building of the business. We both know that people that you were consulting with and the advise they were giving you. Even after you had hired an attorney, Sun Mobility Holdings was still prepared to assist you in any way possible to build your business in the market area you had chosen. If  you recall, the company was even willing to extend your territory to include Sarasota/Bradenton too. You refused, why? because you were trying to cut a deal with someone else who was not a franchisee of the system.

You know there was no mention of a mall location but instead a territory in your Franchise Agreement. Susan Barnes had prepared documents separate from the franchise that were suppose to be papers that would assist you in your quest for the visa and green card. Sun Mobility Holdings had nothing to do with those documents. If you will recall, I said at the closing, "What are these?" I had never seen them before, and you and Susan Barnes assured me they were ONLY for the purpose of the Immigrations authorities. It is well documented by Susan Barnes your every request for help preparing numerous documents that your adviser David was insisting you obtain. Sun Mobility Holdings had nothing to do with any immigrations paperwork and did not guarantee your acquiring a visa or green card.

The only potential fraud I was aware of was in representing yourself to the Immigrations authorities which to my understanding is presenting reviewing your status in the United States.

Because of your actions, Sun Mobility Holdings is in jeopardy of closing it's company. It is unfortunate that a good business that could have provided many jobs and business opportunities to hundreds of people have potentially been destroy by you.

Sun Mobility Holdings

United States of America
More Waffle.....

#33UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 17, 2012

Mr Loder... Please stop the waffle.

You made a statement on here, that you have a document that shows someone outside of the franchise had a lock down on the Bradenton area that prevented you staying with the binding franchise agreement that you and Mrs Loder signed on October 14th 2011.  Now, please show everyone on this site that you are an honest man by posting that document for all to see.   

Once again, the fact is that you are not honest, as there is no doc, hence, you have nothing to post.

What's the betting that you simply fire back with more waffle???   Put your money where your mouth is, and show everyone on here the Document, Mr Robert J Loder.

You will see I have attached a photo of the unhappy couple, Mr Robert J Loder and his wife, Sandy Loder.  This photo was taken during the training that took place.   Talking of training, they also lied saying that the did not receive any training.  Well, we have another 80 of these photos that were taken during training, if anyone would like to see them.

Report Attachments

Sun Mobility Holdings

United States of America
More Waffle.....

#34UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, June 17, 2012

Mr Loder... Please stop the waffle.

You made a statement on here, that you have a document that shows someone outside of the franchise had a lock down on the Bradenton area that prevented you staying with the binding franchise agreement that you and Mrs Loder signed on October 14th 2011.  Now, please show everyone on this site that you are an honest man by posting that document for all to see.   

Once again, the fact is that you are not honest, as there is no doc, hence, you have nothing to post.

What's the betting that you simply fire back with more waffle???   Put your money where your mouth is, and show everyone on here the Document, Mr Robert J Loder.

Report Attachments

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
We only deal in the truth

#35Author of original report

Sat, June 16, 2012

Hollowell is muddying the water and has intercepted our emails from the laptop that was supplied to us. Stick to the case and nothing else. Multiple documents are in our Attorney's posession that clearly state our business was going to be operated out of a mall in St pete.

To claim we wanted a visa at any cost is ludicrous, how are we going to live on no income and just a visa? this guy is a moron if he thinks that is the case.

We have un earthed a whole miriad of different information on Malam and Hollowell which will be brought up in court if required? Once again we will let the Judge decide who is telling the truth or not.

We have NOTHING to hide and if he wants to produce internet photographs... I say bring it on the Judge will laught his out of court, what has this got to do with our law suit? another clear example of a sad defeated man.

Sun Mobility Holdings

United States of America
Loder needs to check his facts.

#36UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 16, 2012

Once again, Loder is living in his fantasy world.

We welcome Loder to post any doc's from someone outside of the franchise agreement saying that they have a lock down on Bradenton.   I can guarantee that Loder will not post this doc, as it does not exist.  What Loder is talking about is where we offered another party a 6 month option to take out the Sarasota franchise.  NOT LAKEWOOD RANCH OR BRADENTON.

Let the facts speak for themselves.  

Fact 1.  No-one had a lock down on Lakewood Ranch or Bradenton.
Fact 2.  Lakewood Ranch & Bradenton was the area that you signed up for on October 14th 2011.
Fact 3.  You only deal in half truths.

Loder investments LLC

United States of America
Complete nonsense by Hollowell

#37Author of original report

Sat, June 16, 2012

The only dillusional party is Ken Hollowell, once we spoke with another investor in Sun mobility who is outside of the Franchise agreement we found that he had a lock down on the Sarasota / Bradenton area which was included in a legally binding contract so we were unable to trade in this area.

Hollowell also sent a email that was threatening in it's content which was forwarded to our Attorney.
There are many caveats to the case which i will not comment on but as a minimum we have several documents that undoubtedly prove that our franchise was our chosen area of St Petersburg.

Several clauses in the contract have also been breached and we have no doubt that in our opinion the documents are indeed ffraudulent. We will leave it up to the Judge to make his or her decision as to there legality.

I will not comment further at this time, but Hollowell has been featured on rip off report before.


United States of America
False Claims and Allegations by Loder

#38REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, June 16, 2012

The Internet is a great place to conduct business, research materials and stay in touch with friends but when it comes to defaming, slandering and libeling a person theres not much anyone can do. Until there are Federal Laws that discourage someone from posting false accusations, claims and fabrication of the truth because of their own sickness, distortion and vendetta or they suffer the consequences of their actions, people will continue to use sites like Rip Off Report to spread
their disease.

