  • Report:  #134577

Complaint Review: Liberty Resources Freedom Financial Concepts Soloman Arbitration Group W.A.G.E. International - Canal Winchester Ohio

Reported By:
- Haymarket, Virginia,

Liberty Resources Freedom Financial Concepts Soloman Arbitration Group W.A.G.E. International
Canal Winchester, 43110 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
These people convince you that they can help the everyday citizen out, in reality they can only destroy your life! They take you through a process of debt relief, tell you it's legal not to pay credit cards during arbitration of your cards, and tell to you you've one awards. In reality they destroy your credit, charge you thousands of dollars and in the end your credit cards have doubled in late fees, etc. and you wait to get your pants sued off while all of the staffs in the listed companies laugh at you and smoke $100 cigars. The sad part is they rob you of thousands before you know it. There horrible and they should never see the light off day again, they belong in PRISON.

The cowards are on the run in, Ohio, Connecticut, Idaho and Montana just to name a few!

People let's get a class action going, I know there is thousands of defrauded people across America!

Contact the Ohio Attorney General


Haymarket, Virginia

10 Updates & Rebuttals


Sad day in America, and for Americans!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, November 19, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen, Today is a very sad day! I received a letter from the State of Ohio Office of the Attorney General. This letter says that the investigation of LR is over, and that they cannot be of further assistance in this matter. LR destroyed a lot of peoples lives, and that was just the first year. Peoples lives continue to be hell because of the horrible scam they did to us. I know the Ohio Attorney General doesn't doesn't see what they did as a scam, but that is because nobody they know was affected by it. Peoples credit were destroyed. That is not something that gets repaired easy. Peoples lives were destroyed because of there bad credit, and the constant calls and letters from the banks. The collectors that would call and give information to people that shouldn't know anything. The constant calls daily from the same collector or bank. The threats from everybody. The families that were broken up because of all the stress and horrible nightmares that LR caused. Every client of LR was a lab rat. A test dummy. That was not told to you when you signed up with them. I don't know what the Ohio Attorney General or the other four government agencies call what LR did, but I do know that this a very sad day for Democracy!!! There is no reason why our government should let the people involved with LR get away with what they did. They can know start up the same company and destroy more American lives! They can make somebodies $2,000 in debt turn into $10,000 while LR makes money off of that person. There is no benefit or service provided. That sounds like a scam to me! I just hope these five agencies don't have any friends or family members that become victims of LR and people like them. With there decision to not prosecute, the people of LR are given the OK to get more victims. They can go destroy peoples lives, and it is OK! Our government sees this as a good service. I have not read or heard of one LR client that has a success story. I have not heard of one LR client that did not end up in a worse situation than when they contacted LR. I would really like to know what kind of business the government considers this!!! I would like to personally apologize for our government! I hope all the victims from LR stay in touch and maybe in 7-10 years we can tell each other how our credit is finally close to what it was before LR!!!


