  • Report:  #1312394

Complaint Review: Law office of Dmitry Gurovich & Associates - Sherman Oaks California

Reported By:
TruthAndNothingBut - sherman oaks, California, USA

Law office of Dmitry Gurovich & Associates
Sherman Oaks, California, USA
15250 Ventura Blvd
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
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I think I should share my horrific experience . It did happen many years ago, but I dont beleive it matters. It does not matter whether you got ripped off years ago or yesterday.

I think I should share my horrific experience with all the others. Such things do not have statute of limitation, or expirition date, when you feel you've been taken or cheated, or ripped off. There are always two sides of every story. This lawyer has his, I have mine. He is not willing to listen or put himself in my shoes. $5000 may not be big money for an attorney who's been practicing now for many years, but it is a good sum of money for many of us working stiffs. I've been working since I was 16 , day 1 i got into United States as an immigrant and unfortuinatelly I got disabled right now and had to file for disability. I explained to him that I am facing trememdnous amounts in medical bills . He didn't care one bit. You have to have heart , I guess.

I believe in expersizing my 1st amendment right. I am only sharing my own experience and am expressing my own feeling and opinion. I saw recently two more people posted negative 1 Star reveiws on YELP, one lady lost $2000 with these attorneys, I lost $5,000. I think I was fair and offered to reconcile this matter among ourselves, peacefully, my initial intention was to forewarn him that I will write a review and gave him a chance to respond. I was blocked by Mr. Gurovich after initially contacting him on Facebook.

I saw there were few others who lost money with this law office and shared their opinion on YELP, so I did the same.

It's for people to decide, whether there is a time limit, I feel this attorney , if he had any concience left, should 've contacted me at that time, and say " I believe you overpaid me, here is some money back for you", and there would be no animosity or hard feelings, I'm a very fair guy.  I don't leave hundreds of negative reviews, like other YELPERS do. I only leave one I felt strongly about. You can read my other reviews and see. Partial refund of 1/2 the money is all I asked. NOW , I AM ASKING FOR THE ENTIRE SUM BACK. He insulted my intelligence as well.

So here it goes.... I retained this attorney's services and I strongly feel I got ripped off, big time. Found him from the articles he wrote in the local newspaper. Mr. Dmitry Gurovich was hired by me to represent me in court. I was honest with him from day one, he knew my history and did not say anything , that it was difficult for him, or he won't be able to get me off, he said initial payment was $5,000 if this case doesn't go to a jury trial. It was a bit steep, but I said OK, and paid him his retainer. By the way, case did not go to any trial. We only appeared ONCE in court , and right away, I knew I was in trouble, this guy did not know what he was doing.......Please read below...

He said we only need to show up few times, that it should not and would not go to trial. And it didn't. Not due to his experience, but someone else's expertise.  

He also told me at our first meeting that he had 6 yrs experience, I vividly recall, even though he had less than 3, after graduating from law school, he wanted to sound more mature and well versed and experienced. Because I checked the BAR website later and found out I was lied to.

I did not expect to be charged such a high amount, the case was not serious enough like others. He insisted on collecting $5000 UP FRONT, as a retainer. Slipped me paper to sign,

I was in a hurry to find an attorney. He told me my case was easy. So I did, I signed to retain his services. I thought young and hungry attorney would be best for me. How wrong I was !!!

This lawyer turned out to be very incompetent, inefficient, was stumbled in court by the judge, and almost got me some jail time. He played around with my life, like it meant nothing to him.  

I did not know at the time that $5,000 would be only showing up once in court, then he left me hanging. I knew if I show up with him once again, I'd be getting 40 days in jail. This was not something I was prepared to do.

So I had to act fast and seek help of another attorney. I've been had. Just like when you hear the horror stories of someone charging you upfront and never doing a descent job. I explained to him that I had a good job as a manager in the company, my livelihood was at stake, I was taking care of my family. When he decided to represent me, he said he knows what he's doing , that my case was not difficult as others he did before and was right up his alley.

Even mentioned that he knows or was familiar with the judge.

I recall the story he told me of defending similar case , he got some hot shot CEO off with a probation, who shoplifted something from FRY's Electronics store.

He went to court only ONCE, and failed miserably. I was standing there all shocked, facing  some jail time and also had only 1 week to look for another attorney. I was lucky enough that someone from my relatives recommended one. The new guy quoted me  low price and charged only $1,500 and he got me off.

I tried to contact Mr. Gurovich, asked to return some money back, not successfully I may add.

