  • Report:  #365104

Complaint Review: Marina Apartments - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
- Los Angeles, California,

Marina Apartments
722 S Coronado St Los Angeles, CA 90057 Los Angeles, 90057 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First let me preface my response by saying I'm a voucher holder And i only had 120 days before it expired, Which i told her all this from the start. Ana Lies habitually its almost laughable, She had me to feel out and return all my papperwork to her, I knew something was up when she continued to tell me that she needed me to give her the same items i had already given to her saying it has to be more current , She made me bring in another rent receipt mind you another month had pass, Then she proceeded to tell me i need your bank statement for this month, Then she needed another print out of my income which i had already given her these things prior. So i was in a situation where she made me continuously give her the same items over and over again, which waisted more time.

Then out of the blue she handed me more papperwork to take to public assistance i had to quote prove i wasn't getting income from welfare, She gave me a total of 4 documents to have stamped and signed to bring back to her. I was all over the city of Los Angeles like a rooster with his head cut off getting those documents signed and stamped, I brought them to her the next day completed she took them and did God knows what with them.

Then she scheduled a home visit so the person could see how my current apartment looked that went okay, She never called me to tell me the status of anything i'm waiting in limbo, So i decided to make a suprise visit to her office, Its always the same story, Oh i was gonna call you but i was tired or i forgot. My housing choice voucher will soon expire which is what she wanted it to do all along.

Ana's intentions were never to rent me that apartment, She would lie and say the apartment was occupied, Then a week later i called she then told me the apartment is empty but they havn't did the maintenance on it. It was always a different but foolish story. Recently i made another suprise visit, She told me she couldn't make me any promises that the apartment would be ready by the date before my voucher is to expire. The real issue never came out, The issue is i'm black, And when you look at who currently lives their i saw one black lady the rest asians. hispanics. She should of told me from the get go i was the wrong color. She had never expected me to pass credit check or the background check, which i did so the only thing she could do at that point was give me the run around. I'm not gonna even persue discrimination charges civil law suit against her because my voucher will be expired anyway, and i have decided to just remain in the apartment i currently have.

The resident manager Ana is hispanic, Her Boss name is Lupe, I completed the process all the papperwork, And all the steps given me and i have gotten nothing but the run around. I take this as a blessing from God, Because regardless i would hate to live in a enviornment where blacks are not welcome, anything tragic could happen to me. But i want Marina Apartments to atleast be reported for their racism toward black people.


Los Angeles, California


18 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
Life Aint So Bad Right Now

#2Author of original report

Wed, June 15, 2011

My struggle is more of an internal one not so much what's going on in the world.


Los Angeles,
I Have Decided To Commit Suicide!

#3Author of original report

Fri, October 17, 2008

Final Statements I was always the type of person that viewed suicide as an option to living a painful life, It has taken me 18 years to arrive to this point. I have really studied the topic of suicide for the past 8 years, Alot of people have committed suicide for plenty of reasons. The color of ones skin, Or a persons ethnic background isn't something that can be changed, You are stuck with the way you were born. No matter what people will always see that i'm a black man, And before even getting to know me they have already disqualified me, Wether its seeking employment or housing, Even walking into a store is a struggle for me in regard to the way i'm treated because im black. Its a horrible feeling when people hold something against you that you can't change. My death should make the owners of Marina Apartments happy i will soon be out of their lives, Atleast this way we all get what we want. And i apologize to Ripp Off Report for waisting their time, But racism isn't a problem that can be fixed 10/17/08.


Los Angeles,
I Have Decided To Commit Suicide!

#4Author of original report

Fri, October 17, 2008

Final Statements I was always the type of person that viewed suicide as an option to living a painful life, It has taken me 18 years to arrive to this point. I have really studied the topic of suicide for the past 8 years, Alot of people have committed suicide for plenty of reasons. The color of ones skin, Or a persons ethnic background isn't something that can be changed, You are stuck with the way you were born. No matter what people will always see that i'm a black man, And before even getting to know me they have already disqualified me, Wether its seeking employment or housing, Even walking into a store is a struggle for me in regard to the way i'm treated because im black. Its a horrible feeling when people hold something against you that you can't change. My death should make the owners of Marina Apartments happy i will soon be out of their lives, Atleast this way we all get what we want. And i apologize to Ripp Off Report for waisting their time, But racism isn't a problem that can be fixed 10/17/08.


