  • Report:  #497980

Complaint Review: Lake Ridge Kennels Dee Gerrish - cleveland North Carolina

Reported By:
sandra - orlando, Florida, USA

Lake Ridge Kennels Dee Gerrish
http://www.goldendoodleworld.com cleveland, 27013 North Carolina, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am filing this complaint against the owners of Lake Ridge Kennels aka Golden Doodle World in Cleveland, NC.
Diane aka 'Dee' Gerrish has posted numerous false accusations on the Internet about me, my husband and my son and even though she has been warned to cease, she continues. Diane Gerrish is one of my sisters and is furious that our elderly mother lives with me instead of her. Yesterday, September 20, 2009, Diane and her husband drove to Florida from North Carolina in attempts to remove my mother from my home and take her to North Carolina. Diane's husband and two police officers showed up at my house here in Orlando. Diane's husband stayed on the cell phone with my sister while she told him what to say and what to do (apparently) but she was not with him. My mother had not seen Diane's husband in many, many years but I recognized him from a photo. Apparently Diane actually believed that my mother would actually get into a car with a man she didn't know nor recognize and drive away. As far as we were concerned, this man could have been anyone. 
Diane Gerrish has posted numerous nasty, hate-filled accusations and lies about me, my husband and my son on Twitter and Buzznet. In between these disgusting allegations she 'twitters' about selling puppies to her friends. 
I have hundreds of pages of blogs, articles and posts that go back over two years that were written and posted by Diane Gerrish accusing me and our siblings of wrong doing. I have spent many hours having these posts and blogs removed from MySpace and other websites. 
The Department of Children and Families are involved in this family feud and Diane Gerrish is the only sibling out of four that is creating trouble for me and my mother. 
I am sick of being harassed and lied about from Diane Gerrish and my advise to anyone who intends to do business with this woman had better beware. Diane is a known cyber bully and has a habit of 'muddying' the names of others on the Internet including other dog breeders and former clients. 
If Diane doesn't have any facts to post, she makes them up to suit her. I have had to change my phone number and delete an email address because of her continuous harassment. 
Diane, if you are reading this, I am telling you for the last time to stay out of my business, back off, stop posting your lies and allegations about me on the net. 
Our mother wants nothing to do with you. I have told you many times that she has no hidden money tucked away, there is no trust funds, no life insurance, nothing to split between her kids. You don't want to care for our mother, all you are after is her measly pension checks so you can pay your over due bills and go on vacation like you just did yesterday. You cannot run a dog breeding business from your home and care for an elderly person who needs supervision. You don't have the means nor the time to care for our mother and our mother does NOT want to leave Florida to live with you in North Carolina. Our mother does NOT want to live in Pennsylvania with our sister either. Our mother has lived almost all of her life here in Florida and this is where she wants to stay until she dies.
One more thing Diane: Why did you send your husband to my house instead of coming here yourself? Why did he drop you off around the corner? What were you afraid of? Did you not want to confront me in person? You do a fine job of bashing and trashing me on the Internet but you didn't have the nerve to confront me in person. I would say that you are a coward. You hide behind the Internet. You are real tough on the computer but you are afraid to see me face to face. 

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Altamonte Springs,
United States of America
Ignorance must be bliss for Kawinomad

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, April 16, 2011

Kawinomad denies she was in Lancaster Pa with her "friend" but I found a link to her videos on youtube which clearly show that she and her "friend" spent time driving through Lancaster county sight seeing.  If she wasn't there...then who would this individual be ?

Who is the person being amused by snow blowing sideways ?  Or the fact that the "field" happens to be river completely frozen and covered in snow.  Her "friend" although she claims isn't amish,  delights in calling her "jakey-mamma" and her calling him "jakey-daddy" and telling her stories about his father working at the Lancaster county Prison and him bringing his father lunch when he was a little boy at the guard tower.

