  • Report:  #644115

Complaint Review: Marshalls - Internet Internet

Reported By:
PLComplaints - Severn, Maryland, United States of America

12 Mountain Rd., Glen Burnie, MD 21060 Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Today On September 23, 2010 at around 3:10p.m. as my mother and I were placing our items on the check-out counter, the associate who is Caucasian, middle-aged (40s), picked up one of our many (approx.8) clearance marked cookbook would-be purchases, turned around walking to the counter and, although her back was facing us, we moved to see her peel the red clearance sticker back and off. 
She peeled for nearly 3 minutes, and then whilst ruining the cover jacket of said book proceeded to turn around and in an accusatory voice say "This price does not match the sticker", no polite words whatsoever.  How would she have even suspected this when the clearance sticker with its current UPC covered any original UPC?  (all our clearance items were found in their clearly segregated clearance section) This was her own (we believe racially biased) suspicion.  We explain that this was THEIR mistake.  We are honest, hardworking people, seeking bargain items.

We insist the associate, and Marshalls honor their pricetag, that they hand-marked, (we are NOT thieves, nor do we have the capabilities of switching stickers, it took her 3 minutes to remove!). 

I say to her, "You guys marked this book, we did nothing wrong, you mis-marked it" to which she replied "we do nothing, the machine does everything",
I say "the machine marks it's own price?"
she says "yes",
I reply, "the machine makes it's own price, and holds itself under the sticker machine, and the machine walks it over to the clearance section and goes with the other clearance books?",
and she has the audacity to say "yes".

Fast forward, we are not backing down, this is the second bait-n-switch pricing practice from this particular Marshalls, and I will not let another slide.  She calls the manager, while another associate(who didn't try to resolve anything) sees to it to come to the counter as well, and the three of them intent on intimidating us, argue with us about their policies.

We say, "you are wrong, you mis-marked this, we found it with these other (approx. 7) books in the same clearance section" the manager, Sharita, is loud and domineering, which causes us to be loud, and continues to say "you need to calm down" before we can even finish our side of the story and that we also believe racial discrimination is playing a role, (We are Asian-American), when she finally says, "If you can't calm down we will be forced to remove you from the store", we say fine and we leave saying we will file with the BBB.

I warn shoppers not to waste the money their worked hard to earned and their time on these shady businesses.  The commercials show what great products they sell, but does not show their poor, grade F-, associate and manager attitudes and practices.

Not Happy!!!!

5 Updates & Rebuttals

Ronny g

North hollywood,
It's overdue...

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, September 26, 2010

..on this report. Where is Karl with his "GOOGLES" of death sweeps and engine sludge? Surely death sweeps and Obama steak dinner poems will solve this segregation issue of red and white tags. Do they have any black tags? If not I want OJ Simpsons lawyers on the case..well at least the ones who are still alive.



#3Consumer Comment

Sat, September 25, 2010

It is really predictable that you now not only have pulled the "race card", but the "I don't like what you say so you must be an employee".

Really?  I am not nor have I ever worked for Marshalls.  Unfortunatly I wouldn't even accept their offer of a job, because I am too busy to work for them.  Working for a lot of other companies already takes up all of my time.

Secondly, according to you, because of the use of the word "segregated" that automatically deems me a racist?

- It at least says you have "racism" on your mind.  You have to be well aware that using the term "segregated" has racial overtones. I don't know if you remember the period up until the 1950's-1960's or not.  That was true discrimination.  But they didn't call it "separation" did they?  It was called "segregation".  Again had you just the books were in the clearance "section" you would have left out the racial overtones.

As a person of mixed race background (Asian, Causcasian, Islander, Native American, and Spanish Latin) not only do I have a unique experience that only a small minority have shared, but I have actually been on the receiving end of curt and abrupt behavior and attitudes, usually from the moment I check out my items at a store.

- This tells me one thing.  That you go into stores expecting to be discriminated against.  I would be willing to bet take any little thing that that they do(or don't do) as discrimination.  You have no idea my background..for all you know I am a mixed race, perhaps I am african american, perhaps I am hispanic or asian, perhaps I may even be Caucasian.  Maby if I am Caucasian, I receive this same level of "dis-service" all of the time.  But if I receive this level of Dis-Service, I DON'T go back.

Racial slurs are NOT the only display of racial discrimination. Also, I never referred to it as a "race card", that is your word.

