  • Report:  #244583

Complaint Review: Mary Motsenbocker - Mckinney Texas

Reported By:
- Allen, Texas,

Mary Motsenbocker
300 Appalachian Way Mckinney, 75069 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Mary Motsenbocker (evil step-mother) who wants all of Donald's assets when he dies soon of old age for her and her boys, has tried to smuggle large quantities of Valium from Mexico. No one would do it for her though, because it is illegal. She didn't want to do it, just have someone do it for her so she didn't take the risk of being caught. Isn't that nice.

In a way I don't blame her though because living with Donald has to be hell. Everyone ever ascociated with the man has to do drugs or alcohol to cope, or they die, like my brother Terry Don did of heart failure.

Terry Don didn't like Donald at all the last days he was here on Earth. Donald constantly put him down, and Terry was put up with him.

When Terry died, Donald immediately took Terry's children off the insurance, and kept the life insurance money for himself. Money grubbing Donald would trade his own soul for a hundred dollar bill, and apparently already has.

When Donald took Terry Don's daughter off the insurance, he said "it's finally done with", in front of me to Daryl in the car. He was so glad to be rid of another burden in his life, that he created. It's payback time - Donald!


Allen, Texas

12 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Mon, December 01, 2008

Dear Ed, If you can't erase all my posts, I understand. I just want to say that everyone is forgiven and the past is forgotten.


About the Insurance

#3Author of original report

Thu, March 27, 2008

Just like other things your Papa rigs, he rigged my life insurance. I receive no paycheck from him at all, nada, nothing. It could be called Cobra, but that's a lie. It could be called me actually signing up for this insurance, but that's a lie also. I didn't sign the document. The lady at the insurance company had some one sign it for me. Hmmmm. Who could that be? I wonder if you can file a lawsuit for people illegally signing your name on a binding document? Since you work at insurance, dear sweet niece of mine, who I have never said a bad word against, except to defend my posts from you, maybe you can tell our audience? Please enlighten us. Your dear uncle who still loves you even though you act like a brat at times, and never talk to me anymore like your Mom. Pot calling Kettle black. It's just so funny that I have to bring it up quite often.


