  • Report:  #451267

Complaint Review: Liveperson.com Melodie - Internet

Reported By:
- BOSTON, Massachusetts,

Liveperson.com Melodie
462 7th Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York, New York 10018 Internet, U.S.A.
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From: Melodie

I totally did not mean to sound like I was attacking. Im so sorry! I know I tend to sound like a total know it all sometimes.

From: shelly2009 Date: 5/6/2009 12:20:16 AM

I can not believe you said that to me, I have not made one attempt to contact him, I did as you instructed, are u flip flopping on me? Today was the first day I felt like I missed him. I have had a couple of readings because things at work are unbearable and I do not know what to do, and I have been going to thereapy to deal with work and family issues, I havent had a lot of time to even think of him, but I do from time to time because I am still in love with this person. I am shocked at your lack of empathy. I have nothing to say to Mark after my last conversation, I have done as instructed by you. Why are you being mean and judgemental?

From: Melodie Date: 5/6/2009 12:02:32 AM

realistically haven't you been contacting him to try to clear things up already? And it hasn't worked and I'm afraid you are thinking "I just haven't found the right way to put it yet." But everything said it was pushing him away, not bringing him closer, and reality bears that out. I remember seeing so many endings in those cards and also in your charts... It honestly may be too late. But one thing I can tell you, if there is ANY hope, it will be because you've pulled back, stopped chasing and get him in the same position you are in now... worrying that he's lost you. Can you see how him not chasing you makes you want him more? And I don't know which other experts you've spoken with... But one thing I can tell you is that if we had talked about this, and you had applied these balancing techniques (rather than chasing) when things first fell apart, I believe wholeheartedly you'd have gotten him back long ago. As hard as this is, it's your only hope and I firmly believe that.

From: shelly2009 Date: 5/5/2009 11:52:31 PM

Hi Melodie

How are u? I am confused about my reading with you. (I was very tired when I contacted you) I have had readings with others that have said that there is no chance unless I contact him and try to clear up things, that he wants me to chase him, and if not, in several months he will pick another over me, and be in a realationship with that person. I am completely confused!

I emailed Melodie for clarification about 2 confusing readings in same day, she has since flip flopped her reading on me, I left a one star rating and 6 HOURS LATER LIVE PERSON REMOVED IT. (I called customer service to ask why, and they couldnt find ANY REASON why it was removed, but they will investigate and will get back to me). She rudely attacked me for having more than 1 reading in the same day, ie: why would you do that, you obviously dont trust the people who read 4 read u-got VERY testy-(Gee I thought we lived in a free world, I didnt realize I needed HER permission to get more one than 1 reading in a day). I talked to her again last night, I already paid her $732, she told me she would do another reading for free, then asked me to pay, I told her I couldnt and she she would see what she could see, she asked too many questions, gave more conflicting info, (no clear answers), revised her time) line again (at first he will be back mid-May, now it depends on how I behave, maybe June?) If I become unavailable to him, pull back and do not miss him-are u kidding me? and If I dont do that, its over, yada, yada, yada. Needless to say the other reader said the relationship is not over, he will come back in his own time, etc, actually NAILED his personality without me saying a word, other than hello, and my name.

Melodie claims that by me responding to his texts, or emails is pursuing behavior and I cant do that, also when he calls me I CAN NOT ask him how he is, "thats chasing/pursuing behaviour." (gee, I thought that was polite behavior") Alright Melodie, do I need to ask permission to answer the phone?, and is there a script I should follow?, we are 2 people in love who are going thru a hard time, and for someone who claims to have been a SOCIAL WORKER, you seem to play a lot of mind games. (Forgot to mention, Melodie doesnt realize my guy travels far to other countries for business, kinda hard to chase someone who is in one country one day, then in Prague the next, etc, etc.

Avoid LIVE PERSON, avoid Melodie, and stay away from these sites, the only realiable sight with great customer service is asknow.com, but tread lightly there are a lot of people out there out to ONLY RIP U OFF, AND PLAY ON your emotions, please be careful.


BOSTON, Massachusetts


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