  • Report:  #875956

Complaint Review: Livingston County Family Court & CPS - geneseo New York

Reported By:
Vicki - Mt. Morris, New York, United States of America

Livingston County Family Court & CPS
Livingston county geneseo, 14454 New York, United States of America
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Hello. I am writing for help. I know that you may not deal in things of this nature, but we are running out of options and cannot stay within our own county for this particular issue.  Its a long confusing mess of a story, but I will try my best to shorten the details. First let me say that this is about CPS and Livingston County Family Court. 

Hailey was born in November 2010, and Angel had her own apartment in Mt. Morris. Angel and Jesse were no longer together. She and Dustin lived with Jesse in Canaseraga for a year before this. Through Angels entire pregnancy she lived with the Shays. There are many details that need uncovering there but I will not get into that in this letter than saying that Angel lived with Jesse because Teresa and Jesse threatened to have her arrested for staggetory rape if she didnt give up her apartment she had in Dansville and live with Jesse.

Immediately after Hailey was born, Angel was being reported to CPS regularly and all by Teresa and Jesse. They petitioned for custody directly after paternity was established. At that time, Angel had volunteered to work with TASA (Gina Sackett)and preventive services( Lauren Swenzer).  All reports for months were unfounded. During this time Jesse and Angel shared Hailey 50/50 every other week. Also during that time, Lauren Swenzer had told Angel that she knew Jesses family well.

Jesse informed her at that time that Lauren was a personal friend of his mothers and there was no way she would keep Hailey. Angel dropped Preventive Services out of dis trust when Jesse has information about her that was confidential and only Lauren knew.  Let me make a note that Angel has social anxiety and has a hard time speaking out for herself.

I did have concerns about Angels depression, which now the counselors believe was postpartum depression that is not the new mothers fault. I also had concerns about her house keeping skills. I tried to call Teresa and share concerns as grandparents. I told her that she should push the court to make sure Angel got into counseling for her depression. She told me she had to figure out exactly how because her attorney told her she didnt have rights as a grandparent. She asked me to testify in court about Angel, and I told her, I will work with caseworkers and voice my concerns to them but I will not brutalize my daughter in the court room.

Angel visited me with Hailey almost daily at that time. I never saw or met Teresa before and she never even came to my home. The day after I spoke to Teresa on the phone, I had a caseworker (Linda Leek-Beard) knocking at my door because I was turned in for concerns of the safety of Dustin and Hailey while in my home. Linda walked through my home on the spot and investigated me. There were absolutely no issues that concerned her. The case was closed unfounded.

Angel was caring for Hailey, she was growing well and happy. She was doing fine and her growth records from her doctor will prove she was healthy. Later in court during this battle they kept saying there were things wrong with Hailey and that wasnt true but they let them say what they wanted without proof AND USED IT!  Angels Public defender, Chris Laragy, never argued for her. He simply went with what they wanted.

Angel also gave him a lot of proof and documentation that he threw to the side and never even brought up in court. Proof of parenting class completion was also ordered but ignored after she proved completion with certificates. Anyways , going back to the time line, I have photos while Angel had Hailey that she was happy and doing things they say she was behind on with Angel and again, she wasnt allowed to show her proof and her public defender didnt either. He shoved everything in his folder and ignored what she wanted him to do for her.

Amber Hainey began working Angel CPS reports shortly after Hailey was born. She visited with Angel saying she had just come from Teresas home and she wouldnt believe how beautiful the nursery is and Angel should give her custody because she would have more and all they wanted to do was help. If you were a teen mother who had to walk on eggshells all the time being harassed with CPS reports one after another, would you trust them after these comments by the caseworker you are supposed to trust?

She started ignoring the county workers when they knocked. Amber had told Angel that she had known Teresa for a long time and Teresa was a good friend. She told Angel that Teresa just wanted to help Angel and make sure Hailey had things in life. Why wouldnt she? If grandma can give to Hailey while she has her, why couldnt she do the same while she was with Angel? TASAs Gina Sackett was the third caseworker Angel had volunteered to work with and this is the third that claimed friendships with Teresa. Teresa used to work for the county!

