  • Report:  #293514

Complaint Review: MARY T. PRANTIL 3285 33rd St Astoria NY 11106 APT C-2 - Astoria New York

Reported By:
- Bushnell, Florida,

MARY T. PRANTIL 3285 33rd St Astoria NY 11106 APT C-2
3285 33rd St, Astoria, NY 11106 APT C-2 Astoria, 11106 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hi Mary this is Celeste, Me and Mike just wanted to let you know that we don't appreciate you involving us in your smearing campaign against these magick sites.

We think your the biggest piece of s**t on earth and a CRIMINAL as well. We don't want you to involve us anymore of your games. Remember I have more on you so just disappear before I post it up here for everyone to see.

Pervious address Locations:

3285 33rd St, Astoria, NY 11106


251 32nd St, New York, NY 10016


3285 33 Wusd # 69, Astoria, NY 11106


3044 1st Ave, San Diego, CA 92103


1352 PO Box, New York, NY 10150


3044 Juniper St # 2, San Diego, CA 92104


1154 22nd # 2, San Diego, CA 92102


319 Gravilla St, La Jolla, CA 92037


Criminal Court Records

Criminal Profile

Subject Name:



12/8/2007 3:45:39 PM



Source State:




Date Reported(CA):


Offense: 1


Offense State:


Offense County:


Case Number:




Source State:




Date Reported(CA):


Offense: 1


Offense State:


Offense County:


Case Number:




Source State:




Date Reported(CA):


Offense: 1


Offense State:


Offense County:


Case Number:




Source State:




Date Reported(CA):


Offense: 1


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Offense County:


Case Number:




Source State:




Date Reported(CA):


Offense: 1


Offense State:


Offense County:


Case Number:


Criminal Court Records


Case Number: M598531

Case County: San Diego

Source State: CA

Case File Date: 03/23/1990


Case Number: M695524

Case County: San Diego

Source State: CA

Case File Date: 02/01/1995


Case Number: T105836

Case County: San Diego

Source State: CA

Case File Date: 11/13/1992


Case Number: T108343

Case County: San Diego

Source State: CA

Case File Date: 01/04/1993


Case Number: T110326

Case County: San Diego

Source State: CA

Case File Date: 02/02/1993


Case Number: T120948

Case County: San Diego

Source State: CA

Case File Date: 08/09/1993

Bankruptcies, Tax Liens & Judgments by Name for:



PO BOX 1352, NEW YORK NY 10150








9706100302 (06/10/1997)






251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY 10016






9640110 (01/11/1996)






251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY 10016








9640110 (01/11/1996)



Judgement Against


Address: 3038 DICKENS ST, SAN DIEGO CA 92106




Case: 570215 (12/19/1991)

Liability/Assests: $2,198.00/NA

Celeste A. Morgan

Bushnell, Florida


16 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Mon, January 18, 2010

Mary T. Prantil is a LIAR, computer hacker, liar, stalker, and highly abusive to legitimate businesses that she cannot steal from.  At NO time whatsoever did Jan Windglows OR her husband Jim Morgan steal any funding from Mary Prantil. 

Call 208-714-4348 and I will gladly have you speak to Miss Windglows who will connect you to Pay Pal's manager that has all of Jan's Pay Pal records to prove this.

Miss Windglows is an upstanding lady and pays her taxes.  She will also be happy to provide the telephone number of her Certified Public Accountant who does her business and personal taxes every year- so Mary Prantil is also not telling the truth about that, either. 

I have never seen one person tell so many lies as Mary Prantil has. Mary Prantil is a very unhappy person and blames others for her unhappiness when she is the one that should look in the mirror and see herself for who and what she really is.

Mary Prantil is an actual criminal on her way to jail, and she is highly jealous of Miss Windglows and has a hatred for her and Mr. Morgan due to the fact that Mary Prantil had her case dismissed due to her very bad and abusive behavior- so she has been up on forums slandering Miss Windglows and Mr. Morgan ever since because she could not get her way. 

Mary Prantil is a adult child that has been badly spoiled and is extremely poorly bred.  She has no manners, no respect for herself or anyone else.

In other words, Mary Prantil is posing as her uncle, trying to side track everyone who reads these threads from the real truth of what she only attempted to do to Miss Windglows and her outstanding spell casting business of Blood Love And Lust Spells, but that is not working for her so she continues to lie and actually thinks the public believes her.

She states "she is a male from Texas" yet the "male" as she states herself to be knows all the contact information for Mary Prantil's relatives, plus this "male" from Texas writes exactly the same things as Mary Prantil writes, in the same fashion. 

It is apparent to everyone that Mary Prantil has truly lost her mind but even still continues to lie and try to mis guide the public into believing her outlandish schemes.

All I have to say to Mary Prantil is that you are truly pathetic.  Every time you get write anything here or on any forum, you are quickly proved WRONG. 

You do have not nor do you not produce any type of factual information so why should anyone ever believe you?

Miss Windglows and Mr. Morgan have and will continue to tell the truth about the sad creature of Mary Prantil, so is in fact a criminal, on her way to jail.  She cannot face the truth nor can she face herself.

Miss Prantil does not know the definition of larceny, identy theft, or the like.  She is merely a mud slinger with nothing good or decent to say about anyone who does not agree with everything she says or does.

Any questions about Mary Prantil's lies simply give Miss Windglows a call and she will be happy to address any questions about any of these threads concerning Mary Prantil and produce actual hard copy records of the check that Mary Prantil wrote to Miss Windglows for her spell services at the time she was a client plus give phone numbers to the NYPD that will attest to Mary Prantil being a criminal that they wish they could lock up and get off the streets and out of society.

Here is another copy and paste of the real truth, just for the record, about Mary Prantil.  The reason we continue to post the truth is because criminals such as Mary Prantil do get exposed and we feel the public has a right to know so that in the future any other legitimate and highly reputable business owners do not get scammed by Mary Prantil.

MARY T. PRANTIL is up here AS USUAL because she has nothing BETTER to do with herself writing and telling lies again trying to hide your bull crap as always WHAT ELSE IS NEW LOL??

Jan Windglows is NOT a convicted felon nor did she get arrested for larceny because Jan and James are home and happy just call them at 208-714-4348 if anyone wants to call the Idaho State Attorney go ahead because the Idaho State Attorney does not have any charges on Jan OR James...neither does any other state.

Mary your little bull crap of trying to cover up your little fiasco up here is not working, so give your liar mouth a vacation or wash your mouth out with A BIG BAR OF SOAP at least, LOL.  How in the WORLD can anyone commint larceny daily on the global Internet, DUH how stupid is that?