Los Angeles,
I Would Like To Apologize To Ripp Off Report

#5Author of original report

Wed, October 08, 2008

Introduction I would like to apologize to ripp off report for allowing myself to get side tracked by irritants. When ever you share a story over the internet about racism, You will always encounter distractions. Distractions meaning people who will read your story, And because they are also racist themselves they will leave you nasty comments, and to add insult to injury they will try to trivialize what you are going through. I think they do it out of guilt, I'm glad i have never did anything evil like that to another person. From now on i will just stick to the topic that brought me here in the first place, I will not allow myself in the future to be taunted by heartless people leaving me insulting messages, God will deal with them. My heart goes out to people here in the Los Angeles area, Because racism in regard to housing is a big issue in this part of town. We have what they call Skid Row here in LA, A community of homeless people mostly women and children living on the streets. And its hard for them to get housing, Alot of them are having the same issue i'm dealing with, Different apartment buildings practicing discrimination. Alot of apartment owners use the credit and background checks To 'Weed Out'. And because we are in a recession people are losing their jobs, Homes going into foreclosure, So the Skid Row population of homeless people is steadily increasing. Racism plays a big part in this problem, Job Discrimination and Housing Discrimination are the two most common practices here in Los Angeles. People need a roof over their head and money from a job to pay for it. Its a ugly situation, Thats why i hate when people try to pass it off like its a joke. As the winter months approach it will get cold and nobody likes being out in the cold. From now on as i said i will stick to my housing issue and avoid problematic people.


New York,
Learn to read and write.

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, October 05, 2008

""Robert i hope you and that woman from hawaii burn in hell for having such a desensitized attitude toward people that are victims of racism."" I am sensitive to those that truly experience racisim in its uglier forms. I spent over 14 years living overseas, so don't preach to me. Look at what you write! Such vehemence against those who won't play up to your "victimhood." You are in the US, where educational opportunities ABOUND, and in many cases are funded by folks such as I (tax payers.) ""When a person is white and Privileged they basically go through life having everything handed to them, Robert i hope your children and grand children suffer a life time of reverse racism against them, Because only then will you lift your head up out of the sand to realise and see it. And its funny you mention Obama because certain white people are treating him like crap so he knows first hand."" Again, the "curse of the uneducated" is bestowed on me. Big deal. I'm not priveledged at all. My parents were poor and I worked for everything I have today. I went in the Air Force and used every educational opportunity presented to me. I worked hard, started a few companies and continue to work hard. YOU need to get an education, starting with learning to read and write in English. I never stated that racism didn't exist. I made a statement that was hyperbole-in response to YOUR ridiculous statement that implied that NOTHING has changed in 400 years. FACT-PLENTY has changed! But alas, you'd rather wallow in your self pity and victimhood at every opportunity. Get back to school as I suggested and better employement opportunities will be available to you so you don't have to get a "voucher" to wait for some tax-payer funded housing. Also, quite playing the race card. NO COUNTRY has done more for blacks than the US! NONE, nada, nein! I know because I have lived in other countries. I have witnessed racism on a scale that YOU probably never have or will. Go visit India some time-they still have a caste system. Go visit some African nations as I have and witness some extreme racism-genocide. ""Furthermore this is not about politics the white mans political system is just as corrupt as your thinking, Robert you will suffer big time thanks to the law of karma woe unto you beware and prepare for the worst. And you are your own worst enemy brainwashed into thinking racism doesn't exist."" There is nothing corrupt in my thinking. You show the degree of YOUR RACISM with your vehemence against anyone who doesn't fawn over your victimhood. Contact your local community college and get ready for the Spring semester.


