  • Report:  #411106

Complaint Review: Mark Figueredo Zadiggle Punta Gorda Property Development CCYP Charlotte County Young Professionals - Port Charlott Florida

Reported By:
- Port Charlotte, Florida,

Mark Figueredo Zadiggle Punta Gorda Property Development CCYP Charlotte County Young Professionals
Port Charlott, 33952 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I moved to Florida and was looking to make some professional friends. I am in my mid 20s and was referred to the Charlotte County Young Professionals (CCYP). The group appears to be great, however I am troubled by something I discovered when doing my research. The group was started by Mark Anthony Figueredo. I went to the Charlotte County Clerk of Courts website and discovered that Mr. Figueredo has numerous pending court cases.

To begin with, he has a domestic violence case #07000252DV where he was given a restraining order. You can view the mugshots on the Charlotte County Sheriff's website.

He is currently facing three foreclosures (Case# 08003676CA, #08004353CA, and #09000017CA)

There is a case filed against Mr. Figueredo for not paying taxes to the county, case #08006302CA

A quick search of the traffic violations Mark Figueredo has incurred brings up an entire page of infractions!

And to top it off, the records indicate he has not paid child support in half a year!!! I would just like to advise anyone to use common sense when dealing with Mark Anthony Figuerede dob 5-1-1979, Zadiggle, or Punta Gorda Development. He appears to have no reguard for promises (mortgages) or the welfare of his own child. If I could advise Mark Figueredo, it would be to not leech off of society!!! Be a man for once in your life. Pay your debts. Pay for your own child!!! Don't abuse women!!! As for the CCYP, I eventually went to a few meetings and have met several wonderful people. I'd just advise to be cautious and do your homework!!!


Port Charlotte, Florida


10 Updates & Rebuttals


port charlotte,
smear campaign

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, December 04, 2010

I am neither family nor friend of Mark Figuredo.  I was curios when I came across this site and typed in Port Charlotte to see what businesses were written up and I started reading all the posts about businesses that were rip offs, and then I came to this mans name, I do not protect people who are abusive or who are to cheap to support their kids, but I also don't think this is the right forum for ANYONE to smear a persons reputation, after all it is geared toward businesses.

I read that the first poster used it as a pretense that they were joining some club he was affiliated with, but really what does his personal drama have to do with business. I have many friends who have messy personal lives, yet lead productive work lives. In fact a friend of mine was arrested for DV, when the argument began he let his wife  hit him and then he let the police arrest him because he still loved her and didn't want the mother of his children to be arrested, after the arrest, her record from the past came out, and guess what she had been arrested for DV, in her last relationship, I knew this woman for years and never knew her past and we were pretty good friends As the so how do we know these woman do not have a similar past and they have just not been arrested?

 Mark F. has been arrested for DV, but first of all does anyone know the true story? Was it mutual between the women and him, as many of the DV cases in Charlotte County have been known to be? And while the one poster said there were two cases, if both parties were drinking then how do we know they weren't both responsible for the DV and that since generally the man is assumed at fault was he charged first ?
Do we know the woman's arrest record? And even if not, do we really know what happened and that he is going to beat his business affiliates? Are the people who are posting these messages free from any kind of unlawful or immoral behavior ? I think not, I mean just the fact that instead of taking this right to the person you are talking about it on a business forum is a sign it is more personal than you are trying to make people believe.

As the saying goes  "judge not lest ye be judged" maybe the poster is afraid to personally confront this man because they do not have such a clean past either. I am not  a religious person and I follow that rule, cause if I was judged for things I did I'm sure there would be stuff written about me, but I am still a person who does good as well. So for all of you who are here to smear anyone personally think first before you do, because unless you are in there shoes you do not know the whole story. Oh and if you think I am a friend or family you can contact me and see I am not, I do not even know this man, so I have nothing to gain by posting a rebuttal.


United States of America
Mark Figueredo is a Coward. Everything negative is 100% true!!!

#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 18, 2010

A friend of mine recently ended a relationship with Mark Figueredo.  He's a certified nut case.  Throughout their relationship there were little signs that something wasn't right with him.  He tries to make himself out to be a nice guy, but it's all an act that is coming apart by the day.  Once my friend dumped him, he went psycho and began threaten her to come back or he was going to make her life miserable, ruin her and her family, etc.  It's the same old story with him.  He began confronting her in public and it got so bad that she had to get a restraining order against him in Charlotte County case #10000512DV.  The DV stands for Domestic Violence and there appears to be a pattern of it with Mark.  Two women in this county alone have been given protection orders against him.  I imagine the rebuttal now is going to be that my friend was somehow a golddigger, crazy, whatever, just as he's tried to portray the other one.  Problem now is there are 2 women that were granted temporary restraining orders just in this county. So do we have two golddiggers or do we have one nutcase that likes to threaten women?  It's obvious something is not right with Mark.  If you are his family do him a favor and teach him how to be a real man! Covering up and lying for him is not doing anyone any good and it will only end up hurting him in the end.  What would a father do if he found out Mark was threatening his daughter in public restraunts?  What would a good friend do?  I know his family reads this because my friend told me they are the ones that write about him on here.

