  • Report:  #423961

Complaint Review: Lake Ridge Kennels - Cleveland North Carolina

Reported By:
- orlando, Florida,

Lake Ridge Kennels
165 Four Lakes Drive Cleveland, 27013 North Carolina, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I first reported Dee Gerrish owner/operator of Lake Ridge Kennels here in 2008 for harassment and defamation of character. She retaliated by posting a long and slanderous complaint about me which was expected because everyone has a right to defend themselves.

Since the day she posted her retaliation against me, her hatred for me and our sisters has morphed into a monster that is completely out of control. Yes, unfortunately for me, Dee Gerrish is my sister. Even though I am only four years older than her and grew up in the same household, we were never close as children and we kept it that way throughout our adult lives as well. When I was a young teenager I left home and Dee accused me of abandoning her even though our parents were still alive and well. Why she made that statement is beyond me but she makes a great deal of senseless statements so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. After many many years of not communicating with Dee, I contacted her and asked her if she had any puppies for sale. This story is already posted on this site so I won't repeat it. The reason there is an on going online family 'feud' to this day is because I declined to buy a puppy from Dee. When her nasty, hate-filled emails started coming to me I remembered exactly WHY I kept my distance from her for so many years.

I saved the emails just in case and I'm glad I did. A little time went by and my husband and I started getting unwanted phone calls. The first call was my own brother who was obviously more than willing to do Dee's 'bidding' for her. He told me to back off of Diane. Note: Dee is not her real name. Her real name is Diane Sheila Bircheat/Wester/Chenevert/Sloane/Gerrish. She likes to call herself Dee Dee.

Diane wasn't satisfied with our brother calling me so she decided to call my house in the middle of the night from a different phone number. My husband got so sick of her calls that he finally put the phone next to the television and let her listen to a race he was watching. The next day I called the number where she called me from and left a message for the owner of the phone number that I was going to report Diane's harassing calls to the local authorities and the person who owns the phone number will be reported as well for being an accomplice. The calls stopped but the Internet blogging started. There are so many disgusting, threatening, harassing, slanderous, malicious and defamatory blogs, posts and articles written by Diane about me and our sisters that if printed out, would fill several folders. All of these horrible, creepy blogs were posted every single day, several times a day on as many websites as Diane could post on. This has been going on for months and months. Diane uses the Internet as her personal, public diary and because some sites don't censor the material, Diane was able to refer to me and our sisters as "parasitic, scum sucking sluts", thieves, whores, lunatics, and well, you get the idea. In between the name calling Diane used the 'F' word quite frequently along with other lovely obscene language to get her point across I guess. Not only did she call us names, she posted our full names, addresses and phone numbers as well as our grown children's names and locations. Diane went so far as to post horrific lies about one of our sisters having an affair, sleeping with our brother, stealing money from our elderly mother and on and on. Diane accused our oldest sister of robbing our mother and using our mom's credit cards to charge items for herself. Our oldest sister lives with our mother and takes care of her because our mom has Alzheimer's disease and can't take care of herself any longer. Diane can't stand the idea of our sister being there and has called DCF and the police so many times that they are sick of it. Diane continues to target me and our sisters in blogs even though I report her and her blogs are removed. When one is removed, two more pop up. Diane even went as far as post links to me on the net before I removed them. She went to Photobucket and copied 48 of my photos. She then manipulated them and posted lewd, disgusting and obscene captions under them. sex with each other! Diane also posted photos of my dogs and posted disgusting captions under those as well. I reported her and the photos were removed but not before I copied them to my computer for evidence.

Early last year, before Diane and our youngest sister broke off all communication with each other, our youngest sister paid Diane a visit. Our sister drove eight hours to help Diane with some work that Diane needed done on her property. Our sister told me that the minute she stepped out of her vehicle she was "overwhelmed by a horrible smell" coming from Diane's property. She described it: "it smelled like something dead". She was met at the gate by Diane (Diane's small lot is hidden behind a tall privacy fence). Diane gave our sister a 'tour' of the small property and our sister described it to me like this: She said that Diane lives in a single-wide trailer and the small lot is crammed with a boat, a travel trailer, several vehicles, several three-sided sheds with a huge amount of junk pouring out of them, a bunch of aggressive dogs kept in an outdoor pen, Guinea hens running all over the place and poop everywhere. Directly behind Diane's trailer is a large metal shed that houses her breeding dogs. Diane calls this shed the kennels. Our sister said she didn't really want to go inside but she did and was horrified to see so many dogs crammed together in small pens all barking their heads off. She said everywhere she looked were cobwebs and dog hair piled up. There was a refrigerator where Diane keeps vaccines for the dogs. There were no proper containers for dog food and the floor was filthy as were the pens. Our sister said nowhere did she see any place for the dogs to exercise in. No play area, no run, nothing. Just dogs confined in pens. She said she even saw a grown cat confined in a too-small cage and when she asked Diane why the cat was kept in a cage Diane said, "because that's the way it is".