COral Springs,

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, November 01, 2005

Hello, My name is Jason friedman. I am the President and CEO of Friedman & Friedman Associates. I have had dealings with Liberty Resources. In fact many Liberty Resource Clients have sought out my company to help them get out of the mess they find themselves in.I was given a link to this forum by several of my clients. They thought perhaps I could be of service to others in their situation. I have found that the best way to get out of the situation you are all currently in is to get settlements and debt negotiations done, OR file Bankruptcy. However after October 17 this is no longer an option as the BK laws have dramatically changed. My company does settlements and debt negotiation, as well as credit assistance after the settlements are done.I have assisted many debt elimination clients. Not only Liberty Resource clients, but Clients of DSI, Barnett and Associates, Hawkings Law Firm, Fresh Start Debt Relief, ETC. I know how to get you back on your feet, I have hundreds of clients that have been taken to court, had judgements ,liens and garnishments placed against them.I am able to get term settlements, I can get court cases dismissed before they get to court. I have even gotten default judgements set aside after they have been issued, and garnishments stopped. I have been doing this for 8 years now and I have a working relationship with the following creditors: MANN BRACKEN WOLPOFF AND ABRAMSON BUCKLES & BUCKLES FREDERICK J. HANNA AND ASSOCIATES BIDNA & KEYES BLEIR & COX STILLMAN LAWFIRM JAMES CORTEZ PRESSLER & PRESSLER KRAMER AND FRANK PC JAVITCH RATHBONE, AND BLOCK WELTMAN WEINBERG AND REIS COHEN MCNIEL AND PAPAS NCO OSI PORTFOLIO RECOVERY SERVICES THE BEST SERVICE COMPANY PHILIPS AND COHEN RMA THE LIST GETS QUITE EXTENSIVE...... I listed the most popular ones as I can say with some certainty that a good number of you are being affected by some of the creditors listed above. Because I have been dealing with them for so long I am able to workout extremeley beneficial arrangements for my clients. You can't fight the banks and they won't just go away. I have had over 1,500 debt elimination clients in the past 3 years alone and I have gotten all of them back to where they were before they started getting lawsuits judgements and liens placed on them. If you are reading this and need some help or you have questions I am listing my contact information below: Jason Friedman Friedman & Friedman Associates 866-704-3328 FAX: 888-240-2429 E-mail: [email protected]



#4Consumer Comment

Sun, October 30, 2005

I start my process(SORRY I SHOULD IT SAY SCAM) in June 2003 and tomorrow I have my first COURT DAY, because I have been sued by this BIG LAWYERS OFFICE. WE REALLY NEED DO SOMETHING against this "christians". They got me with over $10,000. plus all the extras and now I am in a HUGE problem AND my credit it's the worse, and now I don't have money for an atorney, neither for file BK, GOD BLESS ME AND MY FAMILY. Leonardo.


Your right on the money!

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, June 12, 2005

David, You are right on the money. Denise even worked for Liberty for a time so I have not idea why she is trying to talk nice about them. She may have gotten a refund or something. WAGE was formed by Chad Wickline and he made it appear as if it was a totally different company operated by a different person. This was in an effort to collect even more money from people that already paid thousands and got nothing. He kept taking money even when he knew they did not have a viable process. That is criminal. He can quote scripture all he wants, but the one scripture he should be siting is "the wealth of the wicked shall be stored up for the rightoues" So he will be getting what he deserves because he has shown no remorse and only cares about how much money he can make. It sickens me that they all claim to be Christian and yet do this to all these people even after knowing the process did not work. So tell me how Christian that is? He is now involved with YTB which is a travel company and is already gloating about how much money he is going to make. He is a scammer, liar and he knows nothing but how to be deceitful and lie to people. He's done it all his life. He's all talk. So Denise, let it go because your not going to convince anyone out here that Chad cares about anyone other than himself.


North Carolina,
See a Real Attorney

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, March 17, 2005

Our only option now is to get help from a local Attorney.I like you and other LibertyResources clients have been left to the wolves and they are closing in.A ClassAction may result but it want be in time to save us or our credit.A local Attorney will be sympathetic to your (our)very expensive mistake and can advise us on a solution.I think this is one lesson that we as LR clients will never forget.Your credit like mine is now trashed,soon CC Co's will seek Judgements against us (I already have two)The CC Co's will not be sympathetic to our problem as they view us as trying to walk away from our obligations.At least in my State they can't garnish my salary.My Attorney has made me aware of my limited options,Bankruptcy may be the only way to get out of this hole.At least the BR Judge will force the CC Co's to settle on a repayment plan (CH 13) or wipe the debt clean (CH 7) depending on the laws in your state.TALK TO A LAWYER !!! This solution comes with a price so do some research.In my opinion it can't get worse.


What is our best opion now?

