  • Report:  #422752

Complaint Review: Mark Hansen DVM - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- altamonte springs, Florida,

Mark Hansen DVM
White Rd Animal Clinic Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
beware of this vet..he solicits women on craigslist for money for sex on normal platonic dates and degrades and verbally abuses women just to get away with it-- no scruples or morals at all...

This is a warning for women on craigslist or women anywhere of this what seems to be arab sociopath. I met this lunatic on craigslist a while back. He offered me money for no reason after our "date" and walked off. For a long period of time he had been calling me over and over to try to make a 2nd date, trying to coerce me to

drive to his area to meet with him for dinner again and offering me sums of money...just to give to me.

I rejected his "offers' for a long time. He pretended

to be some form of a friend and as a vet even offered to help out a friend's animal of mine that was in need. A couple of times he did offer to "come to my place" and asked how I was doing "financially." I never let him over and his behavior seemed odd. One day I needed a cash advance or was in need of money for a couple of days until

my next pay check. He happened to call me that day. He told me that he would "lend" or just give me some money if I drove to his area to have dinner with him. Never any implications of anything else.

Because for some reason I trusted him since he seemed "nice enough" and had been contacting me I decided to take him up on his offer. I drove about 30 mins to his side of town hoping for at the very least gas compensation which he promised to give to me. The moment I got to his area, he began changing the location of the dinner, from one place to the next. He is a vet and works at the clinic on 'good homes road' near white road, an emergency clinic.

He told me to go to his clinic and then told me to go inside. I told him I didn't feel like going inside and alraedy didn't feel very good. He told me as he had told me several times he could "get me a job at his clinic." When he was done with his patient, he came out and insisted I get in his car. I told him politely that I wasn't feeling well and didn't feel comfortable or find it necessary to get in his car....and had health problems. He became pretty hostile and angry when I said taht to him and began being verbally abusive rude, mean pissy etc....He was mean and constnatly insulting me for not getting in his car....saying "WHERE are you at"???

Im HERE" oh Gawd...follow me...where did u go-- very aggressive mean and just rude...at that point I wanted to bail but was already short having to waste gas driving all that way and at least wanted the gas comp since I didn't have a lot at the time. Once we got to the 'restaurant" he began again insulting me, being belligerent and rude and I calmly tried explaining to him that I wasn't insulting his car... but he insisted I was and was mad I could not get inside with him.

Then he said that I was "pissing him off." This psycho was being a total jerk and really horrible and then he walked out of the restaurant telling me it was closed. He then said "IM NOT HUNGRY ANYMORE" or that he didn't feel like going...so I tried asking him still nicely for the gas money...because I explained to him I was in the hole for having to drive 30 mins all that way with the promise of gas comp.

He seemed to be getting off on just being rude and mean...and degrading or insulting for absolutely no reason. Then he said "i'll give u the money after we eat.." I was thinking... great..this is going to be an ordeal. Then he changed rsetaurants again and again and finally went to one. He was acting like a rude pissy jerk....once I got out of my car... then he did not go inside the restaurant but instead....stopped outside of my car and said that his office was calling him.....so I was like ok well can i please have the gas money...at least....then he said

he wasn't intersted in eating and was interested in having ME for the NIGHT....and asked "how much is it gonna cost to have you"

at that point....I had had it....and explained to him I wasn't into that and wasn't for sale....he began holding out 20's saying "how much do you want"...I was like..for what? he said...."for the night".... I said....well i just want 40.00 for having to drive all this way or at least 20...like you had promised....he refused...and kept making offers....claiming he wanted to "give me a lot more than that." and that I could "help him out and he could "help me out."

I had no idea that jerk was going to go there since prior he seemed to have been somewhat of an ok person but sometimes you learn the 2nd time around....I explained to him I went there for "dinner" and possibly lending of money like he had said....since he had been offering to give me money for no reason for about a year, and offering jobs etc.. and had I known he was going to do that would not have driven there obviously. He said "ok you want dinner, let's have dinner."

So we went inside....where he began offering things again and kept saying "I can leave RIGHT now." I kept explaining to him that at the current moment I didn't have much money....and thought he was a friend... and didn't mind driving to his area for dinner and conversation and gas comp....but had no clue he was a jerk who was going to pull something like that on me....he refused to give the 20.00 for gas then quoted that he wanted thigns done "HIS WAY' and that was the only way he was going to do things.

He claimed he would ONLY give me the gas money if I drove to his house... and in his driveway he'd give me 60.00...(yeah right)...then he claimed that I didn't need to get gas and he could send a chauffeur to fill my gas and I had to get in his car....he claimed that I said I 'didn't trust him" and this 'annoyed him."