After the 'tour' was over, Diane wanted our sister to build shelves in the three-sided sheds but that was an impossibility because the sheds were so full of junk that she said she couldn't even walk into them. She told Diane that if she wanted shelves she would have to remove all the crap first. Diane became angry and bossy and told our sister to go trim some bushes. While our sister was cutting the hedges she heard a horrible sound and saw Diane run past her chasing a dog. One of Diane's aggressive dogs had attacked another dog and viciously ripped it's stomach open. Diane yelled at our sister to hold the dog still so she could sew up the gaping, bleeding wound. Our sister said she was so horrified that she didn't know what to do. Instead of rushing the dying dog to a vet, Diane sewed the dog's stomach back together herself. When our sister asked Diane why she wasn't going to use anesthesia Diane said, "the dog is already in shock and doesn't feel anything". Our sister told me that she was so traumatized by what had happened that she decided to return back home the next day. Our sister told me that she went inside Diane's trailer and because Diane's large dog surprised her, she accidentally bumped into a shelf and one of Diane's figurines fell and broke. Diane said "that's okay, it only cost me five-hundred dollars". Our sister apologized several times and when she saw what the figurine was she told me that there was no way it cost five dollars not five HUNDRED dollars! It was a statue of a wizard. On the shelf were other fantasy type figurines like unicorns, castles and fairies. (this explains why she puts these things on her profile page on MySpace). Our sister said Diane keeps her trailer very dark and gloomy and it smelled like dog crap and urine. She said Diane's kitchen looked like she started remodeling it and never finished it. The bathroom was the same way.

Our sister spent the night in Diane's travel trailer and all night long all she could hear was the dogs barking non stop. Before she left the next day she had a conversation with Diane's husband and grown son when Diane wasn't around. Diane's husband told our sister that they had surrendered ten dogs to the animal shelter because they didn't sell when they were puppies and Diane wanted to get rid of them to make room for dogs she could breed. Diane's husband also told our sister that he has tried to talk Diane into having just one breeding pair and selling all the puppies before breeding the dogs again. Diane's son told our sister that his mom is overwhelmed with the dogs and can't keep up because she is greedy. Diane is the only person who feeds the dogs and sells the puppies. When I asked Diane a question on the web about how does she take care of all those dogs, sell puppies and still spend hours upon hours every single day blogging about me and our family? Her response was: "My estranged sisters think I live in the dark ages. I can walk and chew f***ing gum at the same time. DUH. I have a phone attached to my ear while I'm working with the dogs. I can work on the computer and take care of my dogs at the same time." Well, I don't know what the phone has to do with anything but then again, I don't know why God allows this woman to exist.

When Diane found out that our sister's visit had been posted on the Internet, Diane went berserk. She denied all of it. She accused our sister of being a liar and demanded proof of what she witnessed. Our sister is probably the only one in our entire family who would NOT make up something so horrible about ANYONE and I know that our sister is telling the absolute truth about what she saw.

Diane's evil grew worse. Just recently, Diane started harassing our sister with unwanted phone calls. One after the other. Diane actually had the nerve to make her own husband call! When the calls went unanswered, Diane sent several threatening emails to our sister's husband's email address. Diane threatened to send her husband to our sister's front door to confront her. The authorities were called and all documentation of the phone calls, emails and months of blogs, posts and articles were turned over to the cyber crime unit. Our other sister who was named in Diane's blogs has done the same thing and I am about to do the very same thing myself. I was going to do it yesterday but this morning I found more garbage about me on Diane's MySpace profile.

