  • Report:  #368531

Complaint Review: Lake Ridge Kennels - Cleveland North Carolina

Reported By:
- orlando, Florida,

Lake Ridge Kennels
165 Four Lakes Drive Cleveland, 27013 North Carolina, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The owners of Lake Ridge Kennels is Dee and Mike Gerrish. Several years ago I contacted Dee to ask about acquiring a goldendoodle puppy from her. After a few email exchanges she offered one of two remaining puppies that she couldn't sell at the cost of $800.00. Normally, her pups are sold at a staggering cost of over two-thousand dollars but because she couldn't sell these remaining pups, she decided to give me a discount. She suggested that I read her contract, print it out, sign it and return it to her by mail. After attempting to 'wade' through forty plus pages of the purchase contract and spay/neuter contract, I contacted Dee and told her that I had decided to wait on buying a puppy. While searching her website, I also came across some very disturbing comments she wrote about other people. Dee apparently was insulted by my decision and fired off several very nasty, hate-filled emails. I found this to be very unprofessional for a 'reputable' breeder which she claims she is. My innocent inquiry for a puppy has turned into a endless Internet feud that turned very personal including threatening phone calls from her and most damaging, a very long rambling article she posted on the Internet about me. I came across the article purely by accident and when I saw my entire name and a photo of myself, I decided to take action. She accused me of being mentally ill, on drugs, stealing, and much more. Slanderous attacks like these from a virtual stranger should raise a red flag to the reader that says: the author is obviously not dealing with a 'full deck'.

Because so much time has gone by I thought this online 'feud' was over and done with until I found her article. I contacted my attorney and intend to file a defamation of character law suit against Dee Gerrish and her business. I have purchased two puppies from reputable breeders since this 'feud' began and not once have I encountered anything like the nightmare I am going through with Dee Gerrish. A professional business owner would never stoop to such levels that not only makes her self look foolish, it damages her very own reputation and credibility. All I can say to anyone who is considering doing business online or anywhere else for that matter: Do your research. Ask questions. Check with the Better Business Bureau. Search around and read everything you can about a business. Check references.


orlando, Florida


15 Updates & Rebuttals

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, June 14, 2009

I'm not commenting on this report or situation but to your question about that condition being enforceable in a breeder's contract. It is a condition of the sale and without mutual agreement the transaction would not go through. The SPCA case most likely had to do with the contract itself and not that specific term but that the adopter got nothing in return for agreeing to those terms. A breeder's contract that contains terms and conditions like that is very different usually and if it's not it isn't enforceable. The buyer gets something in return for agreeing to those terms and conditions (like health guarantee) and it is therefore enforceable. It is the difference in the contracts and agreements themselves that makes it enforceable or unenforceable.


New York,
I'll repeat my question

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 13, 2009

since it has not been answered. ''DO YOU AGREE TO RETURN YOUR PET AND NOT RESELL OR REHOME HIM OR HER IN CASE YOU ARE NO LONGER WILLING OR ABLE TO PROVIDE PROPER CARE?:'' By what legal theory do you think you can enforce this 'requirement?' By what law or case law do you believe the owner of the pet must notify you, let alone be liable for whatever you proclaim to charge for 'repossessing the pet. In NY State, this is unenforcable. This would be akin to Ford motor company telling me I must return my F-150 to Ford Motor Company rather than sell it to someone else when I no longer wish to keep it. Also, there was a federal court case many years ago concerning the SPCA and their 'adoption' [then] agreement. The court ruled that what transpired was a SALE OF AN ANIMAL (not an adoption) and that the 'restrictions' imposed by the 'adoption agreement' were not enforceable. What makes you folks any different? What makes you believe that anyone who PURCHASES an animal from you MUST contact you before they sell or give the animal to another?


