  • Report:  #390111

Complaint Review: KiS Golf - Nashville Tennessee

Reported By:
- nashville, Tennessee,

KiS Golf
441 Donelson Pike, Unit 325 Nashville, 37214 Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The KiS Company is falling apart. They owe thousands of dollars to their employees, membership and investors.

The Simon Mills Mall has evicted them from the malls. Dallas, Charlotte, Atlanta, all empty buildings where dreams were sold to families some less than days ago, for a lifetime of services!

Nashville's Opry Mills has 6 days to leave the premises, yet the selling of lifetime memberships continues. UNBELIEVABLE.

It gets worse. Most of the employees have not been paid in weeks, yet they are selling memberships. How is this possible.

Even More...The store recently closed were selling memberships that day the store later shutdown in a midnigt evacuation.

No letter on the door, no notice to members, and no notice to employees. Even still these people have no explanation.

The greed of this company extends far beyond what has previously been discussed on any website thus far. This is exactly why our country is in the shape it is in.

Here is a list of corporate KiS employees who need to give expanations:

Starting with owner going down by rank.

George McGill [email protected] 803-312-2549

Jim Golden [email protected] 706-889-6275

Chuck Nance [email protected] 601-498-0978

John Haslett [email protected] 321-693-2530

David Shaw [email protected] 803-730-5442

Steve McGill [email protected] 423-794-0419

Dan Looper [email protected] 931-267-9197

Don Stenger [email protected] 773-633-7241

Sheila Golden [email protected] 706-273-6359

Tabitha deVogel [email protected] 615-557-6757

Mike Wine [email protected] 615-424-8880

Appalachian Marketing Mike Kleczka [email protected] 706-258-8404

Mark Word 615-948-1950

Corpoarate address and phone number:


441 Donelson Pike, Unit 325

Nashville, TN 37214


Kis is falling apart

nashville, Tennessee


16 Updates & Rebuttals

Kis Is Falling Apart

Hard to understand

#2Author of original report

Sun, November 23, 2008

Don, according to your report, you say that $200k tied up for 5 weeks is the downfall of a multimillion dolr company? How is that even possible. Sure that is a lot of money, but KiS made over 1million $ each month for a least the last year. Surely an event that tied up 200k could not crumble the company. But that company was KiS, where money was taken up as soon as it was aquired and where there arogance assumed that the money would always flow in like that where they did not have an accountant on corporate staff or really any business plan or concept., I guess that could happen. And it did. It also sounds like you and corporate staff had a CHOICE to not recive paycheck to make payroll for a few weeks before other staff. Well the staff did not have hat choice, the checks that were rcieved had n hope of ever clearing the bank. There are several check cashing companies that honored checks that are surely pissed at KiS right now. Writng so many checks with knowledge of insuffiecient funds is clerly fraud and just the tip of what I believe KiS has done. I think a certain person is praying for his freedom other than more sales right now. As an employee of KiS I also know how George and Chuck treated the employees, maybe not you Don, but their other employees. Chuck and George are egotistical, arrogant and disrespectful. And they didnt really hide that fact. But I am sure you would disgree and say that you have spent the last five years with them and they are great people. Well that is not the case for 90% of the employees, even before the company bankrupted. The fact is KiS could have downsized the ir business long before checks started bouncing or more inverstors were lured in to open new stores but the money was used to operate existing stores if not put directly into some personal bank accounts. The amount of debt this company has right now compared to the amount of money that the company made the past year is astounding and that is why poeple are mad and that is why criminal activity is suspected. The amount of money george and chuck made of KiS would floor anyone. He may be broke now, but it is because his life is managed the same way as his company. Dishhonesty, Don, is your culprit of the downnfall of KiS. Dishonesty in every direction. Please cut the crap about 200k and the economy. Blame it on dishonesty and always thinking money would be flowing in. Next time you may want to hire an accountant, set a an account for improvements or rainy days, credit crunches, not being able to get 200K? and not try to milk the business for every penny. Oh yeah, and have a little more respect for your employees.


