  • Report:  #153727

Complaint Review: Lana And Bill Mitzel - Mesa Arizona

Reported By:
- Hermosa Beach, California,

Lana And Bill Mitzel
[email protected] Mesa, 85212 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Here is a story about two people who never should have had kids! Bill and Lana. Two people in love. They met at work. He owned an "Escort" service with his mother and hired Lana. His wife did not work for the business.

Well Bill cheated with all the escorts and his wife left him and took their 10 month old son, he was ordered to pay $200 a month and never did. He hooked up with Lana whom became pregnant with her second child.

Due to their drug habits the baby was born with meth in her system and the father of Lana's first child took her to court and won custody partly because Bill provided evidence against her to her ex-boyfriend, the father of her son.

Well Bill and Lana made amends and got married and now have 3 children together which makes 5 when you include the two other children.

Here is where the story gets good. Somehow at the age of 10 Bill gained custody of his first born son but Lana could not get custody back of her son. They started their own business and not a escort service but a contracting company.

They wouldn't have been able to get the business started as Bill had a warrant out for his arrest on back child support. The first wife let him off the hook and he never had to pay anything and got his business going. They live in a big fancy house which cost $305,000 and bought all new furniture and vehicles.

Has the mother ever paid child support to her first born child you ask? Why of course not, she is a stay at home mom and doesn't have any income.

Turns out this stay at home mom wasn't watching the kids too closely one day and the son of Bill supposedly molested her three little ones. CPS was called, the police interviewed all the kids and now the accused child (who is 14) was removed from the home by CPS.

There is a custody battle going on as the mother of this child wants her son back after this happened. The courts let the paternal grandmother temporarily have custody. Now remember this grandmother also owned the escort service.

And her son Bill moved her into a rental that is only 2 doors down from his house while the mother of the child is fighting in court over this.

If you read this and are as disgusted as I am that people like this that have arrest records, domestic violence, drug histories, bad check writers and identity theft against them might have a chance at keeping custody of this boy then do not support either of their businesses.

In Arizona he is a contractor and his business is "WTM Construction" and the other business they are trying to start is called "Katana Homes". Why don't they just build their own little community for sex offenders? It's the life style they have always lead. They don't seem to like paying child support but let's see how many more kids they pop out.


Mesa, Arizona

15 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Mon, February 12, 2007

and as usual wheres Child protective Services CPS? They are always a day late and a dollar short in these type of matters.


"Cooling Off Period"

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, July 12, 2006

Is not a bad idea, but personal responsibility also comes into play here. Ours is a great country where our First Amendment rights of free speech are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Howevewr, we are all adults and should act accordingly. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the spoken word is forgotten over time, but the written word is indelible. The OP should've had the sense to act like an adult. S/he needs to take personal responsibility for her/his actions -- the lack of which seems to be a comomn theme on this site.


Cooling Off Period

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, July 12, 2006

This situation reminds me of when my husband and I went to the Big R Store when we lived in Modesto, CA. to buy a couple of pistols. I remember that there was a "Cooling Off" period that was a state law when purchasing a hand gun. After you chose the gun you wanted to buy, you had to fill out the application then wait a week before you could come back and pick up the gun. Maybe these sites should have a cooling off policy like that,so people don't hastley submit reports that they will regret a week down the road. "NOT"!


Thank You Anonymous and Rip-Off Report

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, June 12, 2006

I think everyone should know that these parents have lost custody of the child. The courts found them to be unfit and the child was returned to his mother. She did not let the father off the hook for child support. The state offset it instead of making her pay to him since he was thousands of dollars behind. Is he paying child support you ask? No, he is fighting that again. His current wife during this whole thing was taken to court and now has to pay support for her child that she lost custoday of but has failed to pay for the past 6 months. Their business "Katana Homes" has failed and "WTM Construction" is failing also. Let's hope W.T. Mitzel Investments does just as well and Paragon Homes & Development. With all of the information that is available to everyone now on the Internet...this information was not hard to find at all. I wonder if wife #2 knows that William Mitzel is not his given name, that he changed it - twice - to run away from his past crimes. At least he changed it legally. Thanks Ripoffreport! We need to know who we are buying from and who our kids are playing with. And yes - birth control does come to mind.


Myakka City,
who said state support 'welfare' was ever used

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, June 09, 2006

I read the thread and yes it is so said that any of it happend. I also at one time let my ex off the hook for 3 years child support. However I was not on welfare and no one else tax payer or family was supporting me. Where did it say that the ex wife that let him off the support issue was on any kind of state funded support? Another thing i don't think that too many people that throw judgement around like confetti have noticed lately is that we live in a world of dys functional families.. Those hugh house in the rich side of town are as bad off in many cases as the trailor park people. unfortuneatly Anonymous had to vent and felt this was a good place to do it. I am sure that others that read it in her family were upset by it. either way one thing I have learned in life is that some things you can never take back. Be careful what you put into writting. Becareful what you say and to who. I am sympothetic to this anonymous as i come from a dysfunctional family. I get frustrated with them all and my family gets frustrated with me and my need for honesty no matter how it hurts or who. I say bring the issue out to the forefront and face it. Let the stones land where they may.


