  • Report:  #248196

Complaint Review: Long Island Cycle And Marine - Bayshore New York

Reported By:
- Bayshore, New York,

Long Island Cycle And Marine
1600 Sunrise Highway Bayshore, 11706 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Went to LI Cycle & Marine to purchase a Jet Ski. These are the events that follow:

1)Salesman was Monte. No Last name. no business card

2)Ski was 12,800 w/ Jet Ski trailer

2a)Put a down payment of $800.00

3)Was asked if I wished to finance the balance

4)I wasn't sure if I did or not yet

5)I inquired about the terms

6)Was introduced to Fred ( Credit manager) No last name or business card

7)I told him if choose to finance it I would like to pay it over 24 month installments.

8)He quotes me 1st program 9.9% 2nd program 0% free for six months then 10.9% there after.

I tell him I'll think about it

9)He asked me to give him permission to run my credit so that I don't have to come back down if I choose to finance it.

10)Makes a copy of my license and ask for my SS#.

11)Three weeks later I receive a Credit Card statement with a balance due for $12000.00 @ 21.99% deferred if fully paid in 6 months. Otherwise Accruing at a rate of 21.99%

12)I am in receipt of no Jet Ski at the time

13)I complain to dealer and demand the credit card be cancelled and the debit reversed

14)I am told by a secretary that the only way to reverse it is to bring down a Certified Bank Check

15)But I don't have a ski yet? and I didn't approve this?

15a)But wait! I did approve it. (Fred took a copy of my license and SS# so that he can "RUN MY CEDIT" - He just left out the part that he was apply for a Credit card for me at 21.99%.

15b)He has me sign a bunch of paper work, but doesn't give me copies of anything

16)Called Funancing Credit( Credit Card Co.) reported the fraud, and closed the account

16a)I ask the Credit Company for an investigation. They look into it and later tell me that they DO have my signature on the papper work

16b)But what about the lying??? That's between you and the dealer Sir. Your name is on the paper work, so it's not fraud. However you do have a dispute

17)There is still a $12000.00 balance

18)In the meantine they are lying to me about the delivery. I was told they would have it in a week, but why don't I just keep it at the dealer because it was still to cold outside to use it

19)Gave up on fighting about the credit card thing and decided that I better just take the Ski because it was already prepaid in full, and I couldn't get the entry reversed.I had that sick feeling in my gut

20)Called several weeks later to pick up the ski. No Ski! When Asked why? Salesman says ..."Well YAMAHA isn't going to just deliver 1 Jet Ski...YIKES!!!

20)I ask:"How many Ski's need to be delivered before I get mine?"

21)Finally Ski arrives. Great! I asked:"When can I pick it up?"

"Just give us a few days to get it prepped"

22)A week later I go down with a friend, and ask if I get the ski, I am told by Fred (Rollo), because it's Friday, probably not. I asked when then. he said definately tomorrow. I left my cell# and asked him to call me

23)Saturday I call several times without a call back, I finally insist on speaking with someone. I am told by the salesman that an '06 came in by mistake. Sorry!

24)Now I'm getting that eerie feeling and start asking for manangement last names. But no one has one??? Then I ask for an email address. They don't have that either. I ask who the owner was response,"Oh he's never in"

25)A while longer they tell me they have the Ski...an '07

25)I said Great! When can I get it? " just wait while we prepare it.

26)I call some more and am promised the next day. So I stay home waiting. Not only doesn't it arrive, I don't even get a phone call

27)The following week,the phones are down (for three days?) I am now speaking with an answering service

The salesman gives me his personal cell# because I can't get through on normal channels

28)No proactive calls from them. it's always me calling

29)Am promised again by salesman, and told he will deliver it personally

30)They now have lied over 10 times, some MATERIAL in nature, so I'm having a problem believing him

31)Finally Ski is delivered by salesman

32)The ski is crooked on the trailer, the hull is sitting on top of the cross member of the trailer scrapped by who ever loaded it on to the trailer, there is a tie down across the seat making an indentation, and slightly scuffing the sides of the Ski,and there are scathes and or scuffs on the port side of the black trim. When I pointed it out, the saleman responded that it was going to get nicked up anyway. Really!

33)I refused to accept the ski with the indentations in the seat, and the salesman brought back another seat

34)He enters the house very nervously, and ask me to sign a slip of paper that states that I took delivery of the Ski 2/27/07 not 4/24/07

35)I refuse to sign it and make the correction and insist that he initial it. he responds and says " Please don't, I'll get fired" For telling the truth?

36)I made a copy of it, and later realized that that was suppose to be the customer copy to keep. (On the bottom it said customer copy) Meaning the original was in some type of triplicate. But he had a single photo copy, and didn't plan on me retaining a copy

37)The salesman left in a hurry, I asked what was wrong and he said that he was late for a baseball game

38)A few minutes later I went to West Marine around the corner from my house because things didn't look right. The ski was sitting on the cross member, it was crooked, and it didn't look like a jet ski trailer.