Her "amusing"  (not) videos will entertain you for hours.  But make sure to take a break because your eyes will glaze over just as the guests eyes did during Jakey-daddies birthday party. They all looked like they had such a wonderful.  Notice their not so smiling faces.

Kawinomad says she didn't tell anyone her age.  She didn't need to.  Her turkey neck and the wrinkles are a dead give away.  Sorry for the pun.

About the grandkids....she was sitting right next to Jakey-daddy's car seat.  His  Hyundai was too tiny for the car seat and Kawinomad and him as well.  Oopsey!  The tour of the  farm country was so sweet,  neither one of them got out!  They drove and drove and drove some more! How entertaining!  Enough to put us to sleep!

http://www.youtube.com/user/danielzlady  belongs to Kawinomad even though she uses the name Danielzlady .   Perhaps the two of them will live happily ever after in her mother's home right after she completes ripping off her dear ole, ailing mother who has dementia.

As far as her clothes and her hair goes...well that just speaks for itself.   Clearly both are outdated and she should go see someone about not only those issues but about her mental health issues.


Nice Try Diane

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, April 06, 2011

I am replying to a post on here from Feb. 25, 2011 by an unknown person but it's quite clear that it was posted by Diane Gerrish.
The writer said that I visited Lancaster, PA. not long ago to visit someone "I know very well".
First of all, my friend doesn't live in Lancaster, PA.
The writer stated that she "won't mention my friend's name but he has grandkids and Sandra acted like she likes kids but you could tell kids aren't her thing."
I never met my friend's grandkids and they don't even live in the area. Wrong again Diane Gerrish.
The writer stated that my friend works in a middle school. He does not. Again Diane Gerrish, your 'private detective' work failed you. He also does not work in a cafeteria as you stated in several of your rants on here and on Blogspot.com.
There is no way for you to know if my friend is "close to his family". You don't even know who his family is or was.
The writer claims that I was telling her friend "what to do from the start" and the writer stated: "She completely ignored our family during her visit".
Well, I must say that I have no idea what this means. My friend's grandchildren do not live in his area, and this "family" you refer to simply doesn't exist except in your warped mind.
The writer stated: "We certainly hope she doesn't come back here to Lancaster". Well, I certainly won't because I wasn't there in the first place!
The writer goes on to state that my clothing was too tight, I need to do "something" to my hair (some of the text is cut off) and that I look older than I said I am. I don't recall ever discussing my age with anyone while on vacation. Diane Gerrish, have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Do you not see how grossly obese you are? I would bet that I could fit both of my legs into one of your pant legs. In fact, I had no idea that spandex could stretch that far but you got your fat a*s in it, didn't you?

The writer claims they told 'their' friend he could "do better" and (they) hope he listens.
The writer also goes on to say that (text cut off) "doesn't know it but she was sucking him into her family drama". This is another interesting false statement because I don't recall ever discussing my personal business with anyone while I was in Pennsylvania.

Lastly, the photos posted were NOT taken in Lancaster.

So Diane Gerrish, before you post your lies here on this site, don't you think you should do your homework first?
Everything you posted was nothing but a lie.
Way to go. Keep digging that hole. It's getting deeper.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Information about Sandra Johnson

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, February 25, 2011

I don't know who this Dee (diane) Gerrish person is regarding all of the complaints on this website,  but I am a little bit familiar with this Sandra Johnson individual.

She came to Lancaster PA not long ago to visit someone I know very well.  She isn't a very nice person even though she tried to act like she was.  I saw right through her.

I won't mention my friend's name but he has grandkids and Sandra acted like she likes kids but you could tell kids aren't her thing.  My friend works at a cafeteria at a middle school where kids are all over the place.  He is close to his family.  Sandra did nothing but put her family members down.

She said she had a son but then Inoticed she had a daughter who has a son,  on facebook.

"Jeni El West".  I looked her up.

What a pity.

This woman will realize too late everything she has missed out.  She was telling my friend what to do and how to do it right from the start.  She completely ignored our family during her visit.  We didn't like her and we certainly hope she doesn't come back here to lancaster.

