  • Report:  #778051

Complaint Review: LACapital Investment - Beverly Hills California

Reported By:
FED UP WITH STEVE - , , United States of America

LACapital Investment
9107 Wilshire Blvd Unit 450 Beverly Hills, 90210 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This CON man has taken my father who was relying on his investment to support him in his elder years. The Oil and Gas exploration seemed founded -----Little did my father realize he put his money into a thiefs' pocket--Temporary certificates were sent and filled out with a magic marker. Promises for permanent certificates of investment--all empty emails.

 Since 2010 and earlier we have been stalled by empty promises to provide quarterly reports-never came- Dunn and Bradstreet reports--I called them and all Steve Muehler did was register-no actual completed registration with them---fake ups tracking receipt trying to make it look like reports were sent--it was only an order for p.u. that was not done either---

This guy changes his addresses on a regular basis to throw people off.  He has an address in Marina Del Ray, CA
He has an address in Beverly Hills, CA
He has an address in Los Angeles, CA

ALSO he has had in 2010 a REFRAIN AND DESIST order from state due to company NOT being legally registered to sell shares-certificates--you name it---SO temporary cerfificates were bogus

ALL of his -international investment sites have any number of phone #'s on them--but all go back to him at his 818 message. NONE of the websites are interative---ALL the 'offices' worldwide' go back to same message ANY 866 phone # you try will be routed to the same basic message The  email address he was communicating with is now defunct
and his new one is now up--- Claims of a login and password to view information on our investment is BOGUS--there is no interactive area at all----

FRAUD  Lies and more empty promises.  Now my father - over 90, due to his trust in his fellow man, gets to eat at free meal events and gets to by from a damaged goods store--and gets around now on a three wheeler bike--costs nothing in gas now. Until winter that is!---

Thanks Steve for helping hurt my father with all of your underhanded lying ways. Why don't you redeem yourself with my father?

8 Updates & Rebuttals

Ripped off too!

Steve is Still at it --where is the law?

#2Author of original report

Fri, April 25, 2014

Steve is still at it, with yet another plethera of false phone #'s and websites.  All fake, going nowhere disconnected-you name it.  Still waiting for YOU, Steve J Muehler , to make it right regarding my now 98 year old father-who had to resort to eating from a food bank -- why don't you take your private jet, and return dads' money instead of scamming someone else?  According to you, you have money to burn --I mean invest.  So why don't you return MY calls to set your life straight by doing the right thing and returning dads' hard earned money to him.  I now represent him so you can get my phone # from your one good phone # you have used for years, you know the one, 818-264-6047--the one that is supposed to go to your office in Chile, or wherever you might be today.

I really wish you would be a man and do the right thing by my father


California Department of Corporations

Desist and Refrain Order

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, May 02, 2013

 See attached Desist and Refrain Order, which was issued by the California Department of Corporations on August 24, 2010.

Report Attachments

Ripped off too!

claim of not knowing who my father is

#4Author of original report

Mon, April 22, 2013

Hello Steve
You say you have no idea who my father is, well when you took 50k in two payments and finally sent him temporary certificates that you signed with a magic marker, it was for Phil Seeling ring any bells now, Steve? You also had over one year of interactive emails with me, Karen , Phils' daughter, claiming quarterly reports were in the mail, permanent stock certificates were on their way, dividend reports were coming, on and on .  I have the emails if you would like a refresher, Steve. 

The capper was you claiming to have sent information and even gave me a tracking number to check the delivery status of, only to find out from the company that you indeed paid 4.95 to create a pick up, but nothing was ever sent , picked up or otherwise completed on your end.  So, when I asked you to do the right thing and at least, reimburse my fathers' money to him, so he could quit getting food at the food bank, now he is approaching his 98th birthday in May, you stated "up to you"  so, since we did ask for dads' money back, you have not responded one time.

thanks for continuing to prove my point and others, about you. I was really disappointed to find that you have no problem with taking someones' money for your own personal  use. I wonder what on earth you must be doing that to compensate for?  Were you not loved as a child? Did you get used to getting whatever you wanted from your mommy and daddy? 
You are a very intelligent man, for sure, and it is too bad that you chose to use your intelligence in such a low life manner.


Los Angeles,

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 17, 2013

1. The First Author of this Post is Mr. Michael L****, a Start-up Entrepeneur in the telecommunications industry in Plano, Texas. His Company, ESC Data Solutions, contacted Blue Coast Securities Corporation about

Blue Coast Securities Corporation DOES NOT take in advance fees for investment. You chose to retain our services to obtain an Articles of Conversion Statement for the State of Texas, and two, to get a Regulation A Securities Offering Drafted. We offered for you to have each done independently on your own, without paying this Company one single dime. You chose to have us complete each, and each were emailed to you, the Reg A on March 21st and and the Conversion Document on the 8th of March. 