North Carolina,
Further evidence proving complaints are bogus

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 11, 2009

None of the postings regarding Lake Ridge Kennel have any merit to them. Below is an emailed apology written to Dee Gerrish, admitting that Sandra Johnson has been behind all of the faked, trumped up nonsense plasted all over the internet: Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 06:28:21 -0700 From: (((Redacted)))(Sandra Faye) Subject: Apology To: goldendoodleworld Diane, I PROMISE that I will do my BEST to repair the damage I have caused you online. I may not be able to do much because as you know, most things people put online usually stays there forever. I will have to do it little by little but I assure you Diane, I WILL DO IT. You did not deserve to lose business and money and although I feel that you DID deserve SOME of the things I said about the way you attacked me personally, it was 'tit for tat' and I take full responsibility for over doing it. Saying "over doing it" is an under statement. I do not wish to continue this family feud any longer. God knows we have suffered enough. We are STILL suffering it. You and I have never really 'loved' each other even when we were growing up but I can say this much about me and you......we DO have a LOT of memories of growing up together. You and I are only a couple of years apart and unlike me and Karyn or you and Karyn, me and you have more memories together than any of our other siblings. You were a pain in my a*s when we were growing up and I really hated the way you would try to follow me, Darlene and Fleta around but you know what? All in all, I admire your 'moxie'. I admire the fact that you managed to rise above all the dysfunction in our family and make something of yourself. You served in the Army, you made a business and a life for yourself, and you have dug in your heels and refused to give up even after all of the bullshit that damned near ruined your business thanks to me. Diane, I can never go back and change what I did but I promise you that if you give me time, I will do everything I can to help you build your business back up. Hopefully the economy will get better and by me giving you a public apology and by me supporting your business on the Internet as often as possible, HOPEFULLY, your business will thrive again. Honestly Diane, I don't have anything against your business. You know I love dogs and I think you have done a remarkable job at raising your dogs, breeding and caring for your dogs. I know what you do is NOT EASY by any stretch of the imagination and honestly, I don't know how the hell you do it. I couldn't do it nor would I want to. Sandra Faye J CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


North Carolina,
Lake Ridge Breeder drops off dogs at Rowan County Animal Shelter

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, May 07, 2009

I have know way of knowing if any of these other reports are true. Although I do find it odd that Dee Garrish would air so much dirty laundry on the internet. That in and of it self should be enough to scare away potential buyers of her dogs. However I am being 100% truthful when I tell you that Ms. Garrish just dropped off a bunch of her dogs at an animal shelter that is know as being a high kill shelter. These dogs were old breeding dogs that apparently have outlived there usefullness to Ms. Garrish. I find is disgusting and shocking that someone who claims she is a reputable breeder would dispose of dogs in this manner.


Crystal Lake,
It's YOU, my friend, who does the "Cracking up"

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, March 19, 2009

Actually, you're the one who cracks me up. It looks like you can't say anymore so you wildly throw around accusations and insults. In the words of the rap-god Redman: YO, YO, YO! CHIIL, G. CHILL La. It's over man. You ain't gotta say no more, it's over.


North Carolina,
Ben is a fake

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 16, 2009

You crack me up! Whatever you say, Ben!!!


Crystal Lake,
On the contarary...

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, March 11, 2009

I know plenty about your business and it's unethical practices. I used to live in your neighborhood. Keep commenting, Mrs. Gerrish! You just keep proving my point more and more as you do. Saying I have "Mental Issues"? This person complained about you saying such things in the first place! By now, it doesn't matter if this person's related to you, because you just proved his/her point. The one thing you've been right about so far is my name. It isn't "Ben". Revealing your real name over the internet is an incredibly bad idea. STEER CLEAR OF THIS "KENNEL"!


North Carolina,
Response to Ben

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, March 11, 2009

"Ben"...if YOU even exist....the owner of this website could give a rats a*s about who you are or anyone else for that matter. THis website harbors nothing but trash and appearantly your just another piece of it. These postings hurt my business?? Only if people reading the s**t on this website have half a brain and can't figure out that these complaints are about as bogus and fake as the people filing them. My dearest Ben..if you feel you have a legal issue with me, by all means, I encourage you to come down to NC along with my EXISTING sisters....who goes by "Disgusted in Orlando" and whose name is Sandra Johnson as well as Karyn Kelly of Stroudsberg, PA who has followed her abusive sisters' footsteps over the internet...and file your ludicrous lawsuit. You do not intimidate me, scare me or worry me one single bit. Isn't this what this smear campaign is about??? To "ruin my business"??? You've not purchased from me. You've not received any email from me. You've not inquired about a dog from me. Sounds to ME like you don't have a single issue but to come in here and further flame the fires of my estranged sisters who have obvious mental and personal issues that have nothing at all to do with a dog. I don't think you exist at all. You are nothing but Sandra Johnson's figment of her imagination. What's YOUR phone number??? Give me a call Mr. BEN....you can visit my website at www.goldendoodleworld.com and get my phone number and personally call me........I'd love to chat with you in person, so how 'bout it??


