  • Report:  #214494

Complaint Review: Luke Dreyer--Streamline Marketing - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
- St Cloud, Florida,

Luke Dreyer--Streamline Marketing
11204 Bramblebrust St. Tampa, 33624 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This guy hires workers all over the US to market credit cards to US college students. He pays none of the expenses. The independent contractor pays for all expenses such as food, marketing materials and hotels. That's not why he is a ripoff. Here's why:

He doesn't pay his workers what is due them. He always has some lie why he won't pay. He reduces his contractors to constantly call, e-mail and beg for their money and still won't pay you all of it and most of the time just ignores your pleas for what you have earned. He also comes up with bogus charges such as $55.00 for shipping a 3 lb. box of applications. Then recently he did not communicate to his workers something very important which was writing down students drivers licenses on their credit apps. Imagine this, working hundreds of miles away from home and paying all these expenses, only to be told well we can't pay you when it was HIS fault. Not only that, he wants his workers to market 2 credit cards at the same time making you think it's more money for you--when in actuality it is more money for him because he'll come up with all kinds of reasons not to pay. Don't work for this con artist. You will regret it. He's a sleaze ball. He also sends his contractors to the same school to market at the same time. He has you set up in different locations thinking that you won't know. This is another way to fill his greedy pockets while screwing you over. He doesn't give a d**n if you are spending all this money to make money. Steer clear of this guy. He also markets a FL Fusion Card--don't buy one from him or his associates. Once you tell him that you won't work for him anymore he tries to blackball you from working for anyone else. He thinks he owns you and that you are an "employee" of his when you are an independent contactor. Gee, I wonder what the IRS would think about this. Maybe he should pay all the penalties the IRS will slap on him. Beware of this thief.


St Cloud, Florida

7 Updates & Rebuttals


St Cloud,
Was Not Paid Full Amount of What Was Owed To Me

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 02, 2007

No, I did not receive ALL my money. He finally did pay me some. Then this guy sends me a 1099 Misc with wrong info. He makes me laugh with his talking about US tax code specifics. Well maybe he should just read about independent contractor vs. employee. It specifically states that you cannot tell a person HOW to do their job, you are not supposed to specify hrs, tell them how to dress, how to act, etc. Because guess what? The IRS gets wind of this and he has to pay all back taxes of his "independent contactors" and very stiff penalties. It is enough to put a person out of business for good. I was a good worker for this guy and he ripped me off so all I can say to those of you who work for him, give it time, he will do the same to you.


St Cloud,
Was Not Paid Full Amount of What Was Owed To Me

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 02, 2007

No, I did not receive ALL my money. He finally did pay me some. Then this guy sends me a 1099 Misc with wrong info. He makes me laugh with his talking about US tax code specifics. Well maybe he should just read about independent contractor vs. employee. It specifically states that you cannot tell a person HOW to do their job, you are not supposed to specify hrs, tell them how to dress, how to act, etc. Because guess what? The IRS gets wind of this and he has to pay all back taxes of his "independent contactors" and very stiff penalties. It is enough to put a person out of business for good. I was a good worker for this guy and he ripped me off so all I can say to those of you who work for him, give it time, he will do the same to you.


St Cloud,
Was Not Paid Full Amount of What Was Owed To Me

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 02, 2007

No, I did not receive ALL my money. He finally did pay me some. Then this guy sends me a 1099 Misc with wrong info. He makes me laugh with his talking about US tax code specifics. Well maybe he should just read about independent contractor vs. employee. It specifically states that you cannot tell a person HOW to do their job, you are not supposed to specify hrs, tell them how to dress, how to act, etc. Because guess what? The IRS gets wind of this and he has to pay all back taxes of his "independent contactors" and very stiff penalties. It is enough to put a person out of business for good. I was a good worker for this guy and he ripped me off so all I can say to those of you who work for him, give it time, he will do the same to you.


St Cloud,
Was Not Paid Full Amount of What Was Owed To Me

#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 02, 2007

No, I did not receive ALL my money. He finally did pay me some. Then this guy sends me a 1099 Misc with wrong info. He makes me laugh with his talking about US tax code specifics. Well maybe he should just read about independent contractor vs. employee. It specifically states that you cannot tell a person HOW to do their job, you are not supposed to specify hrs, tell them how to dress, how to act, etc. Because guess what? The IRS gets wind of this and he has to pay all back taxes of his "independent contactors" and very stiff penalties. It is enough to put a person out of business for good. I was a good worker for this guy and he ripped me off so all I can say to those of you who work for him, give it time, he will do the same to you.


