  • Report:  #237480

Complaint Review: L.A. Weight Loss - Greeley Colorado

Reported By:
- Greeley, Colorado,

L.A. Weight Loss
4330 Centerplace Drive Unit 636 Greeley, 80634 Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Wow if I only knew then what I know now. I started the LA Weight Loss plan on 05/2005. I was eager to loose some pounds that had crept on over the years after the birth of my children. I had seen all the commercials for LA weight loss as well as the testemonials in the different magazines and felt that I was pretty good at not being ripped off.

So the day I arrived for my "free consultation" I was greeted by a very nice, bubbly, friendly middle aged woman. She empathized with me sharing some of her own personal achievements. She was great, and actually was someone I didn't want to let down. I agreed to sign on, gave her some money and left with my juice and clear direction of how to proceed. OK no problems so far I completed the first phase, Take Off. I did not initally loose any lbs, however my sales person who was very friendly said oh not not worry, most people don't loose on take off. So we sat down in her little office and discussed my responses to the questionier. "Hmmm you state you have a peanut allergy, well our products have peanuts".

Yes I'm allergic to peanuts.

" What happens if you eat products with peanuts"?

Well in the past I have been intibated due to asthmatic exaserbation.

" Does this happen every time?"

Well no generally I'm not hypersensitive.

"Great then you can use our products. You will see great benefits including a greater weight loss".

Well the other day you said I wouldn't have to purchase any additional food.

"Well your not required hoever it will take more time to put together your plan, and well frankly their only 14.00 a box".

Hmmm well I really need to discuss this with my husband I'm not comfortable with this purchasing 4 cases of a product I cannot eat let alone find storage for in my home.

"Oh would you like to call him, here use my phone, you know you work hard too at _______________. You really are entitled to do this for yourself. Tell you what we can open a line of credit for you called Care Credit. That way it doesn't infringe on your family's income."

Well I'm not sure I want another credit card.

"Oh its not a credit card, They just front the money for the plan and you pay them back in monthly installments, tell you what look this over and I will complete your credit application. Oh look they've approved you for $2000.00 in credit we can just put this on this credit plan and then you can pay what you can afford each month."

Hmmm this says I have to pay with in 90 days. "Oh thats so you dont have interest".

Well my lunch hour is about up, in fact this has taken alot longer then you stated it would on the first appt.

" Tell you what lets go ahead and do the Care Credit, I will take care of all the paperwork, and if you sign now we will give you 1/2 your money back if you do not achieve your goal in

43 weeks" .

Hmm my goal was 150-170 lbs, you have here135.

"Yes 135 lbs is your ideal body weight. You do want to be healthy right".

Well yes but at 5'10 135 lbs is not practical. I have weighed that only once in my life and I was sick and cold all the time.

"Oh but that was then, with our vitamin suppliments you shouldn't have this problem".

All right well go ahead and sign me up for 43 weeks of weight loss and once I hit the goal weight I will pay for hte additional weeks.

"Oh well the program requires you sign up for 6 weeks of stabalization and 52 weeks for maintnence".

Hmm you know I really have to get back ot work, I've been gone two hours, go ahead and put everything together and a total and I will come in this evening and sign."

So the nice bubbly lady went ahead and put $1200. on my "Care Credit". I'm not one to rock the boat so I didn't question this, I asked her to confirm what the charges were for. She went on to state that I'm getting a great deal because of the number of weeks I purchased. Hungry and tired of dealing with this I signed.

For the first 14 weeks I did great, I consistantly lost 5 lbs a week. I then hit 170lbs. After being "stuck" at this for over a month I signed up for a gym membership. I started working out 3 to 4 times a week for about an hour a time. I compelted 45 min. of cardio, and 15 min of weights. I continued to remain stuck for an additonal 20 weeks.

I followed the plan to the letter, I arrived 3 times per week for my meetings and expressed I was concerned as I had been at hte same weight for over 4 mos. I was told the counselor would contact the diaticians and get back to me. So after messing around I hit 41 weeks, and had to go out of town for a funeral. I of course lost my warranty because I was unable to meet with the counselor for 2 weeks as agreed in my contract. OK no problem I feel great I'm looking great, I will go ahead and purchase a few additional weeks. Done and then it happened. My personal file began to be "misplaced". I would go in and it could not be located for several weeks at a time. Every time I would weigh in I was asked well are you up or down, we cannot seem to locate your file. Then came the high pressure sales. You really need to buy these bars, these drinks, these vitamins. Finally I bought the crap just to get them off my back.

Today at 210 lbs. I went into my weight loss center. Got on the scale and the anorexic counselor stated hmm your up two lbs. (Yea because I dislike you and every one here).

"Well do you have your journal"?

No I do not. I have decided to discontinue this weight loss plan.

"Why you have done so well"?

Well I had an asthmatic exaserbation last week and after discussing with my physician she feels this plan is not good emotionally or physically for me. I of course do not expect any kind of refund you all have been very nice. I would however appreciate a refund on any of the remaining product that you still have.

"Well we DON'T refund for bars".

What do you mean?

"We don't refund for bars".

I'm sorry I don't think I heard you right, your customer satisfaction guarantee states that any product not taken from the center will be refunded in full. These items contain peanuts and peanut derivitives so I would really appreciate a refund. I'm not asking for cash, just apply it to Care Credit.

"We do not refund bars as we have other products you can take that are peanut free".

Why are you not honoring the satisfaction guarantee? At this point I'm getting angry as she is being unreasonable. I asked her how many bars do I have left as I will sell them on e bay. She said I will be right back. I followed her to the front of the store and took the satisfaction guarantee off hte wall and returned to her office. When she returned I showed her the guarantee. She stated;

"Well you signed a contract and it states clearly that we will not refund any product".

I explained to her that yes I signed a contract on 05/05. However every single person that walked thru the door signed a contract. I also see on the contract that client has a peanut allergy. I asked her why this was hanging on the wall if they have no intention of complying? I went on to state the contract was no longer valid as it expired when I purchased the new weight loss weeks. The contract was for the inital 43 weeks, 6 weeks stabilization and the 52 weeks maintnance. I went on to state that I had been unhappy with the service for SEVERAL mos. and that I was not disputing the cost of the weight loss weeks, or unused weeks, I'm disputing the bars, as I have this care credit bill I receive every month for a product I cannot use.

As I was walking out of her little office I was told Roberta the center manager can come back and discuss. I said nothing to discuss. Can you please copy this satisfaction guarantee as well as my contract for me. She said she would. She walked to the front of the center and closed the door behind me. I proceeded to walk to the front where there were 6 women completeing their paperwork to join this mess. The counselor looked at me and asked me to return to her office. I advised her to take her bars and shove them this was a scam. She became irate now and said well Roberta said if you provide a letter from your physicain stating you are allergic to the bars we will refund you for them.

I'm extremley unhappy with the way I was treated!! The nice bubbly lady that I signed up with left the center early last year. They have turned their entire staff three times and the only person that still works there is a pregnant girl, a chubby manager, a couple fat counselors and an anorexic counselor. Hmmm how can they sell a product they don't even use?


My physician and asthma specialist have written me letters to document the peanut allergy. I will request they credit my care credit account for the balance and since they can charge my card they can also credit my card. I plan to request my file or copies of the document I filled out because they clearly state I'm allergic to peanuts.


Greeley, Colorado

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