  • Report:  #903106

Complaint Review: legal Shield - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Santa - Murray, Utah, USA

legal Shield
Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have been an Associate for Prepaid legal currently Legal Shield since 2006. I worked hard and earned the rank of Director with this company. I also earned the rights to sale there CDLP Plans There Business Plans and there Group plans. I worked very hard to gain a small business with members. but as time went by I had some problems with the attorneys that didn't seem to want to do anything when I called them for help. So in frustration I stopped the prepaid legal plan that I was paying for which was a Business plan. and was somewhat expensive not the cheap plans they offer by far. so after a while they told me that if I didn't sign back up for a legal plan they would discontinue my Associate agreement. so OK as to keep my Agreement active and to get paid for my hard work I decided to sign back up for a legal plan only to be told that I could not sign back up. since I had made a complaint about the law firm I was not able to reactivate my plan. I have several hundred dollars worth of there DVD"S and Advertisement junk now as I cannot use it. I am very disapointed that this company thinks that they can just take away a persons business at anytime with no regards for the investment that was made by the Associate. I have decided to write this post to hopefully stop someone that might read this at least take a closer look at this company before falling into there trap. There are a few people that make money with them but it is far a few between. and there service is not what they claim it is. If you just need a letter once in a while they may be ok as long as it doesn't really have anything to do with any real legal action.  I had payed over $3000.00 in membership fees to this company when I was told by them that they would not even write a letter to an Insurance company that had stopped paying my disability payments. and went on to tell me that they did not represent me as a client. There sales pitch is they will write a letter. read it carefully it really reads they will write a letter or make a phone call only at there discression which means they will do nothing. at least that was what it amounted to in my case. so I filed a complaint with Legal shield and this is what I got for it. I tried to explain everything to customer service which had already closed there ears to anything I had to say. anyway the bottom line is they stole my business from me and I am stuck with there crap. but I hope that my story will help you. please don't make the mistake I made. I hope with all my heart that this will save at least one person but the more that read it and the more it saves the better I will feel for posting it. if you have any questions or similar experiences with this company please post to  this lets save the ones we can from the big giant ripoff company's that seek to take advantage of us out there and this is one of them.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


There is always more to the story

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, April 30, 2015

I truly feel bad for this individual, however, as a consumer of the LegalShield family plan membership I liked it so much I became a marketing associate.  The associate agreement one accepts when one becomes an associate clearly explains that inorder to stay vested to earn commissions, overrides, and renewable income one must either maintain a LegalShield plan membership or make 3 sales per quarter.  It also clearly states under what circumstances the company can end its relationship with an associate.  Those circumstances do not include having an issue with the legal services themselves, the provider law firms or specific attorneys.  There is an entire customer servcie division to work on behalf of the members if any problems arise.  The grounds for the company ending its relationship with an associate are related to an associate disparaging the company and its services.  I suspect this is just what happened.  In the 13 years I have been a member, and the 9 years as an associate, I have only once had an issue with the company that I was seriously unhappy about as an associate.  I have never been disappointed in the services I have received as a member.  So, there is clearly more to the story here than is being reprted.  Read your associate agreement before you attack the company.  Individuals spend millions on fanchises, and the parent company can end those relationships under the terms of the fanchise agreement.  If employees want to keep their jobs, they should know that bad mouthing the boss likely will cost them their job.  If this person really valued his hard work, he would have been wise not to bad mouth the company and to keep paying for his membership.  The two plans that an associate can choose from to stay vested are either $17/month or $26/month.  Those are the facts.  What is and isn't included without any additional charges is clearly stated in the membership agreements.   If I have any questions, I can call the corporate members services for answers.  As an associate, I can call corporate associate services for assistance.  As an associate you are an independent business owner.  Most small businesses go out of business in their first 5 years.  They may also have inventory on hand.  Who are they blaming?  People like to blame others. It's easier than taking responsibility for their own mistakes and ignorance. 


More information on THE LEGAL SHIELD RIPOFF !!