Kyndra I love you

#4Author of original report

Mon, March 24, 2008

Kyndra I love you and completely forgive you for what you've said to me. I have to respond to a few thins though that are totally untrue, and some things you said by leaving out details that really matter. First of all, my Dad, who I love and forgive also only pays 320.00 a person I believe. His insurance actually went down. At one time when my brother Terry, your uncle also, was alive, he was paying about 1,000.00 per person, and he felt it was the right thing to do. He is making more money now than he did back then in profit. I dare him to take a lie detector test to prove otherwise. He made millions selling land in Mckinney alone, not counting all his companies, that if you do a search on make 19 million a year. You are right that I'm extremely overweight, 352 lbs to be exact, and it does cause a toll on my health. You forgot to mention that I have Multiple Sclerosis. I saw a story on abc I believe, that reported on a place that helped extremely overweight people. The man in charge, said they all had one thing in common - sexual abuse. I don't care if you believe me or not about the sexual abuse I suffered as a child at 5 years old, by older kids who were 14 and 15 at the time. I could care less. You weren't there. I went to get weight loss surgery, dangerous weight loss surgery. The doctor did everything he could do, to get the surgery done. His staff filed appeals and I called United Health Care. UHC told me that dear Daddy had it taken off to save a few bucks. He saved a few bucks to keep me from getting a 25,000.00 surgery, which btw is the lowest cost for this around Dallas, as far as I know. I heard that you had a falling out with Mary also. And btw, My Dad kept saying over and over again to me, come by and see me. I've been seeing him on Sundays for a long time. I stay for little, but he kept saying stay more. I knew Mary didn't like this, but he's my Dad. So I stayed a little long that one Sunday. I didn't know that it was fun day for the couple. No one told me, but later I found out. Because Mary told someone how I interupted it, even though I didn't see anyone naked or making out when I went there. Dad invited me for dinner that day, so I said yes. Mary looked in the fridge and said she didn't have enough chicken for me. I said that is fine, while I worked to fix her youngest son's computer that he screwed up by illegally downloading music with pop-ups and all kinds of malware. That was the third time I fixed his computer. Dad looked in the same fridge Mary did, and guess what they had a load of chicken in the fridge. Mary must have had temporary blindness that day. He told me to stay. So I did because he is my Dad. Mary chewed my Dad out during the meal, and I stayed quiet while she did, but I did have a sad face that she noticed. She then said, "what's wrong Craig, you don't like me arguing with your Dad. My Dad was not saying anything back to her either. Kyndra I love my Dad, but I got the strong hint that day, that I wasn't welcome by his wife. Kyndra, btw, do you ever show up unexpectedly at your parent's house. Gee that's so horrible rude, how dare I? And btw I would have left, if my Dad told me he had plans that day, he didn't have to even explain. But I'm telling you, dear sweet niece, that Sunday was always the day I went over. Maybe Mary started getting romantic on Sunday just to ward me off, who really knows? But it wasn't my fault that day. I chewed no one out, acted polite, and left quickly after dinner. I'm sorry Kyndra that you don't have all the facts. Btw, maybe I will lose weight, now that I'm too sick for the past week to really want to eat. I didn't have lunch today, because my family counts every penny, plus I'm not hungry anymore either. Maybe it's from all that blood my bowel spills out occasionally. I'm sure you saw that post on my blog. Yes Kyndra I'm wrong. I have no money, but I have some pants with a hole in them that I'm wearing today on my buttocks. I will wear this as I walk to the nearest store to apply for a job. When I was capable of working, I asked Mary who at one time loved to keep our child, at her asking who was only 2, if she would watch him one day, while I went to a job fair. She rudely told me no, and I never asked her again. Yes, Kyndra I got fatter and fatter, and now I'm a fat blob, but I know one thing, my children love me with all their heart. Even though my Dad hurt me terrible, I gave him a letter recently telling him I love him and forgive him for everything. I cried and begged him recently to just tell me he was wrong for hurting me growing up, and he wouldn't do it. Dear sweet niece, I live completely on disability now. I get nothing from my Dad at all, not a dime. He actually stole over 10,000.00 from me for payments I gave him for the house I live in. I have proof of this, but he won't repay me. He did a similar stunt to your Mom, who you don't talk to at all hardly now. Ask him about the land by the airport that your Mom invested in. He sold the land, and she didn't get a dime. Ask sweet Papa about all this my dear sweet niece. And if you or him or anyone else can get a forklift to get me out of the house, so I can get help for my obesity, I will do so. I can still walk okay. Even though my foot hurts extremely bad on my left heel which has all it's cartilage almost gone, that was that way when I was thin also. If I shop I suffer extreme pain. I brought all this on myself, Kyndra. I'm a terrible person. You hate me, even though before you targeted me I've never said a bad word to you. You're Daddy beat up your Mommy sometimes. Please don't have him shoot me with one of his guns, in his gun collection. You won't have a Daddy after that, because he will go to prison, and then you will experience what I feel to not have a Dad anymore. Kyndra I love my Dad. I feel now it was wrong to post things about him, even though they were true, simply because he is my Dad. I've erased all my posts about him on my blog site. What else do you want? I'm about to go to bed again this afternoon. I'm tired. I don't know if it's from all my blubber or my ms. Thank you for kindly telling me how to fix all this. When you become a doctor and get filthy rich making money off poor sick people, will you please, just please perform the surgery I need to get well. Well you please pay off the 600 something dollars I owe the MRI place so I can get another scan. When you have MS, you are suppose to get them yearly. But I know you are poor, just like poor poor Papa, who used to tell his family every year that he was going broke, which caused terrible anxiety for all of us, and then the same year, he would buy another company out. You didn't say how much you get from dear sweet Papa, Kyndra? Who makes your car payments, apartment payments - nice apartment too, and your college tuition? Tell us all so that way we know you have no incentives to make this challenge againt my terrible posts. Kyndra, your Papa is powerful, extremely powerful. I felt humiliation for what he has done to me and others was my only way to fight back. Maybe Hitler's children felt the same way, but they were probably killed if they said anything bad to their sweet Dad. I wonder if he's going to China or Germany again soon like he did this summer. I guess from what you say, it was to beg for money, because he is so poor and can't afford anything. Yeah, Kyndra, I'm sick mentally, physically, and even spiritually now. Please donate a dollar to my fund so I can get my weight loss surgery. Please help me Kyndra. Please, please, please help me. Love, Your uncle


