  • Report:  #396187

Complaint Review: LIQUIDATION LINKS - Toronto Ontario

Reported By:
- Los Angeles, California,

1179 Finch Ave. West, Unit 20 Toronto, M3J2G1 Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We have plenty of emails and pictures to show anyone that wants to do business with this company. We got a manifest of products to purchase and Liquidation Links sent us all broken items and half of the things that were not in the manifest they provided us with. They blamed everyone, including the trucking company, but themselves. They maliciously and knowingly sent us items that were cherry picked, old and broken. It has been nothing but a waste of money and time with them and my partner and I will be flying to Canada to press charges against them. Here are some of our correspondence with them:

To: [email protected]

Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 1:32 PM

Subject: Re: Fw:


The freight company has nothing to do with this. They couldn't go through each box and remove the battery packs of Xbox 360 and remove the hard drives. The shipment is completely wrong and everything is broken. We need our money wired back asap and we will ship your items back to you. Do the honorable thing and refund us our money back. This is what we have gotten:

56 Xbox (Some of them extremely old)

43 PS2 + 1 box that we didn't go through (since it is a mess with no boxes and cables all over the place)

58 Game Boy (Very Old and broke)

57 DS-R's??? (Old, Old, Old units)

12 Game Cube and 1 box (1 box unopened, but all a mess and broken)

12 PS3 (broken, 20GB, 60GB - NOT PART OF THE MANIFEST as many other items listed here)

24 Xbox 360 (in the boxes without battery packs, hard drives, headsets.... ALL BROKEN)

23 Xbox 360 (without anything, just the consoles BROKEN)

9 Rockband (a complete mess and broken - v4 and v6 is witting in the box)

Now knowing what we got, wire our money back immediately and we will ship all items back to you. We want this to be taken care of today. We have already wasted plenty of time dealing with this mess.


Mark Balelo

Mike Lefton

In a message dated 10/21/2008 10:10:15 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, [email protected] writes:

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Liquidationlinks Inc."

Date: October 21, 2008 10:06:46 AM PDT

To: Mike Lefton

Subject: Re: Fw:

Mike How many total units were in this lot do you have a breakdown? maybe I can take it up with the freight company

Thanks AL Liquidationlinks Inc.

They scammed people and will give false information. Anyone is welcome to contact us at 1-877-358-2747 to get more information about Liquidation Links.

The emails goes on and on. We offer to pay for the shipments and sent their junk back and they start to ignore our calls and now don't even respond to our emails. I will do whatever it takes to make other companies aware so things like this don't happen to them.


Los Angeles, California


3 Updates & Rebuttals


I would like to retract rebuttal #2 for case #396187

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, December 11, 2009

First, let me start by saying that I have made numerous attempts to retract my rebuttal #2 for months now, including emails, faxes and phone calls to even Mr. Ed Magedson himself to no avail.

Secondly, I want to apologize to Mark Balelo for my rebuttal as well.  I let my anger get the best of me and should've thought long and hard before sitting down to type out the rebuttal and submitting it not knowing that I wouldn't be able to retract it later on.

My comments were over the top and very PERSONAL, much of which didn't even have to do with the business transaction in question and again I apoligize to Balelo and to ALL that have been affected by my remarks.

That being said, I want to let everyone who reads this know that Balelo has MORE THAN MADE UP TO ME the things I accused him of in my earlier rebuttal and has GONE OVER THE TOP in making me happy and making things right with me.

It was all a huge mis-understanding on my part and instead of continuing to try and make things better and communicate with Balelo, I chose to get angry and attack him personally which was very unprofessional of me.

I personally have had many excellent transactions with Balelo, Inc. and can personally recommend him as an upstanding businessman who is truly fair and honest.

Again, to Balelo and to ALL affected by my previous rebuttal, please except my deepest apologies and regrets for not thinking before posting as I was not in the right mind set.