We had no internet at that time or means to share reviews with others. So I had no choice but to let it go. That was some years ago. Then I found out he discussed my case with some other people, at the shop I was repairing my car at, I got shocked. He broke our confidentiality agreement. I could have filed with BAR Association and have him disbarred. I offered him to split 50-50, more than fair. But he blocked me from sending message on FB. So now I am asking to refund my $4, 500 portion. Because $500 was good enough for doing absolutely nothing , for 1 day of work . Just for showing up one day for court with me. I would not recommend hiring this man, you are better off with somebody else for sure. ps. I tried to contact him again , on Facebook, he did not reply, he blocked me from sending messages. I emailed him last week. Found his email on BAR website. He promised to look into it and pull my file, within few days. To my disappointment, he refused to give me a time o' day. I could have reported him to BAR at that time and have him disbarred for discussing my case with others, breaking the confidentiality agreement. BUT I DIDN'T . The reward I get ......

You, Mr. Gurovich,  left tremendous scar and for many years , I struggled to understand how a person who was given opportunity many of us do not get,  to become a lawyer, to get educated at UCLA , get degrees and then go to law school, could do something like this. When I first met you, that is before you got the initial sum , you were so cheerful and uplifting, and nice, I beleived you could help me, I completely got enamored. I trusted you, with my life, completely. Trust you later violated.

He has a problem with me reporting this many years later..... To me WRONG will always be WRONG.

Bill Cosby will face trial for something he did 20 years ago, they caught Boston guy Whitey Bulger some 20-25 years later. Now he has to pay for his deeds. There is no time limit.  In my case a lawyer that I hired and trusted, stole my money without giving me proper defense or representation. You showed up in court once and failed miserably. You choked, you didn't know what to say, you were not prepared. Yes it was some while ago, so what...  

I am happy to reprot, my record is completely clean now, fully expunged, and some charged were reversed, I went to court some time ago and faced a new judge and he agreed that my case was , he used a term called "WOBBLER " and I should've gotten a felony charge, but a misdemeanor, much lower charge. This attorney had no defence, and was not ready when we faced the judge , that would've made a difference in my case.  Jail time should not have been given at all. Because of his incompetence, I was facing 40 days in jail plus fine , which was not an option for me, it would've ruined my life. I was a young father , with a new baby, and with a family to support.

I sincerely offered to resolve this issue between us, peacefully and rationally, once and for all. The attorney showed his unwillingnes and stubornness. I was willing to meet at any ouotside place in public, not to be humiliated once again and go to his offices.

So far I was not reimbursed even a dime. Ball is in his court. I leave it up to him, it's not too late yet.        



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1 Updates & Rebuttals

Dmitry Gurovich, Esq.

Sherman Oaks,
This is a failed EXTORTION, not a genuine review.

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 24, 2016

This is a failed EXTORTION, not a genuine review.  In a string of emails, this person asked me to pay him for positive reviews online.  If I do not pay, he promised to leave negative reviews on social media.

He is referring to a case that happened 17 years ago.  Back then, he was arrested and prosecuted for his third theft offense.  As I was working to negotiate the case down, he was scared and decided to hire a more experienced attorney as I was 4 years out of law school at that time.  I wished him all the best and we parted ways on good terms.  Eventually, with his new attorney, he was in fact convicted and ordered to do 10 days in jail and 20 days CalTrans on his third offense.  I did not and could not have damaged the defense of his case in any way. 

I have not heard from him in 17 years, until he contacted me last week in an attempt to get money because, as he states in his email, he has bills to pay.  

Frankly, I am shocked at his behavior.

Conditioning reviews on payment of money is unethical.  It is also extortion and blackmail, both criminal offenses.

His “review” is completely false, inaccurate, and misleading. 

I am not sure what brought him to this low point in his life where he feels the need to extort money from his former attorney, 17 years later, but I genuinely feel sorry for him.  Sorry that he stooped this low.  Sorry that he lost all sense of decency.  Sorry that he feels no shame.  Sorry that he is setting such a horrible example for his kids.  I'm sorry that we didn't get a chance to discuss this face to face, as he refused my invitation to meet.

I strive to provide the best possible work for my clients.  I bend over backwards, work endless hours, and leave no stone unturned to make sure that I get the best possible outcome in every single case. We have a professional team of attorneys, investigators and experts that works tirelessly to address every detail and nuance of every case.  I have represented hundreds of individuals and families over my 20 years of practicing law.  I treat all of my clients like family.  I empathize with every single person I represent as I endeavor to protect their rights and ensure the best resolution to the case.

I always welcome genuine and honest criticism, but I do not bend to extortion.

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