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, October 03, 2013

Hello,  Ladies  and  Gentlemen,  and  a  very  special  "Hello" and   THANK  YOU

to  the  very  kind  and  courageous  gentleman/gentlelady   who   posted  the  original  complaint.

I  would  like to  add  my  remarks  to this  complaint.

Number  one:   Legal Shield  was  taken  over  by  a   Multi-Level Marketing    SUPER-

SCAMMER,  Ralph  S. " Rip"   Mason,   who  is  worth  over   $100,000,000  US  dollars.

Although   Rip  Mason  is  a  member  of  the   New York  Bar  and   New Jersey Bar,

Ralph.S. Mason  is,  never-the-less,  a  CROOK.  I'll say  it  again:   Mason  is  an old-

fashioned,  down-home,  dyed-in-the  wool,  super-scammer:   MASON IS  A  CROOK.


Mason  is  living  proof  that   that  old-school  values,  like   perserverance,  hard-work,

lies,  deception,   being  ethically  bankrupt,   and   having  no  moral  compass   what-

so-ever,   can  get  you   filthy,  nasty.  rich.   And   RIP  MASON,  like  his  amoral  pred-

essesor,   Mr.  Harland  "  I'm  a   Crook " Stonecipher,  is  just  another   breed  of  

punk,  thug,  and   rip-off   con-man.     I'd  like  to  say  further,  that   PRE-PAID  LEGAL,

aka   LEGAL  SHIELD  (  because  they've   contaminated   their  name ),  is  absolutely

NOTHING  but  a   Multi-Level  Marketing   SWINDLE  and   RIP-OFF  CON  JOB.


Thay've   personally  cost  me  over   $200,000   in  cold  hard  cash,  in  my   time

wasted,  and  by   lieing,  cheating,  and   bull-sh@#$%ng   me   and  selling  me

a   load  a   horse-hoclkey   that   only  a  STUPID  FOOL   would  fall  for,   or  a  

level-headed   middle  class   citizen   who  was   in  bad  trouble,   after  having  been

scammed  and  swindled   by  his  partner,  facing   a  devastating  illlness,  and   making

him  believe  that   "  all  his  problems  would  be  solved"  by  buying   a   "membership"

into  the  most  fantastic   swindle   since   Charles  Ponzi  went   up  the  river   for  his  

scams,   75   years  ago,   and   lately,   the  lousy   s****.>

his  folks  out of  TWO  BILLION  DOLLARS.    Well,  our  little   criminal  friends  at

LEGAL  SHIELD   have   swindled   the  good  people   of   the  USA,  out  of  $300  

MILLION  DOLLARS,  walking  on  the   broken  backs  of   their  (  you'll  excuse  the  

expression )  "members".   Hah.  MEMBERS.  WHAT  A  JOKE.  Here's  what  I  want  

you   to  do:   Get  one   of   Mason's   little  "sales  associates"  on  the  phone.   This  is

always  a   part-time  gig  for  this   "sales  associate".   Let  him  or  her   take  you  

through  the  whole  schpiel,  of   spurious  crapola. He'll  tell  you  that   if   you'll  pony

up  and  buy  his  membership,  your  legal  problems   will   disappear  faster  than  a  

tray  of   chocolate  doughnuts  at  a  Weight Watchers  party.    That  ALL  your legal

problems  will  be   SOLVED.   Then,  watch  how  your  so-called   "provider  firm"  

tosses  you  around  like  an old   tired   football.  And  then,   remember  "RIP"  MASON, 

the  Millionaire,  100  times  over,  who is  enjoying   his   85  year-old  Cabernet,  in  a  

$100  wine  glass,   in  his   vast   living  room,  that's  so  big   you  could  land  a  private 

plane  in  it.  Remember   the   $300  lunches  he  has.   Remember  that  Uncle  Rip  can  

afford  the  BEST   medical  care,  the   finest  cars,   lovely  women  (  even if  it's  just  

for  one  night,  because  any  real  woman   wouldn't  be  caught  dead  with  such a  