Thank you


Balelo Inc. did the same thing to me that they are acusing LiquidationLinks of


Sat, September 12, 2009

You know, I wasn't going to let my bad experience with Balelo Inc. get to me to the point where I posted anything negative about it or him until I read his claim here.  Then I decided that if I can help one person not go what I went through with him, then it's worth it.  After stumbling on to this site and seeing this claim by him about getting ripped off, that was the icing on the cake.

I think it's ironic (more like hypocritical) that you are complaining of being "ripped off" when you yourself have ripped people off including myself on a pallet of gaming systems.  I especially like how you baited the pallet with a high amount (about double than normal) of supposedly higher end systems than what would normally be on a pallet only to find that not only were they not the higher end gaming systems, but broken and incomplete worthless garbage lower end systems.

I especially love the fact that after spending $20K dollars with you, on decent deals prior to this one (I will be honest and say the first few deals we're fair and honest) only to set me up for the final deal that was more $$ than the previous deals combined. How convenient and coincidental.  It made me feel real good that your crew of workers the night before were trying to charge me $1000 MORE than I paid a few months earlier for the same exact pallet of systems too.  Maybe they were hoping I was an idiot and they could skim that extra $1000 to keep for themselves.  I know that they know the prices of the pallets.  I know that they know what I paid for the previous pallet too as they were there.  I could see being off a little on the price but a grand?!?!  If anything, the systems were going down in price at that time not up.  Then after some phone calls to you back and forth between your guys there which by the way, would talk really low or walk away from me when talking to you about the price so I couldn't hear the conversation.  That was a very unprofessional touch and really made me upset and not want to do the deal I might add.  Then you told J***** that you would go a $1000 lower and give me the same price you did the time before.  Wow, what a deal and favor you agreed to.  You agreed to do the deal for the same price we did on the previous deal.  I was so pissed at how I was treated by C**** and J*****, that I walked out without spending a dime.  Keep in mind, this was all after you were supposed to meet me personally at the warehouse to do the deal but left for the day and told your crew I was coming in.  Then the next day you called me (after I left you a message the night before explaining how the previous night went and that I was not happy with the way it was handled) and assured me that it was a mis-communication and this and that and to come back in and you would take care of it.  Well you took care of it alright.  Flipped me onto a different pallet of higher end gaming systems for much more money and supposedly had twice as much of the top of the line, high end model gaming systems on it.  It was conveniently placed up front near the roll up door so it would catch anyones eye as to how many high end models that were "supposedly" on it compared to the other ones there.  Which believe me, was a red flag warning to me that something was fishy about it in the first place (should've listened to my gut feeling) as to why you would sell that pallet for the same price as the other ones that had far less higher end systems on them.  I even asked you why and you said that you would do it for the same price because of what had happened the day before and that you would give me a deal.  Lucky me.

Then, Balelo would get pissed off at me for calling concerned about how terrible the breakdown was of these gaming systems that previously were ALWAYS really clean, complete and hardly had any issues with them.  He would brush me off and tell me not to worry, he would take care of it/me and do what I could with what was on the pallet.  About a week later I called him again and got attitude and he actually raised his voice to me and was upset as to why I was calling again and he told me not to get  upset and it would be "ok" he was handling it.  So I backed off at HIS request and trusted his word.  Then, as the weeks passed into MONTHS and not one call from Balelo, it was painfully obvious he wanted me to just go away and disappear and not be bothered.  After a few months I decided to contact Balelo again and find out what the deal is/was and he tells me he's still waiting for his supplier to make the deal right and send replacement systems/controllers/etc. and that many other customers of his got burned too and they're just as upset about it.  Yeah, I'm sure they are.  Especially if you gave them attitude as to why they're calling you concerned about how terrible the pallets of gaming systems are/were and 4 months later, your trying to still string them along with some BS story about how you're still waiting to be compensated for those previous pallets from your supplier.  Honestly, why would you be so upset at customers and get attitude with them calling you concerned with the pallets that had obviously been gone though and stripped of HDD's, controllers etc (either at the return center or your warehouse) when you already had our $$ in hand?  If there was supposedly compensation coming from your supplier to try and make it at least somewhat right for you and your customers and you already had our $$, then what did you have to lose?  Well, besides customers what did you have to lose?