Crystal Lake,
Nice story, Dee Gerrish!

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, March 06, 2009

Dee Gerrish: I am NOT your estranged sister, if she even exists. Everybody who tries to tell the truth about you, you call an "Estranged relative". The people at this site can trace my IP Address, and verify that I am not your "Estranged sister", and when they find that, you may get into trouble with the law for saying such things. At the very least, it will hurt your "Business".


North Carolina,
Response to Robert in New York

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 19, 2009

You asked what makes us "folks" any different regarding our canine application that is also a purchase agreement/application. Perhaps you should take that question to a North Carolina judge. According to the law here, my canine application/contract is a legally enforcable document that is binding between myself and the person who signs it. Of course Ford Motor Company can confiscate your purchased vehicle if you did not pay for that vehicle in full and you do not hold the title to the vehicle. They still own the rights to the vehicle until they hand over to you the title showing you are the sole owner of the vehicle. I'm not holding a title to an object where someone pays me monthly payments and when the object is paid in full, they then receive the title showing them as the sole owner. I am not selling a vehicle. A breeder is entitled to have a contract in place for selling an animal or adopting an animal. A breeder's contract is enforced by law, if both parties sign the contract and agree to the contract's stipulations. This would pertain to anything that someone has sold or agreed to. A contract is a contract is a contract. When two parties agree to a contract and both parties sign the agreement, it is enforcable by most courts. It is a legally binding document. Perhaps you fail to mention the case with Ellen Degeneres where she lost a dog back to the person she had adopted it from and the dog had to be returned to the person who allowed her to adopt it because she did not abide by the contract they both signed. According to the law where I live, my canine application IS enforceable through a court of law. I do not live in New York, so I do not know what your laws are nor do the laws of any state other than North Carolina, pertain to me or my dogs or my contract. Secondly, I do not see why you are even commenting on this website because it is completely off topic and has nothing at all to do with you. If you are an actual person and not a trumped up, made up person by Sandra Johnson who is behind all of these fake, bogus complaints using multiple fake names, business names, internet user names....then the original fictitious complaint does not pertain to you nor concern you in any way. The original complaint to begin with isn't even valid! Sandra Johnson pretends she's been harassed, victimized and whatever else she continues to whine about over the internet under multiple pretend names but the truth is, she's just an estranged sister who doesn't have the balls to bring herself to my home to confront me in person with whatever personal issue/s she believes she has with me. I do not have any issues with any of my estranged family members other than honestly believing they are all crazy and have lost every shred of their frickin' brain cells. There isn't a single ligitimate complaint on this website or any other site that has any merit of truth to them. If they were valid, they wouldn't be smearing me over the internet. They'd be taking their issues to a court of law and behave as normal people would. As it were, these are grown adults who appear to be quite dysfunctional and in need of some serious medical assistance. We've done nothing wrong, which is why we continue to have great success with our dogs and the terrific people who buy them! Make sure to visit our website at http://ww.goldendoodleworld.com while your at it and read our hundreds of successful comments written NOT by me....but by actual people who have purchased from us! My website has over 7000 files! ENJOY! By the way, stop by and say hello on MY SPACE at http://www.myspace.com/simplydeedeedee GOOD DAY TO YOU AND THANKS AGAIN FOR THE PUBLICITY! WE LOVE IT.


North Carolina,
Response to "Ben" and "Robert"