WOW... somebody who still believes these jokers

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 22, 2008

WOW. I love how many people the executives of KIS have pissed off. The truth behind it all is KIS was a pretty good place to work, if you could put up with some BS, and the product was all in all not bad. Yeah if you priced the clubs wholesale they were worth close to $700.00 but all golf club companies do that. They charge you $300.00 for a club worth less than $100.00. In reality the only people that got ripped off the most were the employees and investors. While it sucks for the members that actually used their memberships, those that are trying to get out of a contract are just looking for a way out. You signed the papers. Nobody forced you too. Anyways. On to my real point. In response to Don Stenger. While i will admit that some executives were more responsible than others, but the thing is that while this stuff was going down nobody bothered to tell us employees. And i'll address the charge of slandering. NOTICE how Mr. Stenger never refutes ANY of the charges i wrote about. He denies none of those things. So while the car may have been a lease. Shouldn't you probably trade in one of your cars while your company is going bankrupt. And notice how i never mentioned that Don Stenger actually did anything wrong. I mentioned the owner and president. The two most responsible for bringing this company down. In response to Mr. Stenger's excusing KIS downfall to the economy. Its easy to blame that, but the truth is that the economy was looking and falling bad for months before all this went down. You'd think the people in charge would see this coming and react before the &%*$ hit the fan. And yes Don it does "sting" because you see all of you corporate executives had several weeks to do the right thing. BUT you DIDN'T. You let us have hope of getting paid and then just filed BANKRUPTCY. I know you aren't a bad person DON but lying with snakes makes you look like one. And everytime any corporate person went along on a lunch or dinner or a new purchase it just made anyone more like the VIPERS who ruined a decent job for many people. Just remember that when anyone who reads all these posts since the company has gone down. Nobody from KIS itself had denied, refuted, or called us liars. The reason is that truth is on our side. I urge you to attend the creditors meeting on the 17th of December.


WOW... somebody who still believes these jokers

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 22, 2008

WOW. I love how many people the executives of KIS have pissed off. The truth behind it all is KIS was a pretty good place to work, if you could put up with some BS, and the product was all in all not bad. Yeah if you priced the clubs wholesale they were worth close to $700.00 but all golf club companies do that. They charge you $300.00 for a club worth less than $100.00. In reality the only people that got ripped off the most were the employees and investors. While it sucks for the members that actually used their memberships, those that are trying to get out of a contract are just looking for a way out. You signed the papers. Nobody forced you too. Anyways. On to my real point. In response to Don Stenger. While i will admit that some executives were more responsible than others, but the thing is that while this stuff was going down nobody bothered to tell us employees. And i'll address the charge of slandering. NOTICE how Mr. Stenger never refutes ANY of the charges i wrote about. He denies none of those things. So while the car may have been a lease. Shouldn't you probably trade in one of your cars while your company is going bankrupt. And notice how i never mentioned that Don Stenger actually did anything wrong. I mentioned the owner and president. The two most responsible for bringing this company down. In response to Mr. Stenger's excusing KIS downfall to the economy. Its easy to blame that, but the truth is that the economy was looking and falling bad for months before all this went down. You'd think the people in charge would see this coming and react before the &%*$ hit the fan. And yes Don it does "sting" because you see all of you corporate executives had several weeks to do the right thing. BUT you DIDN'T. You let us have hope of getting paid and then just filed BANKRUPTCY. I know you aren't a bad person DON but lying with snakes makes you look like one. And everytime any corporate person went along on a lunch or dinner or a new purchase it just made anyone more like the VIPERS who ruined a decent job for many people. Just remember that when anyone who reads all these posts since the company has gone down. Nobody from KIS itself had denied, refuted, or called us liars. The reason is that truth is on our side. I urge you to attend the creditors meeting on the 17th of December.