If Mary T. Prantil does not have a criminal record, then WHY are the case numbers for her criminal records plastered all over the Internet? Mary has a favorite hobby of filling out FALSE police reports and obtained her "good conduct certificate" by paying twenty dollars at her local police station, but apparently Mary T. Prantil is nothing but a LOSER that does not even know what good conduct IS otherwise she would shut up and stop telling lies about two beautiful innocent people that are happy and successful in their lives.
GET OVER YOURSELF, Mary T. Prantil. The way you are trying to come across like you are Richard Prantil is such a JOKE because everyone can plainly SEE your style of writing which is YOUR writing and how you word what you are saying, and everyone knows it is YOU posting and NOT Richard Prantil. The fact is that Mary T. Prantil is an Internet terrorist, a Internet and telephone stalker, she goes after people that do not take s**t from her and does not care if she lies about anything and everything as long as she can run her filthy lie filled mouth.
There is no larceny charges, Jan was not arrested, she did not rip Mary T. Prantil off, on the contrary Mary T. Prantil BEGGED Jan to resume her case after Mary screwed it up SEVERAL TIMES. Jan has all the proof Mary T. Prantil has nothing but LIES coming our of her ROTTEN MESSED UP MOUTH.
Ya just can't stand being exposed, can ya, Mary? What's the matter? Doesn't anyone reading these posts believe you? NO THEY DO NOT. Richard Prantil is probably ashamed of the way you have slandered the Prantil family name all over the Internet and is laughing at the way you have made a TOTAL a*s out of yourself, just like you do every time you get up on any Internet forums. NOT WORKING, MARY.
If Mary T. Prantil is a successful media executive, then I AM QUEEN ELIZABETH, lol. Call Jan Windglows and she will gladly produce Mary T. Prantil's criminal records, her attempts to scam Pay Pal, and much more incriminating information about CRIMINAL MARY T. PRANTIL.
Mary T. Prantil is a real life criminal who will probably get banned from ever using a computer ever again by the time she goes back to court to her trial to face the many charges that are currently against her.
GET A LIFE, MARY. If you are going to continue to be a garbage mouth, go find your local CITY DUMP and vent your lies and unhappiness there. Everyone on the Internet is FINISHED WITH YOU and knows you have been exposed as the liar and criminal you really are.
Mary T. Prantil is a pathetic LOSER who has lost her battle on the Internet and cannot do anything positive or constructive because she is a criminal and a compulsive liar. She is a REAL IDIOT to get up here and try to pass herself off as her uncle, Richard Prantil LOLOLOLOLOL !!!
Jan and James' correct phone number is 208-714-4348 and invite anyone interested in finding out the real truth about these threads to call them and they will continue to provide actual factual proof of Mary T. Prantil being who and what she is-  A CRIMINAL, LIAR, EXTORTIONIST, TROUBLEMAKER, CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATOR, etc.
In fact, Jan Windglows and Jim Morgan invite anyone who reads these threads to call EVERY LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY IN THE UNITED STATES if you want to, LOL and then you can join us in helping Mary T. Prantil finish making a JACK a*s out of herself like she has been doing for the past three years or so, LOL and it just keeps getting WORSE for her because she JUST CAN'T DO LIFE.
This post is about a true scam artist AND CRIMINAL named Mary T. Prantil, who decided to come up on the Internet one day going on three years ago to obtain spell casting and other on-line services in which she had no intention in paying for at any time.
This is about a person that not only stole from legitimate businesses but slandered them over the entire Internet under numerous fictitious names in a effort to ruin their businesses after she was through using and scamming them. 
This report is on a true criminal who hides behind religion and the Constitution Of the United States while proclaiming herself to be a patriot, comedian, and spiritual woman who believes in God, while accusing everyone of doing the very things that she is carrying out in the shadows against the innocent privately.
This report is about a scam artist that doesn't appear to have any set ethical standards, values or morals whom is to cowardly to even make her outlandish and fictitious charges against others under her true name for fear of legal retribution. 
She's a cowardly, shallow, ignorant individual who is conflicting by nature that thinks she can play with the lives of people wherever she meets them.
Her conflicts and arguments are full of lies, inconsistencies and contradictions steaming from her delusional mind set who's further been fired from about every job she has ever worked. 
This person is a attention seeker, self-mutilator, compulsive, obsessive, habitual liar that can't get along with anyone privately or in the work place. This can be proven with her long track record found in public records, background search and employment history.
Mary T. Prantil is currently attempting to group and slam several independent magic sites and other private persons who have absolutely nothing to do with each other because these same sites and persons are exposing her for her fraudulent activity against them at various times. 
So, when going over the gripe sites please recognize that any negative statements or post made against us are more then likely coming from this out of control moron of Mary T.Prantil who thinks she's making some sort of case against us without ever producing one shred of evidence to support her numerous fictitious claims. Who fails repeatedly in proving our charges against her as being false.
Let's review one of Miss Prantil's web sites, more specifically her site of ( "SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT" ) found at www.correcttherecord.com/main_profile/view/53  , to further establish her personal CREDIBILITY and REPUTATION since these issues seems to be of great importance to her currently.
Let's also recognize her statement of not believing anything that is posted on Rip Off Report as she repetitively stated over and over on her site in question.  Miss Prantil states, and I quote ( "Mary Prantil CORRECTS THE RECORD and tells the true story about Ripoff Report.com! Mary Prantil Defends the truth - DO NOT BELIEVE RIP-OFF REPORT.com" ), Again a quote from Prantil, ( "Hello...This is Mary Prantil. Credibility is everything !! Protect your Internet Reputation!! ").
Well, well, for a person that goes around bashing legitimate businesses, and further the good personal names of other private individuals both on and off the Internet, she sure likes to fall back on this little song and dance of truth and protecting your reputation, doesn't she ? 
Especially when it's Prantil  herself that is, and has engaged in this sort of attacks against others with hostile gossip, slanderous and lieing activity against others on the Internet over the last three years as can be proven on the site of Rip Off Reports and numerous other forum sites. 
Prantil states, and I quote: ("I have been the victim of Identity Theft as a result of a 3 year Internet Hoax on Rip-off Report.com, . After I randomly bought a Psychic Reading On-line.")   One little Psychic Reading, she says?
Who might this Psychic be that she's talking about on her site that is propagating this "hoax" against her ?  I wonder if she, meaning Prantil could be more specific regarding this statement found on her site so that the Psychic in question could either substantiate or deny her statement and charges coming from Prantil. 
Perhaps she can provide tangible, detailed legitimate hard copy proof that proves that she has been ripped off or that she doesn't have ANY criminal records over the last eight years either in California or New York, or hasn't been engaged in any court action or other legal activity brought against her by others over the last eight years in either the state of New York or in California contrary to what public records indicate in both California and New York. 
Again, perhaps she can prove that she doesn't abuse or sell drugs from her apartment in tangible legitimate hard copy record, or report from the District Attorney's Office. Maybe she can post this information for all of us up here in a effort to clear her name. 
Here's a post from a brave young man who is also tired of Miss Prantil's games, whom moreover validates the claims that she is a Wh_ore, drug abuser and dope pusher. Now, you have to give this man credit where credit is due as he has even posted his picture on this site under his report.
Please lets see what this person has to say about Prantil and her postings on ROR, also we would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to this upstanding individual for stepping forward and telling us what he knows of his personal interactions with Miss Mary T. Prantil.  Please read the following paragraphs on the site of : http://www.spaceghetto.st/sgd/?q=node/14090#comments
(((((((((" Blood Love and Lust Spells, I came here to speak about Mary, Who Mary Prantil really is. I used to live next door to her Mary T. Prantil lies telling the public she is a MALE from Houston Texas but let me tell you who Mary T. Prantil REALLY is. Mary T. Prantil is a strung out drug addict and a sex addict who goes crazy when she does not have a man between her legs having sex with her twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Mary T. Prantil is a FAT SLOPPY w***e who weighs about 200 pounds who pops pills and drinks like a fish all day and all night- how do I know? I used to party with her. She DOES keep illegal drugs hidden in her apartment and even sells them at her drug parties passing out free drugs to guys she wants to get into bed with her.
She is cheap, A SL_T and I consider Mary Prantil the typical New York crack head/wh_re/prostitute and feel she would be happy if she were in porn instead of working in corporate America like she says all the time. At least she could have sex whenever she wanted it. Which is about every five minutes. She habitually uses crack cocaine, marijuana, LSD, crank, speed, angel dust, she drinks and drives and is a ROAD RAGE MANIAC who places herself and others in danger constantly with her evil and malicious behavior. I cannot tell you how many times she has been in trouble with the cops. Her parties usually go into sex parties because Mary is always looking for a man and uses her parties as an excuse to get a man into her bed.
If she has a man to give her sex, she latches on to him like a black widow spider thirsty to drink his blood and feed on him day and night with her sex addictions until he is sucked dry. Then she is finished with him and throws another party to get herself another man. ( or MEN I have known her to have SEVERAL all at one time) when some of my friends and I went to one of Mary Prantil's parties as soon as we were all like passed out she got into our wallets and took all of our money.
 Two of my friends sued the crap out of her after that. Mary Prantil has a one track mind which is SUCK and FU_K some guy and take all the drugs she can get her hands on. If she cant, she goes BONKERS! Which is why she is all over these forums. I know her ex boyfriend and the last time I talked to him he told me he was always trying to get away from her because all she wanted was sex and drugs. That is all she cared about. Something else about her is that she is in trouble for illegal drug possession, drug dealing, check forgery, check kiting, fraud, disturbing the public peace, tax evasion, and a few other things too many to name. Fact is the woman really is a criminal in every respect.
The best thing to do is not even talk to her. She doesn't really have any friends because she is too fake and too crazy to be real to anyone which is why she hides and cannot show her real name. I have an IP tracer and have traced all the reports here and on rip off which show her apartment address for all the mean posts she keeps making on several people and business owners too. Go away, Miss s**t Mary. Everyone knows that you are not worth a sh_t
and neither was your late dad. Why don't you do something nice for yourself and move to another country? YOU ARE BUSTED EVERYONE KNOWS IT" ))))

