  • Report:  #110265

Complaint Review: Margaret Armstrong Social Services CPS Child Protection - Richland Center Wisconsin

Reported By:

Margaret Armstrong Social Services CPS Child Protection
Richland Center, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My horror story happened the day after I was evacuated from the home I rented because the furnace was unsafe. I had decided to stay at an aquaintances house, and when the cps workers arrived to visit her unannounced the next morning, I was sitting on the couch and my son was 4 feet away in his playpen and had just woken up from a long mid morning nap.

Cps worker Margaret Armstrong, was banging on the girls door because she had locked herself in her bedroom. She was kicking it and swearing and had lost her temper, and I muttered, "b***h" fairly loudly, and she walked into the living room, and asked," what did you say?" I repeated it, and she said she could take my child away, and I said no she couldnt, I am a good mom, who did she think she was and we exchanged words. I picked up my son, and started walking down the hallway of the apartment toward the front door, and she yelled, "stop her!" and then she pushed me into the wall of the hallway face fist and I shaved my knee on the wall, because I was holding my 1 year old son at the time and I put my knee up to avoid having him hit the wall. She then took my hand that was holding my son and dug her fingernails so hard into my hand that it left bloody moonshaped cuts, and I still have a scar.

My son started wailing, and she began pulling at his feet which terrified me, and I shifted him into my other arm away from her and shoved her away from us as hard as I could with one arm and she yelled, "call 911!" to the other social worker who hadnt' followed us. I walked into the room where I had spent the night. My boyfriend was there and he was sitting in the window, it was slightly cracked at the bottom, he was smoking and I made it half way across the room to him and said, "I have to get out of here." Margaret Armstrong screamed hysterically," she is going out the window." I had no idea what she was talking about and no time to think, she raced at me head down, like a quarterback and snatched my baby from me like he was a football... and I started to scream. I din't have any idea she was a "child protective services" employee, she never told me.

I screamed, "they took my baby!" probably 100 times. I was crying and hysterical. The cops tried and couldn't figure out what was going on. My boyfriend cried and kept asking what was going on. They took me to the hospital and couldn't figure out what was going on either

I admitted to having 2 beers and a cup of wine and they took me to a mental hospital for detoxing although I really didn't need it, I was terrified no one could tell me what had happened to my son, All I new was that Margaret had gotten him, and she was the last person I even wanted holding him, ... the other social worker that had been there brought my baby to see me, she said Margaret hadn't been told... but it was the first time I had ever been apart from him. She apologised. She also explained Margaret was like that but there was nothing she could do because of her position. (everyone seems scared of Margaret)

Alright, I admitt I had been drinking, (I had had 2 beers and a coffee cup of wine and it was around 2:30 in the afternoon) and I had been formula feeding my son that morning, but I am not a chronic drinker and I am 27 years old and that is not illegal and my son was sleeping and was in his playpen, and I was still watching him, and he was extremely well cared for. It was just I had found the dad sleeping with another woman in my basement and lost my 18 year old brother in a tradjedy, and now been evacuated from my apartment, all within the last year, and I wanted to have a few drinks in a social setting. I was not drunk.

In court she tried to make it sound like I was giving my son alcohol, she stated I was giving him wine from a cup (lies) and I tried to "toss" him through a second story window. (lies, my boyfriend was blocking the only window by sitting in it, smoking, I think it had a screen in it, I was 4-5 ft from it and besides I LOVE MY SON) she also stated I "hit" her for no reason.

SHe didn't mention how she assaulted me at all.

I had been allowed 8 hour visitations within my son for the week between her assault of me and my court date, which I cannot figure out why they would've allowed if I had really been doing those things. It was killing me, I wanted my son back, and he wasn't doing so well with it either.

The judge ruled that my son remain in my permanant care, because it is a small town, and he had seen me walk my son daily through town the previous summer probably and on numerous occasions about with my son...however I am visited by cps workers almost weekly on some sort of probation and they give me little pamphlets on children which honestly insults me. Their boss is Margaret Armstrong and I wonder what kind of embittered power hungry malevelolent and manipulative woman must live within her ugly lying skin.

They threatened me early on to give me a drug and alcohol assessment, which I gladly offered to take of my whole free will, and although I honestly admitted to drinking that morning and occasionally, at the assessment, I was assessed as having no problem with neither drugs nor alcohol.