Con Artist?? Hardly

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, January 30, 2007

I would like to update this report to make sure things are clear. Shortly after Deb posted this report she was kind enough to send our materials back after threatening to work for someone else and use our supplies. We paid her the monies owed to her that we stated numerous times we would pay her when she sent back our materials. She says that nowhere does it say that an independent contractor has to pay their own expenses. This is not true! The US tax code is very specific that any independent contractor must incur their own expenses to avoid companies trying to cheat the system by not paying what should be "employees" benefits, match their ssi, etc. Deb seems to be confused about the app shipment charge also. Just because she had to incur a regular business expense in shipping supplies to her doesn't mean she "owns" them. She did not pay for the printing of the applications. The applications are and always have been legal property of the bank. Paying for shipping does not constitute the sale of the applications. Hope this makes sense. Deb states she had to beg and plead for money. This is also not true! She made a game out of keeping our materials which prolonged the process of her getting paid. If she had just sent the materials sooner she would have been paid sooner. Yes, it does take sometimes up to 4 weeks to get paid. It is very simple. When Deb generates applications she sends them to processing, the applications have to go though a verification process and when I receive the reports on payable applications she is paid. This process can take a fair amount of time depending on the work load of the processing center. Deb brings up the Univ of Central Fl situation. Deb decided to stay there on her own (she had been asked by the campus police to leave) until the campus police sent out a very unfair negative mass email to all the students. Deb decided to leave at this time and the school was later removed from out targeted school list. So no, I don't still send reps there. 6. Yes Deb, I did pay you out of my own pocket. I did not get paid for those apps. Regardless, who cares, you got paid. The conference call point is pointless also. There was miscommunication on my part and my clients part. I paid anyone who didn't get paid due to the miscommunication out of my own pocket also. The situation with my son did happen. When you expressed to me you were no longer working, just like I would do with anyone else, I told you I would need you to return your supplies and upon receiving them I would send your check. That is when the game started. 10. Deb has since sent the apps and has been paid as originally stated. I hope anyone reading this can see both sides. Until receiving her supplies, Deb continually made this situation way more complicated then it should have ever been. It's simple.......Say your not going to work anymore + Send in your supplies = Get your last check!


St Cloud,
Noun-- Con Artist

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, October 08, 2006

Noun- Con Artist: a swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim; a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud. 1. I never said his company was a ripoff because I had to pay my own expenses. I made that very clear. 2. The definition of an independent contractor no where says he must pay his own expenses. There are plenty of them who do have their expenses paid for other types of promos. This is not the real issue at hand but I point this out to prove one of his many lies. 3. Yes as he claims, he gets charged $55.00 and as he states he passes this expense off to his contractors which I paid. His analogy of it being like a waiter who doesn't turn in a uniform and his pay is withheld until he does so really is quite amusing. If they did not PAY for the uniform, then a company has a legitimate reason not to pay. Did I pay for the apps? Yes! So who do you think owns them? One who paid for them to run their business or one who did not pay the expense? 4. Yes, it is true that one has to beg and plead for money earned from him. That is why my last work partner quit on him. And I am informed how long it takes to get paid from one client--17 days. Presently, I am on day 38 of waiting for my money. 5. No he did NOT communicate to me about the drivers license issue. His assistant did on Sept. the 7th, to be exact, not himself. Why do I remember this date? I almost got arrested doing a promotion for him at the University of Central FL. According to the campus police it is not legal to do credit card promotions there. He most likely knew this beforehand but what does he care--you are making money for him. I'd be willing to bet that he is still sending reps there. Let's see if he bails them out of jail when they get arrested. 6. No he did not pay me out of his OWN pocket. 7. I did call the client we subcontracted through and guess what he said? He told me that there were several of Luke's reps who had called him wanting to know why they weren't getting paid. He also pointed out that there was a conference call to explain the changes in August. Luke never told me about any conference call and apparently neglected to tell several others also. 8. Here's what he has told me about my pay. First he said he had deposited a check in my account on Fri, Sept 29th. I check Monday and it is not there. I wait 2 days and email him once again. Then he says he deposited it in Daniel's account by mistake and he will take care of it. Then on Friday he says his son got hurt so he didn't get around to it. At that point, I had had it with his lying and deceptive ways about my pay so I told him I could no longer work for him because he had broken the trust. Now he has come up with withholding my pay until he gets those blank apps even though he didn't pay for them. You read it yourself, he passes this cost on. 9. Oh yes, I have called him some names, used vulgar language, and been rude about it. I had been more than patient with him up until recently. I am sure most people would react the same way when ripped off. He needs to take a look at himself before he calls anyone unprofessional. Is it professional not to pay his workers? Is it professional not to tell ALL your workers about important changes? Is it professional to be unethical and lie to your reps? Is it professional to demand something you did not pay for? Is it professional to not send invoice statements to your reps? 10. Now he claims he will deposit my money in the bank if I will send him those apps. Who in their right mind would trust him to do that?! Well, not me. And yes, I do take great joy in not giving him those apps. He wants those blank apps desperately. He's not getting them. Sweet, sweet revenge. Noun--Con Artist- A swindler who exploits the confidence of his victim; a person who swindles you by means of deception or fraud = Luke Dreyer aka Streamline Marketing.


Deb, Deb!

