  • Report:  #729461

Complaint Review: Little miracles rabbit rescue - Atco New Jersey

Reported By:
Carla - Voorhees, New Jersey, United States of America

Little miracles rabbit rescue
2308 auburn avenue Atco, 08004 New Jersey, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
There was a syphillis outbreak at the Rescue. It was NOT reported to the authorities as a health issue. There are rabbits with bleeding eyes and they are coughing too!

They are not properly cared for. The president doesn't do the animal care....she handles fundraising. The condo funds....who knows where they went.

She laughs at defrauding the IRS for so long. She treats people horribly as well as her animals.

Kristie recently went on fox news and stated her rabbit hampton is a rescue rabbit. His BREEDING papers were posted on the Internet right after. Don't believe what she says. Check it out and you find the posts that span over 11 years!!!!!!!

Go elsewhere. Don't let Lmrr defraud you too!

17 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
Department of Health Report

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, September 07, 2012

Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue
2308 Auburn Ave
Atco, NJ 08004
(Township of Waterford, Camden County)

Continuation sheet for inspection conducted on July 24,
2012 by Linda Frese and Renee Cirillo, New Jersey Department of Health, and
James Perry, Camden County Department of Health.

Section 8:23A             Deficiency

1.2(a)                         Facility is in substantial non-compliance with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 8:23A 1 through 13.

1.2(b)                         A certificate of local health inspection was not prominently displayed at the facility.

1.2(c)                         The back area of the small animal room is
currently under construction and outdoor enclosures are being
installed. Plans must be submitted to the local health authority for
review and approval for both indoor and outdoor renovations and
improvements before construction and operation begins. A schematic
showing the layout and operation of the ventilation system used for the
isolation room must also be submitted in the plans to the local health
authority.  The ventilation in an   isolation room must exhaust directly
to the outdoors and must not mix with the air of the general

1.3(a)                         The layout of the
caging in the main rabbit room creates a nuisance.  Some of the storage
items and cages along the outside walls in this room designated as the
projects, are in close proximity to the wooden rabbit enclosures in
the center of the room designated as the condos, restricting movement
of staff during the cleaning process. A cage on the floor, in the corner
of the isolation room containing an animal named Bertucci, was made
inaccessible due to the                     storage of cages, carriers,
and boxes stacked over 6 feet high on top of his cage.  Hindering
immediate access to animals in cages constitutes a nuisance.

1.3(c)                         Food and hay is stored in large uncovered containers unprotected from contamination.

A bin containing alfalfa was marked with a sign that said Do Not   
Use and was stored with the pelleted food and hay that is used on a
daily basis.  Food waste that is deemed
to be contaminated or otherwise unusable must be removed and disposed of.

The facility had no hot water available at the time of inspection and
the gas was said to be turned off since Friday.  The gas company, South
Jersey Gas, was contacted by NJDOH staff and   the company confirmed
that the gas supply was shut off to that address, but not due to
construction or repair of any gas lines as stated by facility
management.  The reason for the gas shut off by the company was not
disclosed due to privacy protection reasons.

The clothes dryer exhaust does not appear to be vented to the outdoors
and an accumulation of lint was found around the dryer, on the floors,
walls, and on the supplies kept on the shelf next to the dryer.  The
electric outlet above the dryer also contained an
                                  accumulation of lint and cob webs
posing an electrical fire hazard.

Vegetation is overgrown in the
back of the building with wild plant growth approximately 3 feet
tall.  Premises shall remain free of accumulations of trash and the
overgrowth of vegetation up to the             property line or within
20 feet of the facility.

for 1.4 (c)           Although
the air conditioning unit was not working properly at the (not a
deficiency)  at time of this inspection, the exhaust fans continued to
work properly and the indoor temperature readings varied between 77
degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  The outdoor ambient temperature
readings were 97 degrees Fahrenheit. 
Animals housed at the facility did not appear to be in distress from heat at the time of this inspection.

Lighting in most areas of the facility was insufficiently distributed
to            permit routine inspection and cleaning during the entire
working period.  Most of the cages against the walls in all rooms were
dark and inspectors were unable to view inside the enclosures without
the use of a flashlight.

1.4(f)                          All
interior building surfaces must be impervious to moisture and readily
cleaned.  The wood behind the metal cages in the back of the small
animal room is not impervious and is stained with urine.