Ok, great, now let's move back to the topics at hand.  I quote Prantil in saying : ("The Psychic Scam Artist posted all these falsehoods on Ripoff Report.com in retaliation because I could not be scammed for thousands of dollars for love spells and more Psychic Readings.
I did not buy a spell or put a spell on my lover or any person/lover I know.  I am not into spell casting.")  THIS IS A SET OF LIES BY PRANTIL AS IT HAS BEEN PROVEN AS FACT THAT SHE DID CONTRACT SPELL WORK AND MULTIPLE READINGS FROM SEVERAL MAGICK SITES AND READERS."
Ok, fair enough to Miss Prantil and we will take your statements at face value for now, however, can Prantil explain to us how and why four separate spell casters that she claims NOT to know possess legitimate hard copy records of having casted spells for her through their companies? 
That moreover possess ALL legitimate proof of payment of her spell castings, proof of payment or partial payment or no payment for psychic reading/s and spell castings, Prantil's business voice messages and emails back and fourth between these companies and herself  throughout the course of her cases, and over the last three years;  not leaving out other legitimate and  tangible evidence that links her directly to them as a client ?
Quote from Miss Prantil : ( "I paid for my Psychic Reading, I did not rip off anyone as the Gypsy Scam Psychic falsely posts about me, Mary Prantil on Ripoff Report.com. I got ripped off by the Gypsy Scam Psychic. 
I asked for my money back instead of getting my refund the Scam Psychic began posting falsehoods about  me on Ripoff Report.com.  DO NOT BELIEVE POSTS on Rip-off Report.com about me, Mary Prantil. Rip-off Report.com is not a legitimate site and only writes propaganda for dishonest merchants.") 
DIDN'T RIP OFF ANYONE ? ???, I THINK THE INFORMATION BELOW WILL SPEAK OTHERWISE and for itself. What about Mr. Cahill's and Celeste reports against Prantil that the Viewer can read down further in this report, I think there's a matter of $ 2,100.00 owed by Prantil that she's telling Cahill that she can't, and won't pay him for the services he rendered.  If there's any question about this then give Mr. Cahill a call at 1-727-787-0988 or write him at [email protected], his site is www.magicangelspells.com.
I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions concerning ROR, However it is also a matter of record concerning Ed Magedson and his site of ROR in that Prantil has written several testimonials into him personally via email, and then thanked him publicly on the site of ROR on her posts.  
Perhaps Ed would like to post Mary Prantil's  testimonials so everyone can read over them.  I believe there's a conflict of statement here on Miss Prantil's part as she is PRAISING Ed Magedson on ROR one minute and then seemingly bashing him on all over the place on her own little dumpy web site when her scamming fiasco turned against and backfired on her. This can be seen on the following link of www.correcttherecord.com/main_profile/view/53.
Also, you can see where Prantil is thanking Ed on ROR  while calling us, meaning Jan Windglows and James Morgan "GYPSY SCUM" in her posts. We also have this specific language coming from Prantil in emails, recorded messages and other mediums such as messengers along with 66 pages of our phone records.
There are four different sites out here in whom Prantil has contracted for spell work and readings, who further have her posted ror statements probatum in numerous email communications and recorded messages not to mention online account information showing her scam activity through Pay Pal. Here are the links Prantil posted on ROR under countless fictitious names thanking Ed Magedson, and calling us "Gypsy Scum": http://www.ripoffreport.com/fortune-tellers/mary-prantil/mary-prantil-mary-praintil-jam-939g7.htm.
 Quote:from Prantil under one of her many fake names ("THANK YOU ED MAGEDSON FOR PROVIDING ACTUAL EVIDENCE OF JAN WINDGLOWS-JIM MORGAN-MIKE CAHILL - WHO ARE BOTTOM FEEDERS-CRIMINALS ANS TRULY SICK DEMENTED INDIVIDUALS THAT ARE NOTHING ABOUT GOD OR ANGELS !!! ":)   http://www.ripoffreport.com/con-artists/mary-prantil/mary-prantil-wanna-be-stand-up-e68fa.htm.
I wonder who Mary T. Prantil is specifically accusing in the way of attempting to steal $5000.00, then $7,500 and eventually $ 50,000 from her ?  No one shows any record of these amounts in question regarding the sites that did perform work for her, perhaps Mary T. Prantil would like to humor us all by yielding the actual legitimate hard copy record of this actually transpiring, or allegedly occurring between her and a spell caster or reader in question. Maybe Prantil can scan her evidence of this and post it on all the forum sites so everyone can see it instead of running off at the mouth with her half baked accusations without actually providing any type of legitimate documented hard copy PROOF.
Maybe she would like to name these alleged offenders on her own personal web site.  If the informational is factual then she has nothing to worry about legally; however if not, then she's got plenty to worry about in the way of  unending legal repercussions against her for slander.  Other posts that can be linked to Mary Prantil on ROR are as follows : http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/blood-love-and-lust-spells-c283109/page/1.html#c525350. Observe the language and phrasing of her sentences and the content of the statements themselves and you'll see this is the same person talking this junk.
In Prantil's ROR reports, and aside from all her rantings and ravings against Jan, myself and others, SHE CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING to anyone other then the fact that she's being a STUPID half witted attention seeking moron with criminal tendencies, who apparently learned her ignorant criminal behavior from her unethical attorney father Frank G. Prantil.
It's all so irrelevant, when she talks to everyone about her dirty criminal father and how much property he acquired as a result of ripping people off throughout his career, her statements have no bearing regarding this case or what she has personally carried out against others.
 It doesn't matter how many names she chooses to SHAME by posting the names of her mother, father, sister, uncle or dad's ex business partners.  WERE NOT IMPRESSED OR AFRAID, Miss Prantil. It doesn't matter how many outlandish things she chooses to say about others without a trace of proof, or all the little names she calls others. All her mud slinging is hitting her right back in her UGLY face.
What matters is the proof you present to which we have posted below and the proof Prantil fails to produce.  This is real proof and can be verified through legitimate hard copy records that moreover hasn't been changed in any way. Prantil's emails haven't been altered either no more then her nasty voice messages she left on countless occasions.
It really doesn't matter when Mary Prantil  tells us about her alleged "college degree" or how she ran to the bed side of her dieing father, or how she was late in getting there because she was tied up doing other more important things like smoking crack or getting herself into some other trouble elsewhere, in our opinion.
What matters, is what she has carried out against others over the last three years and the proof that many people have of her unlawful activities, these are the relative facts. So, I guess Miss Prantil can just stop attempting to obtain sympathy from others off the net by singing this little sad story/song and dance of hers.
She can stop acting all patriotic with her little 911 poem and the "god bless America" thing because no one is buying into it.  WHAT A HYPOCRITE.   Prantil is the biggest abuser of the United States Constitution that I've ever seen. 
Mary T. Prantil abuses the first amendment covering free speech and the privacy of others. She uses law enforcement along with other agencies to harass others by fling false police reports against them.
Prantil abuses the Internet by posting junk on anyone who has offended her to which includes everyone under the whistle blowers act giving her anonymity. This is a worthless piece of flesh that sits up all night just to prank and harass others because they wouldn't let her rip them off. 
What about all the businesses she's ripped off because she torments them until she gets something for free?  She sounds just like her worthless daddy in all her conning and greedy ways. 
What's patriotic about attempting to harm business in a shit_y economy for no good reason other then her own scamming greed?  Please Prantil, don't talk to us about the constitution, truth and protecting your so called "good name" as your name is anything but good and your motives are evil, wicked, and abusive in every way. 
Your rampage against others for no good reason is over and you are the one WHO HAS BEEN EXPOSED for who and what you are, A TWO BIT PIECE OF CRIMINAL GUTTER TRASH.
 If anything you are a ENEMY of this country and everything it stands for as you abuse any law that you can use for your own self-gain. Like I said, your comedy thing SUCKS and should be illegal. 
Is it any wonder why they threw you out of the comedy club?  Couldn't cut it, huh?  I guess your not as funny as you thought.  Why don't you go perform your act over in the middle east some place to see if you can raise a few laughs there ?
I'm sure they would find something to do with you quickly as their justice system isn't as bogged down as ours.
Now, I like this one. Quoting Prantil : (" So I went to the police for help.  It was here I learned of the Communication Decency Act of 1996 that protects web-owners like Ed Magedson. Truly, we are at the mercy of web-owner like Ed Magedson that allow a false forum. ")  
Hey Prantil DUMMY.......  This law is to protect web site owners from scum buckets like you who violate the site policies in the way of posting false statements about others on a forum site like ROR. Why should a site owner take the heat for some lieing piece of human trash like Mary T. Prantil ? 
Why should a site like ROR be closed down just because some low life like prantil wants to abuse it like she abuses everything else in her life?  YES, PRANTIL, THIS PROTECTS SITE OWNERS FROM PEOPLE LIKE YOU who don't have enough good sense to be civil in a civilized society.  Ed isn't going to vouch for you and post your lying statements as truth on his site, you  DUMB A_S.
Miss Prantil didn't mind too much when this site was posting all her trash up here in the beginning of the Cahill conflict under her fictitious name of  "HONEST PERSON"  when she had allies.  What's wrong Prantil ?  Don't you like all the good people on the Internet being warned about you ? 
SCAMS  LIKE TO STAY HIDDEN IN THE SHADOWS SO THEY CAN GO FROM PERSON TO PERSON or business to business, however when light is shed on the scam artist like Prantil, then others become aware and STOP THE SCAM CRIMINAL IN HER TRACKS before she can scam again. 
Maybe this is why scam criminal Prantil has been trying so hard to cover our posts with her endless postings of s**t and endless lies.  Maybe Prantil doesn't want others to be turned on to her Fu_ked up scamming games. 
Prantil likes to accuse ROR and  Ed Magedson of spreading  propaganda about her, but there again, IT'S PRANTIL THAT'S TALKING TRASH ABOUT OTHERS and not Ed Magedson.  Isn't it true that ROR has a no spamming policy now that prevents a person like prantil from filing 8 to 10 rebuttals all saying the same garbage ?
 Isn't it true that every time a person makes a post that they have to check a box declaring that their statements are true ? I guess this is why Prantil's posts aren't so numerous on this site in particular.  Congratulations, Ed for a job well done.
Quote from Prantil: ("The Scam Artist Psychic posted these falsehood on over 7 different web sites about 3 yrs ago:a couple of porn sites, dating sites and Ripoff Report.com.  So I went to the police for help.  It was here I learned of the Communication Decency Act of 1996 that protects web-owners like Ed Magedson.
Truly, we are at the mercy of web-owner like Ed Magedson that allow a false forum. So at the instruction of the FBI - I sent all web-owners proof of my Clean Criminal Record to show that I was telling the truth.  The good news is that All 7 web owners respected the seriousness of my request to remove the false postings and instantly took off the false postings - except Ed Magedson. 
To this day Ed Magedson refuses all my request to please remove my name, address, and all falsehoods about me, Mary Prantil. So for over 3 years Ed Magedson hosts propaganda about me, Mary Prantil on his site Ripoff Report.com." )
Fact: the F.B.I doesn't involve themselves in low level matters such as postings on the Internet. 
Fact : they WILL NOT send anyone a record of anything unless another federal agency requests it such as the Department Of Justice.
This is yet ANOTHER LIE on Mary Prantil's part and over all deception against the public. Perhaps she could scan us all a copy of this report and post it on her web site or up here on ROR. 
It was yet another friend of the victim person that went to these web sites created by Mary Prantil who had this information removed by speaking to the web owners.  LIAR, LIAR, LIAR---- Prantil distorting the facts again.  Of course this can be proven as well with hard legitimate factual proof as well.
You know, I'd love to post a lot of other stuff up here in this report regarding Prantil, but that's for another day. All I can say is you'd better win your court cases Prantil, or your going down BAD, both in the courts and on the net.   Keep running and telling lies, you Fuc_ing criminal, because your time is getting short.
QUOTE:(  "I, Mary Prantil, am the Victim of Identity Theft and what I see as an Internet Hoax on Rip-off Report.com. All Rip-off Reports.com posts are false posted by a Psychic claiming that I am a Rip off Scam artist and into spell casting. THE TRUTH: I have a clean Criminal Record.  I did not Rip-off anyone. I was ripped off by this Psychic. ") .  
Well, Prantil, and firstly, there are a lot of people on and off the net who you've ripped off or harassed; however let's stay with the issues at hand. YOU DID RIP OFF MR. CAHILL of "Magic Angel Spells" as he can prove with hard copy evidence, you did attempt to scam us which we can prove and have proven to the police, you did rip off some psychic readers which they proved through records being Pay Pal. 
You, Mary Prantil have harassed others endlessly both on the net and off that is a matter for the courts presently regarding your actions.
 NO ONE IS STEALING YOUR IDENTITY, NOR ARE THEY HARASSING YOU UNNECESSARILY;  however we aren't going to take your crap and we will show everyone exactly who, and what you are being a SCAM ARTIST CRIMINAL.
FACT: No one ripped you off, but you rip others off. FACT: You HAVE  CRIMINAL RECORDS AND OTHER LEGAL ACTIONS PENDING AGAINST YOU currently in the state of New York.  ( Don't lie to everyone, Bi_ch. )
FACT : YOU MARY PRANTIL ARE  THE HACKER, STALKER, HABITUAL LIAR and SCAM ARTIST here and not us and we can prove this with the little virus, Trojan you just sent us that didn't work.
Yes, we found you attempting to get into our computers and  trying to acquire credit card information, trying to acquire the private information of Michael Jenkins etc, CRIMINAL HYPOCRITE.  We all hope they put you away soon, Mary Prantil Internet Terrorist.
You should be humiliated, Prantil, and yes, we do live in  funny times, however this is no joke and your a SCAM ARTIST CRIMINAL, a true Internet terrorist.  Please don't talk to us about slander or defamation on the net and how others can say whatever the want against others as you are the QUEEN of slander and defamation.
It's only a matter of time before your karma comes full circle for you, MONKEY GIRL. Ok, everyone, please read the information below, and if you have any questions or would like the proof of our statements then just contacts us and we will turn it over to you so you won't be scammed by this idiot Mary T.Prantil.
Mary T. Prantil Caught Slamming & Scamming
Let us begin by viewing Miss Prantil's sites that go on in explaining how she has never and at any time ever had a spell cast in her and that some gypsy scum reader, as she likes to call us, or clairvoyant had tried to rip her off for $ 5000. When I personally read over her sites it's really hard for me to stomach this boloney for more then five minutes as I know the real truth about this person. After reading some of her so-called "STELLAR REVIEWS", fake resume and questionable character references on these questionable sites please come back to this report.
Now that your back and laughing really hard to the point of tears, I'd like you to read the following statements below from another spell caster being Mr. Cahill of magic angel spells whom actually performed work for prantil at one time in the recent past. The same Spell Casting site in whom Miss Prantil attempted to have curses cast on Jan and myself for allegedly ripping her off according to Mr. Cahill.
Please see where Miss Prantil became very angry with Mr. Cahill for not assisting her in cursing us, Again, according to Mr. Cahill, then see where Miss Prantil contacted my Ex-wife, Miss Schaub after Mr. Cahill apparently dropped Prantil for charging back on him a couple of times for services he rendered to Miss Prantil. Again read the statements Celeste Schaub is making concerning her encounter with Prantil in the way that Prantil is asking her to throw curses on not only us in this instance but Mr. Cahill as well for dropping her case.
Look up the information below if you like as it's all factual and can be confirmed by Mr. Cahill himself or Pay Pal. I believe Mr. Cahill would welcome your questions at this point regarding this matter as he's tired of Prantil's games along with my Ex, or being pulled up in the games of Miss Prantil regarding ror and prantil other statements on air found on many other gripe sites.
In other words, Prantil is saying one thing to folks and doing another thing in private, stating something completely opposite to factual information and truth on the net and carrying out slanderous and harassing deeds in private. Miss Prantil's constant or repeated claims that she was ripped off from various spell sites from behind her numerous fictitious names on ror is in all actually the exact opposite of what had occurred with prantil in real life and this is proven in this post and in other verifiable documentation.
It was Miss Prantil that was carrying out the con games, or rip offs against these magick sites and not the sites ripping her off, WOW, isn't this a eye opener ? Her pages on her site should be: Mary T. Prantil The Stellar Rip Off Artist lol. So, what I'd like to ask Prantil would be : You say that you were never ripped off on your sites and that you alone prevented this, correct ? yet state the opposite thing by saying that you were in all your belligerent postings and direct telephone calls and nasty emails to not just one, but all of us. We all have all the emails and voice recordings over a three or four year span of time pertaining to these nasty communications. We also have Prantil's statements that not only did she trust us, but was extremely happy with her services from ALL OF US.
Prantil, how can you state otherwise on your sites by saying that you never had, or engaged in any type of black magic spell castings against anyone, how do you explain these hard copy records below ? not to mention the current ones we hold on you ?. Wow, there seems to be a little discrepancy in your statements, wouldn't you agree ?. In short your telling people one thing on your sites but we can prove otherwise and thus showing that your a liar. So, which is it Miss Prantil ? did you get ripped off ? or did you escape the clutches of some nasty Psychic as you go on about on your sites ?. We have recording of Miss Prantil calling us gypsy scum that correlate with her postings on Rip Off Reports not to mention her calling us scams and con artist.
Are you lying Prantil ? or did you have spell work performed in your behalf ? What about Your claim of Identity theft ?, who would want your identity ? I wouldn't. What is your basis for the claim of identity theft ? would that be you actually signing contracts and making deals for black magic spells to dominate someone else's mind to your own needs ? Well, we have your records and can prove all your dealings with us. You rail on Rip Off Reports while stating that any one can say whatever they want, and that Ed Magedson is a criminal, Well you should know Prantil as you've been up there posting enough s**t on innocent people.
Don't bother answering any of these questions above Miss Prantil, as it is hugely apparent to everyone at this point in what your really doing up here not to mention what you've carried out to innocent businesses along the way in the past and recent past. You attempted to rip off one site and was successful in ripping off another magic site along with a another unrelated Tarot Reader that I know of so far, and this is setting the record straight by confirming it with proof. Everyone can see how you've jumped from one site or business to another while trying to get them to cast negative spells on another including death spells, love spells and sexual spells.
We can see all your begging and threats to slander us along with you actually carrying these threats out with your obvious postings on ror and other sites, We can see how poorly you lie. We can see quite clearly in how you've played these sites against one and the other in the past. It's now quite evident that your nothing but a really nasty, two bit scam artist who is pis_ed off because you've been EXPOSED for your scams that everyone moreover sees you for what you are and knows what you've doing little miss self-proclaimed NY stand up comic from corporate America Whanna BEEE.
You know, we all have pages and pages of phone records and harassing phone voice messages connecting you to us through your threats, we have canceled checks from you not leaving out charge backs in various pay pal accounts and attempted charge backs. We have you on tape threatening to turn in every one of us to this state of federal agencies with false allegations, charges or police reports. You know we do prantil, Don't you ?. It seems to me that you were telling us at one point in your postings how much Mr. Cahill had helped you along with the communications we've shown to everyone where your making this same positive statement about Jan and myself. So why are you posting s**t on us now ? Why are you trying to connect us to each other in your post when you know were separate rival sites, and or competitors ? sounds like some more slamming and scamming going on here on your end, HUH Mary ?.
Miss Prantil yells the loudest about being scammed, yet she is the biggest scam artist in the world and on the net, Miss Prantil talks about FRAUD yet it's on record regarding her attempted and actual credit card fraud through Pay Pal to my understanding. Miss Prantil brags about how she can acquire services or items, only to use them and return these items back to the store on a regular basis.
Moreover how she obtains services from on-line business only to harass and threaten this same business in question until they refund her money back just to get rid of her. What does this make Mary T. Prantil ? Let me answer this for you : She is a petty two bit CRIMINAL, Thief, scam artist of the worst kind and a habitual lire to boot. Please read the Cahill and Schaub information below, Again, call them and inquire about this posted information and I believe that they will address your questions in a forthright and honest way.
My Story: About 3 years ago (Oct 2006) my Father died of cancer and to deal with it, I foolishly went to a Psychic for a Psychic Reading who wanted to also scam me for thousands of dollars by encouraging me to buy Psychic Love Spells. It was this Scam Artist Psychic that retaliated when they realized I could not be scammed for thousands of dollars. So for over 3 years now, the Scam Artist Psychic posted all the false claims about me on Rip-off Report.com. I originally went to the Psychic because I was very devastated by my Dad's untimely death. It's not a crime to go to a Psychic or even buy a Psychic Reading. I did not Rip-off anyone. I asked the Psychic for my money back when I realized my mistake. So the Scam Artist and "so called Psychic" retaliated by posting all of these false claims on Ripoff Report.com for over 3 years without my permission. Clearly, the Scam Psychic has no life or real business with legitimate clients to continue for 3 years to post more false claims with no contact from me.
3 years ago, I asked the Scam Artist Psychic for a refund for a pathetic Psychic Reading where I was not satisfied and made it clear I felt I was ripped off. And I stated to the scam Psychic that I did not want to purchase any future Psychic Readings or any spells whatsoever. I wanted my money back for the Psychic Reading. It's not a crime to get a Psychic Reading. The only thing I was guilty of was being foolish to ever contact this Psychic. I believe in God and I now realize it was wrong to go to this Psychic. I learned my lesson to rely on my faith and not get Psychic Readings from Scam Artist on-line who prey on vulnerable innocent people. But again - getting a Psychic Reading is not a crime. In retrospect, I was really missing my Dad. I made a mistake to ever purchase a Psychic Reading on-line but it is not a crime. Over 3 years ago, I asked Ed Magedson to remove the false information about me from Ripoff Report.com and he refuses. I even scanned and sent him my Clean Criminal Record. Therefore, Ed Magedson is the real Criminal and Ripoff King not to be taken seriously.

