  • Report:  #440655

Complaint Review: Mandrakeghost - Warren Rhode Island

Reported By:
- nashville, Tennessee,

Warren, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Anyone who has to go on and on about themselves and how wrong others are about them is only trying to cover the truth. Mandrakeghost has made it a point to diss a whole community and use methods of intimidation, shill bidding and threats to ensure that her reputation is secure. My question is if you really are respected in the community and have been a practicing witchcraft for over 34 years...why do you feel the need to PROVE it to the world? Unless of course.....it's all a load of lies.

Ms. Mandrakeghost AKA Miss Diorio is 34 years old...which means if she has been practicing witchcraft for 34 years, she must have learned it at 4 years old when other little kids are learning their alphabets.

She claims in one of her biggest selling auctions that she had no idea how to use the internet let alone work with computers yet a mysterious ring helped her start a business from scratch and learn all of this very quickly. A ring I might add that she paid thousands of dollars for. I will say,her site has wonderful graphics that any graphic designer would be impressed with. However the truth is, she knows more about computers than most people and has for years. She is a member of several IT professional forums and researching promotional ideas. I will give her props...she does have wicked marketing skills and it especially helps when you threaten other people to get to the top. Yet you claim that you can't believe people who extort this field for money!! What a joke.....only someone who IS extorting it would think of something like that.

Ms. Meena has also been known to frequent websites to learn about street magic tricks...but WAIT! You can cast spells and conjure spirits MEENA...why would you need to learn and buy magic tools online to get people to believe you??? You were born with such a legacy...no one left you with a disappearing rabbit?

She also notes that she uses oils and herbs that cost thousands of dollars!!!! Really, come on......she buys herbs and oils along with perfumes from ebay herself for under $6 each. It doesnt' take a rocket scientist to see that. Hey, I didn't know people so mystical as yourself buy wiccan-like clothing on ebay..or is that just for your videos as a prop?

Oh and really....why don't you show us some real pics of you and give your real name? Nice video..but we really can't see who you really are. Smoke and mirrors? Did you learn that on your how-to-magic forum?

It's high time someone comes out about this fraud and spells out the truth rather than allowing her to have the run. It just amazes me ~ for someone as powerful as Meena..why do you need to rely on online sales for your business to to thrive?

You can believe all of her updates and ALERT, ALERT fraud messages but they are only just trying to deflect the blame from her. It's so sad that someone feels so threatened by others that all she can do is whine about it. Wake up and believe in yourself...not a spell, a fortune teller or a false prophet. Real people that have been given gifts from God do not need to sell on ebay or other online stores. She talks a high game about disgraces in the community, lies in auctions, etc etc.....it takes a person really low on the spiritual totem pole to act like that in the face of fear. FEAR makes someone react with such haste and anger because they are afraid for themselves. Anyone who is a strong spiritual person knows that GOD will handle things in time. I know in my heart that God will bring this mandrakeghost person to shame. Karma is a pain especially when it catches up with the one person who wishes it upon others the most.

I pray for you Ms. Meena that you can look inside yourself and see what a horrible thing you are doing to scam others. I hope that you can work on yourself before you go out trying to fix things for other people. I really do pray for you and I am saddened that you are so pathetic inside about yourself that you feel the need to prey on others.

And the best part is, I can already see what kind of response this will get. Why? Well first of all, she is so afraid of someone exposing her that she constantly has to watch for people threatening to get near her turf. Secondly, we can all prepare for her blog updates and ebay store updates about how someone has thought they have exposed her and how dare someone try to mess with real magic....the list could go on and on and on. It should be a really really sad thing to read and I hope everyone else will see what a hurt little child she is on the inside. She will and always has turned everything around to manipulate the truth in her favor.

A person who sees through others

nashville, Tennessee


18 Updates & Rebuttals


New Hampshire,
white witches do not threaten others with magick

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, May 25, 2009

Meena Meena Meena you are supposedly a white witch or Wiccan and yet you are threatening people with your magick. You obviously never heard of the Wiccan rede:"An harm ye none do what ye will" and you obviously never heard the law of 3 which states whatever you send out comes back to you three fold. Unless Meena isn't as squeaky clean as she would like everyone to believe. Then some nut job by the name of santosfaustus writes "the woman is for real. she can actually appear to people." You been hitting the crack pipe a little too much sanstosfaustus to actually think someone can make themselves appear out of thin air or maybe it is Meena herself pretending to be santosfaustus. There is no magick that could make people teleport. That is utter bullcrap. Meena came out of the woodwork last summer. She must have seen how well the haunted dolls sold on ebay and decided she wanted a piece of that action but her first auction sells for almost $400 looks to me like shill bidding.