I had most of the trash removed by reporting her to MySpace but there's still a few left. If anyone wants to follow Diane's craziness and lunacy, go to MySpace and in the search bar type: simply deedee. Just click on the first one (she has many) and it will take you to her dark profile page that has a white unicorn on it. She may have changed it but she will never leave MySpace. Blogging is her life. Trashing other people even her own sisters is what she lives for. Confrontation is her life's blood. I am telling everyone right now that if you are considering buying a puppy from her, you need to find out what kind of a psychopath she is first. Try wading through her weird website. Try reading the application and contract. Your eyes will cross. Your head will spin. Just type her name into Google and see what comes up. Type in Lake Ridge Kennels, Cleveland, NC and read some of the crap she has put there. She breaks her arm patting herself on the back for being an "award winning, top 100, professional author and writer and creator of the Goldendoodle". Yes folks, she claims that SHE "created" the Goldendoodle.

Again I will say this: Unfortunately I am her sister. I am ashamed to admit it and I wish to God I wasn't related to her. You will probably see our sister's complaint on here so stay tuned.

Disgusted orlando, Florida

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Crystal Lake,
I did not make the above posts

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, October 26, 2009

An ex lover of mine has made the comments above using my account.  The problem has been dealt with.  The comments above in no way represent my opinion.


Crystal Lake,

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, March 19, 2009

Actually, I'm all too real, and I won't stop until the truth is revealed. What do you mean by "Fake"? I'd like to hear another one of your deranged stories as to how I'm an "Obscure relative" or whatever your delusions tell you!


North Carolina,
Rebuttal to Ben...Your a fake

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, March 17, 2009

Ben, I've lived nearly all of my 51 years without ever commiting a crime and I plan to live the rest of my life without ever commiting one. I'm not a criminal, dear fake Ben, nor ever plan to be. You've no issue with me, dear fake ben, so please move along. Your about as fake as this website.


Crystal Lake,
"Cyber Criminal" is a bit harsh...

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

TO WHOEVER FILED THE REPORT: Mrs. Gerrish isn't a "Cyber criminal". That's a little dramatic. However, that doesn't mean she is a good breeder or a good person. Just because she abides by the law doesn't make her ethical. Eventually, Mrs. Gerrish, you will slip up and commit some sort of crime. Even if it's a minor one, the people you've mistreated will jump all over it. They'll press charges for every little thing they can find on you.


Crystal Lake,

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

Like I'm going to drive out to NC, spend thousands of dollars to hire a lawyer to prove my point, and pay court costs just to prove that I'm right about you! You harassed one of my friends, so I'm not going to stop until the truth is revealed about you!


North Carolina,
Ben...get a life

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 11, 2009

Have a great day, who ever you really are. By the way, Mr. Ben...you are always free to call me at 704-278-3647 if you would like to set up an appointment and come to my home to take your issues with me in person. You nor anyone else on this piece of crap website have any ligit issue with me. If you did, we'd see you here in NC in a court of law....feel free to come here at any time and bring forth your issues.


Crystal Lake,
Regarding my last post

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, March 10, 2009

Oh, wait, I DID find a post in your defense at the link below: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/424/RipOff0424979.htm#395215 This comment from "one of your customers" is very similar in structure and size to your own comments, interestingly enough. Rambles on without really getting to the point. How do we know that you aren't creating fake accounts, like your "Sisters" are supposedly doing?


Crystal Lake,
This site tells the truth

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, March 09, 2009

Only a truly dishonest business person would get upset at this site... If you were an honest business person, Mrs. Gerrish, you wouldn't call this site "Crap". Even if somebody posted negative things about your company here, you wouldn't need to worry, because your customers would defend you. I have yet to see a customer of yours defend your business on this site. It's just you, saying "This person is an estranged relative! Don't listen to him/her!"