Mary T. Prantil's BOGUS Web Sites:



Mike Cahill & Celeste Schaub Tells All, How To Catch A Theif Named Mary T. Prantil
----- Original Message -----
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 11:15 AM
Subject: PayPal: Initial Inquiry: Case ID - PP-467-553-217

Dear stanley cahill,
We recently received a complaint regarding merchandise that was never
received or received significantly not as described. The details of this
transaction are as follows:

Buyer's Name: Mary Prantil
Buyer's Email:
[email protected]
Buyer's Transaction ID: 6E967396TD6877542
Transaction Date: Sep 6, 2007
Transaction Amount: -$1, 500.00 USD
Your Transaction ID: 6E967396TD6877542
Case Number: PP-467-553-217
Seller's Transaction ID: 77E56376XD890860G

Your Transaction ID: 6E967396TD6877542
Buyer's Transaction ID: 77E56376XD890860G

We are contactin


www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is not a legitimate spellcasting site:DO NOT USE!! Jan Windglows Owner: Employees: Jim Morgan, Stanly Cahill, Mike Cahill, Kim Thrasher, Matilda Somerfield...SCAM U

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 27, 2009

Beware:  www.Bloodloveandlustspells.com  is an Internet Hacking SCAM: to steal your personal info on-line; download trojan Virus into home computer and Jan Windglows; JimMorgan to stalk you thru your personal email accounts; then steal your Identity on-line scam and money from Credit Card Accounts;Paypal and your preosnl checking/savings accounts.   BEWARE:805-455-6548 www.Bloodloveandlustspells.com  is not a spell casting or psychic reading site but rather it is much sdangeropus than that...Jan Windglows owns www.Bloodloveandlustspells.com  which is a scam Internet Hacking Operation - Jan Windglows Criminal Records Idaho State Attorney to arrest FBI involved Jan Windglows is a viscious evil woman that steals your money; DO NOT GET SCAMMED by this Internet Hacking Operation - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is not a legitimate spellcasting site:DO NOT USE!!  Jan Windglows Owner:  Employees: Jim Morgan, Stanly Cahill, Mike Cahill, Kim Thrasher, Matilda Somerfield...ALL INTERNET PREDATORS - WHO WILL SELL YOUR PERSONAL INFO ON-LINE THEN STALK U !!! PSYCHIC SCAM EXPOSED:  http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/ 805-455-6548 Internet Hackers download Trojan Virus into your email then stalk u on-line...scary scammer - NOT Psychics, Not spell caster: but real Internet Predators and Criminal Record: internet Crimes and Credit Card Debt!!!Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Jan Windglows: Owner and Employee James Morgan www.bloodloveandlustspells.com 805-455-6548, 208-714-4348 PO Box #712 Driggs, Idaho 83422 . DO NOT USE JAN WINGLOWS OR JIM MORGAN unless you want to be Ripped-off; Scammed for MONEY; then BREACH of CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY by posting clients full name with blatant lies about you on Rip-off Report.com !!!! Only a con-artist would be in the spell casting business...these people aren't even that smart..they are Internet Predators !! I live in Houston , Texas http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/ robbed me of $7500 !!!   I was stalked by Jim Morgan and know that he lies blatantly about X-clientsdo not use http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/


BEWARE:805-455-6548 -Bloodloveandlustspells is not a spell casting or psychic reading site Jan Windglows Internet Hacker and SCAMMER do not use !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#4Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 27, 2009