I have been apologised to by almost everyone else on the cps force, except, Margaret Armstrong, as they are for the most part a team of people trying to help children and families in need, but she is the only one who really owes me an apology and beyond.

Now that I am back in my own home with my son (and my same boyfriend) it is obvious to any visitors that I am a good mom. I am terrified though about being lied about again. My son is terrified every time I attempt to even go to the bathroom by myself, he is terrified of shutting doors, and car rides in strange cars. He was never like that before.

I am crying out for justice. I am crying out for her to lose her job, and for it to be recognised that she owes me and my beautiful son an apology.

What she did was illegal in so many ways. She needed a warrant prior to threatening to take my son, much less to actually take him, she had no legal right (nor incentive) to take him, she assaulted me, endangered him, an innocent baby (some child welfare worker) and purposefully lied in court for her own ends.

People like her must not be allowed to remain in positions of power. Everyone though seems unable or unwilling to do anything other than apologize for her corrupt behavior.



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4 Updates & Rebuttals

Jane Clark

South Carolina,
United States of America
to the CPS worker

#2General Comment

Fri, July 20, 2012

I must correct you.  It is not necessary for CPS to have evidence.  Since you work there you should know that "allegations" from callers to DSS are the only "evidence" necessary to take children.  Children are immediately taken when someone gives a report.  Then, the person who is accused must prove the report is false without even knowing what the report says.  In a case I'm involved in (not mine) I have witnessed the following.  (1) We have an "assessment worker" (they don't have to be licensed social worker) verbally abuse the accused, telling her she murdered a child that had died of meningitis and informing her she was not allowed to be at any of the hearings, and threatening her to sign a paper or she would never see her child again, all of which is on a recording I listened to; (2) As a witness at a "meeting" I was yelled at by the Assessment Supervisor (also not licensed) when i responded to the procedure to open family court documents.  Her statement was rude and loud saying, "What family cote [sic] gone [sic] do that?  (3) The supervisor made it appear to witnesses in the room she was giving the accused what she referred to as the "reported pages" however it was a set up and the copies were only of brochures.  (4) It was "reported" the accused was pregnant and on drugs however she was given four drug tests and the baby given two.  The foster care worker was told not to take the baby by her supervisor however the assessment worker went to the hospital and picked him up anyway.  They are extremely corrupt and it's my belief that Nancy Shaefer was in fact murdered for her truth telling (Like JFK).  You are full of it if you expect anyone victim to the governmental joke that is DSS (or whatever you call yourselves in your state) to believe that you are on the up and up.  Obviously, the bonuses and payments are not paid directly to the employees such as yourself.  We know the financial incentives are to each agency.  You are a soldier for that agency.  How do you sleep at night?


Cheryl, why lie?

