  • Report:  #424929

Complaint Review: KIRBY - Bristol

Reported By:
- Swindon, Other,

Bristol, United Kingdom
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have had a kirby for 5 months and they seem great on the outset. One day my kirby decides to have asurge in power and pulls up an eighteen inch thread from a flat carpet and threadbares my carpet completly. Being a large company you think I would have been treated fairly but no. I send e mail to explain my problem and I am ignored, I send a second and i am told a representative will contact be shortly to look at the problem , un-beknown by this kind soul at head office I have already had the franchise who sell your kirby knock my door , puff his chest out and act intimidating as I have "missed a payment" and was going to " take my kirby away from me" Funny that already paid over 400 pounds and yet he can waltz in and take my property away without a question , so much for compnay integrity.

Once the gentleman had realsied ther was in fact a bigger problem he took some pictures and muttered that some one would be in contact. ... No you guessed it No one was. So I had to contact again this time explaining I would go to a solicitors and a kind man at Kirby headquarters tells me that he will sort it out and someone will contact me. No one called. So I spoke again and eventually an apologetic man takes my kirby away for tests and i will be contacted the next day to let know how it is progressing.NO CALL.

I wait a week NO CALL I speak to the kind man at Kirby who assures me he will sort it and he will call back and the franchise will call NO CALL. I call the franchise and am told by the manager has been in interviews all day and will call me back and NO CALL. This is another week since and you see a pattern here... NO CALLS NO NOTHING NO KIRBY. So I writing this and will be seeing a solictor as I have been treated badly , I have had the run around, had bully boy tactics, have no hoover , am hundreds of pounds owed and HAVE A RUINED CARPET. All I wanted was a nice house not a headache I would have bought (((competitor's name redacted))) who by the way i do endorse.



United Kingdom

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sorry, allowing you to give a competitors name would instigate others to just file against their competition, to only come back later to suggest their company, ..plus, if you post a competitors name more than likely they will show up on search engines as a Rip-off! - - your comments on this policy are welcome. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. In this case we removed an alleged competitor's name

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