39)A guy named Eric was nice enough to come back to the house with me to take a look at it. When he saw it, he said WHOO! What's going on here? That shouldn't be like that. He looked underneath and said the bottom was scrapped, and that wasn't the trailer for that ski. and the trailer wasn't set up right.

He also saw the scuff on the trim and said,"I would never accept that." Then I told him about the whole credit card thing. He couldn't believe it

40) I once again complained to the salesman that the scuff is bothering me and I want it fixed. I sent pictures to a personal email address that one of the girls at LI Cycle gave me to show the damage.

41)After receiving them, she says she needs to speak with the salesman who's not in

42)The next day he comes in and after some minor haggling agrees to order the part, I ask him to confirm that he's ordering the part in an email, and he agrees to.

43)Saturday, there is no email, but I wasn't that concerned because they had agreed late on Friday, and it was before 10:00am on Saturday when I checked.

44)I called Crystal later in the day and asked about the email I was suppose to receive. Now she says that I have to talk to Nate. I said what about what you said yesterday? Now I have to talk to Nate.

45)I talk to Nate and he says that he needs to see the Ski,he ask me to bring it down on Monday, and I said ok.

46)The same day I start to put the numbers on the port side of the ski and I notice a scuff on the hull, but you really couldn't see it from standing position, you would have to be bending down looking up. I got a flash light and upon closer examination, I noticed scuffs all the way down to the bottom of the hull, as if the ski had been dropped on one side.

47)I call back and ask who the owner was response,"Oh he's never in" I insist on a meeting with the owner and am finally fowarded to his voice mail. His name is Tom, but his mailbax is full and connot except anymore messages.

48)I call back and leave a message for Tom with Crystal, and request a face to face meeting with him (Tom doesn't have a last name either)

49)Needless to say, no call back from Tom

50)Sunday, I started thinking that is obvious that these people will say anything, do anything, lie about anything, then deny anything. I decided to go down there in person and speak to who ever was in charge.

51)I meet with Vito, no business card, or last name, but at least he was polite. He listened to my whole story as I explained it to him. I told him in light of the facts: The lies, the service, the credit card, the damage, the trailer, etc, that I no longer wish to do business with LI Cycle and Marine, and would like to negate the entire transaction. I also explained that I will not drive the Ski down to the store on Monday because it is not insured,and I don't wish to be responsible for it. Not to mention that I don't trust them to say that I damaged it while transporting it to them.

52)Vito was an absolute gentleman about everything and said that he would talk to Tom personally and get back to me on Monday.

53)Monday, Vito never calls. But I did contact the BBB to do a backround check.



54)I contacted the DA"s Office, they knew of LI Cycle and Marine. After explaining the events, they said that is definately a matter for The Attorney General. They are sending me the paper work for review. I can't imagine them not doing an investiagation. I am curious as to why one hasn't been done already. How many complaints are necessary before an investigation is merrited? I would think 53, 54 with mine should be sufficient.

I plan on aggresively persuing this matter from every possible angle. And I will not give up.

They are hurting innocent people, and I want it stopped!

This is not just about me anymore, it's about everyone.

Ps: Please keep in mind that 54 complaints are only the people that actually did complain. How many people just gave up out of shear frustration.


Thank you for allowing me to share.


Bayshore, New York

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
LI Cycle, or Long Island Cycle, or Honda of Bayshore, NY, CONTRACT FRAUD: Any way you slice it, they should be in JAIL!!!

#2Author of original report

Tue, May 22, 2007

After finally getting a copy of all my paper work from an "Unknown" source. They have completely fabricated the contracts. They filled in the blanks with bogus information when applying for credit. They also crossed out the model year, which was suppose to be this years current model that I ordered, and wrote in the year prior...AFTER I SIGNED THE CONTRACT! That's why an 06 came in. Because THEY ordered it that way. Then they could get it to fly with the DMV. In addition, the paper work that I was asked to sign at the time of delivery, which stated that I recieved the Ski two months prior to actually recieving it. I refused to sign that until it was corrected. And we corrected it! When I got the copy, I noticed that the legitimate copy had been whited out and replaced with the original frabricated date of two months ago. And they did such a bad job. It is so obvious that it was changed. It was then fowarded to the lending company...only this time I have a copy of the contract that I signed. The Attorney General is very interested. What they had told me so far was that people like Long Isand Cycle and Marine are like cockroaches...if you shut them down...they just open up somewhere else under a different name. That's why it's important to prosecute them personally. They could always have other people front for them in a new business venture, but they will be closely watched. I made a suggestion to them to send a few undercover people to pose as potential customers...the gentleman I spoke with said" "that's exactly how we do it." I am VERY confident that LI Cycle will slip up. Especially FRED ROLLO. They are so sloppy, there not even good at it. What a JOKE! I can't wait until the female staff, that they have doing most of there dirty work for them, gets subpoenaed. We'll see how quickly the staff is willing to purjure themselves to protect the chimps at LONG ISLAND CYCLE AND MARINE. I'll keep you posted,

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