The floors in the isolation room are stained and are not impervious to moisture. The floor in
office area and the main access area between the main rabbit room and
the small animal room contains carpeting.  The carpet behind and around
the desk had numerous rabbit droppings on it and large water type
stains.  This room smelled of a sour, possibly vomit type odor.  Animals
not be permitted on surfaces that are not impervious and
easily cleaned and                                  disinfected. 
Carpeting used in animal enclosures must be removed and replaced with
new carpeting when wet or contaminated with excreta, or when a different
animal is placed in the enclosure.  Carpeting is not impervious to
moisture and cannot be readily cleaned and disinfected.

Some base edges of the exterior wall that meet the floor are exposed concrete block and are not impervious to moisture.

Outdoor enclosures are being erected that consist of sand as flooring
material. Surfaces of outdoor enclosures shall be constructed and
maintained so that they are impervious to   moisture and may be readily
cleaned and disinfected; run off from outdoor enclosures must be
properly disposed of as required by the municipal sewerage authority. 

Some animal crates and cages are stacked, but are not designed for this
purpose.  Debris and waste from upper cages falls into the cages
below.  Cages and crates must not be
stacked one on top    of the
other unless suitable support structures and barriers are used.  The
supports must be able to hold the weight of the uppe cage and prevent
the upper cage from resting on the lower cage.  Barriers must be used
between the upper and lower cage to prevent contamination of the lower
cage from debris and waste from the upper cage.

enclosures are not maintained in good repair. The wooden painted cages
designated as the condos have chewed and worn surfaces and are unable
to be properly cleaned and   disinfected.  Wooden cages in the front of
the main rabbit room are extensively saturated with urine and so
severely chewed that they can no longer be cleaned, disinfected, or
deodorized.  These cages must be removed from the facility.

Animals are unable to remain clean and dry due to the excessive amount
of excreta in their primary enclosures.

Animals are rotated to a playpen during the cleaning process.  At the
time of this inspection, the playpen contained an accumulation of
excrement and debris from other animals.  This
playpen was not
cleaned and disinfected between inhabitants.  All enclosures,
                                  carriers, and holding pens or runs
must be cleaned and disinfected before another animal is placed in them.

Hay used as food for the rabbits and pellet type food is not discarded
and replaced on a daily basis as required.  Pellet type food is only
given every other day.

1.7(b)                         Food,
particularly hay, is placed in the litter boxes for the rabbits to eat.
This hay is contaminated with excreta and is not discarded  and replaced
on a daily basis as required in 1.7 (a) above.  Other food placed on
the floor of enclosures is also contaminated with excreta and needs to
be removed and replaced on a daily basis.

Hay used as food for the rabbits is placed inside the litter boxes and
quickly becomes contaminated by excreta.  Containers of food shall be
accessible to animals and shall be located so as to minimize
contamination by excreta. 

1.7(e)                         Feeding pans are not cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis as required.

Water bottles are not cleaned on a daily basis.  The bottles are topped
up with water when they become less than half full.  Receptacles for
water must be cleaned daily.

Excreta is not removed from primary enclosures often enough to prevent
contamination of the animals contained therein, and to control odors. 
At the time of inspection,
enclosures contained an excessive amount of excreta and odors were uncontrolled due to the amount of
and feces in each primary enclosure, including urine and feces
saturated wood pellets used as litter in litter receptacles.

are not removed from enclosures during the cleaning process.  At the
time of inspection, cleaning fluids were poured into the enclosures
containing rabbits, for the purpose of allowing the cleaning fluid to
soak to remove caked on waste materials. 
                                   Cleaning staff sprayed cleaning
solutions and vacuumed enclosures while the animals remained in the

1.8(b)                         Primary enclosures are not cleaned often enough to prevent an accumulation
debris and excreta.  At the time of this inspection, there was an
excessive amount of excreta and debris on cage floors and resting

1.8(c)                         Cages and hard surfaced
pens are not cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis. Floors are swept
and occasionally wet mopped but are not disinfected on a daily basis. 
All floors, animal enclosures and other pens or holding areas must be
cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis.  Urine encrusted stains in
primary enclosures and litter receptacles must be thoroughly scrubbed to
remove the stains before the final disinfection process.