The writer before me seems delusional.  Everything negative written about Mark on here has been verified as the truth.  Comparing Mark Figueredo to Nelson Mandela?  Was that some type of joke?  Do they give Peace Prizes away for not paying child support these days? If so, Mark has to be in the running for one because he's screwed his son out of over a year's worth.  Mark was not arrested for being unlucky.  The first time he was arrested for battery.  The second time he was arrested was because he made a choice to not financially support his child.  Forget the fact that it's a moral obligation to help raise your kids.  There are laws that make you financially liable.  Mark makes a choice to not help put food into his child's mouth.  If he is a "great person, and wonderful father" he has not been to the two women that were forced to get restraining orders against him.  What kind of sick person thinks a wonderful father screws their son out of financial support?  And does taking your kid to public events make you a good father? I don't know about that.  Sounds like an easy way to get some free food and get out of supporting you kid to me, but what do I know?   Figueredo family please wake up and help your child become a man for once in his life!!! 


United States of America
This is all wrong, by the way.

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, July 16, 2010

First, the originator of this post is Mark's ex-wife who is trying to sully his reputation.  Second, she is a gold-digger who has taken advantage of every man lain victim to her manipulation.  Third, anyone who actually knows Mark, knows that he is a wonderful father, better than most, and thoroughly spoils his son who loves him dearly when they are together, rather then forking over his money to his manipulative trouble-making ex.  We all know that when men and women argue, most of the time the woman wins whether she lies about what occurs, or not.  If you have never met the person who created this post, the Ex, then you should not speak about the way Mark treats people.  She is a fake, a liar, a user, and I feel for whatever man may come within the path of her wretched family.  Yes, her family, not just her, are maniacal.  Finally, we all know someone that is generally a good person that has been to jail.  Mark just so happens to have been unlucky in that way.  He is a great person and a fantastic, loving father.  And just because someone has a bad driving record, does not mean they are a bad person.  After all, Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years and later he was endowed with the Nobel Peace Prize.  Take a look at yourself and stop pointing the finger. Get to know someone and their situation before passing judgement based on a website and a photograph.  If you want to judge someone based on public photos, check out the Charlotte County Newspapers in which Mark is constantly photographed at the public events he so proudly takes his son to. 


Port Charlotte,
United States of America
Mark Figueredo is pathetic

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, April 08, 2010

In reading the the rebuttals that attempt to make Mark Figueredo sound like a nice guy, I have to think that his family and friends are ignorant.  It is a fact that he has 3 foreclosures, a suspended driver's license, arrested for abusing his spouse, and doesn't pay child support.  But he's a great guy!  "Nicole" must be ignorant or have lived a life with no human contact.  To say a guy that provides no monetary support for his child is a good father is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard.  He's a great dad that doesn't even cloth or feed his child.  Give me a break you ignorant person.

What exactly is anyone to be jealous about here?  Does the original poster secretly wish to be arrested for spousal abuse? Does anyone in society long to run so many stop signs and cause so many wrecks that they lose their driving privileges for a year?  Are the aspiring fathers of Charlotte County dreaming of the day that they can bring a child into this world and intentionally fail to give it basic necessities. Give me an f-ing break "Nicole" you ignorant person.  Mark Figueredo is not a man, he is a pathetic loser that mooches off of society.   Times catching up with him though...


North Carolina,
United States of America
Good Guy

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, April 04, 2010

Anyone that actually knows Mark Figueredo would not have written this.  It is obviously jelousy as stated above. Mark is a great guy an amazing friend  but first the best dad i have ever known!  


Port Charlotte,
United States of America
Kristinqd is actually a relative of Mark Figueredo

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, April 03, 2010

Kristinqd, perhaps you need to educate yourself on what constitutes slander and what does not.  What the original poster has written about Mark Figueredo is true and has been verified through various court records.  The company Zadiggle is owned by Mark Figueredo.  If the owner of a company is a low life, then why would anyone do business with the company?  You speak of "allegations," however everything written has been verified, thus they are not allegations, but factual statements.  You say you dated Mark for 6 months? Why didn't it work out?  You are lucky that you didn't have a child with him because court records show that doesn't pay for his children.  Mark Figueredo's status is dead beat dad? How else can you define it?   I'm assuming you are in actuality a relative of Mark Figueredo because who else would attempt to rehabilitate a woman beater and dead beat father?  This isn't about the past.  It's about right now.  Right now there is a child of Mark Figueredo's that are only receiving love and support from one parent.  Advice to you Kristinqd would be to open your eyes to what is going on around you.


United States of America
Personal Attack

#8Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 01, 2010

The report filed is a personal attack, so obviously placed by someone who is PERSONALLY angry. Does that give someone the right to slander a person or thier business? What does any of that have to do with how this company conducts its business? Or the quality of that business? You know nothing of the circumstances behind any of the "allegations" and you seem to know more than the average consumer regarding Mark's personal life.  You've done a lot of research on court records and case numbers. What is the motivation behind all of this? Rediculous! I dated Mark for 6 months and have remainded friends with him over the past 6 years and there was never one instance of violence, nor did I ever feel threatened. Unfortunately, there are women out there that do target a person of Mark's status and will try to take advantage of every opportunity to collect a paycheck. Hense where all of the issues stem from. If you're going to attack a person perhaps you should do some "homework" of your own. You should think about anything you've ever been involved with in your past and if you would want someone to defame your future based on unfortunate circumstances. God forgive you because you obviously know not what you do!