Lies, Lies, Lies

#5UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 08, 2008

Wow! I think what everyone is failing to see here is that both of the mentioned sons, Craig and Terry, were not "mistreated" in any way. In all of your other reports you talk about how he raised your families deductible and out-of-pocket amounts. Well, I work in insurance and I know that this is because of your families health problems. You are overweight (from glutany) which causes your high blood pressure and joint pain. Your joints were not designed to carry around that excessive amount of weight nor was your circulatory system designed to pump blood through that much body. You need to get on an exercise and diet program instead of spending so much time on the computer trashing your father and taking all that medication. Also, for your information, other people on your company's policy have bigger problems than you like cancer (breast, lung, and lymph), autism, emphasima, etc. So, it's probably costing him a fortune just to have you on the policy. Oh, and not only that, but if you're not an employee of his, how are you on the policy? That's right, he pays you every week for sitting on your butt and writing hateful lies about him. Not only that, but then you have the gall to roll up to his house at Christmas looking for your gifts from this "tirant". This man offered you the world and all he ever wanted in return was for you to love him and act right! That's all he's ever wanted from anyone in his family and he just bought your unwed knocked-up (for the third time) daughter a home, what an "evil" man! Yeah right! He has obviously taken care of you and your family for your whole life and you are the one who is psychotic, not to mention ungrateful! We all love you Craig, we just want you to get some help before you harm yourself or others that you love. Oh, and you mentioned all the pills you are taking... nitroglycerin, Lyrica, Celebrex (I'm guessing), etc. But then you go and try to say that Mary is an addict? All you takes is allergy medication and you know it. She has horrible allergies and the even has to get shots to help with the swelling and itching. Oh, and if anyone were going to Mexico for pills it would be you since your wife is hispanic! Mary is Korean. Why would a 95 lb sweet Korean lady go to Mexico by herself to try and "smuggle" drugs. I'm sure since your healthcare sucks, you are the on doing this and therefor you would know how to accuse someone else of it. So shut your mouth about Mary, she didn't do anything to you! I don't give a crap about your lame chicken dinner story and how she didn't fix you any because you came over uninvited and without notice! Get over it! You are a grown, confused, and sick man. Act like an adult and quit speading rumors like a child. If we have to get a forklift into your house to haul you off to the looney bin, WE WILL! YOU need help! For the sake of your small children, please let the police and doctors help you. And Don isn't the ring leader of McKinney, you are just coming up with outlandish comspiracy theories because that's a side affect of your psychofrenia (however you spell that). Your mind has chosen him as a target of all your aggression and you just can't let up. It's not your fault, it's just an imbalance of chemicals in your brain and other psychological issues that make you the way you are. Let them help you, please. Oh, and you better watch what you say. Some people may construe, "it's payback time" as a threat and have you arrested on those grounds. Love you!