Beware:  www.Bloodloveandlustspells.com  is an Internet Hacking SCAM: to steal your personal info on-line; download trojan Virus into home computer and Jan Windglows; JimMorgan to stalk you thru your personal email accounts; then steal your Identity on-line scam and money from Credit Card Accounts;Paypal and your preosnl checking/savings accounts.   BEWARE:805-455-6548 www.Bloodloveandlustspells.com  is not a spell casting or psychic reading site but rather it is much sdangeropus than that...Jan Windglows owns www.Bloodloveandlustspells.com  which is a scam Internet Hacking Operation - Jan Windglows Criminal Records Idaho State Attorney to arrest FBI involved Jan Windglows is a viscious evil woman that steals your money; DO NOT GET SCAMMED by this Internet Hacking Operation - www.bloodloveandlustspells.com is not a legitimate spellcasting site:DO NOT USE!!  Jan Windglows Owner:  Employees: Jim Morgan, Stanly Cahill, Mike Cahill, Kim Thrasher, Matilda Somerfield...ALL INTERNET PREDATORS - WHO WILL SELL YOUR PERSONAL INFO ON-LINE THEN STALK U !!! PSYCHIC SCAM EXPOSED:  http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/ 805-455-6548 Internet Hackers download Trojan Virus into your email then stalk u on-line...scary scammer - NOT Psychics, Not spell caster: but real Internet Predators and Criminal Record: internet Crimes and Credit Card Debt!!!Scam Operation and Rip-off Scheme!!   Jan Windglows: Owner and Employee James Morgan www.bloodloveandlustspells.com 805-455-6548, 208-714-4348 PO Box #712 Driggs, Idaho 83422 . DO NOT USE JAN WINGLOWS OR JIM MORGAN unless you want to be Ripped-off; Scammed for MONEY; then BREACH of CLIENT CONFIDENTIALITY by posting clients full name with blatant lies about you on Rip-off Report.com !!!! Only a con-artist would be in the spell casting business...these people aren't even that smart..they are Internet Predators !! I live in Houston , Texas http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/ robbed me of $7500 !!!   I was stalked by Jim Morgan and know that he lies blatantly about X-clientsdo not use http://www.bloodloveandlustspells.com/

J. Morgan

Mary T. Prantil. Fraud. Scam Artist ALERT: N.Y.P.D, F.B.I, F.C.C I.R.S Department Of Justice