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 03, 2004

YOU know that when a little child is picked up and taken to your agency, there is NOT a court order! Cheryl, YOU ARE JUST ANOTHER DHS LIAR! The agency is evidently overflowing with liars more than I thought! When policemen/women take a child the CPS, they do NOT have a COURT ORDER! No, Cheryl, you still do NOT know what you're talking about! There are LATER court orders and DHS/CPS caseworkers tell clients to ignore them. One caseworker told me in the hall outside of one courtroom to visit with my grandchildren. "Write the letters. Call them on the telephone, etc." Then, two months later, she SAID she sent me an e-mail that said "you are defying the court's ruling." Where is that e-mail? Why can't the caseworker locate that e-mail? Why was she taken off the case? Ummmm! About 15 months later, after the case was moved to the new judge's courtroom, an ADOPTIONS CASEWORKER instructed me as I was leaving the courtroom, to DEFY the judge's ruling. The judge ruled "for the grandparent to visit with the foster parents." The Adoptions Caseworker said to ME outside the courtroom door, "Do not visit or communicate with the foster parents in any way until AFTER I visit with them FIRST!" Now, why would she tell me to defy the judge's ruling? That's TWO different caseworkers and TWO differnet judges! That's YOUR agency! Aren't you proud? Caseworkers are NOT required to follow the judge's orders! Sorry, judges! DHS will NOT do what you say! Three weeks later, I tried to find out if the foster parents had received the school supplies that I left with the Adoptions worker. The foster parents are fearful to even respond to that simple query! Did the Adoptions caseworker take the school supplies to my grandchildren? Are the school supplies lost, stolen or misplaced also? What did the Adoptions worker tell the foster parents that would make them AFRAID (feel uncomfortable - caseworker's words) to answer that simple question? I have taken several expensive educational items to OKDHS for my grandchildren. They have been reportedly "lost, stolen or misplaced." The educational 'scientific' dolls purchased at Hobby Lobby cannot be found! The scientific clocks purchased at Cracker Barrel were left with the Adoptions Supervisor in OKDHS in the summer of 2003. Scientific clocks from the grandparent are called communication ... not educational materials but communication! Cheryl, you are a LIAR! Read on the internet the amount of money that has been fed down to different states as a result of the Adoptions and Safe Families Act of 1997. Read about the Awards and special recognition given to the Clintons for their efforts in promoting the ASFA? Cheryl, are you on SALARY while you're responding to these rip-off reports? Or, are you a contracted 'agent' in your off duty hours? You see, Cheryl, I DO know what is truth here in Oklahoma! Cheryl, since you KNOW so much: Who are Susan and Andy? Who TOLD Susan and Andy to call the OKDHS caseworker? Why doesn't the family recognize their names, addresses or phone numbers? Just more lies! Who are my three stepsons? Why can't we associate with them? Why didn't WE know about them? According to her report, the psychologist was told about the three stepsons. What day did I go to the new school? Where was the child when I visited him in the school? Was he in the classroom, in the lunchroom, on the play ground? Tell me and THEN we'll both know! The OKDHS caseworker told the judge that "I visited the child in the school while in the kinship home." I KNOW the child would have been better off if I had visited him but I DID NOT. Caseworkers lie so they can keep their job! Where are the Hobby Lobby educational dolls? Where are the educational scientific clocks? Where are the other three grievances? Why are assaulting children rewarded? Why did OKDHS approve the report of sexual molestation in the foster home? The 6 & 8 year old children reported the molestation to the foster parent ... so it's OK to have child molesters living IN the home with little children! That's what OKDHS calls child protection services. It's in the BEST interest of children to leave them in the home with Child Molesters! How many bones were broken while in DHS custody? How crippled are my grandchildren from the broken bones? Why did it take TWO adults to control a 6-year old speech handicapped child in the OKDHS shelter? Then, the little 6-year old girl reportedly said, "I sorry!" The caseworker DID NOT understand what the child was saying! Another OKDHS Liar! Why was she in speech therapy in the home school AND speech therapy once she was placed in the foster home? Why was the six-year-old speech handicapped child "KICKED" out of school while residing in the OKDHS shelter FOR SIXTY DAYS? IT'S IN THE OKDHS REPORTS! It's OK for Shelter employees and the educational staff to KICK little six-year-old children but IF a father TOUCHES his child, dusts him with bath powder or helps him change clothes, it is NOT APPROPRIATE! YOU, Cheryl, think it's OK! It's called child protection services to KICK little speech handicapped children! Yes, Cheryl, I have much to do! I miss my grandchildren living in my home! Their clothes, educational materials, toys, musical instruments, bird houses, VCR and cassette tapes FOR CHILDREN are still in my home. The OKDHS field representative TOLD me I should bring everything that belongs to my grandchildren to OKDHS so they can "DISPOSE" of the items. They have yet to take the children items of any kind that comes from the family. I KNOW what I'm talking about, Cheryl! Their great-grandmother misses her weekly visits with her great-grandchildren. It's OK, Cheryl! I KNOW that you say it's in the BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILDREN that the children are lied to, abused, mind-altered, medicated, kicked out of school, bones broken, confused and told that their father and grandmother NEVER wants to see them again. It's OK with you, Cheryl, if the children are abused, neglected and sexually molested in the foster home. That's what DHS is being paid to do! Caseworkers and DHS contractors are paid to emotionally devastate little children. After all, if you don't promote emotionally injuring little children and neglecting their real needs, they will be returned to parents and/or caring family members. Heaven forbid, if you should ever allow that to occur! The rewards would NOT be given to DHS/CPS if that occurred! Cheryl, what happened to the prescriptive medicine that was taken to the shelter? Why was my grandson SUFFERING with abdominal pain when placed in the kinship home? Why did DHS place my grandson in a 'life threatening' class with "emotionally disturbed" children and then the teacher report to the kinship home that "his life was in danger?" Yes, indeed! Cheryl, I DO have lots to do! Why don't you do the job you're being paid to do? I don't believe it is YOUR job to stay in contact with the RIP-OFF site. Or, is it? Are you being paid $2,000+ per month to respond to rip-off reports?