Lies, Lies, Lies

#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, March 08, 2008

Wow! I think what everyone is failing to see here is that both of the mentioned sons, Craig and Terry, were not "mistreated" in any way. In all of your other reports you talk about how he raised your families deductible and out-of-pocket amounts. Well, I work in insurance and I know that this is because of your families health problems. You are overweight (from glutany) which causes your high blood pressure and joint pain. Your joints were not designed to carry around that excessive amount of weight nor was your circulatory system designed to pump blood through that much body. You need to get on an exercise and diet program instead of spending so much time on the computer trashing your father and taking all that medication. Also, for your information, other people on your company's policy have bigger problems than you like cancer (breast, lung, and lymph), autism, emphasima, etc. So, it's probably costing him a fortune just to have you on the policy. Oh, and not only that, but if you're not an employee of his, how are you on the policy? That's right, he pays you every week for sitting on your butt and writing hateful lies about him. Not only that, but then you have the gall to roll up to his house at Christmas looking for your gifts from this "tirant". This man offered you the world and all he ever wanted in return was for you to love him and act right! That's all he's ever wanted from anyone in his family and he just bought your unwed knocked-up (for the third time) daughter a home, what an "evil" man! Yeah right! He has obviously taken care of you and your family for your whole life and you are the one who is psychotic, not to mention ungrateful! We all love you Craig, we just want you to get some help before you harm yourself or others that you love. Oh, and you mentioned all the pills you are taking... nitroglycerin, Lyrica, Celebrex (I'm guessing), etc. But then you go and try to say that Mary is an addict? All you takes is allergy medication and you know it. She has horrible allergies and the even has to get shots to help with the swelling and itching. Oh, and if anyone were going to Mexico for pills it would be you since your wife is hispanic! Mary is Korean. Why would a 95 lb sweet Korean lady go to Mexico by herself to try and "smuggle" drugs. I'm sure since your healthcare sucks, you are the on doing this and therefor you would know how to accuse someone else of it. So shut your mouth about Mary, she didn't do anything to you! I don't give a crap about your lame chicken dinner story and how she didn't fix you any because you came over uninvited and without notice! Get over it! You are a grown, confused, and sick man. Act like an adult and quit speading rumors like a child. If we have to get a forklift into your house to haul you off to the looney bin, WE WILL! YOU need help! For the sake of your small children, please let the police and doctors help you. And Don isn't the ring leader of McKinney, you are just coming up with outlandish comspiracy theories because that's a side affect of your psychofrenia (however you spell that). Your mind has chosen him as a target of all your aggression and you just can't let up. It's not your fault, it's just an imbalance of chemicals in your brain and other psychological issues that make you the way you are. Let them help you, please. Oh, and you better watch what you say. Some people may construe, "it's payback time" as a threat and have you arrested on those grounds. Love you!


Not always

#7Author of original report

Fri, April 20, 2007

It's not always true that a person can leave mitigating circumstances to go somewhere else, and besides even if the person could, it doesn't make it right for an employer to get away with emotional, financial, or any other kind of abuse. Politicians all throughout history have got away with things that are legal, but still atrocious. It is legal in North Korea for Kim Jung Il to put you in a prison labor camp, give you only corn cobs without the corn on it to eat, torture you, and have you killed at his whim. It is really legal to do this, but is it okay? Of course not. But the North Koreans can always go somewhere else right? If a person is semi-conscious from an operation, being drugged etc., and someone gives them a paper to sign, and it's not for their good, or for the good of their family, is that right? Things are not always so clear as to put a blanket statement on it. Everything has to be weighed and thought out, for true justice to be served. There is not always black and white, but gray also. Everyone ever associated with Donald in any way, has had real terrible things happen to them. It's like he's a walking curse, and anyone that happens to be in it's shadow, will suffer from the curse also. I'm serious, business partners of his have gone insane, lost everything, tried to kill themselves, drank and drugged excessivley, all sorts of horrible things. Yes a person can leave his job, but what are the consequences? Not feeding his family till he finds another job, not being able to gas his vehicle because he spends all his money on food or medicine to get another job. Many people in higher incomes, just don't have an idea or clue what it is like to live in poverty. They make all kinds of statements like "that person has every opportunity to do well in life if he/she wants to." "It's there own fault, they brought this on themselves". They are like movie and music stars, and they are not grounded in reality at all. Any person who makes blanket statements such as these, and then comes to some kind of suffering in life, and we all do eventually, usually has a change of attitude. Suffering brings about compassion for others, wealth and stardom seldom do.