All interior surfaces throughout the entire facility were covered in
dust, dirt and debris and not kept clean.  All surfaces, including the
area where cleaning supplies are stored and where hay and feed is
dispensed must be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt and
                           debris.  Cobwebs, dirt and debris must be
removed from all areas, including ceilings, walls, shelves, electric
outlets, lighting fixtures, stored caging, carriers, etc.  Areas around
sinks, wash basins,      counter tops, refrigerators, food preparation
areas, and the washer and dryer area must be scrubbed clean and kept in
good repair.  Items creating clutter must be either removed or properly
                stored to prevent nuisances and to facilitate proper
cleaning throughout the facility. 
Areas around primary enclosures
where urine, feces, and debris accumulate must be thoroughly scrubbed
to remove the dried, encrusted urine stains and cleaned and disinfected
on a daily basis.

1.9(a)                         Records must be
made available regarding the treatment of animals at the facility, such
as daily medical logs indicating the type of treatment provided and the
duration of treatment.   Evidence of veterinary examinations and site
visits with  documented findings must also be made available to
inspectors.  These records are required to document compliance with
the provisions of this act. 

A rabbit named Dante was brought into the facility on 4/18/12 with a
severe leg injury.  The leg was splinted by the shelter president on the
day of arrival, but records show that this animal was not seen by a
veterinarian until 5/11/12.  There was no evidence
                                  produced at the time of this
inspection that showed the rabbit was provided with at least prompt,
basic veterinary care as required.  This rabbit was not at the facility
on the date of this inspection. 

Multiple items, including a dishwasher was stored in the isolation room
at the time of this inspection. A refrigerator used to store medications
for use in the isolation room was blocked by 2 large rolling storage

The isolation room is not to be used for any purpose
other than the segregation of animals with signs of communicable
disease.  All items that are being stored in the isolation room must be
removed, cleaned and disinfected, or disposed of if the item can not be
and appropriately stored elsewhere to prevent contamination.

that were not exhibiting or being treated for signs of          
communicable disease were housed in the isolation room at the time of
this inspection.  This included wild rabbits that had been raised by a
surrogate mother and were isolated due to stress; a               
rabbit named Allyson that was isolated due to pregnancy;   Bertucci,
isolated for a bite wound; Lennox, isolated for bad teeth; and a rabbit
brought to the facility for boarding with no name or cage card.  There
were no daily treatment logs or other records showing that animals
housed in the isolation room were being treated for a communicable

If animals need to be segregated for reasons other than communicable
they must be housed in a different area of the shelter that meets the
needs of the animals, such as a quite area to provide relief from
stress.  This would also include animals that are brought into the
shelter and are being observed for a period of time before being placed
with the general population, but are not currently exhibiting signs of
communicable disease.

1.10(a)1.                    Stray animals
are accepted into the facility although the facility is not licensed as a
pound and the shelter is not contracted with or authorized by any New
Jersey municipality to accept and impound stray animals.  Any animal
brought to the facility that is known to be or suspected to be a stray
animal must not be accepted into the facility, but must be turned over
to the contracting animal impoundment facility for the municipality
where the animal was found. 

Wild rabbits were found at the
facility at the time of this inspection.  Wild animals must be turned
over to a wildlife rehabilitator currently licensed in New Jersey by the
New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife.

People bringing
animals to the facility are ordered to sign an owner surrender form even
when the person bringing the animal into the facility states that they
are not the owner of the animal and the animal was found as a stray. 
One example is a rabbit named Princess, 8 weeks old,
which arrived at the facility on 6/19/12, ID#PR061912.  This practice of falsifying documents must
cease immediately and all stray animals must be handled as stated  above.

Some animals housed at the facility did not have proper records at the
time of this inspection.  A cage card on a cage that was empty, but had
not been cleaned, showed that Aerie, ID number 5/9/12, was adopted on
5/19/12. This animal was said to be owned by the
                            facility president, but when questioned, the
name of the animal as   stated on the cage card was unknown and no
records were found for this animal.  Inspectors were told that several
animals marked as adopted on the cage card were actually owned by the
facility president.
 Animals that are said to have been born at the facility are recorded as stray on the animals records.

animals housed at the shelter must have proper records indicating the
date the animal arrived, description of the animal, breed,age, and sex;
name of the owner or person from whom the animal was acquired, and the
final disposition of the animal when the animal dies or otherwise leaves
the facility.