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, October 16, 2008

Mary T. Prantil. Fraud. Scam Artist & Rip Off Artist. Alert CNN, HBO, CINEMAX, VIACOM, TIME WARNER NETWORKS. ALERT: N.Y.P.D, F.B.I, F.C.C I.R.S Department Of Justice. Search AOL,YAHOO, MSN, GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE Alert. Mary Prantil Internet Terrorist & Bully. Internet Stalker. Email & Phone Harassment By Prantil. Prantil The Laughingstock Of Internet & Law Enforcement .Trouble Maker. Nut Case. False Reports & Slander By HABITUAL LIAR Mary Prantil Of Astoria New York.. Prantil Attempting To Use & Abuse Legal System To Harass Others. ATTENTION: ALERT For all Astoria & New York Police Departments. F.B.I. I.R.S . F.C.C. Department Of Justice. New York Attorney Generals Office. Calling For Investigation Of Mary T. Prantil. Negative. Unethical. Unlawful. Highly Questionable Behaviors & Practices. Abuse Of Public Mediums. Internet Stalking and Harassing Of Legitimate Business And Private Persons. . Addressing & Disproving Ungrounded Charges Against Us In The Past. Greetings Rip Off Reports, Members, and Readers from Jim Morgan. Let me first start off by saying that I am no longer affiliated with any business or on line sites other then acting in the capacity as an free adviser to my fiance' regarding her on line magick site. I am retired from the magick casting industry and aside from this have been non-active on the net for a couple of years now. I am now posting this report under the freedom of speech act in the capacity of a private citizen that moreover is wavering my right to anonymity by stating my real name in this report and not using a fictitious name or names as many do on a site like this. It's been quite some time since I was up here on Rip Off Reports. The last time I posted a rebuttal on Rip Off Report, was in the capacity of addressing a number of insane charges brought against myself and another person by a few unsavory individuals including a person by the name of Mary T. Prantil of Astoria New York who moreover had attempted to destroy a good business name with her accomplices while using nothing more then twisted and distorted here-say, conjecture, and or out right lies and thus again my purpose for returning to Rip Off Reports is in the way of disputing Prantil's statements and new charges once and for all.. Prantil and others just went on and on the last time with their fictional nonsense, however all of their attempts failed when it was all said and done, not to mention showing everyone on the entire Internet what a bunch of jack assess all of them really were. In the end, their lies and deceptions were exposed via exposing their inconsistency of fact at every turn and they had no more to say within exception of Prantil who surfaced from time to time stating issues as fact when they were anything but factual both on and off the net behind our backs. This person of Prantil failed to substantiate any of her charges against us or attempted to disprove the charges against her, other then saying "I didn't do it"; and more so just started throwing even more ungrounded accusations our way to which were also all disproven. In fact as a result of their entire diabolical plot being exposed, they started turning on one another and or started pointing the finger at one another in a nut shell to absolve themselves of any guilt, however this only worsened the publics perception of them that much further . Their intended and combined goal took the form of both an aggressive and brutal character assassination toward innocent people that again ended up back-firing in their own faces because the public saw through it and scorned them for their attempted deception on the air. Of course all the charges launched against us by these loathsome people during this scandal were promptly shot down to the ground with hard factual proof as after all everything they spewed out of their mouths at the time was nothing but ungrounded and unproven and or baseless complaints that ultimately left these accusers just standing there with no more to say for themselves. They didn't even come close to substantiating their numerous negative claims of fraud, tax evasion, unethical business activities, and or alleged client mistreatment, and or complaints against the company in question during this period, however the public did see their attempt to draw clients to them through deceitful and misleading speech and or slanderous comments and thus the slamming campaign on their part was exposed in its entirety. Additional Slanderous Statements & Propaganda By Prantil. There were other such statements or charges made by these delusional people such as the statements that we were "being sued by clients" and "were about to be incarcerated for tax evasion", and or that "our sites were coming down off the air as a result of F.C.C. infractions" etc., but I can honestly say that NONE of this has ever occurred, and we were never contacted by any city, county, state, or federal law enforcement agencies regarding any of it. This was no surprise to us as we are in fact ethical and law abiding people as our records clearly show. We were never questioned or investigated for any perceived wrong doing, and it was all just propaganda mostly put out by Prantil on Rip Off Reports under her fictitious names of "Honest Person". "Enforcer Of Justice". "Enforcer Of Truth", and "Marc" just to name a few. The associates of Prantil's ended up losing one if not all of their web sites as a result of their slanderous statements and copyright infringement activities; and were publically scorned and no longer looked upon as ethical or credible magick sites by the entire magical community. The bad publicity and or exposure of what this group had attempted to do to the innocent people and their business up on Rip Off Reports did in fact end up greatly harming their own careers a result of their slanderous and ridiculous behaviors just for the record. It did this by again, bringing mass public ridicule and scorn against these persons for months. With this all being said, and bringing everyone up to date regarding those who were engaged in the slamming campaign against us at that time, please let me touch once more on this last ignoramus by the name of Mary T. Prantil the "Great Administrative Assistant in Corporate America" as she likes to announce herself and be known as, LOL. Is that a Secretary or Secretaries assistant working in like a tiny office cubical in a department store plaza some place possibly in New York LOL? You know, the one who brings the coffee to others, and shuffles papers around from time to time? "Prantil the Great" making herself sound larger then life as always that moreover never seems to get the message coming from others or only seeing and hearing what she wants to see and hear and trying to be something she's definitely not. Desperate Prantil Seeks To Deceive The Public Once More. This idiot unlike the rest, just keeps coming back for more with her latest ventures of contacting other magick sites in a effort to get them to come up here on this site of Rip Off Report to lie and say that everything said about her is a lie, to which it's not. Just to give the Viewer an example of how naive Prantil actually is, she had contacted a one time student of mine who owns his own magick site trying to get him to come up here to say that it's "all a lie"; however this person doesn't really know Prantil and secondly has been the subject of her on-line attacks ,so why would he even consider doing this sort of thing and putting his good name on the line for a person like this? I believe she even offered him money to do this however he just blocked her after saying, "he wasn't interested". Prantil must have been pretty desperate when she tried to pull that one off. (( Wow )). Currently Prantil is trying to pull my ex-wife back into her mess by telling her that she, meaning Prantil, is having my EX subpoenaed into court for some fantasy charge she thinks she's got against me personally such as identity theft, LOL. Believe me when I say that I would be the last person on earth who would want Prantil's "identity" and or to be identified or associated with her in any way. I guess my last rebuttals against Prantil weren't enough pertaining to the disproving of everything including this that her little insane brain could come up with, to which was absolutely every despicable and low life under the sun that a person could say about or charge another another person with. Again, Prantil has repeatedly failed to prove her charges against anyone out side of making her outlandish accusations that were never taken seriously especially by the authorities given her lack of proof and false police reports filed in the past by herself against anyone and everyone who happened to disagree with her. To further bring folks up to date regarding the last post made on Prantil in a effort to refresh everyone's memory that did in fact follow this conflict in 07 regarding Prantil's made up charges on Rip Off Reports under several fictitious screen names aside from Honest Person, I would say please allow me to refresh your memories with a few examples of her slander and or fabrications against us back then such as: "We were rip offs and cons". "We were Satan worshipers". "We consumed our own blood and sacrificed animals in our rites". ( All This was Simply Not True And Un-proven). "We stole her money" (according to her) but this was bull like everything else she said. On and on with the craziness she went however all her charges were broke down and disproven in the end right there on the air for everyone to see. Mary likes to be in the spotlight for whatever reason despite the fact that it only generates reports such as this one in an effort to yield both sides of the story and not just her one sided version of what occurred. Does she really crave attention that badly to the point of now saying that we sacrifice strangers in our rites LOL? Again, ( Not True ). What a Idiot ! . I would ask Mary to keep talking this kind of garbage as she is on very THIN legal ground that could get her sued big time. Mary Prantil Is Back And Up To Her Old Tricks. Well, It would seem that Mary's back to our great dismay, as we've been made aware by others that she's sending all her petty and slanderous little statements, grievances and her begging emails to take her name off the air to numerous people and search engines concerning and moreover us, to no matter if they want to hear her senseless babblings or not; and thus we thought it would be a good idea to give everyone both sides of the story and a update verses Prantil's one sided twisted version of the story portraying herself as the "victim" and in a good light ,and or how the "Big Bad spell sites did her wrong", and these mean people just started saying mean things about her for no reason. Little innocent Miss Prantil who has done nothing wrong to anyone, and whom is sinless, and that moreover wouldn't bother or say anything bad about anyone else LOL. Prantil is also currently threatening to sue Google if they don't take down these reports as these Rip Off Reports links are evidently showing up on Google's search and Yahoo search engines just to name a few lol. Why is Mary upset about these links on Google and Yahoo you ask? I guess because according to her they bring everyone back to these reports when they type her nasty little name into their browsers. Hey, What's the matter Prantil ? Is it that you don't like people defending them selves against your ungrounded slander that furthermore are posting factual information about yourself that can't be disputed no matter what you say?. Is it because you like to talk s**t about people, but then get shown up as the liar scam artist and troublemaker that you are? Well, to bad for you Mary, if you ask me. Anytime you post grievances up on the Internet or through the email, your taking your private business out in front of the entire world; and thus, the Internet search engines will pick up links according to what people want to hear or read about, and thus, when they type in scams or troublemakers you show up on the engines etc. If Prantil didn't want her name in lights, then she should have never went to the air ways to plant her seeds of contempt and slander against others then not expect those same others not to say anything back to her in a effort to defend themselves. Prantil's Latest Onslaught Of Slanderous Lies. Mary's latest bitching and slander spree consist of us sacrificing human beings on a particular spell site during its rites to which is total rubbish not to mention her same old song and dance about us being taken off the air for whatever reason for violating some F.C.C. law, however this is false like everything else Prantil says. Prantil still maintains that we "ripped her off" when it can be fully proven that she was never ripped off, but her case was dropped for constant negative misconduct against others and her violent opposition to good advice given her. Lastly, that the F.B.I "will or has broken our door down in Driggs Idaho and arrested me for computer hacking and identity theft", to which isn't a factual occurrence and or true in the least regard. Man, give it a rest Prantil as your charge was and is easily shot down you PUTTS. Mary can dish out all kinds of false, mean, and wicked things to say about other people; but she doesn't like it when the public at large really sees Mary for who she is, instead of how she would LIKE the public to perceive her, especially when all she can do is talk s**t while others have the hard a*s proof against her that they would be more then willing to present in any court hearing or trial, LOL. Hey Mary, Are you calling the police a bunch of liars now ? Of course you are, as no one knows what they're speaking in regards to, but YOU. Mary T. Prantil Is Abusing Law Enforcement. Attempting To Use The System. Harassing Innocent People. Miss Prantil also made and is still making out numerous if not endless false police reports against others and ourselves, with her latest one being with the N.Y.P.D there in Astoria New York, or so she says; as we couldn't find the reports in question anywhere when we had inquired about these reports. We asked the Astoria police if Prantil had made any statements concerning us but they just laughed and replied back not to worry about her or what kind of report she may have filed. This is the same police department that she claims to have obtained a letter of good conduct from, or more specifically a letter of good conduct from a officer Annibale of the 114 Precinct however; please know that I'm really not clear where or if she received this conduct letter, or if it really exists at all. Perhaps there is a letter in which she typed up herself to better her reputation. One has to ask the questions : Would this conduct letter be authentic; or if it really exists, and if so, what type of a conduct letter is it? Is this letter like something that a child would bring home from school stating that the child has been a good for 30. 