Her clothing was far too tight for her weight and she really does need to do something with her hair.  Too heavy and for her age,  she definitely looks older than she said she was.  We told our friend he could do better and we hope he listens.

He doesn't know it but she was sucking him into her family drama. Something he doesn't need to get involved with.  I dont know what's going on but we hope he stays out of it.

Here are some photos that were taken while Sandra was here in Lancaster.

Report Attachments

Goldendoodle World

North Carolina,
Complaint against "Dee Gerrish"

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 11, 2011

The complaint posted on this website against "Dee Gerrish" is just 1 of many that continues

to pop up around the internet by an estranged family member named Sandra Faye Bircheat, Holka, West, Johnson of 7414 anstead circle Orlando Florida.

This estranged family member began her smear campaign in August of 2006 and the campaign has continued by this individual under a multitude of internet user names,  all over the internet with a myriad of fabricated, over the top absurd accusations and claims.

My mother attended my wedding ceremony to my husband  in 1994 and Sandra Johnson met my husband in 1996.  Mrs Johnson's accounting of events is completely fabricated in this complaint.

Her "complaint" has nothing to do with my Goldendoodle business nor does it belong on this website.  She is not a consumer nor has she ever purchased from my business.

Mrs Johnson has been using this particular website as her sounding board because she is aware that the website owner literally stuffs his website with google adwords, keywords and any other meta-tag he can think of so that search engines will pick up any personal name, business name and any other "word" that you can type from your keyboard.  She is further aware that the website owner of this particular site will NOT remove any content once it is posted and that he has a "reputation defender team" send out email to individuals as well as businesses when their name is mentioned on his website in a derogatory manner.  They are then asked for thousands of dollars to supposedly "repair"  their "derogatory reputation".  I call that extortion.  I refuse to PAY the website owner of THIS site to remove content that Sandra Johnson continues to post on this website.

I know her "complaints" are fabricated, outrageous, absurd and exaggerated.   If Sandra Johnson had any type of real complaint toward me or my business,  she would have taken her issue/s against me inside of a court room.  As such,  the only thing this woman has done is cause personal internet distractions and disruptions to unsuspecting potential dog owners who were simply looking for a family pet and came across the  garbage posted by Sandra Johnson.

It is unbelievable that the website owner posts his own garbage on the main page of this website pretending to be a "consumer protection"  agency when he allows people to come here and pretend they have a complaint when they don't.  Sandra Johnson has posted, so far, to this date... 12 fabricated complaints that has nothing at all to do with dogs or my business.

She is posting nonsense about being "stalked, slandered, trashed and bashed" and yet,  she offers not one single copy showing a legal police report.........not one single copy showing a legal sheriff's report......she doesn't offer a single copy showing telephone records that prove she is getting telephone harassing phone calls... she isn't offering a single shred of supporting evidence that I am doing anything TO her to back up her claims.   Every single "complaint" posted on this website

that mentions my name... whether it has HER REAL NAME SANDRA JOHNSON or whether it has a fake name attached to the complaint... CAME FROM HER. 

Not even the posted comment about someone supposedly claiming to be a "friend" knowing what "my next move is going to be"  was posted by anyone who knows me.  That was posted by Sandra Johnson.  There is absolutely NO ONE close to me who came to this website and posted such nonsense.  A court order would absolutely solve that issue right away.

I have tolerated about all I am going to tolerate from Sandra Johnson coming to this website and posting absurd, fabricated, exaggerated nonsense about my business.  This has gone on since Aug. of 2006 all over the internet.

I have been a breeder for 15 years and never in my entire life have I seen something as ridiculous as this.  In the 15 years I've been in business, I have NEVER been harassed so much by anyone as I have by this crazy individual and she hasn't even met one single dog I have ever owned.

She doesn't even live in the same state.  She has never been to my home.  She has nothing to do with my dog business.  