New Hampshire,
white witches do not threaten others with magick

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, May 25, 2009

Meena Meena Meena you are supposedly a white witch or Wiccan and yet you are threatening people with your magick. You obviously never heard of the Wiccan rede:"An harm ye none do what ye will" and you obviously never heard the law of 3 which states whatever you send out comes back to you three fold. Unless Meena isn't as squeaky clean as she would like everyone to believe. Then some nut job by the name of santosfaustus writes "the woman is for real. she can actually appear to people." You been hitting the crack pipe a little too much sanstosfaustus to actually think someone can make themselves appear out of thin air or maybe it is Meena herself pretending to be santosfaustus. There is no magick that could make people teleport. That is utter bullshit. Meena came out of the woodwork last summer. She must have seen how well the haunted dolls sold on ebay and decided she wanted a piece of that action but her first auction sells for almost $400 looks to me like shill bidding.


New Orleans,
Meena Svara...Mandrake Ghost...2009..Modern Witch Hunt..Shame not Flames To Kill The Witch!!

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, April 20, 2009

I have sold spiritual items to many of Meena"s clients over the net and ebay. I myself do buy spiritual items and always ask my clients which sellers they like on the net and who they buy from? and which sellers have they had good results with? Mandrake Ghost or Meena Svara has always come up as being the top favorite for selling spiritual items. Mandrake Ghost on ebay (does) have many follow ups on her feedback reports from her buyers after they have already left her postive feedback after they have had the item for awhile..saying the items work and they are happy! and she is very real. I have never met Meena Svara or Mandrake Ghost we are not friends nor have I bought from her or sold to her but do have a connection that we sadly share being sellers of spiritual items lableled..OCCULT!..This has a history of being open to insane attacks once called..the witch hunts or a good witch burning!! Today in 2009 it continues by people over the net that can hide (behind a screen) and (many states away) to attack a people and their craft because are either against or jealous or just want to vent or enjoy a dark fight.. but who really cares about their personal issues and reasons for slander,stalking and public abuse? They are NOT modern day Houdini's but modern day (witch hunters) degrading total strangers whom they have never met or sought out for true needed help and have no dealings with to be able to conclude that they were deceived out of time,trust or money! I along with about 15 other readers and spiritual sellers have either left the net and ebay where Mandrake now sells due to these constant attacks from faceless strangers hiding behind a screen with miles of distance between them and their prey. I never had closed auctions or feedbacks when I first started selling spiritual items of mine.I used my own photos..my kids photos.. and my real name and home address and phone numbers even my own personal email...Thinking I was still welcoming and helping people seeking answers like the ones (face to face) at the shops in California,London, and now New Orleans where I read and sell!..WRONG!! My clients were emailed and abused..we were stalked and received calls and letters and insults and made up lies by total strangers and my accounts hatched into... until the police got involved. One client of mine was called a PIG for defending me and saying she was happy with what she received from me. This client has also bought from Mandrake and let me know about Meena being the next target since I left the net and work local. I think the police said it best to me!..If I felt a store keeper sold bad fruit would I go on a mission to destroy him and insult and attack him for his bruised apples? or would I just not buy from his store? The answer is..(not buy) of course! The police ansewed that people with deep social issues cant see the difference between correct behavior and bad behavior and will lash out.The net allows people to have anti social behaviors that they would be arrested or fined for in a public place! My advise to Meena is Silence and focus on the light and positive people and comments not the dark ones! A snake will remain a snake dont waste your time or life and energy trying to reason with it or asking it to please not bite you!


Los Angeles,
Wrong Again

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

Come on Tranquil, thought you were psychic. Wrong again. Keep changing your guide until you get it right.


Los Angeles,
Dead Wrong Wanna Be

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2009

Calling me a coward. Bad Bad girl. In answer to your guide. Come on, you should know who I am. If you think its R, your wrong. Dead wrong and being married to a cop, you should know better than to threaten anyone. Shame, shame on you. The post on petition describes you best. I love whoever wrote it. They really, really know you. Want your money, PLEASE. Don't flatter yourself. You are so quick to call out others, makes you feel good. Boost's your ego. Makes you feel important? If you only knew who you were really buying from, you would not be so quick to call anyone out. It's right in front of you. Don't think so hard. Jokes on you wanna be! Challenge all you want, you are going to have to reach deep inside that brain of yours and figure it out. Remember your psychic. It should come very easy to you since you know it all.


Los Angeles,
I Am Still Waiting Powerful One

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, April 11, 2009

Well here it is hours later and you still have not shown any of us that you know who I am. Come on psychic wonder woman, your so good, tell me who I am? Oh yes forgot, you have not shown yourself to me. How come? You don't like me or maybe you are busy writing one of your thousands of guides that show just what a negative person you really are.


Los Angeles,
Flavor Of The Month

#8Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 10, 2009

To the queen of guides and her wanna be. I practice so come and get me powerful one. Who am I? Write your answer here. Lets see how powerful you really are. Do you dirty? No one has to. You are doing it to yourself. You must be the most negative person that has come along on ebay in quite a while. It won't last M. You are her flavor of the month. I have contacted MJ and sent him a copy of your blue nova auction. His law firm of Davis, Bain and Associates was quite interested. Good luck Well, I am still waiting for you. Where are you powerful one.