60 or 90 days? Is it stating that she's never been arrested anywhere in New York or in California at anytime and or for any reason, or moreover hasn't been arrested for a given span of time ?. Again, this letter is somewhat contradictory to what I had inadvertently discovered later on when speaking to the Astoria New York police about her for the sole reason that the officer we spoke to had stated that she has a rather long record going back eight years; especially in Astoria New York. We again also inquired another time about any police reports that she either had or may have filed against Jan and myself with the Desk Officer on call; and he just started laughing really hard while saying, "I wouldn't worry about anything Prantil said or did regarding a report". In other words, if she had filed a report, it was trashed for being outlandish or non-factual. Why is everyone laughing in the N.Y.P.D when we asked them about Prantil, as we don't find her amusing in the least degree however, when a person becomes so ridiculous, there's nothing else you can do but laugh at their stupidity. From: [email protected] Message-ID: Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 06:02:18 EDT Subject: Fwd: Jim Morgan -2 NY Police reports #277 & #5247 -now FBI to arrest him Return-path: From: [email protected] Full-name: Mprantil Message-ID: Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:55:17 EDT Subject: Jim Morgan -2 NY Police reports #277 & #5247 -now FBI to arrest him To: [email protected], [email protected] For Federal Identity Theft...Jim is going to be arrested by the feds -not NYPD bcs it is a Federal offense given that Jim lives in Driggs, Idaho and me in NY.FBI to break his door down and arrest him - This is in motion and will happen when he least expects it. Jim is going to do YEARS in jail for what he did to me and others. Mary Prantil cell: 917-224-6605 [email protected] Attached Message From: [email protected] To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Jim Morgan -2 NY Police reports #277 & #5247 -now FBI to arrest him Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:55:17 EDT For Federal Identity Theft...Jim is going to be arrested by the feds -not NYPD bcs it is a Federal offense given that Jim lives in Driggs, Idaho and me in NY. FBI to break his door down and arrest him - This is in motion and will happen when he least expects it. Jim is going to do YEARS in jail for what he did to me and others. Mary Prantil cell: 917-224-6605 [email protected] Attached Message From: [email protected] To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Celeste named as witness 4 FBI Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:59:17 EDT Celeste you will be called into this case as a witness. I listed you in the FBI complaint - as Jim files a article as you. Mary Prantil cell: 917-224-6605 From: [email protected] Full-name: Mprantil Message-ID: Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:59:17 EDT Subject: Celeste named as witness 4 FBI To: [email protected], [email protected] Attached Message From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Tell yur friend Jim Morgan- FBI to arrrest him to serve real jail time Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 06:03:57 EDT Attached Message From: [email protected] To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: Jim Morgan -2 NY Police reports #277 & #5247 -now FBI to arrest him Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 05:55:17 EDT For Federal Identity Theft...Jim is going to be arrested by the feds -not NYPD bcs it is a Federal offense given that Jim lives in Driggs, Idaho and me in NY. FBI to break his door down and arrest him - This is in motion and will happen when he least expects it. Jim is going to do YEARS in jail for what he did to me and others. Mary Prantil cell: 917-224-6605 [email protected]. Mary Prantil's Demands & Threats. Insisting That We Call The N.Y.P.D. The police officer/detective that she referred us to in several of her threatening calls, and that was allegedly conducting a investigation against us, according to Prantil, knew nothing about an investigation and thus another fiction or lie by Prantil. Why am I not surprised? Mary Prantil left us a unidentified call message on our answering machine for four or five days consecutively, demanding that we call the Astoria New York police department and ask for a specific Detective Carrano at the 144 TH Squad Astoria New York at the contact number of 1-718-626-9339 as she stated that he had a case against us for identity theft and hacking a computer, according to Prantil. Incidentally, she had sent us several text messages on 10/1 at 7:37 AM. 10/1 at 7:36 AM. 10/5 at 1:25 PM. Then again on 10/5 at 1:26 PM referring and demanding us to call this specific officer just to exhibit a few. Prantil had also left two treating voice mails on our answering machine on September 30 TH at 4:23 and 4:28 AM. After listening to this crap for four or five days,, we decided to call this number of 1-718-626-9339 referred to us by Prantil to see what was going on and reached the officer in question only to find out that Prantil is a bonafide liar and trouble maker by his account, to which didn't surprise us very much. Should anyone doubt this in the least regard, all they have to do is drop the Officer a line and get first hand information by calling Detective Carrano or the N.Y.P.D directly at the number above to substantiate some of the statements I'm about to make in this post. Upon calling the Officer or Detective in question, and naming ourselves as the possible subjects of his alleged investigation according to Prantil, we were delighted to find out by the officer that there was no such investigation on his part or in their computers. We checked around and found NO record with his office or any law enforcement agencies period. After speaking with the Officer for some time he began to inform us that the department and he had known Prantil for eight years of the ten Prantil says that "she's been in Corporate America" and furthermore stated that she had been incarcerated and hospitalized on several occasions over the time she had been residing there in Astoria, New York. N.Y.P.D Officers Statements He also stated that she is known in local police circles as a psychologically unstable individual who has been in and out of not only New York jails but committed by the police to psychiatric facilities for mental observation due to her aggressive and erratic behaviors in public while drinking and using drugs. He further went on to say that her mind was fried out on drugs and that she doesn't know where she's at most of the time when she shows up screaming her head off frantically in front of the police station every few days or so complaining about several persons who have either scammed her in some way or offended her etc. The officer further explained to me that many individuals have registered official complaints against Prantil ;as we have for her negative activities and unlawful behaviors. What really made me laugh was when this Detective told me that only time the N.Y.P.D could catch a break from her craziness is when she was either locked up for psychiatric evaluation or locked away in a jail cell some place for going off her rocker out in public. Any doubts out there about Prantil just call the N.Y.P.D and they will tell you all about this OFF THE HOOK RETARD. Mary's second message on our recorder stated that she "hoped that we were scared,afraid, and very worried" concerning her activities ageist us such as her turning us into the N.Y.P.D there in Astoria N.Y. Feds. I.R.S. and F.C.C., etc. Mary Prantil Is A Internet Terrorist. Internet Stalker & Extortionist. Couldn't Stalking and harassing of a person or business over the public mediums being Internet, phone, e-mail, and trying to use City, County, and Federal Government Agencies falsely against another, be construed as using the system and being a Internet stalker and or Internet terrorist right ? Especially when she tracks us on the net trying to stir up trouble for us through third parties such as the Internet search engines and private individuals telling them that were criminals that are going to jail for identity theft and hacking into her computer as she goes along. Filing false reports out designed to harass her targets. Making prank and threatening calls to instill insult, worry or fear. Calling without saying anything and so fourth in the early morning hours. I mean, When a person such as Prantil is using lies, threats and or implies that some kind of a negative event is going to occur to another individual or individuals such as ourselves as a result of her little inferred reports against us that moreover implies arrest or audit by the I.R.S., Wouldn't that be attempting to instill fear and worry as a tool and or to force someone into doing something that they wouldn't normally do such as pay money out to get something off the air or to retracted something said ? Isn't that attempted EXTORTION and or Blackmail ? Isn't it unlawful to use law enforcement falsely against another via filing false police reports against another as a tool there of attempting to force the victim into giving another monies to get them to stop making false reports ? We simply won't give into this bull s**t coming from Prantil. Using such tactics to get what one wants, especially when there is no real chance of her threats occurring on any real level because the charged crimes simply don't exist, but still attempting to use law enforcement in the hopes that she can harass you through them in some way, and force you into seeing things her way because you won't give her any money otherwise. A person that does this sort of thing is a piece of CRAP floating around the net and that moreover needs to be cleaned up before someone steps in it. Cleaned up by the very law enforcement forces she's trying to manipulate against others. NOTE: Mary has expressed through her voice mails to us that she does in fact wish to scare and worry us, and WANTS us to "be afraid"; however were not at all scared or worried in the remotest sense; and her scare tactics on us have failed like everything else she's tried in the past ,however we are extremely pissed off enough to file charges against her to which we have in some instances for the reports that we have found and filed by her against us on-line. We found some of your your on-line reports Prantil and proven them false then turned around and filed charges against her for abuse of the legal system, HA HA HA! A year of this is quite enough in our opinions wouldn't you say Reader? We've noticed that Mary likes to send out her s**t to anyone that will listen, and that's why were sending you this posting today, as we've obtained your email address off of a mass email that she meaning Prantil has been circulating all over the net about us. You can find a good portion of this email below following this report. Please forgive us and we won't send you anymore emails or waste everyone's time by posting again after this however we felt it important to defend our good names and to openly dispute this Prantil idiot. Mary T. Prantil. A Habitual Liar About Her Past. Internet Blowhard. I guess Mary Prantil couldn't get her way with Ed Magedson in the way of getting him to remove postings regarding her or me for speaking up and telling the world the whole truth about her, so now she's picking on the poor N.Y.P.D and Google as their not giving in to her harassment either, LOL. Prantil is also stating that Magedson has been arrested however this is another lie on Mary's part because Ed was home the other day when I dropped him a line and found him quit free and happy LOL. Another Lie on Prantil's part. Mary's a little perturbed about some postings concerning her past police records, however records show that Mary Prantil does in fact have a criminal record in the state of California according to law enforcement there and apparently has a record in Astoria New York from what police there have explained to me recently. It would seem that Prantil has a rather colorful history all over the place wouldn't you say Reader? Mary says that she doesn't have a criminal record or history of chemical and or substance abuse, but all one really has to do is to call around to prove otherwise. Mary states that she's never been arrested for anything else; however, as I've said before she is well known in Astoria by the 144th Astoria Police department, and by the E.M.S. ( Emergence Medical Services ). Not only is Prantil a proven and habitual liar, not to mention trouble maker, but seemingly a alcoholic and drug user from what I've heard and or know of what she's stated directly to me in phone calls and emails conversations to which I still have when I was counseling her on my own free time or ( pro-bono ) during her case. So basically, when Mary states that she doesn't have these problems of addition etc a couple of things could be happening such as: Mary is trying to cover it all up or Mary Lied to me regarding this during her case. Another point I'd like to make here: Are the police lying as well or is it that Mary is that good of a actress that she could actually make the police think that she had these problems aside from blood test etc. ? Mary Prantil is a highly obsessive person whom has total disrespect or disregard for law enforcement everywhere via her filing of false police reports to any agency that will listen to her. Using and or abusing the system seems to be her specialty in my opinion. This includes on-line reports, as well that she's sent us copies of in the past to which we still have. Perhaps Law Enforcement will tire of her eventually and arrest her for either this, or being drunk and disorderly in public. Mary Prantil is a loser that has a unending disregard and disrespect towards not only law enforcement, but toward anyone she meets in everyday life as many private individuals there in New York can affirm should you ask around about her. Call the Astoria N.Y.P.D and they will fill you in on her, lol. Again, Mary in my opinion an extremely disturbed liar of sorts and you really can't believe anything she says, and only what you see as actual proof of her statements to which is very little or nothing at all in many instances. Prantil's Physical & Cyber STALKING Via Internet, Email, Land, or Telephone harassment. Let's take another look at Prantil's physical and Cyber STALKING habits via Internet, email, land, or through telephone harassment. Mary tries so hard to be intelligent and stealthy by calling in under hidden or blocked numbers; but then shows her unending retardation by leaving recorded messages of her voice on our answering machines stating threats of arrest by specified law enforcement agencies and or investigations by general legal authorities directed at specified crimes etc LOL. To further exemplify Mary's IGNORANCE she gives us a telephone number to the very ones that know her the best being the Astoria New York Police Department who according to them Prantil has been a plague to all concerned for seven to eight years with her crazy and fictitious reports and negative behaviors, who has moreover arrested her personally on occasion down through the course of eight years for countless unlawful activities . WOW, is that stupid or what ? Mary, I mean, to call up and harass someone for over a year while proclaiming to be a angel then giving the people you've been harassing for over a year the number to the police department who has arrested you numerous times there in New York .(( STUPID GIRL )) LOL. Here's some more brilliance coming from Prantil such as: The forwarding of emails to all the people she's speaking to in regards to us with her continuing false or slanderous statements etc. Well Mary, one of your "good friends" forwarded it to us, and now we know EVERYTHING that you've been doing and saying. Prantil, If your reading this, and I hope you are, then please know if you had a brain to which you don't you would be considered brain dead and or a mindless idiot at best. I wonder if Prantil sends Mr. Magedson. The N.Y.P.D. and Google 400 plus Nasty and insulting emails in a months time as she did with us when her case was active. I wonder if Prantil calls these folks while leaving several Nasty. Hostile and insultive messages on their answering machines per day as she again did with us. Could that be considered EXCESSIVE behavior ?. More Unproven Accusations From Mary Prantil. Let's address some more of Prantil's accusations such as: We personally or by another hacked into her computer. Didn't happen. Ripped her off. Didn't happen. Stalked her. Didn't happen. Identity theft. Didn't happen. If these things happened to you Prantil then PROVE IT you low life s**t Monkey. Mary talks about tracing and obtaining IP address that she says belong to us and how she and the F.B.I caught us in her computer. I would challenge her to PRODUCE THIS EVIDENCE, or shut up and quit bothering everyone. Prantil states that the F.B.I is watching/monitoring her computer, and that they have evidence of us being in it ,yet we have contacted the F.B.I there in New York and Washington D.C and they know nothing of this made up lunacy on her part regarding this alleged and obviously FALSE report. Yet MORE lies on Mary's part. We have informed a special agent of the F.B.I regarding Prantil's harassment and false reports, and they are now looking into it for us. Besides, Mary has stated that many people beside ourselves are in her computer and they are being watched by the F.B.I as well ; so how can she really be sure who if anyone is in her computer at all hacking it ? Maybe this is all just in her head as she seems a little uncertain and confused about what's really going on with her computer doesn't she? Maybe she's getting her information from those little voices she hears telling her to harass people. Are you PARANOID Prantil? Mary has a lot of things on her mind wouldn't you say, Viewer? Maybe Mary is just trying to be something she's not, like successful or connected to "high places" in some way by talking this crap, to which she is obviously not. Just a little LOW LIFE in New York, that's all. Moreover that is giving everyone there in N.Y a bad name because they choose to let her run around and terrorize people everywhere and do noting about it. I love people from New York but Come on and please take care of your own lol. Maybe someone is in her computer as some if not most people don't like Mary, and think she's a JOKE, or perhaps she's pissed off a Hacker or two due to her shinning personality and is now toying with her head. Like that's hard to do lol. Did you ever think of that Mary you piece of s*****m lint? Prantil, You say you were ripped off by us. PRODUCE your evidence. You say that we stole your identity. PROVE IT. Your asking my EX to come and testify for your pathetic a*s in some fantasy court trial, on some crazy made up charge but no one wants anything to do with you do they? If they did, they would most certainly be on the losing end of things especially if their going off of what you have to say. We are filing official complaints with not only the N.Y.P.D but with the New York