My blogs can be found at http://dianegerrish2.blogspot.com  where my blogs offer links where content either is still visible or the content may have been deleted by this person.  She has a habit of posting derogatory content that mentions my business and my personal name...  with my personal photos attached to the content...once google picks up the content,

she then deletes the content and moves on about her merry way acting like she never did anything wrong.

This person has never accepted responsibility for the damage she has caused my business for all of these years.  She delights in what she has been doing.  It is outrageous that the website owner allows this and it is ridiculous if you read his fabricated policy about not posting content that isn't true.

Nothing this woman has posted on this website is true.  It is very interesting that Sandra Johnson

posted this content because the content she has posted that go beyond this date completely contradicts THIS 'complaint'.  

Her claim about having to "change her telephone number" because of harassment is very interesting.  Why hasn't she uploaded a copy of her telephone bill showing she received harassing phone calls from my home if this were true ?   Why didn't she upload a police report if her claim of telephone harassment were true ?   She had to "delete" an email address because of "continued harassment" ?? 

I wish I had enough money to take this woman to court.  I wish I had enough money to have such a case televised for everyone she has lied to on the internet to witness this woman being laughed out of the courtroom.  I can not even count how many times I had to block this woman's ability from sending email to my personal ONE account because every time I blocked ONE created email account that she created,  she would create yet another...then another... then another and another.

This woman is a professional victim.  She has learned how to play the game very well now that she has played this game for many years.

But it no longer matters.  I've been a breeder for 15 years and this is my last year.  She can post to the wind and people come to this stupid website and believe this lunatic's rantings which completely contradict each other....  then they can buy their dog some where else.

My business has provided beautiful, loving, first generation, very healthy puppies and dogs since 1996.  We have shipped them all around the world.  I am one of the original founders for the Goldendoodle dog for the entire southern region of the United States.   I am the first breeder who even registered the Goldendoodle dog with a kennel club.  NOT ONE single breeder was writing about the Goldendoodle dog until I BEGAN WRITING ABOUT THEM in 1999.

I have already made my mark in the world of Goldendoodles.  I have already made my mark in this world with other successes in my life that has nothing at all to do with dogs OR my family...estranged or otherwise.

Do you think... Sandra Johnson...

that your nonsense will knock me down ? Do you believe your nonsense will cause me to crumble ?

I will still be on my two feet.  I will still be standing and I will still be the same strong person moving forward as I always have been.  You don't win.  My suggestion is for you to move on with your life and stay out of mine.

I was standing on my own long before you ever contacted me in August 2006 about wanting one of my dogs and you got all pissed off because I ... your sister... told you that even though I would give you a dog, I had to have you fill out my canine application.  But instead of doing that... you made it a huge deal and got pissed off and suddenly started a smear campaign toward my business all over the internet.  You can put your little spin on things and you can twist your story, flip it, bend it, peel it any way you want to peel it.  That's what it all comes back to.  The fact you got offended by your your younger sister over a dog you never got because of a simple canine application.

I really don't care how you change your version.........  your story is full of holes and your story doesn't add up.  Everything you post on the internet about me, my business and my dogs and this ,  that and the other thing has been fabricated and meant to derail my business.

We have Goldendoodles who need homes...who are looking for homes and those who could not find homes thanks to this individual who hates dogs so much that she dumped her own dogs with rescue groups in 2010.  She scoured facebook and breeders on the internet to take her own dogs off of her hands and they went to her home in Orlando Florida and took her dogs.  All five of them or whatever amount she had at that time.  She gave them a sob story about her husband dumping her.  And her being a "caretaker" for my mother.

She wasn't a care taker for my mother then and she isn't a care taker for my mother now.

She dumped my mother in a nursing home FOUR months after my mother trusted HER with a durable power of attorney.  When my mother asked to get out of the nursing home...this woman rushed to the nursing home and took my mother out 1 hour before my husband got there from out of state,  to help my mom.  The events that unfolded are untruthful as recounted by Sandra Johnson.