River Edge,
New Jersey,
Thanks for the clarification

#8Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 19, 2007

Thanks for the clarification Craig. A few things.... You said: "Donald was the owner of the policy, but Terry really felt that when he died the money would go to his child." As the owner of the policy, Donald has all the rights of the policy, and as the insured, Terry has ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHTS AT ALL, not the beneficiaries, nor the right to cancel the policy. The owner, Donald, is also the one paying the premiums on the policy. Donald must have been the owner of the policy from inception, and therefore Terry should have seen the applicaton when he signed it as the "insured". Regardless of where he felt the proceeds of the policy should go, he had no legal right, as did anybody but Donald to determine that. If these two were in business together, than it makes sense for Donald to be both the owner and beneficiary as the policy was probably a Key Man polocy which would compensate the owner for the financial loss when one key person dies. Did Terry Don have a will? If he did, than besides the Life Insurance policy (which supercedes a will) Terry Don should have specified an executor as well as distribution. If no will exists, this causes more problems than anything else, especially in situations where a lot of money and property are involved. This is why it's always important to meet with your insurance agent frequently, preferrably once a year to review your financial situation. Most usually have an attorney they work with to help you with these matters. As for the rest of your post regarding minimum wage, etc, it may not be fair to pay them minimum wage, but at the same time, they can leave to go work somewhere else.


I Should be more clear

#9Author of original report

Thu, April 19, 2007

Donald was the owner of the policy, but Terry really felt that when he died the money would go to his child. When his child got married, she received a small portion of it from Donald, but didn't receive the whole enchilada. I'm 42 years old and I still haven't seen the money that everyone knows about, that my grandfather left me when he died over 30 years ago. I guess, maybe he is keeping it away for my retirement? Either way I was a man a long time ago, and more than savvy and mature enough to handle my own financial matters. Terry Don's child is more than old enough now to handle her own financial matters also. But as long as Donald gets the satisfaction from all the lip service he gets from bankers because of all the money in his accounts, no one will ever see their rightful inheritance. My grandfather left my Mom a lot of money also, but Donald said it wasn't fair for her to have his Dad's money, so she gave it over to him. She was a real sucker. His Sister Madge gave up her inheritance from my Grandma when she died, because Donald convinced her it was in her best interest to do so. She's over 70 and will never have the benefit of all her own mother's hard work over her lifetime. With Donald, it's all about him. His employees don't get raises for decades, and I'm being very honest about this. He pays mininum wage to almost every employee he has, and the ones that make more than that are still jipped because they make less than half of what their job income should be, going by national averages for that same profession. Meanwhile Donald Shoves great amounts of that nineteen million a year his company makes into his accounts. He had a scam going at one time, where he opened a bunch of retail stores, and instead of paying the suppliers, he pocketed the money for as long as he could to collect the interest on it, and then negotiated settelments. Every year he would demand that sales go up in these stores, with managers only making bonuses on increases from previous years. One big problem though, every month we had less and less merchandise to sell, and the stuff we got in from his special deals was crap and no one wanted it. I would go to markets to buy for the store and I could see the snickering everytime I walked into a showroom. It was extremely humiliating. I would place an order and the merchandise would never arrive, or if something did come from the vendor it would be totally different from what I ordered. I found out from one vendor that he was having them all come and see him after they saw me, so he could redo the whole order. Another big embarrassment. Donald has lived his whole life embarrasing and humiliating and putting his family and employees in embarrassing and humiliated situations. He had me and my son sneak into the Stonebridge Country Club workout room, because it was cheaper to not get us a membership. He asked me why I was not going, and I said that's sort of sneaky isn't it, and it's embarrasing for us. He got upset when I told him that, and that is when our relationship started to fail. I no longer wanted to do sneaky, humiliating, embarrassing things to please him. From that point on I was heathen to him.