Los Angeles,
Flavor Of The Month

#9Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 10, 2009

To the queen of guides and her wanna be. I practice so come and get me powerful one. Who am I? Write your answer here. Lets see how powerful you really are. Do you dirty? No one has to. You are doing it to yourself. You must be the most negative person that has come along on ebay in quite a while. It won't last M. You are her flavor of the month. I have contacted MJ and sent him a copy of your blue nova auction. His law firm of Davis, Bain and Associates was quite interested. Good luck Well, I am still waiting for you. Where are you powerful one.


Los Angeles,
Flavor Of The Month

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 10, 2009

To the queen of guides and her wanna be. I practice so come and get me powerful one. Who am I? Write your answer here. Lets see how powerful you really are. Do you dirty? No one has to. You are doing it to yourself. You must be the most negative person that has come along on ebay in quite a while. It won't last M. You are her flavor of the month. I have contacted MJ and sent him a copy of your blue nova auction. His law firm of Davis, Bain and Associates was quite interested. Good luck Well, I am still waiting for you. Where are you powerful one.


Los Angeles,
Flavor Of The Month

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, April 10, 2009

To the queen of guides and her wanna be. I practice so come and get me powerful one. Who am I? Write your answer here. Lets see how powerful you really are. Do you dirty? No one has to. You are doing it to yourself. You must be the most negative person that has come along on ebay in quite a while. It won't last M. You are her flavor of the month. I have contacted MJ and sent him a copy of your blue nova auction. His law firm of Davis, Bain and Associates was quite interested. Good luck Well, I am still waiting for you. Where are you powerful one.


haha its so funny when people tell the truth

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, April 10, 2009

everything meena has been writing is true. i have known her for years before she even started on the internet. these phoney sorcerers have no idea what is coming to them if they keep trying to tell lies about her. she will call them on everything they do and then their entire lives will collapse. don't take my word for it though. the woman is for real. she can actually appear to people....it happened to a friend of mine who did her dirty....dont take my word for it though, you will see and be freaked out. moonstarsevenspirits is a fake and anyone with half a brain knows it. it is very funny that they think meena is like them. i suggest backing off if you don't want your whole mind to unravel. she has made people go insane.


Rhonda should contact Michael Jackson

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, April 10, 2009

Didn't mandrakeghost have a ring that supposedly belonged to him? Maybe Ole MJ should get a cut of that ten thousand bucks. God knows the ring itself didn't do crap for him.


Rhode Island,
By The Way Rhonda......

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, April 04, 2009

This strategy may have worked for you in the past, but it ends here and the ending has been a long time coming. I am certain many will agree. But don't worry, you aren't the only one whose lies will be catching up with them. The world beyond this one does not cater to the greedy nor has there ever been sympathy for the devil or his minions. In Truth, Meena


Rhode Island,
The Lowest Of The Low

#15REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, April 04, 2009

I know exactly who you are and posting false claims about me and who I am will get you nowhere, and it certainly won't help you sell more of your useless trinkets to vulnerable people. I don't know who you are describing here, but it certainly isn't me. The only one who is scared is you who has to make up complete lies about me and who I am....right down to making up a false name and age. The only victim of karma will be you. I, on the other hand, will continue to expose the truth for everything it is worth. I do not have to resort to name calling and creating fake histories for you. I am upfront and honest in all of my work. You obviously have no idea who Meena Svara is, but you will. As I have stated before, I am always aware of lies being told in my name. -Meena

A person who sees through others

UPDATE* Creepyhollow not mandrakeghost

#16Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

CORRECTONS: Creepyhollows is not mandrakeghost because creepyhollows has respect for others and they don't need to sprinkle their site with disrespectful comments about other sellers. And also in reference to the original post, Meena states she has been practicing for 30 years..."meena" is 34 years old.

A person who sees through others

UPDATE* Creepyhollow not mandrakeghost

#17Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

CORRECTONS: Creepyhollows is not mandrakeghost because creepyhollows has respect for others and they don't need to sprinkle their site with disrespectful comments about other sellers. And also in reference to the original post, Meena states she has been practicing for 30 years..."meena" is 34 years old.

A person who sees through others

UPDATE* Creepyhollow not mandrakeghost

#18Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

CORRECTONS: Creepyhollows is not mandrakeghost because creepyhollows has respect for others and they don't need to sprinkle their site with disrespectful comments about other sellers. And also in reference to the original post, Meena states she has been practicing for 30 years..."meena" is 34 years old.

A person who sees through others

UPDATE* Creepyhollow not mandrakeghost

#19Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

CORRECTONS: Creepyhollows is not mandrakeghost because creepyhollows has respect for others and they don't need to sprinkle their site with disrespectful comments about other sellers. And also in reference to the original post, Meena states she has been practicing for 30 years..."meena" is 34 years old.

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