- When you start taking about discrimintation and bringing in peoples race that is the "race card".  Just like you say that there are many forms of discirimination, there are many ways to play the "race card". 

As I stated in the main report, "no polite words whatsoever".

- And?  Again as stated in my original response.  What in any of what you wrote, other than your opinion or feeling, shows that it was anything more than bad customer service?

So in short. 

Bad Customer Service - Sure sounds like it.

Discrimination - You have got to be kidding.


United States of America
To All Who Read

#4Author of original report

Sat, September 25, 2010

To all who read my report.  
I'm not under the scrutiny of any of the previous posters.  So please keep any speculative comments to yourself.  You can make the decision of whether or not to shop there, but since you had zero involvement in the situation, do not attack what I report and question it's validity.  I have never posted before and it is NOT some form of entertainment to me.

Towards your comments, reread what the report says, the price on the book was mismarked, by the associates, and in no reality is a machine going to program itself and place itself within the selection of clearance books.  Every Marshalls in my area is laid-out in a similar fashion, this includes an area with signs that say "clearance" in red, plastic covered signs, to include metal shelves and plastic stackables.  This area is separated and segregated from the items that are not on sale which have WHITE sales tags and stickers as opposed to RED stickers.

Secondly, according to you, because of the use of the word "segregated" that automatically deems me a racist?  I am NOT a racist.  Can their workers honestly say the same?  Their actions, TO ME and my mother, say otherwise.

Contrary to what you may believe, the word "segregated" can be used to mean separated. Your comment speaks volumes to what you're viewpoint of the word is. Is this the way you use it in your daily life?  Also, aisles in any store are segregated by the category they belong, such as Clearance, Men's Clothing, Women's Clothing, and Toys.  As a person of mixed race background (Asian, Causcasian, Islander, Native American, and Spanish Latin) not only do I have a unique experience that only a small minority have shared, but I have actually been on the receiving end of curt and abrupt behavior and attitudes, usually from the moment I check out my items at a store.  This is after seeing the same cashier courteously greet and talk to Caucasian (and African-American in some instances) customers ahead of myself. Additionally, my mother is Asian by descent and has received similar treatment. 

How can I SHOW discrimination in a report?  Racial slurs are NOT the only display of racial discrimination. Also, I never referred to it as a "race card",  that is your word. The fact that I brought up race does not negate the fact that I was mistreated on what I feel to be racially-tinged grounds.

Third, I cannot obviously PROVE that the associates and manager had any racial discriminatory motivation, please explain to me how I would go about that?  Empirical data?  Would they admit it? I highly doubt that.  Only from the aspect/perspective of the people involved in a given situation can you even make a determination of racial discrimination; because you were not there, you have zero say in what transpired, you have only outsider speculation.  This may be a single occurrence, or it may have happened to others, but that does not change the climate of the transaction, or the behavior and attitude of the workers.

Last, Whether they are "following a policy" or are not, a business intent on keeping any customer loyalty, should never raise their voice, "gang-up", or completely dismiss a customers concerns.  As I stated in the main report, "no polite words whatsoever".  It continued that way, and this specific Marshalls will no longer get a dime from me. Additionally this does NOT resolve the practice of what I witnessed to be bait-n-switch pricing. 

p.s. It raises my eyebrow that the corporate offices that received our complaint are in Irvine, and a comment is posted out of Irvine not even a day later.  They said we would receive a courtesy call and apology of which we have not.  I will see whether this should be an indication that I should not only stop shopping Marshalls in Glen Burnie, MD but any of the TJX family of businesses.


This gets old after a while..

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, September 25, 2010

Why bring in the "race card"?

There is NOTHING in this report that shows any discrimination on their part.  Now, on your part that is a different matter.  Especially when you use phrases like "all our clearance items were found in their clearly segregated clearance section".

Interesting choice of words wouldn't you say?

Now, if you came here and wrote a report on how the books were marked at one price and they failed to honor them.  Then perhaps it would have had a bit more weight and validity.  But once you start to play the "race card", especially when you don't write anything that backs it up, it makes the rest of your report suspect.




#6Consumer Comment

Sat, September 25, 2010

How do you know that this item was in the "segregated" section?? What is a "segregated" section?  And how can you bring racism into this report - proof it. Where you called a name that relates to your race?

I rarely shop at Marshalls but I have never seen a "segregated" item section.

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