Funny thing is you had at least 5 other pallets of the same gaming systems when this happened and didn't want to make it "right" then and there.  You also received a lot more shipments of gaming systems shortly after this incident and never gave me a call or ever tried to make anything right.  Yeah, I watched Ebay and Craigslist.
Then, you suddenly stopped receiving gaming system pallets or selling gaming systems and accessories pretty much all together.

Why can't you just admit there will be no "making anything right" and there is no "compensation/replacement systems or controllers" that you and more importantly "I" are waiting for? No supplier is or was going to send you anything and they sure aren't going to send anything 5 months after the fact now are they?  If by some weird chance they would actually do that which I doubt they would in the first place, they would've done it soon after the problem had occurred.  Who knows, maybe they did and you sold off that inventory too and made even more $$ off us.

I thought Balelo was honest.  I thought I could trust him.  He definitely works his butt off and works hard to be successful and makes a lot of $$ doing it too but at what cost?
The very last thing I have to say about Balelo is the worst of all.  To me, it is far worse than any of the pevious things mentioned before and shows the type of honesty and integrity that he lacks as a human let alone a businessman.  He uses/used his little daughter as a tool to try and drive sales, receive higher feedback on Ebay (better DSR's mean more Power Seller discounts) and when you're moving 100's of thousands of $$$ on Ebay those discounts are HUGE, and tug at the heart strings of REAL caring people/customers.  You see, Balelo had/has this story about his daughter and how she was born with an undeveloped liver and she has had all of these procedures which accumulated a lot of doctor's bills.  Until recently, (not sure if he finally got a conscience or Ebay told him he couldn't have her story on there anymore or what happened) even his Ebay store was under his daughters name and had her sad story there for all to read with pictures of her and everything.  He claimed in the story that his daughter's medical problems were the reason for the Ebay store and how he hoped it would help pay for some of her medical bills.  He would (not sure if he still does or not) also send out a one page color letter with every shipment with her story on it and ask the customer to please leave 5 star feedback in all categories to keep his DSR's high so that he could continue to receive seller discounts to help out his daughter and be able to pay the bills.
The sad, disturbing sick thing is that the story is NOT true and 100% a lie!  She is completely 100% healthy and has never had any procedures done due to an under developed liver.  Again, I don't know that he still sends out the letter or not because I now see his Ebay store has changed so maybe Ebay said to stop using the story on the letters too or who knows.  The point is though that he did do it and for quite a long time.  He is very well off and makes a ton of $$ doing what he does.  He definitely doesn't have any medical bills to pay off for her fake condition that was totally made up and even if there were a medical condition, trust me he has more than enough $$ to cover any medical bills a hospital could throw at him.

There are a few  buyer feedbacks under his Ebay Seller ID: Balelo that even mention that they hope his daughter gets better or that they hope she's doing well.  Rumor has it that even a few kind hearted people have actually just sent Balelo $$ without even buying anything or winning an auction after reading her story on the Ebay store site which had his contact info and mailing address.  Some other feedback from customers actually criticizes Balelo for using his daughter's illness as a way to receive positive feedback.  Can you imagine how they would feel if they found out the story wasn't even true to begin with?

I have absolutely nothing to gain from sharing this story to be honest and it took quite a while to type out but it'd worth it to know that it could help someone else out there from dealing with this person.

Balelo, there's more to life than $$ believe it or not.  For you to sit on here and complain about getting ripped off and how much you care about customers safety and how your trying to help others from getting ripped off is a joke.  The only thing that you care about is $$ and you and I know it.  If you have all of these things to prove you got ripped off, wires, invoice, police reports etc., then there's an outside chance you might get some form of retribution down the road.  I unfortunately don't have any proof or receipt as you deal cash only but we both know what happened and that's all that matters.  Good luck to you and your family


You know, I wasn't going to let my bad experience with Balelo Inc. get to me to the point where I posted anything negative about it or him until I read his claim here.  Then I decided that if I can help one person not go what I went through with him, then it's worth it.  After stumbling on to this site and seeing this claim by him about getting ripped off, that was the icing on the cake.