Three months later,  my mother nearly died in Sandra Johnson's home.  Paramedics had to be rushed to her house.  That circumstance is still not clear.  I think Sandra Johnson did something to my mother but I can't prove it one way or the other.

In Feb. 2010,  at the same time Mrs Johnson had rescue groups pick up her dogs... she dumped my mother in a second nursing home.  Eastbrooke Gardens in Castleberry Florida.  She refused to tell anyone where she put my mother and she refused to let anyone have contact with my mother.

I didn't find out where my mother was until Oct. 2010.  When I found out,  I had to file a complaint against the facility through the state because Sandra Johnson told the facility that NO ONE was to have contact with my mother except for HER, her son and her husband.

When a state ombudsman got involved,  they told Mrs Johnson that by law,  she could NOT prevent other family members from having access to my mother.  She was NOT nor ever has been a legal guardian.  Just a POA.  She has kept my mother a prisoner inside of her Orlando home since May of 2009. Except for the short time she dumped my mother in Savannah courts nursing facility in St. Cloud Florida in Sept. 2009.  I am not sure how long my mother was there until I found out about it.

I just know when she picked my mother up because I contacted the Orlando DCF's agency.  Not even THEY were aware that Mrs Johnson had put here there.

Because Sandra Johnson was causing problems at the nursing facility in Castleberry by telling the nursing staff that no family members could speak to my mother or visit my mother...when the director/s were not on duty,  the directors told Sandra Johnson she had to move my mother out of their facility.  Sandra Johnson then filed a neglect complaint against the facility saying that her mother was "neglected"  even though Sandra Johnson lived only 20 minutes away from the facility.

She could have spent at least lunch time with her mother once or twice a week and she never did.

She dumped my mother at that facility and didn't go back to visit.  I called my mother on a regular basis the moment I found out where she was.  I sent her flowers and I sent her a box full of gifts.

When Sandra Johnson found out I sent flowers,  she went to the facility and threw the flowers in the trash.  She sent an email telling me she did this.  When she found out I sent a box with gifts to my mother... she took a snap shot showing HER dog s****..

Report Attachments


Harassed By The Owner of Lake Ridge Kennels aka Goldendoodle World

#6Author of original report

Mon, September 28, 2009


Today's date: Monday September 28, 2009.
The link above will take you to Diane aka "Dee" Gerrish's Twitwall. There you can read her accusations, lies, and all of the malicious content she posted about me, Sandra Johnson, Orlando, Fl. The second link will take you to the numerous complaints about this person as well.

Diane aka "Dee" Gerrish is also known as "Doodleplum" on Twitter and you can find numerous vile postings about me there as well. My sister also has blogs posted on her account on MySpace about me and to find those blogs, she goes by the name: "Simply Deedee".
"Dee" Gerrish is the owner/operator of Lake Ridge Kennels located in Cleveland, North Carolina. She breeds and sells various breeds of dogs but mostly Goldendoodles. "Dee" Gerrish is known also by the name: Goldendoodle World and has numerous links to her website on Google. Because "Dee" Gerrish is a business owner/operator, I am filing my complaints about her as a disrespectful proprietor and a person who should not be posting malicious, libelous, disgusting and vial blogs about her own family on the Internet. This behavior is extremely unethical and inappropriate for a business owner to do not only to her family but to her former customers and other dog breeders she has had 'run-in's' with over the years. All one has to do is type her name into Google and read the many complaints about her unethical business practice and read some of the posts where she has bashed and trashed others on the Internet.