WOW... somebody who still believes these jokers

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 22, 2008

WOW. I love how many people the executives of KIS have pissed off. The truth behind it all is KIS was a pretty good place to work, if you could put up with some BS, and the product was all in all not bad. Yeah if you priced the clubs wholesale they were worth close to $700.00 but all golf club companies do that. They charge you $300.00 for a club worth less than $100.00. In reality the only people that got ripped off the most were the employees and investors. While it sucks for the members that actually used their memberships, those that are trying to get out of a contract are just looking for a way out. You signed the papers. Nobody forced you too. Anyways. On to my real point. In response to Don Stenger. While i will admit that some executives were more responsible than others, but the thing is that while this stuff was going down nobody bothered to tell us employees. And i'll address the charge of slandering. NOTICE how Mr. Stenger never refutes ANY of the charges i wrote about. He denies none of those things. So while the car may have been a lease. Shouldn't you probably trade in one of your cars while your company is going bankrupt. And notice how i never mentioned that Don Stenger actually did anything wrong. I mentioned the owner and president. The two most responsible for bringing this company down. In response to Mr. Stenger's excusing KIS downfall to the economy. Its easy to blame that, but the truth is that the economy was looking and falling bad for months before all this went down. You'd think the people in charge would see this coming and react before the &%*$ hit the fan. And yes Don it does "sting" because you see all of you corporate executives had several weeks to do the right thing. BUT you DIDN'T. You let us have hope of getting paid and then just filed BANKRUPTCY. I know you aren't a bad person DON but lying with snakes makes you look like one. And everytime any corporate person went along on a lunch or dinner or a new purchase it just made anyone more like the VIPERS who ruined a decent job for many people. Just remember that when anyone who reads all these posts since the company has gone down. Nobody from KIS itself had denied, refuted, or called us liars. The reason is that truth is on our side. I urge you to attend the creditors meeting on the 17th of December.


WOW... somebody who still believes these jokers

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 22, 2008

WOW. I love how many people the executives of KIS have pissed off. The truth behind it all is KIS was a pretty good place to work, if you could put up with some BS, and the product was all in all not bad. Yeah if you priced the clubs wholesale they were worth close to $700.00 but all golf club companies do that. They charge you $300.00 for a club worth less than $100.00. In reality the only people that got ripped off the most were the employees and investors. While it sucks for the members that actually used their memberships, those that are trying to get out of a contract are just looking for a way out. You signed the papers. Nobody forced you too. Anyways. On to my real point. In response to Don Stenger. While i will admit that some executives were more responsible than others, but the thing is that while this stuff was going down nobody bothered to tell us employees. And i'll address the charge of slandering. NOTICE how Mr. Stenger never refutes ANY of the charges i wrote about. He denies none of those things. So while the car may have been a lease. Shouldn't you probably trade in one of your cars while your company is going bankrupt. And notice how i never mentioned that Don Stenger actually did anything wrong. I mentioned the owner and president. The two most responsible for bringing this company down. In response to Mr. Stenger's excusing KIS downfall to the economy. Its easy to blame that, but the truth is that the economy was looking and falling bad for months before all this went down. You'd think the people in charge would see this coming and react before the &%*$ hit the fan. And yes Don it does "sting" because you see all of you corporate executives had several weeks to do the right thing. BUT you DIDN'T. You let us have hope of getting paid and then just filed BANKRUPTCY. I know you aren't a bad person DON but lying with snakes makes you look like one. And everytime any corporate person went along on a lunch or dinner or a new purchase it just made anyone more like the VIPERS who ruined a decent job for many people. Just remember that when anyone who reads all these posts since the company has gone down. Nobody from KIS itself had denied, refuted, or called us liars. The reason is that truth is on our side. I urge you to attend the creditors meeting on the 17th of December.

Chris R

I think I just threw up in my mouth

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, November 22, 2008

Writing "And by the way, Mr. Stenger was undoubtedly the most competent and hardest worker at the Corporate office," is like being the tallest midget in the world. And then pondering legal action against some plebeian on here because they may have slandered one of the KIS Golf patriarchs is priceless. Stay classy D. Stenger. There is no way that you did not know the business practices of this company, which I have clearly explained on several posts on this site. And if they were made abundantly clear to me after one of your employees lied to me over the phone, then surely someone actually working for this "company" knew exactly what was going on. I hope that my postings on this site somehow lead to the failure of your company, but I am not delusional, but apparently Mr. Stenger is. Thank you Jesus for RIPOFF REPORT! And Stenger, instead of getting on here and crying like you are on your period, why don't you man up and bury yourself alive. You must have kept your head in the sand for some time in order not to see this coming. Chris R. Dallas