North Carolina,
Response to Disgusted in Orlando

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 04, 2009

As a third response to Sandra Johnson, since you want to put names out there (And by the way, I've never had the last name SLOAN) I remember you've gone by the last names of Bircheat/Belk/Holka/Smith/Johnson but your internet names have been so numerous its hard to keep track. I fail to see what your "rip off" complaint is. Your posting on this website has always been nothing but personal attacks to further your smear campaign that you began back in September of 2006. My brother has never called your home, Sandra Johnson. The truth is, my husband called your home ONE time and no one picked up the telephone. He left a message on your answering machine telling you to stop calling our home and to stop leaving hateful messages. His message was very brief and to the point. Why don't you tell people the truth instead of twisting your stories around? You want to put your dirty laundry out in the internet audience, so lets just do that. Your no saint, Sandra Johnson. In fact, you told your mother when you were a little girl that you had been sexually molested by your father and your mother didn't believe you. The entire reason your so pathetically screwed up as a person is that you were attached to an embylical crazy straw inside of your mother's womb. You left home as a young teenager from Hollywood Florida to go live with your lazy, crazy step sisters named Charlotte Estes and Cheryl Rogers..only at that time, Charlotte's last name was Belk which is why you took up that last name. Cheryl was married to a man named Myles at the time. You've never been much of a part of our family growing up because you hated your father and you hated your mother for not believing your molestation story. The truth is, Sandra Johnson is that you, me, our brother and Karyn Kelly...the youngest of four were raised in a very dysfunctional family because our mother was co-dependent and either too scared or didn't have enough confidence to get out of a very abusive relationship with a raging alcoholic. Yes, Sandra Johnson...you had life quite great as a kid because you weren't there to run across the street screaming for help from the neighbors while our father was beating our mother. You didn't witness him chasing her down the street trying to kill her and you didn't have to live in a house where every time our father got out of control from his drunken rages, you wondered if your father was going to kill not just your mother, but everyone in the house too. But the one thing I can say for myself, Sandra Johnson, is that for some reason, you have a difficult time moving away from the dysfunction and you've turned into the very abusive person that your father was. Your father had a really good way of embellishing stories and making people believe them even though they were untruthful and ridiculously over the top. He did it for attention because he felt like a worthless human being and he had a very low self esteem...quite like you. I see that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree because you've turned out just like your father. It's very hard for me to talk about the negative aspects of my father because even though he was a horrific monster when drunk, he was the kindest person with a huge talen for music and could make me laugh, when he was sober. I loved him depsite his disease with alcohol. Thankfully he was a functioning alcoholic and our mother made sure we always had a decent roof over our heads even though I'd rather have lived in a campground, on a dirt floor or in a shelter than the seemingly pretty house she called a home that was riddled with dysfunction. You got married to Bill Smith and had a daughter named Jenny. I surely hope that despite the fact you abandoned her as a little girl and left her with her father when you divorced him, that she's turned out to be a decent person. Perhaps because you didn't raise her, she might just have a good head on her shoulders. I found it interesting that you claimed in your piscasso photo albums that you were a "proud grandmother". Really?? How does a "proud" grandmother behave like such a tyrant over the internet doing nothing but spending their free time stalking, harassing, trashing and bashing ME every chance you get on as many websites as possible??? The problem with you, Sandra Johnson, is that you behave ONE way in front of people but quite differently behind their backs. You don't know how to have an actual meaningful relationship with friends or family because the truth is, your inner soul is full of turmoil and suffers from deep emotional issues. I have moved on from living as a dysfunctional individual from the verbal and emotional abuse I suffered as a child. Unlike you, I actually obtained alot of self help and am no longer affected from how I was raised as a kid. I don't harbor any hate towards my parents. You sent very hateful letters to your mother saying that you never wanted anything to do with your siblings or her and that you were very glad that your father was dead. You said horrible things to her through your own handwriting. Our mother kept those letters in her safe that mysteriously disappeared one day in 2006 not long after she had your son, Jason, legally evicted from her home because he was being abusive towards her. The fact that her oldest daughter, Cheryl