I think it's ironic (more like hypocritical) that you are complaining of being "ripped off" when you yourself have ripped people off including myself on a pallet of gaming systems.  I especially like how you baited the pallet with a high amount (about double than normal) of supposedly higher end systems than what would normally be on a pallet only to find that not only were they not the higher end gaming systems, but broken and incomplete worthless garbage lower end systems.

I especially love the fact that after spending $20K dollars with you, on decent deals prior to this one (I will be honest and say the first few deals we're fair and honest) only to set me up for the final deal that was more $$ than the previous deals combined. How convenient and coincidental.  It made me feel real good that your crew of workers the night before were trying to charge me $1000 MORE than I paid a few months earlier for the same exact pallet of systems too.  Maybe they were hoping I was an idiot and they could skim that extra $1000 to keep for themselves.  I know that they know the prices of the pallets.  I know that they know what I paid for the previous pallet too as they were there.  I could see being off a little on the price but a grand?!?!  If anything, the systems were going down in price at that time not up.  Then after some phone calls to you back and forth between your guys there which by the way, would talk really low or walk away from me when talking to you about the price so I couldn't hear the conversation.  That was a very unprofessional touch and really made me upset and not want to do the deal I might add.  Then you told J***** that you would go a $1000 lower and give me the same price you did the time before.  Wow, what a deal and favor you agreed to.  You agreed to do the deal for the same price we did on the previous deal.  I was so pissed at how I was treated by C**** and J*****, that I walked out without spending a dime.  Keep in mind, this was all after you were supposed to meet me personally at the warehouse to do the deal but left for the day and told your crew I was coming in.  Then the next day you called me (after I left you a message the night before explaining how the previous night went and that I was not happy with the way it was handled) and assured me that it was a mis-communication and this and that and to come back in and you would take care of it.  Well you took care of it alright.  Flipped me onto a different pallet of higher end gaming systems for much more money and supposedly had twice as much of the top of the line, high end model gaming systems on it.  It was conveniently placed up front near the roll up door so it would catch anyones eye as to how many high end models that were "supposedly" on it compared to the other ones there.  Which believe me, was a red flag warning to me that something was fishy about it in the first place (should've listened to my gut feeling) as to why you would sell that pallet for the same price as the other ones that had far less higher end systems on them.  I even asked you why and you said that you would do it for the same price because of what had happened the day before and that you would give me a deal.  Lucky me.

Then, Balelo would get pissed off at me for calling concerned about how terrible the breakdown was of these gaming systems that previously were ALWAYS really clean, complete and hardly had any issues with them.  He would brush me off and tell me not to worry, he would take care of it/me and do what I could with what was on the pallet.  About a week later I called him again and got attitude and he actually raised his voice to me and was upset as to why I was calling again and he told me not to get  upset and it would be "ok" he was handling it.  So I backed off at HIS request and trusted his word.  Then, as the weeks passed into MONTHS and not one call from Balelo, it was painfully obvious he wanted me to just go away and disappear and not be bothered.  After a few months I decided to contact Balelo again and find out what the deal is/was and he tells me he's still waiting for his supplier to make the deal right and send replacement systems/controllers/etc. and that many other customers of his got burned too and they're just as upset about it.  Yeah, I'm sure they are.  Especially if you gave them attitude as to why they're calling you concerned about how terrible the pallets of gaming systems are/were and 4 months later, your trying to still string them along with some BS story about how you're still waiting to be compensated for those previous pallets from your supplier.  Honestly, why would you be so upset at customers and get attitude with them calling you concerned with the pallets that had obviously been gone though and stripped of HDD's, controllers etc (either at the return center or your warehouse) when you already had our $$ in hand?  If there was supposedly compensation coming from your supplier to try and make it at least somewhat right for you and your customers and you already had our $$, then what did you have to lose?  Well, besides customers what did you have to lose?