Kis It

Hope these Turkey's enjoy Thanksgiving

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 21, 2008

Well Well Well, I have waited quite some time for this to finally come to fruition... I first want to say that the whole KiS Golf idea is not too bad in theory, however you couple the competency of the people in charge with the fact that everything promised is a pipe dream and you get what you got...A scam that lasted long enough for upper level management to stack millions and then file bankruptcy and hide... While I commend Mr. Stenger for his undoubted loyalty to these goons (wait a minute no I don't). I can't help but rejoice knowing that these cons are out of business. My biggest concern for this company is how they will tell their members about them not having their lifetime of benefits (No I'm not, I knew these cons didnt care about their "members" for a long time) Heck, they didn't ever know who there members were and had no way of even renewing their memberships. All that mattered was that up front money; and after you got your clubs and your credit was decent enough, you were forgotten in the eyes of the grand schemers. As stated above, these jokers were still selling lifetime memberships hours before being evicted from their locations. I once voiced concern about this business model and the overall attitude of the upper level management to focus on hard sales, but no one above me seemed to care much and actually deliberately took a shot at me verbally attacking me as a non-salesman. As I absorbed the blow with a smile, I knew just how evil these people truly are/were. Oh, and the prayers and tears in the meetings were a complete joke...Geeze, it was like being trapped in some crazy church, people up there pretending to be god fearing when in all actuality they would play the role of Judas if that is what it took to get $ from people. While I witnessed how much revenue could be brought in with these tactics, I always knew that at anytime this was going to blow up in their face. First off, why would you sell this package and finance the entire thing up front...because people find out that the travel club (which is the main focus for most selling this product) is bogus. They find out that these clubs are the equivalent to a $400-$800 set of clubs with a design that DOES NOT HAVE A PATENT. While Mr. Stenger is right about GE not doing so well, they also were not willing to fund KiS golf anymore once they found out about what exactly KiS was selling and how they were doing business. And by the way, Mr. Stenger was undoubtedly the most competent and hardest worker at the Corporate office, which is probably why he was unappreciated by pretty much everyone in the company. Not to take too many shots at individuals but if you are reading this then you must undoubtedly have read cnance's (the president) remarks...Wow, how can you be the president of a multimillion dollar company (and yes members and employees and investors this company had/and may still have millions) and leave comments with a.) that kind of context and b.) the level of grammatical errors and total ignorance of the English language. I know the line will be long for lawsuits brought against these jokers but I would like to acknowledge that Jim Golden is a good person, and I only hope he is spared when everything is all said and done...I truly believe that he was one of the few that knew what was going on and was not allowed to voice an opinion, but was in too deep to truly dig them out or leave. Other than that...GO Gettem Lawyers, I know there is plenty of ammo out there...hahahahahahahaha Thanks, Concerned former investors, employees, and members...

Kis It

Hope these Turkey's enjoy Thanksgiving

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 21, 2008

Well Well Well, I have waited quite some time for this to finally come to fruition... I first want to say that the whole KiS Golf idea is not too bad in theory, however you couple the competency of the people in charge with the fact that everything promised is a pipe dream and you get what you got...A scam that lasted long enough for upper level management to stack millions and then file bankruptcy and hide... While I commend Mr. Stenger for his undoubted loyalty to these goons (wait a minute no I don't). I can't help but rejoice knowing that these cons are out of business. My biggest concern for this company is how they will tell their members about them not having their lifetime of benefits (No I'm not, I knew these cons didnt care about their "members" for a long time) Heck, they didn't ever know who there members were and had no way of even renewing their memberships. All that mattered was that up front money; and after you got your clubs and your credit was decent enough, you were forgotten in the eyes of the grand schemers. As stated above, these jokers were still selling lifetime memberships hours before being evicted from their locations. I once voiced concern about this business model and the overall attitude of the upper level management to focus on hard sales, but no one above me seemed to care much and actually deliberately took a shot at me verbally attacking me as a non-salesman. As I absorbed the blow with a smile, I knew just how evil these people truly are/were. Oh, and the prayers and tears in the meetings were a complete joke...Geeze, it was like being trapped in some crazy church, people up there pretending to be god fearing when in all actuality they would play the role of Judas if that is what it took to get $ from people. While I witnessed how much revenue could be brought in with these tactics, I always knew that at anytime this was going to blow up in their face. First off, why would you sell this package and finance the entire thing up front...because people find out that the travel club (which is the main focus for most selling this product) is bogus. They find out that these clubs are the equivalent to a $400-$800 set of clubs with a design that DOES NOT HAVE A PATENT. While Mr. Stenger is right about GE not doing so well, they also were not willing to fund KiS golf anymore once they found out about what exactly KiS was selling and how they were doing business. And by the way, Mr. Stenger was undoubtedly the most competent and hardest worker at the Corporate office, which is probably why he was unappreciated by pretty much everyone in the company. Not to take too many shots at individuals but if you are reading this then you must undoubtedly have read cnance's (the president) remarks...Wow, how can you be the president of a multimillion dollar company (and yes members and employees and investors this company had/and may still have millions) and leave comments with a.) that kind of context and b.) the level of grammatical errors and total ignorance of the English language. I know the line will be long for lawsuits brought against these jokers but I would like to acknowledge that Jim Golden is a good person, and I only hope he is spared when everything is all said and done...I truly believe that he was one of the few that knew what was going on and was not allowed to voice an opinion, but was in too deep to truly dig them out or leave. Other than that...GO Gettem Lawyers, I know there is plenty of ammo out there...hahahahahahahaha Thanks, Concerned former investors, employees, and members...