Angel ended up dropping Hailey while trying to get her in the tub. When I saw Hailey later that day, I had concerns of how she got the redness on her face. I called the police to go look and see if they thought she may have hit her. I wasnt sure but I wanted to make sure the baby was okay. They went and took the baby that day. Angel insists she never hit her. She said the marks were from trying to grab her fast before she hit the tub, but it happened so fast she grabbed her face during the fall and actually flipped the baby trying to catch her.

I believe her because she has admitted everything she has done wrong. The judge said in court he couldnt prove she hit the baby but her dirty house was neglect.  She got neglect charges. The judge ordered 2 hours visitation per week supervised by Jesse or his mother. Their attorney was Shannon Hilliar from an office in Mt. Morris I believe. The baby was 6 months old, she is a year and a half now and Angel has worked hard doing what they have told her to do. She has an advocate that works closely with her and her counselor and they know her better and deeper than anyone.

They are on her side and say she should get her daughter back on the weekends at least, yet the law guardian was against it trying to throw her new petition out before it even gets a chance to show proof. And they have been violating her visitation over and over and still the court wont look at anything she can prove. The law guardian John Lockhart says its not a violation its a misunderstanding. Its a misunderstanding when it happens over and over? This is the way they have been this entire time.

During the time Angel still had Hailey half time, Hailey was with Teresa for Jesses supposed half time with his daughter, and Angel had friends over. It was some time after midnight that her friend heard something out the window so they all snuck out the door and caught Amber Haineya professional caseworker, standing under the window creeping around in the dark. Two days later Amber came and forced Angel to get a drug test that came back negative. I can tell you that this girl absolutely hates drugs and alcohol.

Jesse a year before this was hospitalized for a drug overdose and has had issues proven with drugs. Angel has not yet CPS claimed in court Angel has a history of drug abuse. Total and complete lie! She even had proof from a negative drug test twice to an evaluation by CASA that came back just fine. They refuse to use any of the proof of her work or false accusation and they continue to say she hit her child when the judge said that couldnt be proven.

Now at this same time all of this is going on, I filed petitions for custody of Dustin because he was already with me, and visitation of Hailey because they refused to answer my calls and pleas to see my granddaughter. The judge gave me custody after I was evaluated by DSS and there were no concern for the kids being in my care. Facts of my past were already known and mentioned for the investigation and I was approved to get custody of Dustin.  A couple of months later, the same  judgeWiggins denied me anything but 3 hours a month supervised by Teresa. How does that work? I am safe for one child and not the other with the same exact information used? Some system we have here in Livingston County.

Also, just before it was time for the trial for me to get visitation of Hailey, Amber Hainey indicated a report against me from months before when I had Angel staying in my home while she was really sick with pneumonia and on steroids for breathing that made her feel funny. I was not going to leave my 19 yr old on the street or alone being that sick and there was absolutely no order or documentation that said my daughter could not be with her son that I didnt even have legal custody of yet.

An indicated  report against me where nobody ever came to follow up. Thats a pretty dangerous person huh?  Amber Hainey came just the morning I had to make Angel leave while she was sick. There is proof but no one is listening and this county is already on teresas side yet she is not the one who should be raising her. Her father should have her like is claimed yet he barely sees her according to some of his close friends.

We are low income. They have money and she knows a lot of the county workers because of her history working with the county. She also claimed to be a pediatric nurse for 20 years yet my grandsons other grandmother worked for her for years with the elderly. So she added to her status on the stand to get approval for her opinions that they hold against Angel so Teresa could take her child away.

This child doesnt even recognize Angel as her mother and thats so wrong that the court is making it like its in the babys best interest. Every little girls best interest is to grow with their mothers, and Angel has worked hard to change her life and make things right for her children to come back to her.  No one is listening or even cares, as long as Teresa gets her way and does away with Haileys other family. Thats real moral right?

There are so many details still unmentioned and we are begging for help from anywhere we can get it. It would be great if we could get the entire case out of this county. It would be great if a good non-local attorney would represent her just to help. None of us have the money for an attorney either.

Please help us or give this info to anyone who will. I am sending this same letter to every resource that may be even close to a helping hand. This mother does not deserve this and neither does her little girl. This is NOT in the childrens best interest! Angel should have rights to that child yet the court exercises none for her, yet she has joint custody but only sees her now for 2 hours when they feel like following the court order.

Livingston County NY
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