The Labour Standards Centre of "Excellence", also known as "Lambrook Hampton Adensberg Trauns Pty Ltd" was invented by Mr Paul Tavatgis that also founded the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA) Australia. The Company operates like a scam. On one hand, the company purports to be good and to be helping charities to be "compliant to workplace laws", and on the other hand, Mr Tavatgis has ripped off fundraisers and paid them $5 per hour through Cornucorpia and some other face to face companies he operates. Ms Ebony Maria Levy is or was part of ILLEGITIMATE PFRA and was 100% involved in training businesses like Appex Aliance and others within the PFRA to break the laws she now purports to be helping them to "comply to".
The PFRA in Australia operates more or less like a cartel. The Directors are either from companies like APPCO, AIDA for Good, The Fundraising people that rip off charities and fundraisers and the face-to-face managers from charities that have been or are implicated in scandals,such as the wage scandals of 2016, 2017 and 2018.
We qould query the ethics of charities that cover wrongful actions by fake "regulation" and "workplace advice" created by Mr Tavatgis annd the original six charities that were implicated in scandals and FIRST signed up with PFRA.