Kis It

Hope these Turkey's enjoy Thanksgiving

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 21, 2008

Well Well Well, I have waited quite some time for this to finally come to fruition... I first want to say that the whole KiS Golf idea is not too bad in theory, however you couple the competency of the people in charge with the fact that everything promised is a pipe dream and you get what you got...A scam that lasted long enough for upper level management to stack millions and then file bankruptcy and hide... While I commend Mr. Stenger for his undoubted loyalty to these goons (wait a minute no I don't). I can't help but rejoice knowing that these cons are out of business. My biggest concern for this company is how they will tell their members about them not having their lifetime of benefits (No I'm not, I knew these cons didnt care about their "members" for a long time) Heck, they didn't ever know who there members were and had no way of even renewing their memberships. All that mattered was that up front money; and after you got your clubs and your credit was decent enough, you were forgotten in the eyes of the grand schemers. As stated above, these jokers were still selling lifetime memberships hours before being evicted from their locations. I once voiced concern about this business model and the overall attitude of the upper level management to focus on hard sales, but no one above me seemed to care much and actually deliberately took a shot at me verbally attacking me as a non-salesman. As I absorbed the blow with a smile, I knew just how evil these people truly are/were. Oh, and the prayers and tears in the meetings were a complete joke...Geeze, it was like being trapped in some crazy church, people up there pretending to be god fearing when in all actuality they would play the role of Judas if that is what it took to get $ from people. While I witnessed how much revenue could be brought in with these tactics, I always knew that at anytime this was going to blow up in their face. First off, why would you sell this package and finance the entire thing up front...because people find out that the travel club (which is the main focus for most selling this product) is bogus. They find out that these clubs are the equivalent to a $400-$800 set of clubs with a design that DOES NOT HAVE A PATENT. While Mr. Stenger is right about GE not doing so well, they also were not willing to fund KiS golf anymore once they found out about what exactly KiS was selling and how they were doing business. And by the way, Mr. Stenger was undoubtedly the most competent and hardest worker at the Corporate office, which is probably why he was unappreciated by pretty much everyone in the company. Not to take too many shots at individuals but if you are reading this then you must undoubtedly have read cnance's (the president) remarks...Wow, how can you be the president of a multimillion dollar company (and yes members and employees and investors this company had/and may still have millions) and leave comments with a.) that kind of context and b.) the level of grammatical errors and total ignorance of the English language. I know the line will be long for lawsuits brought against these jokers but I would like to acknowledge that Jim Golden is a good person, and I only hope he is spared when everything is all said and done...I truly believe that he was one of the few that knew what was going on and was not allowed to voice an opinion, but was in too deep to truly dig them out or leave. Other than that...GO Gettem Lawyers, I know there is plenty of ammo out there...hahahahahahahaha Thanks, Concerned former investors, employees, and members...