New Jersey,
United States of America
false accusations

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, May 17, 2011

I have visited the rescue twice since they started in NJ.  I also adopted from there.  There is a malicious smear online campaign against this rescue which seems to be a personal vendetta.  The animals are well fed, healthy, and well cared for and the building is clean.  Do not take my word for it, visit the web site, fb page, or go visit in person. 


New Jersey,
United States of America
But you are in the USA

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, May 17, 2011

Your response makes zero sense.


United States of America

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, May 16, 2011

I forgot change the "relationship" on the first page and it was 1:00 A.M. my time when I made the original post that I was correcting.


New Jersey,
United States of America
Yet another LIE posted!

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 16, 2011

In response to your post that 'you hate making 1am posts' - you AGAIN discredit yourself. 

It seems you are posting from the same account 'patti'.  You are both a consumer and the owner of the company.  It seems you forgot to logout before you posted as someone else.

You state you are located in the USA, not Australia.  It's daytime, step away from the computer and look outside.

So "patti" - even if someone is running through a proxy server or masking their ip address, you know they can still be identified, right?

Another example of LMRR and the way they do business.  LIES and FABRICATIONS, shifting the blame onto others and not addressing the issues.

Don't waste your time here folks and definately don't waste your hard earned money!


United States of America

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, May 16, 2011

Effective May 12, 2011, the Camden County Health Department issued a CEASE AND DESIST order to Christine "Kristie" Lynanne Corson, for the business Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue. The legal paperwork regarding this issue has
been sent to Corson's residence. Until and IF Corson complies to the demands the health department and their multiple subsequent inspections, she is to follow the following directives:



So far Corson has played down and out right denied these FACTS because she had the weekend to do so as no one at Camden County Health Department could be reached for comment. Instead of blaming this on the same people you usually do, call and find out for yourself. I wish I could take credit for this but I can not.

To confirm this report call the Camden County Health Department at (856) 374 - 6026. Post what you learn on this note and anywhere else. Learn the TRUTH!


New Jersey,
United States of America
How About Addressing The Issues?

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 16, 2011

and NOT shifting blame.

I did NOT open a 'rescue'.  LMRR should have been GRATEFUL for the free time I donated to them.  Where was I?  I was living my real life and making extra time to help someone who didn't deserve it.

LMRR is the responsibility of Kristine - Founder and President.

Why would I stay and enable this criminal behavior and be emotionally abused on a daily basis?  That's what peope have done for over 10 years and I will absolutely NOT be a part of that.  It sounds like YOU have a vendetta against these people - referring to them as loonies and such.  Your post has NOTHING to do with the issues raised in the report.  Personal attack?  Stop shifting blame and place it where it belongs - with the owner of Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue.

It was also nice to see the owner admit she wrote that post and gave you permission to post it.  Again, no issues were addressed. 

Let me repost my answer to that post, again, since no one took the time to READ it and instead put the blame elsewhere.

1. I will happily post proof there was indeed an outbreak of syphilis later in the week.  I was a volunteer and I indeed have documents from the rescue's president stating this is absolutely true.  In these papers a Dr. Duggan is referenced as diagnosing this.

2. When I post that document, I will also post pictures of the bloody eyed rabbits, again proving this is true.

3. You can find her appearance on FOX NEWS 4 stating that the rabbit she is holding was rescued by her.  His pedigree papers and the breeder he was purchased from can be provided. 

4.  IRS fraud, ask for proof of her funding practices and inquire about when she began to declare any fundraising funds gained.  Ask where the condos, memory bricks, memory garden or new shelter are.  Since they were not built, why were those donations not refunded?

5.  The 'rebuttal' is shameful.  It is from a person that has no knowledge of LMRR's activities over the years.  I do hope that every single person named in the rebuttal files a defamation lawsuit against the individual who posted it.  That person posted on FaceBook who she is and I will be happy to provide that information to all of you. 


United States of America
Sunshine Rescue

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, May 16, 2011

There was no scam involved with the Sunshine Rescue.  It's not true that other local rescues and rescuers were almost able to talk the woman into surrendering the animals.  The woman had arranged to sell the rabbits as snake food for $8 each and she wasn't going to give them up unless she got her $8.  There were many reputable rescues involved in this and I am proud to be part of it.  What was it again that the Bunny Justice folks did to help these 77 rabbits who are all placed with reputable rescues and alive today because of Kristie's efforts?