Then he said again that we could "help each other out" and kept making offers...of sexual favors for money....he even tried instructing me in a controlling way how to 'sit' at the table and was a really huge jerk...beware....I am shocked this sicko is a 'vet' and would not trust my animals with this creep...I told this jerk that I thought he was going to give/lend me money as a friend... like he had said and he siad that he was "going to but when he saw me he had to have me" then his offer changed....he was really rude degrading insulting the whole time. I explained to him he needed to give me the gas money out of just decency since he was playing games and messing with me and degrading me just by making these offers. He still refused and said things had to be done 'his way." He said "we could have a regular arrangement." I turned down the offer... obviously...

At this point I finally had it and began telling

him what a jerk I thought he was and that I could go to the police for him making these offers...and that I was going to report him to the police....then he said "oh i was going to give you the money." I thought...no you weren't. Then he began insulting me some more

playing head games...abusive...then he grabbed his food to go... threw 20.00 at me on the table, and came and touched my shoulders.. without my consent or wanting him to lay a hand on me and insulted me some more before he barged out... this low life is very sick....

yes there are ppl into this stuff but to pretend to be a friend and have someone drive over long distance as a 'date' and promise them some monetary help only to make sexual offers and try to blackmail or mess with their heads, abuse and degrade them the way this a**hole did is atrocious...just warning people out there of this jerk and loser....stay far away from it...

he is 32 years old a vet single, and trying to buy nice women off craigslist in a very sleazy disgusting and despicable deceptive way....he takes advantage of people in not so great financial situations and he chases people

or women literally for over a year....I believe he had me drive to his area solely so he could go through the emotions of degradation verbal abuse etc....very sick person beware of


altamonte springs, Florida


3 Updates & Rebuttals

Mr. P

Awww come on Misty

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, February 11, 2009

Umm Misty Have you lived under wealthy parents house where you are naive? Please do not go to a vet who has a nice fancy shop where he puts animals to sleep. You need to grow up and see the real life world. America is full of international sex maniacs, namely from other countries not to speak of. I will be specific here, what you did here is very inappropriate. I am thanking God that you did get raped or someone taking you and drugged you. You need to remember, Vets have the drugs in their labs or hospitals. They could walk around with a syringe full of vetamine. If you get injected with this, it will render you unable to fight the vet doctor off. You have to be careful in today's society. Once your honor is gone, so is your sanity. Like the saying goesn gotta learn the hard way, usually hard way comes with a price. either counseling or suicide. Depends on how the family has grown up. Like mine, I never had a say and always put down. I even had a stepdad who violated my trust many of times. And a mother who always gotten on to me and never let me have a say. It was even when I was 19 years of age. I was also threatened to have my license yanked out of my hand to drive. Misty, I am glad to be on my own today. I cannot trade freedom for the prison like home environment I used to live in. I will not be living in my parents house ever, If it comes down to it. I will have to be a POA before it happens, and they be declared incompentent. The money management also plays a role in a child's life. If parents withhold alot of confidence from a child, the child's confidence becomes nothing. You have to be careful who you run into. I am guessing you grew up in a family similar to mine. You are a nice person Misty. I want to let you know be careful in today's society.



#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 11, 2009

what the hell were you thinking young lady? Do you KNOW the danger you put yourself in for a lousy 20 bucks (or 40 or whatthehellever it was)!!!! OMG girl......your stupidity in this instance astounds most readers. You let freakin MONEY over rule your own common sense. Creeps are everywhere today. Just because he claims to be a vet (DVM) does not make him an upstanding trustworthy man/citizen. Your gut told you from the start to back off......why didnt you listen? After the FIRST insult or harsh word.....even feeling......YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HISTORY!!!!! You should have walked away. OMG I dont even know you or how old you are and I wanna ground your young a$$!!!! PLEASE......next time.......dont let money control you or the prospect of it......listen to you gut. You know that old saying "lay down with dogs....wake with fleas"?? d**n girl.....you may have come close to NOT WAKING!!!!! Please...take care of yourself better than this



#4Consumer Comment

Wed, February 11, 2009

what the hell were you thinking young lady? Do you KNOW the danger you put yourself in for a lousy 20 bucks (or 40 or whatthehellever it was)!!!! OMG girl......your stupidity in this instance astounds most readers. You let freakin MONEY over rule your own common sense. Creeps are everywhere today. Just because he claims to be a vet (DVM) does not make him an upstanding trustworthy man/citizen. Your gut told you from the start to back off......why didnt you listen? After the FIRST insult or harsh word.....even feeling......YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN HISTORY!!!!! You should have walked away. OMG I dont even know you or how old you are and I wanna ground your young a$$!!!! PLEASE......next time.......dont let money control you or the prospect of it......listen to you gut. You know that old saying "lay down with dogs....wake with fleas"?? d**n girl.....you may have come close to NOT WAKING!!!!! Please...take care of yourself better than this

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