Los Angeles,
This Is A Great Website In Regard To Exposing Racism

#7Author of original report

Fri, October 03, 2008

Although this is a great website in regard to exposing people and businesses that are racist, But i find people that are not black are totally oblivious to racism against black people. Until people walk a mile in our shoes they will never know what its like being black here in america. Thanks Margaret for your comment, Robert i hope you and that woman from hawaii burn in hell for having such a desensitized attitude toward people that are victims of racism. When a person is white and Privileged they basically go through life having everything handed to them, Robert i hope your children and grand children suffer a life time of reverse racism against them, Because only then will you lift your head up out of the sand to realise and see it. And its funny you mention Obama because certain white people are treating him like crap so he knows first hand. Furthermore this is not about politics the white mans political system is just as corrupt as your thinking, Robert you will suffer big time thanks to the law of karma woe unto you beware and prepare for the worst. And you are your own worst enemy brainwashed into thinking racism doesn't exist.



#8Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2008

I am white and grew up in an area where it was just black and white folks. But I have to say that I have had it with hispanics about as much as you have and I feel like they all ought to go home, PERIOD!!! They are messing up this country with their multiplying like roaches and generally living like filth!!! Keep complaining, perhaps someone will finally listen to your complaint.



#9Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2008

I am white and grew up in an area where it was just black and white folks. But I have to say that I have had it with hispanics about as much as you have and I feel like they all ought to go home, PERIOD!!! They are messing up this country with their multiplying like roaches and generally living like filth!!! Keep complaining, perhaps someone will finally listen to your complaint.



#10Consumer Comment

Wed, October 01, 2008

I am white and grew up in an area where it was just black and white folks. But I have to say that I have had it with hispanics about as much as you have and I feel like they all ought to go home, PERIOD!!! They are messing up this country with their multiplying like roaches and generally living like filth!!! Keep complaining, perhaps someone will finally listen to your complaint.


New York,

#11Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 01, 2008

""nothing has changed in the last 400 years for black people the struggle continues."" Nothing at all! In case you're not up on current events pal, we have a black man running for PRESIDENT. Quite playing the race card. Get an education and work to improve your life instead of waiting for someone else to improve it for you. I suggest you start at your local community college with an English composition class. YOU are your own worse enemy.


Los Angeles,
Wether I get To Live At Marina Apartments Or Not

#12Author of original report

Wed, October 01, 2008

Wether i get to live at Marina Apartments or not one thing for sure, I'm a unwanted presence as alot of black people are here in america. Look at the comment Jessica from hawaii left me, She clearly doesn't like black people either. My goal here is to ruin the reputation of businesses that are racist against black people, Not so much to seek legal action against anybody, As a black man here in america i already know i'm a hated and a unwanted presence and nothing has changed in the last 400 years for black people the struggle continues.


Los Angeles,
The inspection was supposedly this past Monday 9/15/08

#13Author of original report

Fri, September 19, 2008

The inspection supposedly took place this past Monday, But so far i havn't heard anything nobody has called me yet Housing Authority nor the Resident manager over at Marina Apartments. I guess im suppose to just wait for an answer, Life here in california is so awful for a black man. We suffer worse than anybody non withstanding.


Los Angeles,
I Viewed The Apartment That Will Be Mine

#14Author of original report

Thu, August 28, 2008

I saw the apartment that will be mine, That was what the phone call was about yesterday. The unit just has to be inspected and aproved by Housing Authority. I turn in my paperwork, I will keep everybody posted on what happenes next. Also i was wrong about there only being one black person living their, I saw another black lady that lives there.


Los Angeles,
I Got A Phone Call Today August 26, 2008

#15Author of original report

Tue, August 26, 2008

I recieved a phone call today, That my apartment was ready, So i will keep everybody posted on what happenes next.


Los Angeles,
I Got A Phone Call Today August 26, 2008

#16Author of original report

Tue, August 26, 2008

I recieved a phone call today, That my apartment was ready, So i will keep everybody posted on what happenes next.


Los Angeles,
I Got A Phone Call Today August 26, 2008

#17Author of original report

Tue, August 26, 2008

I recieved a phone call today, That my apartment was ready, So i will keep everybody posted on what happenes next.


Los Angeles,
I Got A Phone Call Today August 26, 2008

#18Author of original report

Tue, August 26, 2008

I recieved a phone call today, That my apartment was ready, So i will keep everybody posted on what happenes next.


Let me get this straight..

#19Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 21, 2008

You're a black man, on welfare, who is accusing a mexican woman, named lupe of racism? Wow man, you're your own Saturday Night Live skit. I think you just pushed the civil rights movement back about 60 years. no sympathy here.

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