Kis It

Hope these Turkey's enjoy Thanksgiving

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 21, 2008

Well Well Well, I have waited quite some time for this to finally come to fruition... I first want to say that the whole KiS Golf idea is not too bad in theory, however you couple the competency of the people in charge with the fact that everything promised is a pipe dream and you get what you got...A scam that lasted long enough for upper level management to stack millions and then file bankruptcy and hide... While I commend Mr. Stenger for his undoubted loyalty to these goons (wait a minute no I don't). I can't help but rejoice knowing that these cons are out of business. My biggest concern for this company is how they will tell their members about them not having their lifetime of benefits (No I'm not, I knew these cons didnt care about their "members" for a long time) Heck, they didn't ever know who there members were and had no way of even renewing their memberships. All that mattered was that up front money; and after you got your clubs and your credit was decent enough, you were forgotten in the eyes of the grand schemers. As stated above, these jokers were still selling lifetime memberships hours before being evicted from their locations. I once voiced concern about this business model and the overall attitude of the upper level management to focus on hard sales, but no one above me seemed to care much and actually deliberately took a shot at me verbally attacking me as a non-salesman. As I absorbed the blow with a smile, I knew just how evil these people truly are/were. Oh, and the prayers and tears in the meetings were a complete joke...Geeze, it was like being trapped in some crazy church, people up there pretending to be god fearing when in all actuality they would play the role of Judas if that is what it took to get $ from people. While I witnessed how much revenue could be brought in with these tactics, I always knew that at anytime this was going to blow up in their face. First off, why would you sell this package and finance the entire thing up front...because people find out that the travel club (which is the main focus for most selling this product) is bogus. They find out that these clubs are the equivalent to a $400-$800 set of clubs with a design that DOES NOT HAVE A PATENT. While Mr. Stenger is right about GE not doing so well, they also were not willing to fund KiS golf anymore once they found out about what exactly KiS was selling and how they were doing business. And by the way, Mr. Stenger was undoubtedly the most competent and hardest worker at the Corporate office, which is probably why he was unappreciated by pretty much everyone in the company. Not to take too many shots at individuals but if you are reading this then you must undoubtedly have read cnance's (the president) remarks...Wow, how can you be the president of a multimillion dollar company (and yes members and employees and investors this company had/and may still have millions) and leave comments with a.) that kind of context and b.) the level of grammatical errors and total ignorance of the English language. I know the line will be long for lawsuits brought against these jokers but I would like to acknowledge that Jim Golden is a good person, and I only hope he is spared when everything is all said and done...I truly believe that he was one of the few that knew what was going on and was not allowed to voice an opinion, but was in too deep to truly dig them out or leave. Other than that...GO Gettem Lawyers, I know there is plenty of ammo out there...hahahahahahahaha Thanks, Concerned former investors, employees, and members...


Just for the record....