While it is true that "Dee" Gerrish and I have been 'feuding' for several years, this doesn't excuse her as a business owner for engaging in this on going 'war' with me.
I have already posted a recent complaint about her sending her husband from their home in North Carolina to my house here in Orlando, Florida. "Dee"'s husband showed up unannounced and paced up and down in front of my house on the sidewalk like some kind of a stalker. I live in a neighborhood 'watch' area which is also in a cul-de-sac and I know every one of my neighbors. When I saw "Dee"'s husband staring at my house, I was on the phone to the police. I had never seen this man in person and my elderly mother did not recognize him either. He did not knock on the door nor did he attempt to call me to tell me who he was and what he wanted. A few minutes later, two police cars pulled up in front of my neighbor's house and two officers got out to talk to Dee's husband, Michael Gerrish. Apparently, Michael Gerrish had called the officers himself and told them that he was at my house to remove my elderly mother and take her to North Carolina with him. The officers knocked on my door and I let them in while Michael Gerrish continued to walk up and down in front of my house. The officers talked to me and my mother for a few minutes and asked my mother if she wanted to go to North Carolina with the man outside. My mother vehemently told the officers that she did not know the man outside and she had no intentions of leaving with him nor did she have any intentions of leaving Florida to go to North Carolina. Michael Gerrish did not take "no" for an answer, instead, he was on his cell phone with my sister, "Dee". My sister demanded that she talk to our mother on the phone and the officers said that it was up to me to decide. At first I declined then decided that my mother could tell my sister how she felt about going to North Carolina. In front of the officers and myself, my mother told my sister, "Dee" Gerrish that she was NOT going to get into a car with a man she didn't know and she was NOT going to North Carolina under ANY circumstances.
The officers told Michael Gerrish to be on his way and he left.
If the officers hadn't showed up and my mother had been outside in my yard, would Michael Gerrish had grabbed her and put her in his car? What the hell was this guy thinking? My mother didn't know him. I don't know him. He even parked his car on a side


North Carolina,
Allegations made about Dee Gerrish/Lake Ridge Kennel/Goldendoodle World

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, September 25, 2009

The allegations made on this website regarding Dee Gerrish, Lake Ridge Kennel and Goldendoodle World are not only untruthful in their entirety,  but have been placed here by Sandra Johnson and other estranged family members...their friends and their family members due to internal family strife going on that revolves around my mother who  has dementia.  My mother has been the center of in internal fighting for many years when it became known that she was being exploited, taken advantage of, ripped off and neglected at the hands of Sandra Johnson...Charlotte Estes...Karyn Kelly and Carolyn Rogers.  All estranged sisters and half sisters of mine.

Untruthful allegations with absolutely no merit began to surface upon this website in mid 2006 after Sandra Johnson became upset over the fact she wanted a Goldendoodle from me and I told her I had no problem giving her one so long as she filled out my canine application.  Family member or not, business is business.  Sandra Johnson began a smear campaign towards me as a person and towards my business in 2006.  This rebuttal would be nothing more than a repeat of all the other rebuttals placed at the end of all of these fictitious complaints.

Secondly, this website in its entirety is nothing but a site to extort money from individuals as well as companies who have been targeted by individuals such as Sandra Johnson.  Upon these posted untruthful allegations placed upon this website, I received a phone call from a company supposedly being a reputation builder! I was told that if I gave them $25,000 they'd remove these derogatory comments made towards me and my business.  This is completely absurd!  I told them that was extortion and that I had no intention of paying anyone for anything regarding whatever claims were made and I immediately hung up on them.  There are very interesting blogs about this website that prove the purpose for this site is to make money off of people who have been wrongfully targeted by individuals such as Sandra Johnson.  Not to mention the fact that all of these derogatory allegations have been put on this site by the same people, but using multiple fake user names and pretending to be various people from various places!  If you don't believe me of how simple it is to pretend to be various people....pull out a yellow pages and start making up allegations about every single business listed in the yellow pages.  Create multiple fake names and watch your postings become immediately available upon this website!  This website is a joke!  It has no validity whatsoever as a company trying to prevent consumers from having a supposed bad experience with any individual or company that may or may not be listed here.  Please go to this wonderful site below to read the truth about this website that pretends to be a site to protect consumers:


Sandra Johnson enjoys pretending to be a victim of harassment, cyberbullying and of being lied about.  However, just go to her twitter page at http://www.twitter.com/1dogtrainer and go as far back on her old tweets as possible...under the button  "more".........and you will be able to read what she wrote about not just me, but our half sisters, their family members as well as our real younger sister, Karyn Kelly.  Convenient enough,  Sandra Johnson posted semi nude photos of my younger sister, Karyn Kelly all over the internet.  She posted blogs on various websites trashing and bashing Charlotte Estes and Carolyn Rogers and their family


This City,
I don't know any of you BUT

#8General Comment

Thu, September 24, 2009

1. Sandra Johnson dumped her mother into a "nursing home" 30+ miles away, despite the fact that there were myriad CLOSER facilties to her own home AND despite the fact that she KNOWS her mother did not WANT to EVER go into such a place.

What do the closer nursing homes cost and are you willing to pay for them Dee?  I care for my parents who are 91 and 92 daily. My brothers all live out of state. They all of a sudden cared this week when my adult niece visited from out of state. She told her Dad that 91 year old Grandma (my Mom) , deep into Alzheimers, didn't remember her parents died and she and wet her pants. Daily event

My nieces dad (oldest brother, 58 years old) called my other brothers.  They all called me, not to offer help or advice. They said I had to do better. They said as the only girl it was my job.  I did better, I gave Mom their home and cell numbers. She is now calling them in the middle of the night when she gets scared. LOL

2. Sandra Johnson had her mother CALL Dee Gerrish, attempting to get Dee to get a copy of her father's death certificate so that Sandra Johnson (through her mother) can get access to any social security survivor benefits there may be (probably none to be had, however, since her father died in 1994).

Death certificates are public records, you only have to pay the copy cost. Social Security Survivor is only for kids so that story is nuts.

3. When Dee Gerrish found out that her mother had been put into a nursing home AGAINST Mother's wishes, she promptly began actions to get Mother out of said nursing home. Sandie promptly took Mother back OUT of nursing home mere hours before Dee's husband arrived to get Mother OUT of said nursing home herself.
4. Sandra Johnson is a hypocrite and a liar of the first magnitude.

There are alot of issues between you two that have nothing to do with your parents.

Dee Gerrish, My guess is you have issues.  You talk about yourself in the third person too much.


To the person trying to contact me

#9Author of original report

Wed, September 23, 2009

Please call the department of children and families regarding the person I filed my complaint about. The number is: 407-317-7092. They urgently wish to hear from you.


Sandra Johnson is the proverbial pot calling the kettle a liar...

#10General Comment

Wed, September 23, 2009

1. Sandra Johnson dumped her mother into a "nursing home" 30+ miles away, despite the fact that there were myriad CLOSER facilties to her own home AND despite the fact that she KNOWS her mother did not WANT to EVER go into such a place.
2. Sandra Johnson had her mother CALL Dee Gerrish, attempting to get Dee to get a copy of her father's death certificate so that Sandra Johnson (through her mother) can get access to any social security survivor benefits there may be (probably none to be had, however, since her father died in 1994).
3. When Dee Gerrish found out that her mother had been put into a nursing home AGAINST Mother's wishes, she promptly began actions to get Mother out of said nursing home. Sandie promptly took Mother back OUT of nursing home mere hours before Dee's husband arrived to get Mother OUT of said nursing home herself.
4. Sandra Johnson is a hypocrite and a liar of the first magnitude.


Diane is trying to extort money from you


Mon, September 21, 2009

I am sort of a friend of Dianes but I can't help that I feel what she is doing is wrong.  I'm really only friends with Diane because of we are both dog breeders but I have had many conversations with her and she flat out admitted that her plan is to get you to pay her off so that she will leave you alone.  She seriously believes that she is destroying your reputation so badly that you will pull out money that her mother has stashed and give it to her.

I can tell you from having known this woman for years that she is not all there.  I wish I had a way of contacting you since I know every move she is going to make.  She loves to tell everyone what her next plan is. 


Good luck with dealing with Crazy Lady.

Reports & Rebuttal
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