In the signed agreement with you on FEBRUARY 27th, 2013, it clearly stated a start to finish time frame of THREE MONTHS. You posted here less than HALF WAY through the agreement. I stand by the fact you have been looking for investors since June of 2012, and to date have not gotten one investor to invest cash in your company. I also stand by the fact that you approached Verizon about utilizing your services, and were told that your services were not needed, and that you should concentract on small local carriers. I would post on here the results of our Due Diligence on the receptiveness of those local carriers on your business plan, but I will let you find out the hard way. If I was an investor of ESC Data, I would strongly encourage you to wait until ESC DATA has service contracts in place that you can independtly verify, without those, this company will never develop (do not hold your breath for to develop).

As for the "others I have scammed", lets cover those who have posted on this site (I will not dignify those "anonymous" postings). I took this right off a recent Q&A I had about the very subject, more of which can be found at www.SteveMuehler.com

You mentioned remarks on the internet by ventures you chose not to make investments into, can you tell me more about this situation?

 "I am glad you asked. Every 'start-up' or 'early stage' company seeking an equity capital investment from one of the Funds associated with Blue Coast Securities Corporation pays a due diligence fee. Being a fund manager, we are entrusted by our investors to make sound and safe investments, and a lot of research needs to be done in analyzing an early stage or start-up company. And, unfortunately, many times the venture may look good on the surface at a first glance, but when you get into the nuts and bolts of the company and its principles, it may not be an investment we feel is safe. We charge these possible investments the fee as we do not use our investors dollars and cents to do research in a possible investment or to do the background checks on the principles of the company. If an early stage company is not comfortable with the fee, it is a free country, they can keep seeking capital elsewhere. And no, not all possible investments have to pay the due diligence fee, those companies and executives with a track history of success do not have to pay the due diligence fee, and paying the fee in no way assures a commitment to fund will ever be issued."

 "At the end of the day, our clients are those who are investors in our investment funds, and it is our investors whose opinions count the most to us. I can guarantee you that you will be hard-pressed to find ONE SINGLE INVESTOR that does not love us! Provide an investor today with above market returns with safe investments, and you will have a client for life, and that is our standard! I will take being hated by every single 'entrepreneur wanna-be' that we chose not to make an investment into as long as I have the respect of every single one of our investors! And I would also say you should contact each one of the so-called 'business professionals' that wrote what they did about me, and I will guarantee you that NOT ONE OF THEM has raised a single dollar for their venture, and if they say they have, I will bet you they cannot prove it!"

One of them wanted to start a small commuter airline in Ohio. I am quite sure the $3,750 paid to us two years ago is not the only reason the Company NEVER got off the ground. I will make you a promise right here, any one of those start-ups can contact me right here, right now, and I will personally finance each one of them in submitting a complete S1 registration Statement to the SEC with a complete set of audited financials, clearing DTC and getting listed on the OTCQB Market, then we can all see how many investors flock to those companies to invest their dollars. Maybe I am wrong, but considering NOT ONE SINGLE ONE of them today is operational, I will stand by my assumption that there is just probably...... just maybe a reason greater than the small upfront due diligence fees paid to us that they are not funded by any investors here some one to two years later.?

Example of those who wrote about me online, and where they are at today:?

Sun River Energy - Came to us in the Late Spring of 2012. At that time, the Company was trading on the OTCQB at more than $5.00 per share. On the surface, a partnership seemed in the cards. After further due diligence on our part, the investment did not seem as attractive as it did at first introduction, and we did not proceed further with the partnership. Today, about one full year later, the Company trades at $0.16 per share. Funny, that is not part of any of their online comments about me!?

Voyager Resource Holding Corporation - Came to us in the Late Spring of 2012. Same as with Sun River Energy. The partnership seemed very attractive and it felt like good chemistry amongst our two companies. During the course of getting the venture set up and doing some 'good ole fashioned' due diligence, we stalled on our side in progressing with the partnership for various reasons. The Company was founded by members of what was MacroTrend Capital, and their biography seemed impressive, on the surface as we found out. Today, one short year later, neither MacroTrend Capital or Voyager Resource Holding Corporation are operational, all websites are removed and the CEO of Voyager Resource Holding Corporation and MacroTrend Capital today sells frozen water (yes, he sells ice). Again, I do not see any updates on their posts about me on the internet that details this point! Probably another good investment NOT MADE!??