I Should be more clear

#10Author of original report

Thu, April 19, 2007

Donald was the owner of the policy, but Terry really felt that when he died the money would go to his child. When his child got married, she received a small portion of it from Donald, but didn't receive the whole enchilada. I'm 42 years old and I still haven't seen the money that everyone knows about, that my grandfather left me when he died over 30 years ago. I guess, maybe he is keeping it away for my retirement? Either way I was a man a long time ago, and more than savvy and mature enough to handle my own financial matters. Terry Don's child is more than old enough now to handle her own financial matters also. But as long as Donald gets the satisfaction from all the lip service he gets from bankers because of all the money in his accounts, no one will ever see their rightful inheritance. My grandfather left my Mom a lot of money also, but Donald said it wasn't fair for her to have his Dad's money, so she gave it over to him. She was a real sucker. His Sister Madge gave up her inheritance from my Grandma when she died, because Donald convinced her it was in her best interest to do so. She's over 70 and will never have the benefit of all her own mother's hard work over her lifetime. With Donald, it's all about him. His employees don't get raises for decades, and I'm being very honest about this. He pays mininum wage to almost every employee he has, and the ones that make more than that are still jipped because they make less than half of what their job income should be, going by national averages for that same profession. Meanwhile Donald Shoves great amounts of that nineteen million a year his company makes into his accounts. He had a scam going at one time, where he opened a bunch of retail stores, and instead of paying the suppliers, he pocketed the money for as long as he could to collect the interest on it, and then negotiated settelments. Every year he would demand that sales go up in these stores, with managers only making bonuses on increases from previous years. One big problem though, every month we had less and less merchandise to sell, and the stuff we got in from his special deals was crap and no one wanted it. I would go to markets to buy for the store and I could see the snickering everytime I walked into a showroom. It was extremely humiliating. I would place an order and the merchandise would never arrive, or if something did come from the vendor it would be totally different from what I ordered. I found out from one vendor that he was having them all come and see him after they saw me, so he could redo the whole order. Another big embarrassment. Donald has lived his whole life embarrasing and humiliating and putting his family and employees in embarrassing and humiliated situations. He had me and my son sneak into the Stonebridge Country Club workout room, because it was cheaper to not get us a membership. He asked me why I was not going, and I said that's sort of sneaky isn't it, and it's embarrasing for us. He got upset when I told him that, and that is when our relationship started to fail. I no longer wanted to do sneaky, humiliating, embarrassing things to please him. From that point on I was heathen to him.


I Should be more clear

#11Author of original report

Thu, April 19, 2007

Donald was the owner of the policy, but Terry really felt that when he died the money would go to his child. When his child got married, she received a small portion of it from Donald, but didn't receive the whole enchilada. I'm 42 years old and I still haven't seen the money that everyone knows about, that my grandfather left me when he died over 30 years ago. I guess, maybe he is keeping it away for my retirement? Either way I was a man a long time ago, and more than savvy and mature enough to handle my own financial matters. Terry Don's child is more than old enough now to handle her own financial matters also. But as long as Donald gets the satisfaction from all the lip service he gets from bankers because of all the money in his accounts, no one will ever see their rightful inheritance. My grandfather left my Mom a lot of money also, but Donald said it wasn't fair for her to have his Dad's money, so she gave it over to him. She was a real sucker. His Sister Madge gave up her inheritance from my Grandma when she died, because Donald convinced her it was in her best interest to do so. She's over 70 and will never have the benefit of all her own mother's hard work over her lifetime. With Donald, it's all about him. His employees don't get raises for decades, and I'm being very honest about this. He pays mininum wage to almost every employee he has, and the ones that make more than that are still jipped because they make less than half of what their job income should be, going by national averages for that same profession. Meanwhile Donald Shoves great amounts of that nineteen million a year his company makes into his accounts. He had a scam going at one time, where he opened a bunch of retail stores, and instead of paying the suppliers, he pocketed the money for as long as he could to collect the interest on it, and then negotiated settelments. Every year he would demand that sales go up in these stores, with managers only making bonuses on increases from previous years. One big problem though, every month we had less and less merchandise to sell, and the stuff we got in from his special deals was crap and no one wanted it. I would go to markets to buy for the store and I could see the snickering everytime I walked into a showroom. It was extremely humiliating. I would place an order and the merchandise would never arrive, or if something did come from the vendor it would be totally different from what I ordered. I found out from one vendor that he was having them all come and see him after they saw me, so he could redo the whole order. Another big embarrassment. Donald has lived his whole life embarrasing and humiliating and putting his family and employees in embarrassing and humiliated situations. He had me and my son sneak into the Stonebridge Country Club workout room, because it was cheaper to not get us a membership. He asked me why I was not going, and I said that's sort of sneaky isn't it, and it's embarrasing for us. He got upset when I told him that, and that is when our relationship started to fail. I no longer wanted to do sneaky, humiliating, embarrassing things to please him. From that point on I was heathen to him.