El Mirage,
This is unbelivable ! fraud, drug abuse, sex abuse and neglect

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 08, 2006

I know it all started off as being angry at a family member and venting, but this really concerns me there has been fraud, drug abuse, sex abuse and neglect. I really pray that the kids that were abused have some kind of counceling to heal what they have gone through. And the parents are probably clean now but what what the hell was going on in their head they should have gotten fixed from the get go (forget them) the ones that are suffering are the children, while us tax payers are paying the price what a shame. Please use BIRTH CONTROL


Why should this post die?

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, January 24, 2006

If it's the truth I not only want it to be here, CPS needs to read it and do something about it. You say the ex-wife "let him off the hook." That just means that we, the taxpayers have to eat the child support he owes. I say put him back "on the hook."


I have a feeling....

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, December 08, 2005

I have a feeling that the original poster might be telling the truth and that "Julie" and "Jane" are family members or friends trying to do damage control. "Anonymous" lives in Mesa, AZ. "Julie" who posted 7 days later lives in Glendale, AZ. Which according to Mapquest is about 27 miles away. And then 5 days after that "Jane" responds, who lives in Hermosa Beach, CA is 385 miles away. So unless "Anonymous" is trying to get far away from this situation, I would say it's 3 different people posting here. What do others think? And to ED, thank you for sticking to your guns. Keep up the good work.


Will the Real Poster Stand Up???

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, November 24, 2005

First you post as Anonymous, then Jane, then Julie. What is the deal? As far as morals and ethics this web-site clearly states they will not remove statements. There is no out for you. You made the decision to post, and you will need to deal with that. I think you doing this might say something about your morals and ethics.


Jane, just let this post die

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, September 02, 2005


I read your post a while back. As I am sure many others did as well. Yet, nobody responded to your post. YOu should have just left it alone, and let it quietly slip off the first page.

No, instead and you come back and bump it up to the top again, by making a second post asking it be removed.

And if that wasn't enough. You come back and bump it up again by blaming the editor.

You, yourself, keep drawing attention to this post. Now look at us, you've even got us posting on this thread now.

Do yourself a favor, just let it die. I will quietly slip off the front page and be buried along with thousands of other posts.


Jane, just let this post die

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, September 02, 2005


I read your post a while back. As I am sure many others did as well. Yet, nobody responded to your post. YOu should have just left it alone, and let it quietly slip off the first page.

No, instead and you come back and bump it up to the top again, by making a second post asking it be removed.

And if that wasn't enough. You come back and bump it up again by blaming the editor.

You, yourself, keep drawing attention to this post. Now look at us, you've even got us posting on this thread now.

Do yourself a favor, just let it die. I will quietly slip off the front page and be buried along with thousands of other posts.


In addition to Shelby's comments.

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, September 01, 2005


Very well put. In addition, I would like to say something about the following comment made by Jane:

"If you have any integrity and morals please remove this statement from your site."

Jane, this site was built on the premise that, unlike the BBB, posts would never be able to be deleted once written. Reports can be updated, but not deleted. To do so would violate the "integrity and morals" of this site.

Like Shelby said, if you don't want your families dirty laundry aired in a public forum, then don't post it.


Look before you leap!

#14Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 01, 2005

Instead of placing blame on the EDitor you should have thought about your decision to jump on the computer and slander your family in such a public forum. It took deliberate actions to turn the computer on and seek out this site to air all of this dirty laundry. So at any point you had plenty of time to stop what you were doing. Not always when making a rash decision are you able to make right what or who you have wronged. That is why people should exercise some caution when venting their anger.


Hermosa Beach,
This is a Rebuttal to the editor

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, September 01, 2005

I have tried to contact several times via email to the webmaster of this site. This particular report should be deleted from your system.

I called and spoke directly with you on the phone and you would not let me speak to tell you the reason why I want this removed.

Children are involved in the above statements and if you have any heart at all you will make a one time exception to remove my statement completely.

Your site does not give the author any rights to "edit" their own comments nor does it give us the rights to "delete".

If you have any integrity and morals please remove this statement from your site.


The entry above should be deleted.

#16Author of original report

Sat, August 27, 2005

The entry was written out of anger. This was a private family matter and should not have gone public. There is not a way to delete this so please ignore any statements on this family.

To their credit they are no longer using drugs and have not in many years and worked hard to establish a legitmate business that can afford them better things in life and help their children.

Sometimes anger makes one do hurtful things and I wish I could take my statements back. This is the first time I have done something like this and to hear the tears on the phone that I caused make me feel really terrible that I did this.

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