United States of America
Sorry for the typo

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, May 16, 2011

That should say "get a life Bunny Justice".  I hate those 1:00 a.m. typos!


New Jersey,
United States of America
Issues Still NOT Addressed

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 16, 2011

The issues in the report have still not been addressed.  The creative writing skills you use, show the high level of thought processes you are able to access.  Why can you not post a rebuttal answers? 

That question is redundant.  I can see why, a word like 'loonies' and a phrase like 'drink the koolaid' is the best answer you can give.  You attack the people with actual experiences with the person and their 'business'. 

It's nice to see that the owner finally posted and all she had to say was - it's not plagerism if I told her she could write it (or somethiong to that effect). Good, now everyone knows the owner of LMRR wrote it. 

Try addressing maybe ONE of the issues that were mentioned.  I'd very much enjoy posting the evidence that proves you to be a liar, fraud and theif.  I want my donations RETURNED along with everyone elses.

Do your research on your own everyone.  Don't let her defraud you too!


United States of America
It's not plagerism

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, May 16, 2011

It is not plagerism when you are given permission by the author to share.  Get a Bunny Justice!


United States of America
Yes, I did say that

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, May 16, 2011

And I hope that people can see that I was only repeating other people's words.  I drank the loonies kool-aid at one time and have now chosen to spit it out. 


New Jersey,
United States of America
Patti's Knowledge on LMRR From Her on 3/16/2011

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 16, 2011

Posted on FaceBook by Patti *****

on 3/16/2011

(The person who wrote the 'rebuttal' to the report)


"I do not personally know Christine nor have I ever visited her rescue when she was in Florida.  All I know is that two of her volunteers jumped ship and joined our rescue before she even left Florida.  They told us that she is a hoarder, conditions were horrible, and mistreated her volunteers."


United States of America
Truth about Patti Brant and Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 16, 2011

Patti Brant who is somehow associated with Gainesville Rabbit Rescue (gainesvillerabbitrescue.org)
does not know and has never met any of the people that she has called
out by name in the slanderous rebuttal she submitted regarding the fraud
and abuse of Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue. More alarmingly she
plagorized it. That entire note is actually from Rabbits Online's
facebook page and not authored by Patti Brant herself. This in and of
itself totally discredits her rebuttal. She should be cautioned against
slander, libel, and plagiarism as all are serious crimes.

She was part of a recent scam by Christine Lynanne Corson (Kristie) where in an
attempt to draw attention to herself, Corson went from New Jersey to
Florida and bought out a breeder who threatened to gas 77 rabbits if not
paid for them. Local rescues and rescuers were almost able to talk the
woman into surrendering the animals, but in an attempt to get media
coverage of herself, Corson raised $2,114 from the public, paid for all
of her travel and flew down to get on TV. Brant helped arange this. The
money Corson raised was to be divided among other rescues participating,
but as of today 5-15-2011, none have received a dime or any information
on the expenses of the rescue.

The entire "Sunshine Rescue" orchestrated by Corson and Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue, was no more than shameless self promotion of Corson herself and Little Miracles
Rabbit Rescue, who if you research has a horrid and disgusting past
record going back over 10 years and 3 locations. Voorhees NJ, Northport
Fl, and most recently Atco NJ.

Shockingly Corson is again attempting to
raise over $3,000 for all rescues collectively. If you want to help
these animals, donate to ANOTHER reputable rescue! DO NOT fund Corson's
fraud! Additionally, be sure who you donate to sends you a receipt for
your records, no such thing is EVER given out by Corson.


United States of America
Truth about Patti Brant and Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, May 16, 2011

Patti Brant who is somehow associated with Gainesville Rabbit Rescue
(gainesvillerabbitrescue.org) does not know and has never met any of the
people that she has called out by name in the slanderous rebuttal she
submitted regarding the fraud and abuse of Little Miracles Rabbit

More alarmingly she plagorized it. That entire note is actually
from Rabbits Online's facebook page and not authored by Patti Brant
herself. This in and of itself totally discredits her rebuttal. She
should be cautioned against slander, libel, and plagiarism as all are
serious crimes.