Rogers, had moved into her home not long before the safe came up missing gave us two people to be very suspicious of as being behind the stolen safe. I was in direct contact with the detective regarding that incident and no one could be pinpointed about the disappearance of the safe because our mother was in the beginning stages of alzheimers and she couldn't identify the men who had come to her home under the guise of being "roof inspectors". I found that stolen safe incident to be quite suspicious given the circumstances that her safe was hidden inside of her closet and my mother has three bedrooms. Mysteriously they knew exactly where to go. Now that more things have come to light regarding money missing from my mother's banking accounts, her credit cards being improperly used and the fact she is being horribly exploited and taken advantage of by her very own daughters and the fact her original will was in there; she had money in there and your hateful letters were included....I find all of this quite interesting as how it all went down. The truth is, Sandra Johnson, your so caught up in the cycle of abuse that you lash out to me over the internet simply because I have my business listed on the internet and because I write articles about my Goldendoodles that have become very popular over the internet. I'm very good at writing but the difference between me and you is that you write nothing but lies and embellished stories of untruthful things! I write about the facts and I write about things that I actually know has happened or is happening. I'm not about writing lies, Sandie! My life doesn't revolve around lies. I live with truth and I know what the truth is. Even my blogs about how I was raised and my journey through life bothers you for some reason and some how you think its all about YOU when it isn't about you at all. You've made my articles about YOU by copying my articles to your computer....making fictitious inappropriate charges of being harassed where my articles were housed and now many of them are gone....but you seem to think its okay to repost my articles after you've taken my words out of context, twisted them around and changed my words with your own slanted, sarcastic version. You are caught up with jealousy and I can't figure out why. I've gone nearly my entire life without you in it and have done very well. I think it is time for you to move on and into a new direction and that direction means to remove yourself away from me, my blogs, my articles, my business and my life. There is no need for me to write more about your pathetic life. The truth is, Sandra Johnson, your much older than me and you've accomplished very little in your life. Are you sad about that? Well, if you are, then do something about it. THe fact you're not successful at anything isn't anyone's fault but your own. I have no idea why you'd even go into the dog direction since you never owned dogs as a kid nor had anything to do with dogs growing up or as a young adult. I was always the one who had the dogs even as a kid! I've lived my entire life with dogs because dogs have always been a huge part of my life. I can't figure out why you have anything at all to do with dogs other than the fact, your trying to be like me. The very person you claim you hate. I don't hate you, Sandie......I just don't like you. Your not a nice person. You've never been anything other than a back-stabber and you've certainly never offered me a helping hand at all at any time during my entire life. I think you've wasted a huge part of your life and you continue that downward spiral of wasting your life by spending all of your free time personally attacking ME over the internet. Get a huge bottle of "get the f*** over it" because you need more than one dose. There is nothing wrong with the way I conduct my dog business; I'm not a crook or a bad person; I served several years in the military and I proudly served my country as a soldier. I've accomplished a lot in my life and there isn't anything you can say or do to take away the things I've accomplished in my life. I'm happy with my life and I'm happily married. I love my dogs and they love me. You have absolutely nothing at all to do with my life, my business, my dogs, my kids, my husband. I can't think of one single place I've EVER lived (with the exception of living at our parents' house and you were there off and on) that you've ever come inside of my home. The reason you don't have one single photo of ever being inside or outside of any home I've ever lived at is because you were never invited! The fact of the matter is, Sandra Johnson, you've not a single photo at anytime during my life showing us as being friends or just doing happy things together or of having any adult family photos of us together unless there were from when we were kids and you just happened to be at our mother's home when I was visiting. That's how little you know me or anything about me other than what you copied from my original blogs and articles. The only thing you actually know about me as a person or a business is what I've written myself over the internet. Now unfortunately, you've copied those very articles and journals and blogs to your computer and then turned around and made bogus charges that my writings "harassed" you...got some of my accounts deleted simply so that you could turn around and repost them and change the content