#12UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, November 21, 2008

It appears that there are a lot of people who feel it necessary to sling mud. And it is amazing to the level that people can stoop to when they feel like they have been poorly treated and/or under appreciated for their time and efforts. As one of the "executives" that was mentioned in the latest update I would like to take the opportunity to respond to some of the previous remarks that were made. First, what most don't realize is that while there were tough financial times for the company, we were all in the same boat. Several of the corporate staff went longer without paychecks than did the employees just so checks could be given out. What caused this situation was very clear. The secondary lender for KiS Golf did not release any of the 150k in outstanding funding because they were, according to their rep, "experiencing funding issues themselves." Simply put, they approved retail sales agreements that they did not have the money for and could no longer get the money for. This 150k was tied up and dragged on for a period of close to 5 weeks. In addition, the primary lender (GE MONEY) diverted funds from KiS Golf on the 22nd of October. The diverted total was well in excess of 200k. In addition, if you keep up with the news, you would know that GE has pulled funding from several companies and caused them to go down the same road KiS Golf has traveled over the past several weeks. I urge you to google the GE HOMESOURCE program and read some of the publicity they are receiving about their "risk mitigation" program. Second, please keep in mind that the individuals that worked in the corporate offices all came from different backgrounds. Their backgrounds seem to be forgotten when people attack individuals for what they drive (whether it is leased, financed, or owned) or where they send their children to school. So these accusations, or malicious jabs, don't really apply and aren't valid unless you personally knew each individual before they worked at KiS Golf. What I find very interesting about some of these postings is how many of them are posted using false names and locations. In fact, a great example is the last posting from an "ex-employee" as we have not had any recent employees in the Nashville area, or otherwise, with the name of Geoffrey (btw - I don't think you live in Omaha, NE - I am certain that Antioch, TN is closer to the truth). The real truth is that the person that made the last posting knows that they made some very slanderous remarks that can be legally. So, it is understandable as to why he/she chose not to post using their real identity. Personally, I was involved with KiS Golf for close to 5 years and I have never had the privilege of working with a more dedicated group of people. Every one of the "executives" truly loved what they did and cared about the welfare of the company. Most people were not privy to the very emotional meetings that took place when we had to make cutbacks and close some of the smaller locations. In addition, I believe very few people could truly comprehend how quickly things turned south. The final straw was when it became apparent that there would be no hope of obtaining a new funding source because there were no companies in the country doing retail lending anymore. Not to mention that it was also clear that there were no individuals looking to do any block money lending to any companies for in-house financing. With all that being said, I will agree that we could have done a better job with communication. However, no matter how good it could have been, there still would be unhappy and hurt people that were associated with KiS Golf. I do not expect to gain any compassion with what I have posted here this evening. My only hope is that the people who read this understand that the executive management of KiS Golf, Inc did everything they could to keep the company running. For me, it meant work for five weeks without pay so that other employees could receive paychecks. It also meant spending tireless hours in meetings, gathering data for presentations, and communicating the best I could with our vendors. My story is no different than the one the people I worked with can tell. On a closing note, I am certain what makes this sting more intense is the fact that KiS Golf, Inc. was one of the first companies to have to file for Chapter 11 for the people that are posting on this website and other websites. As this becomes more common, as it surely will (just look at Circuit City, Bed Bath and Beyond, Children's Place, Wickes, and Sharper Image), maybe then these people will become more understanding of what the current economic situation is doing to companies all over this country. Management and company executives are not always the fault, although they seem to be the easiest to blame, they are almost always other extenuating circumstances that lead to the demise of a company. I wish all of you whom read this post the best of luck over the next several months as we ALL deal with the current economic situation this great nation is facing. D. Stenger


MORE LIES FROM KIS, George McGill, Chuck Nance, Tabitha Devogel, Don Stenger

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 19, 2008

KIS GOLF, George McGill, Chuck Nance, Jim Golden, Tabitha Devogel, Don Stenger KIS Filed Bankruptcy today Nashville Tennessee For those of you who were screwed over by KIS Golf. You'd be interested to know that they filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy today November 18, 2008. The case number is 308-10809 filed in Nashville, TN. There will be a meeting of the creditors on December 17, 2008 at 12:30 pm. It will take place at the Bankruptcy court located at 701 Broadway in Courtroom 3 on the second floor. So if they owe you money then you should go. In other news though. On Sunday and Monday the executives of Kis Golf cleaned out their offices of all things that could be worth something. The funny thing is that George McGill the owner and Tabitha DeVogel his daughter had cleaned out their offices on Sunday. Then the rest of the executives followed them by cleaning out offices on Monday. And by cleaning out i mean they took anything they could that was worth money.The worst part of this company is that while George McGill and Chuck Nance pretended like everything would be ok and lied to all employees about what was really going on, the real people in the company were screwed. As a former employee I am owed several paychecks along with many others. If you are a former employee of KIS then we need to band together to teach these executives a lesson. Let me make a small list of things that happened at KIS that screwed us employees over. First after several employees checks has bounced the week before Halloween and many more would bounce the week of Halloween, The executives of KIS thought it a "good" business decision to take all corporate employees to a Halloween lunch in Downtown Nashville. They left for lunch knowing that peoples checks has bounced and did nothing about it and didn't even tell them. A few other things. The executives also treated a group of employees to dinner out for another executives birthday. Guess when. While employees checks were bouncing. George McGill owns two cars himself. A Hummer H2 and a BMW i believe 6 series convertible. Chuck Nance has a Hummer H2 on at least 22 inch rims bought while paychecks were bouncing. He also went to a private concert in Dallas in which tickets were rumored to be $1,000 each. George McGill also has a son in a 7,000$ a year private school, and took vacations to the bahamas while paychecks were bouncing. All in all these guys could care less about anybody working for them. Most of these guys would tell you what you wanted to hear. They pretended to be nice, "christian", men but are really bastards. The Following is Straight from KIS' Website "KiS Golf, Inc. began a major Restructuring process at the beginning of November. We know that this will be a tough transition for our members and employees alike, especially during this unfavorable economic climate. However, we feel that it is a necessity for bolstering the longevity of our company. As a part of this restructuring, our locations at Grapevine Mills, Concord Mills, Discover Mills, and Northgate Mall will be closed down in the process. Our goal is to have smaller training facilities opened in these areas within 30-60 days. Although this will be unpleasant, we hope that all of our members will weather the storm with us. " Wow they want employees and customers to "weather the storm with us". How about pay your d**n employees. Now i'm no lawyer but i don't think you could possibly file Chapter 11 and then reopen smaller facilities within 30 -60 days. What a joke. Do Chuck Nance and George McGill and all the executives really expect us to believe this bullshit they keep spitting out. I guess by restructuring they meant taking anything of value from the offices. As a former employee i have been witness to many shady dealings of this company. George McGill, Chuck Nance, and Don Stenger are some of the biggest lying cons/crooks i have ever met. Pray you never do business with them. Its sad that the laws in America protect these sorry excuses for executives and screw those of us who do the real work. All we can hope for is that somebody will read these postings and refuse to do business with these individuals in the future, and that someday these guys will get their comeuppance. Geoffrey Omaha, Nebraska