Brant was part of a recent scam by Christine Lynanne
Corson (Kristie) where in an attempt to draw attention to herself,
Corson went from New Jersey to Florida and bought out a breeder who
threatened to gas 77 rabbits if not paid for them. Local rescues and
rescuers were almost able to talk the woman into surrendering the
animals, but in an attempt to get media coverage of herself, Corson
raised $2,114 from the public, paid for all of her travel and flew down
to get on TV. Brant helped arange this. The money Corson raised was to
be divided among other rescues participating, but as of today 5-15-2011,
none have received a dime or any information on the expenses of the

The entire "Sunshine Rescue" orchestrated by Corson and Little
Miracles Rabbit Rescue, was no more than shameless self promotion of
Corson herself and Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue, who if you Google search,
has a horrid and disgusting past record going back over 10 years and 3
locations. Voorhees NJ, Northport Fl, and most recently Atco NJ.

Shockingly Corson is again attempting to raise over $3,000 for all
rescues collectively. Brant is aiding her. If you want to help these animals, donate to
ANOTHER reputable rescue! DO NOT fund Corson's fraud! Additionally, be
sure who you donate to sends you a receipt for your records, no such
thing is EVER given out by Corson.


New Jersey,
United States of America
Oh, it is TRUE and I have PROOF!

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, May 15, 2011

1. I will happily post proof there was indeed an outbreak of syphilis later in the week.  I was a volunteer and I indeed have documents from the rescue's president stating this is absolutely true.  In these papers a Dr. Dalton is referenced as diagnosing this.

2. When I post that document, I will also post pictures of the bloody eyed rabbits, again proving this is true.

3. You can find her appearance on FOX NEWS 4 stating that the rabbit she is holding was rescued by her.  His pedigree papers and the breeder he was purchased from can be provided.  

4.  IRS fraud, ask for proof of her funding practices and inquire about when she began to declare any fundraising funds gained.  Ask where the condos, memory bricks, memory garden or new shelter are.  Since they were not built, why were those donations not refunded?

5.  The above 'rebuttal' is shameful.  It is from a person that has no knowledge of LMRR's activities over the years.  I do hope that every single person named in the rebuttal files a defamation lawsuit against the individual who posted it.  That person posted on FaceBook who she is and I will be happy to provide that information to all of you.  


United States of America

#18Consumer Comment

Sun, May 15, 2011

This isn a smear campaign organized by a small group of cyber-bullies. 
To the "Bunny Justice" crew  (Julie Christa Stephens, Ronnie Cyr, Dixie Stone Resnick, Amber Seely Spoerl and a very few others parading under dozens of aliases), please stop posting your vitriol all over the Internet, including here.

For those of you who are friends or unsuspecting followers of these people, PLEASE research and WEIGH the information you're regurgitating. A few dirty cages and poop on the floor of a rabbit rescue is NOT abuse!! When volunteers come to feed/water rabbits, the dishes are going to be empty!  An accidental litter can happen to any rescue or foster home!! A picture of a rabbit with a wet butt isn't grounds to shut down a rescue!  Photos of a lot of properly housed rabbits don't show the rescuer is a hoarder no matter what the caption says!  A ten-year-old incident where rabbits were re-homed is no longer relevant!! These are not 'crimes'!

And especially, letters and posts about personal issues like pregnancy and employment are totally irrelevant to rabbit rescue and you have no business plastering them all over the Internet!
The amount of effort and ugliness put into this campaign is astounding and the tactics are despicable. Its natural to 'cluck cluck' with your friends, but seriously, do you really see anything here that warrants shutting down this rescue? Please think before blindly supporting a group comprised of people with personal grudges launching ridiculously aggressive personal attacks.
This group has reported this girl to the Humane Society, the SPCA, Facebook, income tax, child services, all the media outlets, animal control, the health board, posting personal info, you name it. Very few, if any, rescues can withstand this kind of scrutiny. To Kristie's credit she has been passing a wide array of inspections brought on by this group for months (and in many cases, years) and she has survived all the attempts to derail her. What does that tell you?
It's incredibly distracting to people trying to rescue rabbits (us and Kristie included). It's alienating the entire community and putting all of us in a horribly unprofessional light with the government, media and the public.

And it's a COLOSSAL waste of energy and resources. These huge efforts should be directed to saving lives, not jeopardizing the rabbits in rescue or in need of rescue. Please rethink your involvement!

To others reading this, please ask these people to stop poisoning the rescue pool!  STOP THE NEGATIVITY!!

Reports & Rebuttal
Respond to this report!
Also a victim?
Repair Your Reputation!