pretending that they were written by me when in fact, you've done nothing but change my original material around and added your own version to them to make them somehow "dirty" or "vile". That is called copyright infringement and there is a law against what you've been doing over the internet. My only hope is that over time, people will come to see you for who and what you really are and that is a despicable, vile individual who seemingly gets pleasure out of personally attacking me over the internet. You don't have the balls to personally come to my home and discuss what your issues are. Instead, you hide behind your computer pretending to be multiple upon multiple fake people even going so far as creating fake business listings and names just so that people on the internet will think badly of me and my business. You degrade me personally, but your attacks degrade the wonderful people who have personally purchased from us since 1996 and you degrade terrific dogs that I've invested years with, simply because your a jealous, hateful individual. Nothing you've written about me is true and if anyone had any common sense whatsoever, they'd ask you to produce legal supporting evidence (Not your trumped up photoshopped pictures you claim are mine or content that you've claimed I've written when in fact you've changed all of the content I originally wrote and reposted the content after you changed the material.). If I were a potential customer and I came across the vile things you've claimed, I'd ask you to show me copies of your phone records! I'd ask you to show me legal documents to support the claims you've made. I'd ask you who was your lawyer...which we all know you don't have. I also found it very interesting that in one of YOUR blogs, you claimed you hired a financial advisor for your dog training business and that you didn't splurge on "dog training" tools for your business. I sure saw that indeed you didn't spend any of your money on your business. Instead, your photos showed numerous motorcycles, cars, airplane rides, trips across the country and showed nothing but frivolous, over indulgance on not just your part but on your husband's part as well. You had the audacity to send personal email to me claiming that you and your sisters had every right to charge our mother...who has dementia and a very small income of less than $1600 a month to care for herself....for her care and that your step sisters had a right to use our mothers' credit cards and money from our mother's bank accounts and yet you bitches sit back and gloat in your lavish lifestyles acting like fat cats. It appalled me to see the over indulgance on not just your part, but on the part of Karyn Kelly of Stroudsberg PA and your step sister, Charlotte Estes with expensive homes and over spending like freaks of nature, but you think its okay to charge your mother for her care???? I don't even know what "care" you are talking about because our mother is just a little confused. She hasn't been declared by any doctor thus far as being completely incompetant or unable to care for herself. She lives in her own home and the supposed care taker you claim she has is none other than her oldest daughter from her first marriage, who does nothing but sponge off of my mother and uses MY mother's credit cards and her small income for her own personal benefit. She's lazy and doesn't do anything for my mother much less be a qualified care taker!!! None of you, including the daughter who is sponging off of my mother, could gather some money together to help pay her bills? To provide her with whatever "care" you think she needs?? Instead you think its okay for my mother to be taken advantage of having her bank accounts robbed and her credit cards improperly used for purchases that has nothing at all to do with her care? It's okay for your sisters to make multiple trips at my mother's expense and bring their entourage into her home creating huge electric, water and gas bills just for the sake of Charlotte Estes, Karyn Kelly and Cheryl Rogers of having fun trips? Where is the moral right of helping your mother out from your own pocket? What even makes you think that its okay for you people to take advantage of my mother in this way? My brother nor I have done any of the things you claim and you are using this website mainly because the owner of this website is a schmuck! There have been other people making the same observations about this website as I have and that observation is that the owner of this website doesn't give a crap about what is posted on here. This website isn't used for what it claims it is used for. Anyone can come in here and pretend to be joe blow and file a trumped up complaint that has no merit of truth to it! People are suppose to take this website seriously??? Give me a break! This website is just as bogus as the crap you've posted towards me and my company! That's why you've used this website to post your rants towards me. I've noticed that your pattern is to find websites where there is little accountability for what is posted and you fill it with garbage pretending to be multiple fake people. You post your garbage and then you answer yourself under the guise of being different people. What a joke! I can't even believe anyone would take this website or what you write as being the "gospel". The truth is, this website is as about as fake as you are, Sandra Johnson!