Kis Is Falling Apart

I f you work for KiS in Tennesses

#14Author of original report

Thu, November 13, 2008

Tennessee law states that an employer has up to 21 days to pay all monies and compensation owed.

Kis Is Falling Apart

"weathering the storm"

#15Author of original report

Thu, November 13, 2008

you should expect negative reports from your sompany's actions, meanwhile while you weather the storm you have caused, you will be responsible for paying your employees wages. For employees who are owed back wages, I have included the TN department of labor and workforce developement. I suggest calling Christina who is charge of labor standards and the non payment of wages, and reporting the criminal activities KiS is involved in. [email protected] Labor Standards Ph: 615-741-2858

Kis Is Falling Apart

Yeah Right

#16Author of original report

Wed, November 12, 2008

Good Job trying to show sympathy for those you have affected, but when you don't have explanations, it is easy to see through that BS. Here are a few questions you may or may not anwser why was noone told, employees, members or investors. true companies are going bankrupt, but surley they are paying payroll. Your company, however is not going bankrupt, contiuing its business and still not paying payroll. I would think that would be your first expense paid if you wanted to continue your business. When businesses move, they always have a sign on the door to the new faciltiy or directions or some sort of explanation. Where is that? Why has there been more comunication to me posting this on the internet trying to cover your company's rear than to its members and employees. To me that explains it all. I dont think you should be mad at the people who are upset with your company right now, some mistakes were made that has affected people your pretend to care about and no effort was made to help or explain or even pay them. Many of these employees had their heart involved in this company that is why they worked even after they were not getting a paycheck. How can you even pretend to care about these people when clearly your actions say different. You can quit praying for us also because it is clear that the things you pry for are not helping the people you have let down at all. What you can do is explain your plans of reconstucting to everyone who deserves it, and also payment of weeks of pay would be a step to doing the right things, not just some vague response blaming the economy on some of the bad decision made by your company. Take some responsbilty for what you have done.


KisGolf goes through Major Reconstruction

#17UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 11, 2008

due to the economic downfall of the economy the decision was made to restructure the company until our nation got its balance back. while some companies are filing bankruptcy, kisgolf will stand true to its employees and its members. the closing of some acadamies will have some fallout. kisgolf will re open in these areas but in the interum there will be practice facilities for the members to continue their lessons. while there will be other reports coming that will be negative kisgolf will weather the storm. our prayers go out to all who are feeling the effect of the economy. thank you all for seeing through the ill intentions of those who insist on making it complicated.

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