I Should be more clear

#12Author of original report

Thu, April 19, 2007

Donald was the owner of the policy, but Terry really felt that when he died the money would go to his child. When his child got married, she received a small portion of it from Donald, but didn't receive the whole enchilada. I'm 42 years old and I still haven't seen the money that everyone knows about, that my grandfather left me when he died over 30 years ago. I guess, maybe he is keeping it away for my retirement? Either way I was a man a long time ago, and more than savvy and mature enough to handle my own financial matters. Terry Don's child is more than old enough now to handle her own financial matters also. But as long as Donald gets the satisfaction from all the lip service he gets from bankers because of all the money in his accounts, no one will ever see their rightful inheritance. My grandfather left my Mom a lot of money also, but Donald said it wasn't fair for her to have his Dad's money, so she gave it over to him. She was a real sucker. His Sister Madge gave up her inheritance from my Grandma when she died, because Donald convinced her it was in her best interest to do so. She's over 70 and will never have the benefit of all her own mother's hard work over her lifetime. With Donald, it's all about him. His employees don't get raises for decades, and I'm being very honest about this. He pays mininum wage to almost every employee he has, and the ones that make more than that are still jipped because they make less than half of what their job income should be, going by national averages for that same profession. Meanwhile Donald Shoves great amounts of that nineteen million a year his company makes into his accounts. He had a scam going at one time, where he opened a bunch of retail stores, and instead of paying the suppliers, he pocketed the money for as long as he could to collect the interest on it, and then negotiated settelments. Every year he would demand that sales go up in these stores, with managers only making bonuses on increases from previous years. One big problem though, every month we had less and less merchandise to sell, and the stuff we got in from his special deals was crap and no one wanted it. I would go to markets to buy for the store and I could see the snickering everytime I walked into a showroom. It was extremely humiliating. I would place an order and the merchandise would never arrive, or if something did come from the vendor it would be totally different from what I ordered. I found out from one vendor that he was having them all come and see him after they saw me, so he could redo the whole order. Another big embarrassment. Donald has lived his whole life embarrasing and humiliating and putting his family and employees in embarrassing and humiliated situations. He had me and my son sneak into the Stonebridge Country Club workout room, because it was cheaper to not get us a membership. He asked me why I was not going, and I said that's sort of sneaky isn't it, and it's embarrasing for us. He got upset when I told him that, and that is when our relationship started to fail. I no longer wanted to do sneaky, humiliating, embarrassing things to please him. From that point on I was heathen to him.


River Edge,
New Jersey,
Not legally possible

#13Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 19, 2007

Regardless of everything else in your report, this part: " When Terry died, Donald immediately took Terry's children off the insurance, and kept the life insurance money for himself" is not legally possible. In order to change a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, the policy owner must submit a change of beneficiary form. This is not possible after death and unless Donald was the owner of the policy. Upon death, the beneficiaries on record are paid upon receipt of a Death Certificate. If a Change of Bene form is dated AFTER the Date of Death it is invalid

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