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 19, 2009

My only comments to the supposed people who claim to be "Ben" and "Robert" is that I know for a fact that Sandra Johnson has pretended since 2006 to be multiple people, creating multiple fictitious accounts, user names and fake business names. The responses from the supposed "Ben" and "Robert" are more fictitious names created by "Disgusted in Orlando" who happens to be my estranged sister, Sandra Johnson. Since 2006, I believe I've counted now up to 50 different fake user names, not to mention the countless bogus business names she creates simply to further my name. It is a known fact that Sandra Johnson is an abusive person who has done nothing but personally attack me over the internet since 2006 with multiple fake user names, business names, personal names even going so far as to respond to herself by pretending to be various "other" people. Sandra Johnson claims she is a dog trainer just south of I-4 in Orlando Florida called Gone 2 the dogs. Her address is 7414 anstead circle, Orlando Florida 32810. She claims that she has gained the trust of her community but that's because they do not know she has been spending her countless free time smearing my personal photos with photo shop on websites where they allow you to create photo albums; they do not know she spends all of her free time pretending to be countless people who claim to have been wronged by "Dee Gerrish" of "Lake Ridge Kennel". Anyone who feels they have a ligit complaint that has an validity to it, is free to file a complaint through legal channels. There is no need to "try" me through a kangeroo court call the internet. Stop hiding behind your computer and bring forth a legal complaint if you feel you have one. Otherwise, stop whining and making up fake, embellished, untrue stories. People over the internet could give a rats behind about your trumped up soap box drama. While it may be interesting to read by those who enjoy reading the National Enquirer type of news, your stories are like a rusted magazine rack! Full of back issues that fall apart when you try to get to the real stories.


New York,
Purchase agreement has unconscionable clauses that are not enforceable.

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, January 23, 2009

I read the lengthy "purchase" agreement and I have to wonder if this is a purchase or a lease. I noticed a couple clauses that I believe to be unconscionable and not enforceable. Could someone please explain how the following is enforceable if the pet is actually being sold? ""DO YOU AGREE TO FIND YOUR PURCHASED PET A LOVING, PERMANENT, SUITABLE GOOD HOME IF YOU ARE NO LONGER ABLE TO KEEP HIM OR HER OR HAVE THE DESIRE TO KEEP HIM OR HER AND IF WE ARE NOT ABLE TO ACCEPT HIM OR HER BACK AS A RETURNED PET? ________ DO YOU AGREE TO NOT RELINQUISH YOUR PURCHASED PET TO A BOARDING FACILITY? ANIMAL SHELTER? HUMAN SOCIETY? RESCUE AGENCY IN THE EVENT YOU NO LONGER DESIRE OR ARE ABLE TO KEEP YOUR PURCHASED PET? ___________ * We are not always able to accept a purchased pet back if you no longer desire to keep your pet, however, you are required to give US the first option of being able to accept the pet back before relinquishing him or her. You are required to contact us IMMEDIATELY if you are NOT able to keep your purchased pet so that we can see whether or not we have available space. Unfortunately we do not always have the room or financial ability to accept a returned pet. In the event we are unable to accept a returned pet, we require the buyer to find a suitable home for the purchased pet. Suitable home does NOT mean a rescue group, shelter or humane society. A Suitable home means finding someone who will provide a stable, permanent, loving home for the purchased pet. If the buyer decides to relinquish ownership of their purchased pet and if we are able to accept its return, there are no refunds implied, insinuated, given or available for any reason whatsoever. We, the seller, are not responsible for locating a new home for your purchased pet once he/she has been removed from our premises and if we are not able to accept the pet back. An exchange MUST be pre-approved by us, the seller, if such a need occurs. Anyone who relinquishes one of our purchased pets with a shelter, boarding facility, humane society or rescue group of any kind will be held legally responsible for all expenses incurred if we are nofified by such facilities that this has occurred and we are able to obtain the pet back into our custody."" ""DO YOU AGREE TO RETURN YOUR PET AND NOT RESELL OR REHOME HIM OR HER IN CASE YOU ARE NO LONGER WILLING OR ABLE TO PROVIDE PROPER CARE?:"" By what legal theory do you think you can enforce this "requirement?" By what law or case law do you believe the owner of the pet must notify you, let alone be liable for whatever you proclaim to charge for "repossessing the pet. In NY State, this is unenforcable. This would be akin to Ford motor company telling me I must return my F-150 rather than sell it to someone else when I no longer wish to keep it. Also, there was a federal court case many years ago concerning the SPCA and their "adoption" [then] agreement. The court ruled that what transpired was a SALE OF AN ANIMAL (not an adoption) and that the "restrictions" imposed by the "adoption agreement" were not enforceable. What makes you folks any different?