North Carolina,
Another response to Sandra of Orlando Florida

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, March 01, 2009

I just came across this interesting abusive posting you placed on "Central Pets" under the user name, Fladogtrainer. Sandra Johnson, you are by far the worst liar I've ever come across. I thought your father was an embellished liar, but I actually believe you have HIM beat in the lying department: Your posting was as follows: From: fladogtrainer Received: 01/05/09 11:51 AM By the way, as for the doodle, I didn't get her from a breeder in Ohio. Her name isn't Sunnydaze. I got her from a REAL breeder who has an outstanding reputation so unlike yours. The dog is a service dog. Why do you continue pumping out litter after litter when the shelters are over crowded with doodles? Just this morning I saw shelter after shelter all over the country with doodles that need homes. You are the one who should be ashamed of yourself. You are only in this 'business' for the money. You don't give a crap where your puppies and dogs go to just as long as the money is in your hand. You spend so much time on the Internet writing your BS that there is no way you could possibly be taking proper care of all those dogs you have. You steal material from other people and make it your own then post it under your name never giving the real author the credit. I've seen it. You want the world to believe you are some kind of super star. You want everyone to think that you are a musician, an 'acclaimed' writer, a professional and reputable dog breeder when in fact, all you are is a dreamer. You post lies all over the place about our parents and the way we were raised. You post lies about me and our sisters and how we have ruined your business. Good. You need to know this right now: You and your brother Mike are no longer considered as part of our family. You and he have each other and none of us girls will ever have anything to do with either one of you ever again. I can speak for the other girls and tell you that you and Mike are dead. Mom doesn't even know who either one of you are and when she passes, you won't know it. We have vowed to not tell you and him. I think you know the reason. You and Mike are nothing but trouble makers seeking revenge and both of you probably carry guns. I hope you bring a gun into the state of Florida because there is nothing more that I would love than to see you rot in prison. When you stop posting your blogs and articles full of lies, that's when I will leave you alone. If you continue bothering me and our sisters, you will get it back ten fold. That's the way it is. End of story. End of posting. Now Sandra Johnson....that Goldendoodle you bought from a breeder and paid a very large sum of money for and had the dog shipped to you to the Orlando International airport was named Sonny. I have photos of you picking up the dog at the airport. By your own admittance, you gave the dog away to, and I quote, "A young family who could allow Sunny to continue being the alpha dog that she is". Unquote. That dog is not a therapy dog. I don't know of any alpha dogs used in therapy programs. You claim to be a professional dog trainer under the name, "Gone 2 the dogs" there in Orlando Florida just south of I-4 and you live off of Anstead circle there in Orlando Florida. I find it amusing that as a supposed dog trainer, you were not able to train Sonny to behave around your other dogs or train the dog to do much of anything...which is why you gave it away. You claim that I said awful things like you sleeping with your brother?? Let me remind you that it was YOU who sent me a horrific message under the guise of user name, "Chixie" claiming that my younger son was, and I quote, "The product of you and your brother sleeping together", unquote. I printed the crap out which you plastered on your My Space page before it was deleted but I see you've got a new My Space page and by god, I hope you keep that one private because I will flag it if you post further hateful things on it using my personal images and my personal name in such a hateful, malicious way, again. Every single hateful thing you claim I've done to you is exactly what you have done to ME. You are disgusting, vile and a horrific individual who needs medical attention and if you aren't on medication now for your emotional issues, you should be. THe problem with you, Sandra Johnson, is that you are very jealous of my success. Your very jealous that I have a decent relationship. Your very jealous for multiple reasons and its obvious that you are completely and utterly fixated on me, my dogs and my life and business. And by the way, unless you plan on burying my mother inside of a concrete wall inside of her house, I don't even know how you believe you and your sisters will get away with keeping her death...when it happens...a secret. But dream on and keep that dream alive. You and your sisters are going to pay very dearly for all the damage and problems you've all been causing and its just a matter of time before all of this nonsense turns right back around to yourself. I wish upon you and your sisters...ten fold....that you get exactly what you deserve...which is absolutely nothing. Your a very stupid individual. As a proud gun owner, I have every right to bare arms...fire them....shoot them...carry them or lock them away... just like millions of other proud gun owners. I don't hide behind the fact I own guns. They were not obtained illegally. Also it is quite legal to enter any state with a gun so long as there is the proper permit, so your statement about bringing a gun to Florida, is quite ignorant. Your not even worth wasting a fourteen cent bullet. If anything happens to you Sandra Johnson...it'll be your own doing, it won't be from anything I've done. Karma has a way of taking care of hateful people like yourself.


North Carolina,
Response to Disgusted in Orlando

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, February 28, 2009

Sandra of Orlando Florida...a supposed dog trainer just south of I-4 called Gone 2 the dogs...your ridiculous nonsense on this website just further proves you are nothing more than an abusive, parasitic scum bag who is obsessed with me and my business. By all means I surely hope you did file a claim with a cyber crime unit so that they can find out that it is only you and your other pathetic loser sisters behind all of this nonsense over the internet. You have no ligit claim with me Sandra Johnson, which is why you continue acting like a crazy person over the internet making up all of these embellished, untruthful stories. Why don't you join a support group to help you with your obsession because its obvious to me you are in dire need of an audience. Take your "I hate Dee Gerrish" smear campaign to a support group so that you can visually see the reaction from real people. Maybe a support group can help you look in the mirror and see what an abusive person you've turned out to be and how sick you really are as an individual. You only continue this nonsense over the internet because you can hide under multiple fake people; multiple fictitious businesses and pretend to be who ever you want to be for the day and you can write whatever you want. Hell, why don't you write a book since you are so good at lying. Go write an "unofficial tell all book about Dee Gerrish". You know nothing about me, but your really good at lying. It's really a shame you waste so much of your time behaving like this. If you put as much energy into your dreams of being a successful dog trainer as you have following and stalking and obesessing with me and my business over the internet , you actually might find yourself really successful. You are doing nothing but making yourself even further unhappy by remaining this hateful, spiteful, completely awful person. It makes me wonder sometimes how you can even live with yourself or how others can possibly stand to be around you. How does one live with so much inner rage and actually deal with reality? I'm so glad I'm not you. It must truely be awful to be you.

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