  • Report:  #360233

Complaint Review: Liveperson Kasamba - Internet Nationwide

Reported By:
- OTHER, Other,

Liveperson Kasamba
Liveperson.com Internet, Nationwide, U.S.A.
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Psychic Chat with Sandina is a Total Fraud:

1 Multiple profiles

2 Treis to con clients into paying for 'spells'

3. Tries to con clients into paying for meditations during her session.

She had three profiles active up until earlier this year. Now she has two that i know about. More than one profile is supposed to be againt Liveperson policy. However, in her other actice profile, Predictions by Julia, she accidently signed off as Sandina and this was mentioned in the feedback.

Another client report this to Liveperson but they denied she has tw priofiles.

The file is in the group.

Interestingly, she called herself anna in the 'Predictions by Julia' profile until Powerfull Visions opened the profile. Then she called herself Julia.

I can prove Sandina is a fraud.

I can prove Powerful Visions is a criminal and a liar.

I can't prove they are the same person. It doesn't matter because I CAN prove that Liveperson cover their fraudulent acts.

I will load the Powerful visions file on the weekend after I update it.

I have also loaded a couple of case studies of lower profile frauds.

The files are available in the group for anyone to view, copy, distribute-whatever.

I will load files on Powerful Visions and Dr Love over the weekend. I have to updated and check them first but they are both bent to the max and Liverperson covers up for both of them and I can prove it,




1 Updates & Rebuttals


Experts are welcome

#2Author of original report

Fri, August 08, 2008

Several experts have subscribed to the group to download the files and then unsubscribed - several times. They have used the names they use on Liveperson and the group send me an automated email. They are welcome to stay subscribed instead of going through the process everytime I load a file which is almost every day now. No-one can see anyone's else's email and they are welcome to stick around. I have nothing to hide and I have stuck to what I originaly said and not written up someone who I was not 100% sure, with proof, that they are a fraud. If I get it wrong then the group or anyone is welcome to tell me. I have NOT covered all the frauds because my intention was to provide evidence on a CROSS SECTION (including lowere profile ones) that show that the company is bent. I was MORE CONCERNED with NOT naming honest people than getting proff of everyone. Patti, your complete lack of any ability to engage in anyform of thinking that requires critical analysis is simply astounding. Got Me is just sick, but you astound me. I did NOT stalk psychics (although I admit to having a bit of fun with Master Z but he is the lowest scumbag on earth and he told me when I confronted him that it was my problem because i needed to get closer to God-I'll never forget that - oh and he uses scripts and I can prove it). There was nothing to be gained from 'stalking psychics' over many sites (I only ever went to one and i can oprove that too), the company has a disclaimer. It was always about trying to prove the company was bent and using the frauds to illustrate the impact upon clients. I emphasise that I am loading the research on psychic experts slowly into the group and experts are welcome to stay subscribed and they are sent the files automatically. I don't care who it is. It is an open group. I have tried to put aside my personal resentments against particular experts BECAUSE THEY WERE SO CRUEL. It is difficult and so I will name them -Master Z, Poweful Visions, Ladriele, Psychicprincess, Fruno, Ru the Sourcer, Mina. I have battled personal resentments against these people and of course I looked for proof they were frauds. I found it. But that is the only influence on my research other than I have been fanatical about NOT naming any one without proof. Patti and others. You just don't understand what it takes to do this sort of research. A lot of time, effort and structure. Not all the possible avenues for research can be iexplored and included. There is too much. That is the principle underpinning evidence-based medicine. If you don't believe me look it up. What it means is you get the best research, or, in this case proof, and use it. You do not use low quality evidence to support a point. This is the basis of all my work. It is an established global strategy for research. I will say it again. Evidence-based research means you don't include everything only the best quality research (or , in this case, the frauds on which I had 100% proof). If I have not provided that proof in any of my case studies, anyone is welcome to tell me. But you know what. The first case studies I loaded were of scripted readings. Clients wrote in the group that they had the same experiences with Lee and Fruno. (This was a huge boost for me because it meant I had got it right and I appreciated the feedback more then anyone can ever know). Anyone is welcome. Some people have opened discusussions which is wonderful. Others prefer just to read and recieve files. You can set your own preferences. I will load the full powerful visions case study this weekend I will post here. I actually could use some more client experiences with her although I have enough to prove that she is a liar, a criminal and a fraud.

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