L is at it again

#4UPDATE Employee

Sat, October 02, 2004

L, you really are a nut case! Do you just sit around your computer all day waiting for new complaints to be filed about CPS so that you can respond with your same old blather about how EVIL the workers are? Your letters look like cut and paste jobs were you keep up the bogus claim that there is BIG MONEY being given away to social service agencies and CPS workers for taking children out of their parents home. That is just absolute nonsense! You think that if you keep repeating the same crap over and over that people will think believe your lies. I have been a CPS worker for 13 years and if I got bonuses for removing children from abusive parents I would be able to retire tomorrow. The other nonsense about traumatizing foster children and giving them experimental drugs is not true either. Did it ever enter your mind that CPS workers are not allowed to remove children from their parents care without a court order? We do not just pick a name out of the phone book and go take somebodys kids. There has to be evidence of abuse or neglect or the court does not authorize a removal. Did it ever occur to you that there are children who are actually severely abused and neglected by their parents? Why dont you get a lawyer and go to court with your complaints instead of whining non stop on the internet? Maybe no lawyer will take your case because you are not telling the truth. Did it ever occur to you that when people abuse their kids they usually lie about it? You act as though every person who is investigated by CPS is some poor victim of the government who is getting their children taken by a ruthless, money hungry worker! L, you need to take a rest from the Rip Off Report and find something constructive to do.


Oh, my! Shanna, find a lawyer!