Crystal Lake,
The reporter is right

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, January 23, 2009

Recently, a friend of mine told me the exact same thing about this breeder. Apparently, he didn't give her his phone number, but she sent him rude E-mails, calling him "Retarded" and such. He even logged on to his email account and showed me. The reporter is right.


North Carolina,
Added response to "Lake Ridge Kennels slander, defamation of character,harassments, etc.

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 27, 2008

I am updating my rebuttal to "Disgusted in Orlando, Florida". The person who filed this report is my sister, Sandra Faye Bircheat/Holka/Johnson of Orlando, Florida. I personally welcome Sandra Johnson to sue me in a court of law for what she has reported as "slander, defamation of character, harassment and threats" made by me, Dee Gerrish who founded the company Lake Ridge Kennel in Cleveland, NC. Sandra Johnson (Disgusted in Orlando) made the claim that she was offered a Goldendoodle puppy by me, one that I could not sell when that is not the case at all. Sandra Johnson made the claim that she was told by me to fill out an application that is "forty plus pages long" when in fact, our canine application is only approx. 7-9 pages at best. Sandra Johnson claims she contacted me "several years ago" to inquire about a Goldendoodle puppy. In fact, Sandra Johnson DID contact me asking about a Goldendoodle puppy in 2006 and she contacted me via email regarding the dog. I was very surprised that she contacted me about a dog because I had not seen Sandra Johnson since approx. 1996. I offered to NOT sell Sandra Johnson a Goldendoodle, but rather offered her a FREE Goldendoodle providing she completed my canine application, which is required by my company. Not only did I offer Sandra Johnson a FREE Goldendoodle, I also offered that she and her husband, Robin Johnson, could come to my home and stay the weekend to pick up the dog. She then emailed me saying that she nor her husband had the time to drive here to my home in NC. I then offered to personally drive the dog down to our mother's home where she could meet me and pick up the dog providing she pay my gas to/from NC to Florida. She went on to rant in an email derogatory statements about our siblings and my mother and I told her that I did not feel the same way toward them as she did and that I did not want to discuss them, but would provide her with the dog if she wanted it. Sandra Johnson then began to bombard MY email address with multiple hate filled emails of which I printed out and still to this day have in my possession and began her smear campaign towards me and my business. Sandra Johnson did not stop there! Not only did she continue to send me very vicious, hateful emails, but she went into multiple websites and wrote very horrific, slanderous comments about me as a person....my business and my dogs. Sandra Johnson has a profile/blog on thriftyfun.com...or did back in 2006....and wrote nasty comments on that website about me. I contacted many of the websites where she had slandered my business and asked them to remove her hateful, untrue comments and many of the websites did comply. She wrote a very hateful comment about me on a German Shepherd website; inside of Goldendoodle forums; on multiple other websites so numerous that it was nearly impossible to keep track of all the websites she wrote hateful, malicious, slanderous comments about me as a person...my business and my dogs. I printed out everything she wrote over the internet that I could find. Her hateful rants about me as a business continued from 2006 until 2007 and now here again in 2008. Sandra Johnson claims that we had an "internet feud". That is not true whatsoever. In fact, Sandra Johnson went so far as to have created a fake page using a stolen photo of mine on My Space pretending to be me and writing horrific things and I was not aware that she had been slandering me over the internet until I was contacted by my cousin and several other people notifying me of what they had found. Sandra Johnson used multiple fake user names including one "ARSHOLDINGS" and numerous others. The truth is, Sandra Johnson called MY home cussing me out and my husband only called her home ONCE telling her to stop calling our home harassing us. No one from MY telephone called her harassing her and NO ONE from my computer sent her harassing emails. All communication with Sandra Johnson was merely our response to her asking her to cease and desist from contacting us. I had contacted the Orlando Police Department in 2006 and filed a complaint against Sandra Johnson because she was harassing me by email, over the internet through other websites and slandering my name, business name and calling our home. I was told that they could not assist me with internet harassment. Sandra Johnson claims that she came across an article written by me by "accident" when in fact, Sandra Johnson has been stalking me over the internet since 2006. There has been no article written by me, making any claims about her other than the fact of what actually transpired with Sandra Johnson. What I've discovered since September 10th, 2008 is that one of my estranged sisters.....if not all of them combined.....has continued to smear my personal name, my business name and writing horrific, malicious, vindictive comments everywhere over the internet they can possibly find. I welcome a lawsuit from Sandra Johnson so that I can counter sue her in my area for maliciously slandering my personal name and my business. I welcome any lawsuit Sandra Johnson of Orlando FLorida desires to bring towards me so that all of the websites she posted her vicious material on since 2006, can prove through IP evidence that the written material indeed came from her computer. To this day, I am still slowly uncovering more vicious postings by Sandra Johnson and having to contact each website by telephone or email asking them to delete her comments and remove them from their websites, however, some dog forums have yet to comply in removing the material which is why I went so far as to contact the FBI cyber crime Unit and provided them with as many of the website links where much of the slanderous postings by my estranged family members or others who have followed in Sandra Johnsons' footsteps, as I could, so that Sandra Johnson and my other estranged family members or others who have been harboring similar vicious postings could be investigated for their abusive, cyberbulling and continued cyber stalking and slandering. I welcome Sandra Johnson to provide evidence showing any harassment towards her by me or my husband; I welcome Sandra Johnson to provide evidence showing that she, herself, didn't harass, stalk, slander, abuse and accuse my business of vicious untrue allegations just because she claims on her blog on thriftyfun.com that she had a mental breakdown. Her mental issues was no reason to cause harm to my business reputation or to my personal name or this continued slandering all over the internet! The truth is, I had no problems selling any of my Goldendoodles and I did not have any puppies available to give her at the time of her asking for one. I offered to give Sandra Johnson an older male that was approx. 6 months old at that time, that I had available, but she was not willing to fill out my 7-8 page canine application or pay for my gas to/from NC to Florida to transport the animal nor was she willing to come here to my home to pick the dog up. I find it surprising that Sandra Johnson would come into this website and even file such a report knowing that her allegations in its entirety is completely untrue. If Sandra Johnson felt harassed or if myself or my husband was harassing her back in 2006, Sandra Johnson could have come here to NC and taken us to court back then. The truth is, Sandra Johnson has not a single telephone record of any phone calls coming from my home to hers except for ONE which was my husband asking her to stop harassing us through email and to stop phoning our home leaving hateful messages on my answering machine. I've not called her home one single time nor has she ever received any harassing emails from me, so I definitely welcome any evidence she has to support her untruthful claim. It is quite unfortunate that my company has had to endure slanderous and very vicious hateful articles/comments from my own family members just because they are either jealous or using this behaviour due to their aggressive, dysfunctional personal grievances. The report by "Disgusted in Orlando Florida" is a completely false report and shame on Ripoffreport.com for allowing the report to even be filed, especially when Sandra Johnson hasn't a shred of evidence to back up her report as having a single sliver of merit to it. Sandra Johnson pretends in this report to not even know me when in fact she is my estranged sister who has an ax to grind.


