  • Report:  #776084

Complaint Review: Liner Entertainment Group LLC - Houston Texas

Reported By:
H.E. Mantel-HaroHalola - Hallandale Beach, Florida, United States of America

Liner Entertainment Group LLC
Houston, Texas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My name is H.E. Mantel-HaroHalola, I am a published, professional writer; I answered an ad on Craigslist posted by Dianna S. Liner, CEO/Founder of Liner Entertainment Group, to "tweek" the "boring" Bio of her managed client/artist Bobby Soloman Smith (www.bobbysolomansmith. com & www.myspace.com/bobbysolomansmith). Because of the natural vibe I caught from her, counter to my business policy I did not request an up-front/deposit fee. I completed the work - as committed-to - in one day & mailed the Bio in a word.doc attachment (6.26/27), confident I had more-than-fulfilled her requisite (the existing Bio from which I drew some info was "jr. high school" at best; this for a recognized "hot" property in the industry!). It is now June 29th., my repeated E-mails & phone calls have remained unanswered...in short, I have not been paid/compensated for my effort/work: This smacks of rip-off. This posting is among the 1st. I am assigning to the Internet to alert any whom would contemplate dealings with her Co (I am not now so certain the prior posting re: the "Sweet 16" denial is accurate). Further, any rebuttal/denial which subsequently appears here posted by Liner Entertainment/Dianna S. Liner, et al will be false & should be construed as such (anyone desiring documentation of this is invited to contact me at [email protected]). If you happen to venture to any of Bobby Soloman Smith's sites & read an erudite, concise Bio...It's my work (or part-of which doubtless was plagiarized). Thank you for reading this, integrity has become an obscenity. H.e.m.-H'H.

54 days ago by HaroHalola

In regard to the above, I have been contacted by E-mail (after several weeks of my unsuccessful attempts) by Liner Entertainment Group, LLC "Staff" (presumably one) presumably ONLY after my original post (above) was discovered; any logical mind will glean why. The following is their message:

"Why did you POST on scam alert because we didn't like your WORK?? your bio read JUST like the original We are looking for someone who can RE-WRITE the artist bio... so because we didn't like your work you post on a scam site??? This is the reason why we are picky with you we work with. pride always gets in the way of professionalism for some people.. not that it will hurt anything because Ms Liner is well connected.. however we ask to please remove that post it clearly just states you were hurt because we didn't like your work.. there is no SCAM anything.. we never used you work...

Thank you


To which my reply was a well-documented, focused, "de-linerated", comprehensive reiteration of truth, apparently obfuscated, evidenced by the above mail. So, the question begs, why have they chosen to not rebut with a post here (as they promptly did re: the initial posting for the "Sweet 16 party?" And, as stated in the mail, if Ms. Liner is "well connected, " why make the effort to send me a request for removal?

My reply was promptly answered (how ironic) with a short, cryptic ignorance, seemingly the final blow-off. Whether they employ my work or not (I have already stated my belief they will - part or whole, It's too replete not to, even "doctored" & plagiarized), the issue is one of not solely being ripped for my writer's fee, but a blatant lack of professional integrity. They can't get out of their own ways of lies & subterfuge. For the record, I have offered a reasonable solution for the resolve potentially-amenable to both parties. H.e.m.-H'H.

53 days ago by HaroHalola

**Addendum to the above/above: I challenge/defy anyone reading my comments in the light of the narrow scope of Liner's "pasted" mail to indicate ONE syllable which indicates/references my "...that post it clearly just states you were hurt because we didn't like your work..." Aside from the grammatical/syntactical errors of this statement, It is laughably inaccurate (& I'm not laughing!); they really do need an educated writer, even to document their mis-informational, self-serving guile. H.e.m.-H'H.

22 days ago by M_mac

Dianna liner is a FRAUD!!! For nearly a year I have been trying to get my money back from her after many many broken promises to pay me in full. She would in the beginning every now and again send me a little bit of money and call it an "intent to pay". She then writes me a check for $400 on a temporary check, And of course it was returned. She then proceedes to give me this sob story that she is broke and has no money, but at the same time telling me that she promised pay me and "make it right". Now she has blocked my number so i cannot call her. News flash dianna, If you think that I'm going away you are dumber than a bag of rocks! You are in Houston And I'm in San Antonio, I will be in Houston to see you in court. COUNT ON IT!!

15 days ago by HaroHalola

M_mac, victim of FRAUD - I am pleased, yet saddened to learn of your "similar" plight with the "well-connected one, " & you obviously have read my experience(s) re: her double-dealing. Doubtless there are others whom will begin to come forward in the names of ethics, professionalism, et al. My E-mails to her client, Bobby Soloman Smith have gone unanswered, likely due to her filtering what reaches him; my phone calls/messages, similarly to her, are not returned.

I am holding the vision you will prevail in your litigation & smack her where It hurts most, in the $$$$, which she covets like nothing else. What is the nature of your gig for which she has reneged? Perhaps a public forum in court will catch the air of the media (Texas & Nationally) & she & her crew will be exposed for the truth. H.e.m.-H'H.

P.S. - Bring on Judge Judy!

14 days ago by HaroHalola

P.P.S. - M_mac, Please drop me a note (E-mail address in the above posts) when your court date comes up in Houston; she owes me approximately the same amount as due you for work I did (see above), turning a piece-of-trash bio for her client into a mature, cogent, original, dynamic work...for which her "staff's" rationale for non-payment was "it read like the original." Well, if that could possibly be considered, one need only compare the two & immediately discern the ludicrousness of that claim, i.e., I have been out of jr. high school for quite some time, & my "jr. high school" writing in the 20th. C. surpassed her supposed bio for Soloman.

She "agreed" to compensate me for my work; her ethics seemingly are non-existent...Truth is an obscenity. H.e.m.-H'H.

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