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 27, 2004

Shanna, your clash with HHS/DHS/CPS resembles our case in several ways! The ultimate end, since you state that you have received apologies for Ms. Armstrong's VERY inappropriate actions, will be that she will likely be 'moved' to another position so she they can cover up her behavior behind their closed doors. You can be assured that you have not heard the end of your case yet. They will keep a close eye on every move you make for the remainder of your life! Americans need to know what HHS/DHS/CPS has in their hidden records about them! They're very secretive and lurking behind a wall to get a chance at damaging your life and that of your family! Our case record is loaded with intermingled cases, false accusations, lies, fictitious witnesses and even records of their ABUSE of both children while in their custody! My grandchildren were SEXUALLY MOLESTED while under OKDHS/CPS custody. OKDHS/CPS says it's OK for the foster parent and other children in the home to sexually molest a child in custody. A record of the sexual molestion is in Oklahoma County Juvenile Court Records. It's sickening! My grandchildren were NEVER sexually molested while living with their biological family! They WERE sexually assaulted on a local schoolbus! It's OK for a speech handicapped kindergarten child to be sexually assaulted by older children on a schoolbus! The assaulting children have been rewarded! The assaulted children have been permanently damaged by HHS/OKDHS/CPS! The kindergarten child and a sibling was taken into OKDHS custody, permanently EMOTIONALLY damaged and then turned to the foster parents for FINAL ADOPTION! Rewards and bonuses will flood OKDHS for the damages forced upon these two young children! In our case, after I filed a grievance for the abuse and neglect the caseworker did to my grandchildren, the caseworker was 'helped' out of OKDHS/CPS. The caseworker reported that she now works FOR A CONTRACTOR in counseling children in OKDHS custody! The "grievance is "MOOT" because the employee is reportedly no longer an OKDHS/CPS employee!" Read my earlier report where THIS caseworker had to call a grown man into the interrogating room to "physically restrain the birth-related speech handicapped 6-year-old child to prevent her from injuring herself!" CAN YOU IMAGINE THE FRIGHT FROM TWO ADULTS PHYSICALLY RESTRAINING HER MOVEMENTS? THAT'S PERMANENT EMOTIONAL DAMAGE! Yes, that incident is recorded in the KIDS 'secret' files! The report says it took TWO grown adults to control the six-year-old speech handicapped child's movements when she was trying to answer this OKDHS Caseworker's questions the best way she knew how. The interrogating employee reported "I understood EVERY word that the 6-year-old child spoke and that she spoke as a normal child of age five!" Now, tell me why would the 6-year-old kindergarten child would be placed in speech therapy while living with the grandmother AND again when moved TWO MONTHS LATER into a foster home IF EVERY WORD SHE SPOKE WAS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD? Tempers fly VERY often in HHS/OKDHS/CPS when the worker does NOT get her way! Following the Intake Hearing, this same Intake Worker walked VERY swiftly from the courtroom, pointed her finger directly at me and ANGRILY stated, "YOU WILL NEVER SEE YOUR GRANDCHILDREN AGAIN!" Then, she boarded the waiting elevator and left the hearing area. I WAS SHOCKED AT HER 'PROFESSIONAL(?) BEHAVIOR! DHS caseworkers MUST have their way or they instantly explode into detestable tyrannical behaviors! HHS/DHS pays employees for their uncontrollable behavior! That kind of behavior is clearly NOT reflective of what it should be in a CIVILIZED nation! When the grievance against her ABUSIVE and NEGLECTIVE behavior reached OKDHS/CPS, it was discounted as ZERO (MOOT) "because the caseworker was no longer employed by OKDHS/CPS! The damage was done and will remain a memory of the child the remainder of her life! The former (?) employee is free to damage more little children! After the six-year-old child was physically and emotionally damaged, she was taken to the "CARE CENTER" where the investigating psychologist could NOT understand her commication efforts. Yet, the OKDHS/CPS Intake Worker understood EVERY word the child spoke. How can two different professionals, one an OKDHS/CPS employee and the other an employee of a DHS contracting service, have two different views of the SAME child? Records contained in the OKDHS/CPS KIDS (secret) files state that the child "was KICKED out of school in the shelter on several occasions!" A grievance was also filed against OKDHS for this behavior! It, too, was "MOOT" since the child was no longer a shelter resident. That child lived in this abusive situation for SIXTY long and terrifying days! OKDHS/CPS KNEW well that the child was speech handicapped since birth. Evidence was clear! They EVEN had access to school records indicating her birth-related speech deficit ... yet, "she spoke as a normal child!" Shanna, it is a well-known FACT that if a HHS/DHS/CPS employee misbehaves in their position, they are 'helped' in finding a "new" safe and protected position. They are MOVED to a different county, a different office, a different position (PROMOTED) or to a DHS contractor. IMPORTANT!! Shanna, please take the time to enrol in and participate in regular and on-going family counseling FOR you and your little daughter and, if you think necessary, your man friend. DHS/CPS should have provided you with that assistance, TOTALLY AT THEIR EXPENSE, when they returned the baby to your care. In fact, Shanna, if you don't follow through with a request for counseling, HHS/DHS/CPS will haunt you for the rest of your days! HHS/DHS/CPS has no greater desire than to take your baby into custody, remove your parenting rights and ADOPT the baby to someone of THEIR choice. THEY WILL STOP AT NOTHING! HHS/DHS is being paid enormous amounts of money for ADOPTING little children! They receive $4,000 in bonuses for normal child and $6,000 for handicapped children. All of the Adoption expenses are completely covered by the ASFA and subsequent legal documents. Virtually EVERY child taken into custody is instantly, just as your little child, emotionally disabled so they can have all of the expenses paid by Medicare and/or SSI. The laws even allow Medicare and SSI to pay the salary of every DHS/CPS employee who is involved in permanently placing and/or adopting little children that they take into custody! Each time a child is Adopted, DHS is rewarded +/- $100,000 to reimburse them for their expenses of foster care and to