Funny thing is you had at least 5 other pallets of the same gaming systems when this happened and didn't want to make it "right" then and there.  You also received a lot more shipments of gaming systems shortly after this incident and never gave me a call or ever tried to make anything right.  Yeah, I watched Ebay and Craigslist.
Then, you suddenly stopped receiving gaming system pallets or selling gaming systems and accessories pretty much all together.

Why can't you just admit there will be no "making anything right" and there is no "compensation/replacement systems or controllers" that you and more importantly "I" are waiting for? No supplier is or was going to send you anything and they sure aren't going to send anything 5 months after the fact now are they?  If by some weird chance they would actually do that which I doubt they would in the first place, they would've done it soon after the problem had occurred.  Who knows, maybe they did and you sold off that inventory too and made even more $$ off us.

I thought Balelo was honest.  I thought I could trust him.  He definitely works his butt off and works hard to be successful and makes a lot of $$ doing it too but at what cost?
The very last thing I have to say about Balelo is the worst of all.  To me, it is far worse than any of the pevious things mentioned before and shows the type of honesty and integrity that he lacks as a human let alone a businessman.  He uses/used his little daughter as a tool to try and drive sales, receive higher feedback on Ebay (better DSR's mean more Power Seller discounts) and when you're moving 100's of thousands of $$$ on Ebay those discounts are HUGE, and tug at the heart strings of REAL caring people/customers.  You see, Balelo had/has this story about his daughter and how she was born with an undeveloped liver and she has had all of these procedures which accumulated a lot of doctor's bills.  Until recently, (not sure if he finally got a conscience or Ebay told him he couldn't have her story on there anymore or what happened) even his Ebay store was under his daughters name and had her sad story there for all to read with pictures of her and everything.  He claimed in the story that his daughter's medical problems were the reason for the Ebay store and how he hoped it would help pay for some of her medical bills.  He would (not sure if he still does or not) also send out a one page color letter with every shipment with her story on it and ask the customer to please leave 5 star feedback in all categories to keep his DSR's high so that he could continue to receive seller discounts to help out his daughter and be able to pay the bills.
The sad, disturbing sick thing is that the story is NOT true and 100% a lie!  She is completely 100% healthy and has never had any procedures done due to an under developed liver.  Again, I don't know that he still sends out the letter or not because I now see his Ebay store has changed so maybe Ebay said to stop using the story on the letters too or who knows.  The point is though that he did do it and for quite a long time.  He is very well off and makes a ton of $$ doing what he does.  He definitely doesn't have any medical bills to pay off for her fake condition that was totally made up and even if there were a medical condition, trust me he has more than enough $$ to cover any medical bills a hospital could throw at him.

There are a few  buyer feedbacks under his Ebay Seller ID: Balelo that even mention that they hope his daughter gets better or that they hope she's doing well.  Rumor has it that even a few kind hearted people have actually just sent Balelo $$ without even buying anything or winning an auction after reading her story on the Ebay store site which had his contact info and mailing address.  Some other feedback from customers actually criticizes Balelo for using his daughter's illness as a way to receive positive feedback.  Can you imagine how they would feel if they found out the story wasn't even true to begin with?

I have absolutely nothing to gain from sharing this story to be honest and it took quite a while to type out but it'd worth it to know that it could help someone else out there from dealing with this person.

Balelo, there's more to life than $$ believe it or not.  For you to sit on here and complain about getting ripped off and how much you care about customers safety and how your trying to help others from getting ripped off is a joke.  The only thing that you care about is $$ and you and I know it.  If you have all of these things to prove you got ripped off, wires, invoice, police reports etc., then there's an outside chance you might get some form of retribution down the road.  I unfortunately don't have any proof or receipt as you deal cash only but we both know what happened and that's all that matters.  Good luck to you and your family


Los Angeles,

#4Author of original report

Wed, December 10, 2008

I just got a call from a Robert who lost $70,000 USD by entrusting LIQUIDATION LINKS. They should be put out of business. DO NOT WIRE MONEY TO THIS COMPANY, THEY ARE FRAUD!!! Mark B. and Mike L

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