Affinity Air Services - Came to me two years ago about Going Public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. We came to an agreement and and the Company's CEO submitted his documents to us. At time of application, he stated he had the "paid in capital" amount required to be invested into a company for a listing on the Open Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (a segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange now closed). When we got the required financial information, nothing could be further from true, the Company actually was far from meeting its requirement for listing. We did attempt to see if any of our outside sources were interested in partnering with the Company in an effort for it to obtain the proper paid in capitalization for listing. During this time, the CEO of Affinity Air chose to take to the internet to voice his frustration with the fact no one would invest money in his Company. Today, the Affinity Air Service CLAIMS to offer flights to Cincinnati, Ohio; Newark, New Jersey and Hollywood, CA. Calls to each airport reports no Affinity Air Flights, and infact each has never even heard of Affinity Air Service. A bit more investigating shows that no flight plan for "Affinity Air Services" has ever been filed with the FAA. Though, their website looks very impressive, it does not appear the Company is truly operating today, some two years later! Again, no mention of this on the websites they post their rants about me on.?"

I could go on a bit further, but I refuse to give an mention to the anonymous postings about me as most come from the same parties mentioned or disgruntle former employees that worked for us in the past. I will stand by simple facts. (1) We have had ONE single civil lawsuit since 2007. We lost that for $3,750 in a Los Angeles County Court, and we paid the judgment in full within the same day the judgment was filed. We have had no other civil lawsuits and to-date are not engaged in any civil lawsuits. If any of these posts held any credibility, I am sure some attorney would have been more than happy to engaged us in litigation. (2) We have not had any, and are not currently, facing with any actions by any State of Federal Regulatory Body. 

These are the facts, and these are facts anyone can investigate and find to be true. Again, I act in what is in the best interest of our Company and our Investors. I am 100% in Companies we chose not to proceed with an investment in. Today, NOT ONE SINGLE ONE of them is operational. Where some see a 'scammer', I am sure clients of Blue Coast Securities Corporation see a trusted partner looking out for their hard earned monies and the future of their families."?


Steven J Muehler is now Blue Coast Securities

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, April 12, 2013

Ole Muehler is now under the FAKE investment company Blue Coast Securities Corporation, Los Angeles California. 




This scumbag is now trying to scam others out of money with several new websites and trying to recruit new help in ads in West Palm Beach Florida.

his latest phone number that WORKED was  561-945-2629 a west palm beach phone number, so he is in florida right now.

I have contacted the Florida Attorney Generals office, so hopefully they will have him arrested soon!

Burned by Steve

Los Angeles,
United States of America
Mr. Steven Muehler, Alta Vista Companies, LAIC, L.A. Investement, etc.

#7General Comment

Wed, November 16, 2011

To anyone who has done business with, considering doing business with, or has done business with Mr. Steve Muehler, they should really do their research and get the facts. If anyone has been scammed in the past, is currently dealing with him regarding one of his investments/business opportunities, or is considering giving money to him please feel free to contact me to get factual information on just what he is doing; and more importantly what he is CAPABLE of doing. Between false accounts, phone numbers, virtual offices, emails, fradulant checks, and empty promises, consumers need the truth behind what is going on. I will be more than happy to provide/answer any such questions you may have.

Best regards,

Jason Breezee
[email protected]

Ripped off too!

United States of America
Update on Fed up

#8Author of original report

Sun, September 18, 2011

That would be really helpful!
I will give my father the info to get in touch with you , thanks.If it would help,  you can  see all of the requests that have been made to Steve and all of his responses. I have most, if not all, of them.

  The Alta Vista website that he directed us to was not an interactive site  nor was there anywhere to 'login' to see his own reports.

Have you another website that is interactive?

His investment was not with Alta Vista  it was with Steve's LA Capital Investment company.

So, yes thank you--perhaps you can help my father , thanks.  Who is, in fact over 90, a widower, and is living now on a shoe string--for real.  All attempts to even get Steve to contact my father have gone unanswered.  Fact--the Temporary ceritificates he received are filled in with magic marker-really.
No permanent proof of his investment was ever provided to my father, other than those two certs. I also have those to review if necessary.


United States of America
Alta Vista Investor since 2009

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, September 18, 2011

I have been an investor of Mr. Muehler' since 2009.

I have been on multiple occassions met with him at his offices in Los Angeles.

My quarterly financial reports have only be late on one occassion, and even then they were only delayed by seven to ten days, and I was more than informed of the delay by both the accountants and by Alta Vista.

I am able to speak to Mr. Muehler or his assistant almost daily. No more than two days have ever bye with out my phone call returned.

I am doubting the merrit of this complaint as I have been on many investor conference calls with the Alta Vista Staff, Mr. Muehler and I have not have had any problems in communicating directly with them.

If your report here is true (though I am doubting it greatly as I have a personal relationship with two other clients of Mr. Muehler's, each are retirees like myself and veterans like Mr. Muehler), I will offer my personal assistance in helping you as I will relay your information to him directly.

I will leave my contact below, call me and I will make sure I get your information to them.

Mr. Marcus Vetter, USMC Retired
[email protected]

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