pay other contractors that they hire to follow their recommendations. Adoptive homes are paid stipends to help the child recover from the damages DHS/CPS has done to the child. Look for the amount your state pays Adoptive homes for adoption subsidies. Some of the subsidies are paid to DHS/CPS contractors for "extended grief therapy" or mind-altering drugs to help the child accept the damages they've been forced to endure! When you get an opportunity, read "Childcare services for children in Out-Of-Home Care" by Casey Family Programs. EVEN parents can get help through agencies referred to in this document. Check the website. SHANNA! I heavily suggest that you FIND a LAWYER! GET SOME LEGAL HELP FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR LITTLE CHILD! File criminal charges of ABUSE against that abusive DHS/CPS employee! Your little child should NEVER have been forced from your loving arms OR even taken into custody and placed with a stranger! WHAT HORRORS for a little child to have to go through such behaviors by "trained professional" employees of our government! I've found that this sort of behavior is quite NORMAL for HHS/CPS/DHS employees! If the child was really in danger, the caseworker should have called a police officer to go with her to take the child into custody! THAT'S SICK!!! That DHS/CPS employee endangered the life of your little child! She also damaged you and your health in her behavior! Shanna, did you have a health check up to be sure you didn't pick up HIV or a transferrable disease from that worker? If she broke any place in your skin and had a disease on her body, you could be in great a life-threatening danger! Have a health check-up AND follow-up for several months in the event the worker DID have some sort of disease. Poor little child! The horrors of that day and likely more days are permanently engraved in the mind of your little child now! How awful! You should have your lawyer request family counseling for the two of you. Medicare, through CPS's emotional damages, should pay every dime for the VERY BEST counseling you can find anywhere in the world! They should also pay your legal expenses in recovering the damages forced upon you and your little child. Since you live in a small town, HHS/DHS/CPS should provide full monetary coverage for any and all expenses to provide you and your child with the VERY BEST counselor ... and one of YOUR choice completely! By the way, Shanna, the incident will remain an official record in HHS/DHS/CPS files forever! They will haunt you until death and beyond. They have haunted my deceased husband twenty years AFTER his death! THEY'LL DO ANYTHING! The only way to stave off the HHS/DHS/CPS haunt is to bring criminal charges against them for the devastating permanent injuries to you AND to your young child! SHANNA, FIND A LAWYER! These are criminals at their worse and they've threatened both you and your little child! They will stop at NOTHING! You should be able to get a court appointed lawyer if you file charges with your local police department. File CRIMINAL charges against that employee! Follow through with your accusations. Don't let them rest even one minute over what they've done to you! YOU HAVE WITNESSES! That caseworker very clearly overstepped her boundaries when she put her blood-dripping claws into your body and then proceeded to permanently emotionally damage your little child! A corrections officer would NEVER use their claws to hurt any little child! What a horrible memory for a little child to have to live with the remainder of his/her life! It's criminal! They're even stalking you and your young child ... another criminal offense! File a grievance against the worker! There is NO time limit on abuse and neglect grievances. Send a copy of the grievance to your state legislators and to your governor! Take a copy of your grievance to the police department and to your lawyer. Post your activities on this rip-off site so others will know what can be done to STOP this abusive government agency. Shanna, be sure you don't sign their GAG ORDER form! They'll do ANYTHING to keep the information behind their closed doors claiming "it is in the interest of what is BEST for young children." Laws need to be changed to PREVENT HHS/DHS/CPS employees from continuing this type of behavior! These actions are very clearly ABUSE of a little child! YOUR little innocent child has been sorely and permanently emotionally damaged by that employee! She was clearly acting as a 'police' officer with NO training in the field! NO trained police officer would have gripped your body with their claws to intentionally cause injury to you or your child! Again, be sure the HHS/DHS/CPS employee who damaged your skin with her fingernails doesn't have HIV or another infectious disease that she has passed along to you! Shanna, you have clearly described the behavior of many HHS/DHS/CPS employees! Also, Shanna, be sure that you keep careful notes of everything that occurs relating to HHS/DHS/CPS. Have a friend, relative or a notary verify, in writing, that your notes are filled with truth! Your notes will benefit your case! Purchase a personal diary or a assemble a loose-leaf notebook so you can record information about your dealings with HHS/DHS/CPS! PROTECT your information! Remember, they'll do ANYTHING, including ransacking your home, to get their hands on your notes. Lock your notes up in a SAFE place! Shanna, be assured that HHS/DHS/CPS has hired several employees to record notes about YOU and your child. Your lawyer, if you file charges, can request a copy of their notes for your leisure reading. Of course, they often manipulate their records to make THEM look good. Pages will likely be intermingled and/or removed. Read every word recorded in HHS/DHS/CPS files about you and your child! Make careful notes as you read the document. It is no doubt, that you will discover that they've been haunting your life much longer than you ever suspected. HHS/DHS/CPS will do ANYTHING within AND without their power to take YOUR child into custody, remove your parenting rights AND adopt the baby to their choice of adoptive home. They have access to an unlimited amount of money to pay for their abuses! Again, Shanna, keep careful and exact notes of your dealings with HHS/DHS/CPS. Try to have dependable witnesses to your postings. Your NOTES will serve as a recorded threat against their criminal activities! Best wishes as you try to protect yourself, your family and especially your young child from the deadly venom of HHS/DHS/CPS's criminally oriented and intended abuse and neglect.

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