North Carolina,
This posting is untrue in its entirety

#16REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, September 29, 2008

This entire posting was written by my estranged sister, Sandra who resides in Orlando, Florida. She has never been a customer of mine; never has she been to my home; I have not seen her since 1996 nor have I ever sold her a dog or given her a dog of any kind. Sandra said in one of HER blogs over the internet at thrifty.com that she had a nervous breakdown in 1996 which doesn't excuse her for writing lies about me as a person or lies about my business. The truth is, she contacted me via email in 1996 asking if I woud give her a Goldendoodle. I told her I did not have a problem giving her a Goldendoodle so long as she completed my application. She got mad and began to go into multiple dog forums, websites, etc using fake user names and doing other underhanded, malicious things to cause a problem for my business. No one sent her harassing emails; No one called her names. Sandra, herself, admitted on her blog at thrifty.com of her own issues with depression and mental issues. Recently we have been attacked viciously by another estranged Family member of which we are printing all of the slanderous comments and turning them over to the FBI for investigation. We now have her IP address; Some of her fictitious user names are Parker and ParkerMcarthur...she has also been creating fake pages and fake business names slandering our business name and personal name. I suppose she feels vindicated by doing this over the internet, but we are turning over all material that we see posted with slanderous allegations towards our business and us as a person, to the FBI. We have been a successful breeder since 1996. In reality, we've had VERY, VERY few actual complaints by real people. We have an incredibly high success record as a breeder since 1996. None of the allegations made on the postings that we are finding have any validity to them or truth to them.

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