Punta Gorda,
Jealous of Mr. Figueredo's status? And what status would that be? Wife beater or deadbeat dad?

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, July 01, 2009

Just ran accross this report and had to add my two cents. I commend the first poster for providing actual proof of what this man is doing. I've known Mark Figueredo for about 8 years now. I'll admit that he comes off like a decent guy, but we all know anyone can put on a good act. I never knew that he was arrested for spousal abuse until I looked it up. Just as the initial poster said, it's for real! http://www.ccso.org/localcrime/bookingsheet.cfm?bn=61708001 What kind of man hits a woman? That's just SICK!!! As for the lady that said good things about this guy, maybe you need to know him as an adult? The things you write are about him as a child. Perhaps his family is nice, I don't know them. I thought he was on the up and up, but from the looks of things, he's just another a*****e. It is nice that you wrote about him, but is sounds like you knew him as a little child. People change as they age and evidently Mr. Figueredo went down hill from the time you knew him. I don't know if the first poster is a scorned woman or what, but it appears that she has some credible issues with Mr. Figueredo. She's verified them. I looked them up myself because it was so shocking that Mark would have such a dark side to him. I certainly would not call being abused or raising a child without the help of child support being scorned. I have 3 children of my own and am divorced and I will be the first to say that if you are going to bring a child into this world, you need to man up and assume responsibility. That includes paying your share of the support. Try to be a father figure to your child, even if you only have to be one every other Saturday. Trying to ruin Mr. Figueredo's reputation? It appears he's doing a decent job of that all by himself. I'm glad I found this site because I've learned a lot about a person that I once thought was a good guy and I plan on letting him know that next time I see him around PGI.


Mark Figueredo obviously has quite a few people jealous of his status and trying to pull him down...

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, June 25, 2009

You have heard the saying: " There's nothing worse than a scorned woman". Well, It sounds to me like that is the situation at hand! I have known Mark and his family for over 16 years now and they are all VERY HARD working, polite & a professional family with very strong family bonds. I lived as their neighbors for almost 10 years and NOT 1 time have I ever seen or heard a single BAD thing about Mark or his family! His family is VERY well known around the community and very well liked! The second they moved here from another state, it was amazing how they could meet soooo many people in this town, that I have lived in for 20+ yrs, in such a short period of time. It is because they are the sweetest, friendliest, most outgoing family I have ever encountered. My husband and I used to tease them saying that they never met a stranger! That is so true too! They would know anyone in any restaurant and if there was a couple they didnt know they would know them before dinner was over! ANYWAY! Mark was a VERY loving, HARD WORKING young man for my husband for many years helping us out around the house or if we went away! He was ALWAYS responsible and trustworthy to us and many other neighbors as well. He had the opportunity to take a LOT of stuff when we weren't home and NEVER EVER would have thought about doing that! My husband was always impressed with the respect he showed towards adults and/or friends and family. ~To this day, Mark is always very respectful, thoughtful, hard working and very honest in anything and everything we discuss with him albeit business and/or personal.~ This rebuttal is written with the utmost truth! I know MArk Figueredo and I beleive that these situations he faces will be resolved with dignity, that I know MArk has! He LOVES his child with EVERY OUNCE of his being and he WOULD NEVER EVER do ANYTHING to harm his child! ~Mark has NOT had anything to do with me writing this rebuttal either, I just felt it very necessary to let people know the other side of him, the side I KNOW, FIRST HAND AND FOR MANY YEARS!!!~ People should think about WHAT they are writing and the repercussions that follow what they have written because to me it is brutally obvious that "Melissa" has to be the scorned women trying to ruin Mark's reputation! I am speculating there, but I wouldn't doubt it! Anyone who tries to drag someone DOWN needs to think about WHY on earth they think that would possibly make a bad situation better??? It will only make a bad situation WORSE! We all need to Look at ourselves for happiness. Trying to ruin others reputations and bring others down to make yourself happy is not a pretty thing! That is just Sick! There are always 2 sides to a story!


Port Charlotte,
Mark Figueredo hasn't changed. Owes me close to $10,000.

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, January 14, 2009

I wasn't surprised to see the name Mark Figueredo show up on this site. I've known him for over 15 years, as we went to high school together. I did some work for him a few years back and he stiffed me. I looked up the mugshots you mentioned you found on the Charlotte County Sheriff's site. That certainly is him. He does have a violent side to him, but it usually comes out when he is drunk. Being an alchoholic, he is drunk a lot, so I guess he is violent a lot. He had the nerve to call me names over the phone when he's the one that owes me money! Here's a suggestion, take the $10k you screwed me out of and pay for your kid's child support!

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