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 08, 2006

Please read our responses to Deb's statements below. I will explain a couple things mentioned in her report and politely share our company's point of view. "He pays none of the expenses." Exactly! That explains the definition of an independent contractor. Although, we do reimburse $35 per night for hotel on most of our programs as long as 50 applications are generated (pretty easy goal to hit). In most cases we prepay for the hotel to help the reps pocket book then we charge them back at a later date. "He doesn't pay his workers what is due them." Deb and I both know that if there is a discrepancy she is fully authorized to contact our clients directly to insure the accuracy of our payroll system. "He also comes up with bogus charges such as $55.00 for shipping a 3 lb. box of applications." As stated above, Deb is fully authorized to contact my client directly to validate a shipping charge. Since my client ships supplies out directly they charge me and I in return charge the rep. They have all shipping reports and would be able to confirm if a shipping charge is "bogus" or not, which they aren't. Overnighting a 3-5 pound box is in the $55 range depending on the carrier. "He reduces his contractors to constantly call, e-mail and beg for their money and still won't pay you all of it and most of the time just ignores your pleas for what you have earned." This is simply not true! All representatives that work with us as independent representatives are fully informed on how long it takes to receive payment from a given promotion. The representatives are informed that it takes anywhere from 1 1/2-4 weeks to get paid depending on what client was promoted. Each client has a different pay schedule and again, the rep is informed so they are not left guessing. "Then recently he did not communicate to his workers something very important which was writing down students drivers licenses on their credit apps. Imagine this, working hundreds of miles away from home and paying all these expenses, only to be told well we can't pay you when it was HIS fault." O.k. Deb, you and I communicated about this! There was miscommunication between our client and us regarding the validation of DL #'s on the applications. It was reported to us on 8/23/06 at 3:45 pm by our client that a large number of our representatives were not writing down the DL #'s of applicants at the bottom of the applications and we could not be compensated for generating any apps without DL #'s. By 9am the next morning 8/24/06, all our representatives had been notified of the requirement of putting applicants DL #'s on the bottom of all applications. We also informed all our representatives that they would be paid for all applications generated 8/21-8/23 that weren't payable due to no Dl #'s (This included paying Deb for her apps generated on these 3 days out of our own pocket) . We also let them know that any applications submitted without DL #'s after 8/23 would indeed not be payable since all reps were notified by this point. Deb's claim to the above statement is coming from 9/1/06 when she did a promotion at FAU in Boca Raton. Her report from our client came back with our payroll statements stating that she had no DL #'s for this day so no apps were payable. Deb could easily call and verify the validity of this with our client directly and I believe she did. The problem lies in the fact that Deb told me she was never informed about the DL #'s having to be put on the bottom of all applications. This raised a question in my head because the week prior she was paid on her apps by our client from 8/24-8/25. Naturally this led me to believe she had indeed been informed on 8/23 or our client wouldn't have paid on them. Deb combated the fact that she wasn't told about the DL # issue and she must have been paid on those apps because she had the students write their student Id # in the Dl # section so the client must have thought that was indeed a DL#. I gave deb the benefit of the doubt and told her I would pay her on her apps from 9/1 anyway out of my own pocket. I don't consider this "well we can't pay you"! "Not only that, he wants his workers to market 2 credit cards at the same time making you think it's more money for you--when in actuality it is more money for him because he'll come up with all kinds of reasons not to pay." In all reality it is more money for the representative, it's the difference between making a couple dollars commission per applicant or several dollars per applicant. Deb mentioned to us she would not be doing promotions for us anymore so we had to put her pay on hold because in our independent representative marketing contract with Deb it states that if Deb no longer works for us she needs to return all our marketing materials. Deb has several of our materials including our applications which are very scarce at this time since our client limits the amount we have in the field. It's just like if you are a waiter and you quit, the restaurant will hold your check until you return your uniform. Deb has shown no sign of assisting us in the return of our clients materials, has made somewhat of a mockery about it, and seems to be holding the very needed marketing materials over our head only because we said they are much needed and we have to have them returned before we can release her final check. We have even offered her an account number to ship them for free! Still she has given no notion to send them back. "Don't work for this con artist." I don't think "con artist" was the correct section for this report. All you need to do Deb, is send us the marketing materials that were provided to you and your check will be overnighted free of charge! "He's a sleaze ball." Deb has been great about name calling, using vulgar language, insulting, and being extremely unprofessional about this situation. "He also sends his contractors to the same school to market at the same time. He has you set up in different locations thinking that you won't know. This is another way to fill his greedy pockets while screwing you over. He doesn't give a d**n if you are spending all this money to make money." This is definitely not true! Our client may send one of their personal reps to a school that one of our representatives may be booked at. This hardly affects either parties considering there are usually 15,000-40,000 students per school and again, the fact that we don't personally double book schools can be verified by any of our clients. "Once you tell him that you won't work for him anymore he tries to blackball you from working for anyone else. He thinks he owns you and that you are an "employee" of his when you are an independent contactor." The only time anyone is "blackballed" is when our client states/recommends to us that we should not use the services of that particular representative anymore (usually because of a violation of the independent representative agreement). Deb is not "blackballed" in this situation. She just needs to send back her materials. We consider no one working on our programs as an independent representative an "employee". This is why the representative is responsible for paying for their own expenses as is it is their own business because it is! "Gee, I wonder what the IRS would think about this. Maybe he should pay all the penalties the IRS will slap on him." We conform to all IRS regulations!

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