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, March 16, 2005

Denise seem's to be the only one out thousands and to be happy about it. Doe's anyone know what the best option is left for us to do? I'm trying to contact my creditors and make settlements, most of them are less than helpful, I get the feeling the banks now just want to sue the hell out of us. They are very interested in where the documents came from, I get the feeling they will sue the pants off Liberty and all it's sister companies. Any help would be appreciated.


North Carolina,
Get Real Lets take a look at our signed agreements.I quote

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, March 16, 2005

Lets take a look at our signed agreements.I quote" This agreement does not,in any manner ,abrogate the right of either party to terminate the Agreement where the termination would be in the interest of either party. Customer understands that by termination this agreement,LibertyResources is under no obligation to return any ot the amounts paid by customer. "Hmmmmmm seems back in Sept when I was reguested to send $150 per case to FFC,(this fee was not included in my signed agreement)or infact when we were instructed to use the "ServiceCenter" in Idaho I felt something was wrong.If things were not going "as planned" Liberty Resources knew it in Sept or sooner. Liberty Resources continued to request that its fee be paid in full,not including fee's to Solomon or FFC.In Dec when my unlawful Confirmation Documents arrived with instructions to file in CivilCourt I knew then that it was over.Then to request more money for W.A.G.E. Then to use scripture to justify there actions was sick! Yes, we signed on for this service.Our only mistake was not consulting REAL lawyers.Loyd at FFC said point blank"I'm no lawyer" Excuse me, I paid over $8800 for this #@$%#$%^$%$%%$%$&*%* LibertyResources(ChadWickline)should have been honest back in Sept and terminated the contract,But no LR continued to request $$$$$. FRAUD FRAUD !!!


Read your contract! Just because I am a single mother does not mean in anyway that I'm broke

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, March 12, 2005

Actually, I live 10 miles from the Liberty mailing address and found out about the company from an advertisment I saw on a truck in Columbus. Just because I am a single mother does not mean in anyway that I'm broke! The contract clearly states nothing about a 100% gaurentee. Dont get me wrong, I'm sorry I tried it and lost money, but you have to take risks sometimes. We all depend on others and other companys for things we need, as did Liberty Resources. If you read your contract, as I did, prior to signing it, you'll see you have no gaurentee and no grounds for legal action. I checked. Lesson of the day."Live within your means. Don't run up a bunch of credit cards you cant pay, and you wont need an easy way out of paying them." I paid mine the old fashion way and have learned a lesson.


How would you say that there is no fraud here?

#10Author of original report

Sat, March 12, 2005

Denise lives 5 miles from Liberty Resources headquaters?? As a single Mother she can't afford to lose thousands of dollars and receive no results and have her credit destroyed. The main reason people bought into Liberty is they claimed they had 100% sucess rate. The Fed's just don't come in and confiscate your business for having a legal company! They are a big Scam! Sorry, it's the truth.


Liberty Resouces is not the fraud

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, March 11, 2005

I am a customer of Liberty Resources. The contract I signed was for them to prepare paperwork for me to file to get an arbatration award. They did provide the paperwork and I did get an award. Now after I got the award, Solomon Arbitration was shut down by the United States Government, so, my award is now no good. I do not blame Liberty Resources for that. I know for a fact, Liberty was also shut down, due to their work with Solomon, just 3 Mondays ago. I am a single mother of a small child and had over $10,000 in debt. That, was my fault. I do not blame a company who I made the decision to try out, for my problems with managing my money. I know from speaking with company employees over the phone, they also have small children and are good Christian people. Dont destroy a family because of a poor decision on your part. Read your contract closly and take responsibility for your own actions. You'll see there was no 100% gaurentee and no gun was held to your head to try it. It states in my credit card agreement that while I am in dispute with my debt I do not have the pay the payments, makes sense, if you dont owe the debt, paying on it would be admitting you owe it, but yet the banks dont follow their own rules, thats not Liberty's fault either. People, read your agreements and contracts closely. Quit whinning and blaming everyone else for your lack of duediligence in research.

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