JERK ),   24/7   security  service,  the   football  tickets   for   seaon  box  seats  he  

enjoys,   the  chauffered  limos;   Uncle  Rip  is  on  the   Social  Register  everywhere,

and  you  and  I  can't   even  get  a  decent   table  at   Steak  and  Ale.   Uncle  Rip  has  

24/7/365  maid  service.    He  has  a   $5000.00  stereo.  IN  HIS  CAR.   Me ?  I  have

a  decent  stereo,   but,  I  had  to  put  it  on  my  VISA  card.  Uncle  Rip ?   Heck, a  

Macintosh   or  a  Scott,   isn't  too  good  for  Uncle  Rip.   ANd  you  can  just  imagine

what  an  office   layout   Uncle  Rip  has.   All  of this  YOU  can  have, also.  All  you  have  

to  do,  is  plan  your  work,  and   work  your  plan:   First:  step  on  the  broken backs  of

the  people   that  are  gonna  make  you   rich.   Second:   Do  the  First  Step  over   and  

over  and  over  and  over  again,  until  you've  destroyed   several   thousand  people,  

and:   You're  there !!     I'd  like  to  ask  the   very    person  who  posted  the  original

complaint,  to   get  in  touch  with  me,  as  I   seek  to   touch   Uncle  Rip  with  a  class

action.   Thank  you,  and  as  always, i  thank  with   huge  Thanksgiving,   Mr.  Ed

Magedson,  the   founder  of   WWW.RIPOFFREPORT.COM.     Ed,   you  are  the  BEST.





Legal Shield Threatens my 1st amendment rights

#4Author of original report

Sat, June 30, 2012

This is a letter that I received from Legal Shield. It only verifies the statements that I have made in my previous post. If you notice they claim that I canceled my membership this I had stated in my previous post. the fact that they would not let me rejoin my membership so that they could discontinue my membership is the whim. I find it very strange that a company that sells legal products would threaten anyone about the 5th amendment but they did. and it is right here plain as day. My reason for canceling my membership was due to Legal Shields failure to provide the services that I had paid for. I think that if a company sells you a legal plan and states that they will write letters or make phone calls on your behalf they should be obligated to do so. I have two instances with Legal Shield where when I called the Legal Shield Attorneys In Utah which are Smart, Schofield, Shorter & Lunceford where I was actually told point blank that they would not wright a letter or all anyone.. 

The first case was to wright a demand letter to a person that I had a court judgment against. all I wanted was a letter of demand. There reply was if you can't collect it what makes you think we can.

and the second was the one I referred  to in my former post where an Insurance company had stooped payment for my disability. All I wanted here was for them to wright a letter telling them I was going to appeal there decision. Which I wrote on my own and am actually winning this case on my own without any attorneys. 

This is there Letter

June 29, 2012
Mr. Santa Claus
641 W. Winchester Street
Murray, Utah 84123
RE: LegalShield Membership #( I deleted the membership) 
Dear Mr. Claus:
I received a copy of your emails to Mr. Rip Mason, CEO of LegalShield, including your threats of posting "negative publicity" about LegalShield on the internet. I also reviewed your posting on Ripoffreport.com .
At your request, LegalShield canceled your membership in February of this year after receiving both a fax and email request from you to cancel. We regret you were unsatisfied with the services provided but respect your decision to cancel your membership.
Your associate agreement has not been taken on any whim as you suggest. Rather, your associate agreement will fail vesting according to our policies and procedures for failure to maintain a personal membership or meet the minimum personal sales requirements.
Additionally, I remind you that LegalShield takes any and all posts, websites and demands seriously. We will protect our reputation and our brand with all appropriate and necessary legal action. I request you direct any further requests or correspondence to my attention.
Keri C. Prince
General Counsel
Corporate Offices One Pre-Paid Way Ada, Oklahoma 74820 P: 580-436-1234
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