Mr. Loder seems to live in a delusional world of fantasy. The distortion of the facts leave me in complete amazement. Even the mention of a Florida Corporation that had nothing whatsoever to do with Loder or Sun Mobility is beyond my understanding.

Any who knows anything about Florida Law knows that written allegation on a web site has serious consequence particularly when the facts are incorrect and fabricated to satisfy the bully attitude of the person. Mr. Loder has already has materials taken down from sites where he posted comments and now his frustrations leads him to Rip Off Report.

Unfortunate for Mr. Loder, hes a British Citizen (not U.S.) and therefore may lack a comprehensive understanding of the Law here in America. 

Yes, He purchased a franchised from Sun Mobility Holdings, Inc. of which I was the CEO back in October 2011, but the closing took place in the offices of Susan Barnes (business broker) on January 2, 2012. Between October 2011 and January 2012, Mr. Loder changed his mind 3 or 4 times concerning the territory he wanted to conduct business in. The territory he finally decided on was in St. Petersburg/Clearwater which is at least 25 to 30 miles from where he residences. He first wanted the Naples territory. We attempted to encourage him to work in the Bradenton/Sarasota market.

Approximately two weeks after his training product was shipped to his residence (10 scooters), his web site was activated, promotional materials were delivered along with clothing. His training began by Derek Malam who had approximately 5 years experiences in the industry and had even offered to assist him and his wife in acquiring clients. But within 2 weeks of training and with little or no outside sales and marketing, Mr. Loder decided the business wasnt what he wanted and was asking for his money back through an attorney he had hired.

Through diligent investigations, I discovered that Mr. Loder had made contact with a competitor and worked out an arrangement to work with him instead of Sun Mobility Holdings. Mr. Malam and I both meet with the person and was assured he didnt want any part of Loder.

The character of the person that posted this maliciousness is definitely in question. Further investigations revealed that while Mr. Loders wife was in London visiting family, Mr. Loder had posted his photo and content on a web site that portrayed him as a single person looking for love and a relationship. Its my understanding that Loder has been married for 12 or 13 years to Sandy Loder. He had contacted allegedly a local female doctor which resulted in explicit sexual e-mails along with Loder sending nude photos of his gentiles. This is why I came to the conclusion that he lives in a fantasy world. I certain that Mr. Loders wife will be very surprised or maybe not of her husbands actions.

In my opinion Mr. Loder is frustrated because of his attempts to acquire a visa and green card to live in the United States. The Immigrations Services is very much aware of this individual and the people that hes attempted to get him a visa and green card. A full investigation will pursue.

Since Sun Mobility Holdings, Inc. was a young company, the accusations and pending lawsuit has all but basically shut the company down at this point. This is any young franchisors worse nightmare but commonly happens in the field of franchising where someone has well over 3 months to decide to purchase and then 1 week after training decides he wants his money back. Needless to say, the young company couldnt pay his money back if it wanted to. After broker fees, product purchases, materials and other expenses. The majority of the initial fee was gone. Sun Mobility Holdings, Inc. having to hire an attorney to represent the company obviously takes the remaining money.

Sun Mobility Holdings

United States of America
Robert J Loder vs Sun Mobility Holdings Inc

#39UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 16, 2012

The following is pure factual statements, and provable in a court of law.

1. On October 14th 2011, Robert J Loder and his wife Sandy Loder opted to buy a franchise of Sun Mobility Holdings Inc.

2. Following a trip to Naples to look at a territory, the Loder's finally decided to settle on the territory of Bradenton and Lakewood Ranch FL. as this was close to their home.

3. The Loder's visited a Publix Shopping Center in the area.  There was a unit available in that location for rent, and the Loder's informed Sun Mobility Holdings INC that they were going to secure that location to operate their franchise from.  This was acceptable by the Franchisor.

4. Both Robert J Loder and Sandy Loder SIGNED EVERY PAGE of a 20 page BINDING Franchise Agreement on the afternoon of October 14th 2011, in the dining room of their Lakewood Ranch Home.

5. Robert and Sandy Loder handed a deposit check to Sun Mobility Holdings INC the same afternoon to secure the said territory of Lakewood Ranch and Bradenton.

6. Several days after signing the BINDING Franchise agreement, Robert J Loder and Sandy Loder contacted Sun Mobility Holdings INC, and asked if they could add an additional area to their franchise territory, namely St Petersburg and Clearwater FL.  As Sun Mobility Holdings INC wanted only success for their clients, this was allowed at NO EXTRA CHARGE.

7. The Loder's basis of this claim is centered around a Mall location that is in the St Pete's and Clearwater area.  After some glitches Sun Mobility finally managed to secure a meeting between the Loder's and the Mall management team, in order to discuss the lease, but the Loder's still refused to move ahead with the Mall, as they wanted to try to get their Franchise Fee back instead.  

8. What the Loder's are not pointing out in their post is that the area they signed the BINDING franchise agreement for on October 14th 2011 was Lakewood Ranch & Bradenton.  Their decision was not based on the Mall in St Petersburg, as this territory had not even been mentioned at this time.  The paperwork backs this up.  

To clarify, their decision to buy a franchise and sign the agreement was based on the Lakewood Ranch and Bradenton area ONLY.

There are many other things that could be said in this reply, however, under legal advice, the rest of the facts that will show this to be a frivolous  lawsuit will only be presented in court.

Thanks for reading.

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