F.B.I. ,D.O.J., and the N.Y branch of the F.C.C against you Prantil, and we most certainly have piles of documentation of your unlawful activities to back our cases up. What do you have ?. Answer Is: (NOTHING) except for your running off at the mouth. Hey Prantil , Every wonder why people shy away from you? Answer Is: Because your a Troublesome. Vindictive nut case that's why. AND THEY DON'T LIKE YOU. Besides, If you have all this evidence against us, then why do you need anyone testifying for you Right? Do it yourself. You've had a year in which to PRODUCE YOUR EVIDENCE and were still waiting, LOL. Note: The person that she wanted to testify for her and against me turned her down, and now Prantil is treating to have them arrested as well LOL. Mary makes friends easily don't you think ?. My apologies Reader for switching back and fourth from you to Prantil, but I know this WACKO reads these posts ,and I just want to give her the opportunity to put her money where her mouth is, to which she never does. From my dealings with Mary T. Prantil, she seems to be caught somewhere between the two worlds of reality and fantasy, however her delusional mind set is a bit more then her rationality that furthermore conflicts perpetually within her very tiny mind at any given point in the day or night. Prantil has created and devised this little comfortable world in which to exist because she evidently can't handle the real world that demands rational thoughts and actions from all that live in it. Mary Prantil's Stalking And Her Love Relationships. Let's touch on Prantil's phone and email harassment again not to mention her Stalking behavior. Viewer, did you know that Prantil was thrown out of a speeding car one time by the very guy that was so in love with her that he was going to enter into marriage with Prantil? Why in the world would did he do that you ask? According to Prantil's account of this occurrence it was because she had stalked her guy to a private place nights before their wedding that he and his other guy friends enjoyed, while being under the influence of alcohol and drugs. She again, by her own account and admittance of events, went into this place un-announced acting violently while screaming wild actuations and or accusing her love of infidelity, and in front of everyone there no less and thus embarrassing the man to no end. The man got up and quickly, took Prantil to his car, and was attempting to take her home however she became so loud, aggressive, and violent in her drunken state according to Prantil, that the man leaned over her while driving down the road and opened the passenger side door, then shoved Prantil out the of the car onto the street and kept going. I would assume that the reason he did this was for the sole reason that Prantil was physically attacking him. Remember, This is coming from Prantil in a email and telephone accounts of what transpired that night, copies of emails of which I still have. The man then insisted that he "lost his phone" later on in the week after Prantil found and confronted him regarding him not returning her numerous calls, as a result of Prantil's unending attempts to get in touch with him in other words. Mary likes to make several calls to someone in the course of a day or night numbering 12 to 15 calls on occasion. She tends to call no matter what time it is and doesn't care what that particular individual is doing at the time. Could this be considered excessive/obsessive behavior or what ? I mean, doesn't EVERYONE call someone 12 to 15 times a day, leaving nasty, rude,threatening, and INSULTING messages? Maybe she also threatened him like she did with us at one time by sending a email stating that she was going to Rip Off Reports and post negative things about him under 200 fictitious names not to mention sending him emailed pictures of a hand flipping he bird etc. MMMM, I wonder why he hauled a*s from her ? Prantil has several such incidents on record with the last sites she had been working with mostly caused by her self-admitted drug, anger and alcohol problems. The man ended up marrying someone else other then Prantil fortunately and from what I understand. Mary had stated to me one time that she was made to enroll in a Anger Management class by the courts and went on to tell me that she didn't listen to anything the Instructor of this class asked her to do, LOL. That's OBVIOUS , wouldn't you say, Reader? especially the day she called and told me this while in a drunken state going off on everyone under the sun. Prantil is a perfect example of a person that is out of control and moreover that stalks private and public people alike. Unemployable Mary T. Prantil In my opinion and rooted in what I've personally experienced of Prantil, she is a mentally deluded stalker with a violent temper; however ,please know that I'm not a doctor of any kind, and this is just my personal opinion of this person from my experience of working first hand with her in a counseling capacity. She says that she can't get a job because of these posted reports, however according to the N.Y.P.D, and what I've been told by credible others, I would surmise that she can't get or hold a job because of her addiction, anger, and violent OUTBURSTS of temper, and or her hate of male authority; again coming from Prantil in past communications with myself. Given the scenario of a highly violent, unpredictable, and disruptive behavior of a person in the work place and among friends, I would certainly think that this would keep someone from gaining. obtaining or maintaining employment or friends of any kind. Besides not everyone reads Rip Off Reports unfortunately, or even goes on-line for that matter so it's just simply silly to blame the internet as hindering one from getting a job as she does. Mary, For Christ sakes take some responsibility for your lot in life, and stop blaming others for YOUR bad behavior. If you don't want others to convey what you've done to them in private and in public places on the air then maybe you shouldn't conduct your life in the way that you conduct it currently. Besides, The N.Y.P.D stated to me that Mary has a hard time keeping jobs because of her overwrought behavior in the job place however when Mary hears this she will call them liars as well. But if it makes Mary feel better I will ask any Employers out there reading this to please hire Miss Prantil on her own work merits and or job history only and don't bass your decisions solely on anything you read off the net lol. Mary T. Prantil has lied over and over about her past. She's lied about her business dealings with land based and on-line services. She's been caught red handed posting highly negative statements about others in a effort to destroy a innocent business or businesses under several fictitious screen names here on Rip Off Reports. We have emailed proof of her intent regarding this as seen in the following email communication. It was her prime objective to slam certain sites on the net under these fictitious names in a mass effort to tarnish the reputations of the sites in question and moreover to cause them loss of business. The following email of [email protected] belongs to Prantil writing into myself at [email protected]. NOTICE: Her email stating :(( "I never denied being Honest Person or Enforcer of truth" )). These were two main screen names she used on rip off reports to launch her slanderous charges against us. Be sure to type in and read the postings under Jim Morgan. Mary T. Prantil. Dragon Spells. Enforcer Of Truth and Honest Person. Jan Windglows, Blood Love And Lust Spells to get more perspective on what Prantil and others had attempted. From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2 Sent: 12/14/2007 8:02 A.M. Pacific Standard Time Jim, The FCC is invloved and is aware of your perjury on Ripoff Report.com. I never denied being Honest Person or Enforcer of truth. I filed honest reports on Ripoff Report .com Mary states and I quote: ((( I am a college graduate from UCSD. I have worked in Corporate America for over 10 yrs at the top corporations including Time Warner, Viacom, HBO and CNN ))). What is that in time frame for each job, Viewer ?. My calculations come out to round about 2 and one half to three years at each job providing these are the only jobs she's ever had. Of course that time at jobs will be less if their were employments between the ones reported . Aren't these Corporations designed for the promotion of a person over a twenty or thirty year span of time that then offer retirement plans and or benefits after that ? Mary doesn't appear to be transferring from one office to another within a certain company however she does seem to be traveling from one company to another and or bouncing back and fourth between companies according to the employments stated by herself. There would seem to be a problem in the longevity of Prantil's job history wouldn't you say ? Maybe not and perhaps she just likes variety in her job duties, and this is why she changes jobs so often. Perhaps a company resents her telling it how to run its self as she did with us when her case was active. You know a clash of opinions so to speak, because Mary is a woman who knows what she wants, lol. We could never and or remotely surmise that Mary was ever fired from a job for bad conduct could we; as this would be so out of the question, right LOL ? Prantil's Deception & Cover-up. Mary Prantil had denied certain associations to her partners' in crime, yet she was exposed there as well pertaining to her slamming of that particular innocent business and people therein, on Rip Off Reports and other sites. Prantil fills out false police reports on a daily or weekly basis according to what she has sent us copies of, but in fact hates the police according to what she has stated to us both personally via phone and email. Prantil has admitted to me personally over the phone and in emails that she drinks a lot ,and uses drugs, and moreover that she can be uncontrollable at times as a result of this chemical mixture. I've never seen someone so out of control in my time of dealing with people on of off the net. Prantil is a unsavory individual in my opinion BIG TIME. Prantil had sided up with others in a effort to destroy an innocent business, along with another competitor of that business after her case was dropped for arrogant, disruptive,rude, and violent behavior against the person she wanted to be with in a love relationship. Prantil has no problem in slandering and or making ungrounded accusations that typically can't ever back up or proven, yet she makes them just the same, just because she can up on Rip Off Reports without giving her real identity. Prantil is a cowardly, shallow woman, but ruthless and relentless who will stop at nothing in my experience, and who's stupidity reigns supreme behind all her attempts to hide herself while attacking others. Is this someone that you would take home to mom Viewer, lol? Mary Prantil in my opinion, is a Internet terrorist or an Internet parasite whom leaches and or latches on to something or someone and makes them or it her goal in life just so she can have something to live for. Mary is a control freak who likes to make fun of a personal lifestyles different from her own, or that of a persons physical physique such as calling everyone "fat "when she is nothing more then a bag of bones in a skin suit who looks like s**t most of the time, regarding what I've seen of her pictures. Mary Prantil Judging Beauty Mary Prantil in my opinion is a Bigot and the QUEEN of drama queens who constantly craves attention anywhere she can get it. Hey Mary, Why do you keep calling Jan fat because she's not. If the fact be known she's 100 times the woman you are or could ever hope to be in every category especially in the intelligence and intellectual department. Fact: Jan is sexy as hell !! Mary Prantil is a 40 something over the hill anorexic looking self admitted drug user and alcoholic that might weigh in at maybe a 100 pounds soaking wet. So, It makes me wonder what her definition of "fat" really is. Would it be someone that weighs ten or twenty pounds more then she does? If that's the case, then all FULLY MATURED men and woman would be considered"fat", according to Prantil's "definition", including myself it would appear. She likes to call people ugly as well however and again what would her definition of "ugly" be ?. Would Prantil consider beautiful person to be a full grown woman of 40 something starveling herself half to death in a effort to fit into girl like and or clothing made for teenage girls ? I mean, even if it met having your bones protruding out past the skin and looking like you were suffering from a severe illness all your life. Again, would her definition of ugly be a properly developed person who fills out their clothing correctly and who is happy and healthy in life ?. If I had to speculate, I would say that if this were the correct definition on Prantil's part then she could possibly have a eating disorder and the unrealistic outlook of what a beautiful and healthy person should look like. I would be hard pressed to see any guy in his right mind go out with this seemingly sickly and pale or boney looking thing. If a man was stupid enough to go out with Prantil, then he would soon discover that they had made the biggest mistake of his life, especially when he got to know her a little better, and or after speaking to her for five minutes LOL. Attached Message From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; Subject: FATTY -Jan Windglows and IDIOTJim Morgan to be arrested for FRAUD Identity Theft Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 17:10:46 EDT Attached Message From: [email protected] To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: ps...Jan Windglows is still and FAT and UGLY.... Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 06:07:38 EDT Suicidal Tendencies. God & The Devil. It would appear that Prantil is power hungry lunatic, and a religious fanatic who prides herself as being the "messenger of God", who moreover "hears voices telling her to do things to people in the night" and again according to her, Prantil has stated to us in email that the reason she's harassing us is because "God" and or her "Voices" that she speaks to every night, has appointed her as the "heavenly avenger of the wicked", LOL. She also states that she is "protected by Jesus", and that we are of Satan whom moreover can't touch her. MMMM Scary huh Reader? . Here's some more email headers that Prantil likes to write sent to us in back sent to us back in 2007 and still writes in now in 2008 : : ((Jesus Christ Is Winning.) ( Jim You Lost This Battle- I Won.) ( Losers choose darkness. Happyness on earth 4 me.) ( UR choosing 2 Walk in darkness.) ( U wasted your life on earth..... that is your hell. ) ( Try walking in the light.) ( Try it-Blood of the Lamb protects me. ) ( jim - Decieption is how Satan gets you.) ( Jan is so ugly now-that she is only Satans w***e. ) ( Jan is also ... your w***e.) ( F--Jan is Hell. ) ( Only a fallen person would f- Jan. ) ( Get on your knees and pray for forgiveness.) ( Jesus Christ is your only hope.) ( God made U-God is breaking U.) ( Mike says quite tragic- given who U were. ) (((((( UR a fallen Wizard... and have not power anymore Truth is protection-I am being blessed by revealling U.)))))) ((( How much business did U lose by breaching confidnentiality.))) ((( Gossip on the streetabout you-Clearly U R having a nervous break down.))) (Jesus will eventually get your soul back.) ( Your Paranoia is a Self fullfilling prophecy. Coward in life.) ( Coward in Satan.) ( Jesus is waiting 4 U.) (((( Tetragrammaton told me to pray 4 U.))) ( Get away from Jan- she is evil. ) ( Holy Spirit lives in me... Jesus is my SAVIOR.) ( Sending back 100 fold 2 U...... Jesus Christ is upon me.) ( Blood of the Lamb is on me. ) (((( God's wrath is upon U. God is punishing U-God bless you soul . Again, [email protected] is me and [email protected] is Prantil. BE SURE TO READ Isaiah 54 to establish Prantils precieved placement in life. Subj: Spellcasters are EVIL and the scumm of the EARTH !!! Date: 11/25/2007 8:18:53 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2. .From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2 Sent: 12/11/2007 11:44:11 P.M. Pacific Standard Time Subj: God is punishing U - God bless you soul Subject: Face Reality, I AM ANNOINTED !! - U R waste of a life!!!! Date: 11/25/2007 8:34:00 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Prant99 Reply To: To: Wizardmorgan2 CC: [email protected] Subj: No weapon formed against me shall prosper - Isaiah 54 Date: 12/10/2007 5:22:27 A.M. Pacific Standard Time From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2 Mary likes to tear people apart with her speech on the Internet and in private, but doesn't like it very much when people say something BACK to her in the way of defending themselves against her hostile verbal attacks. Slandering, stalking, and harassing people like Mary does doesn't sound very "Jesus" like to me and what about you, Viewer ? Another question: If Mary is so "happy and protected by Jesus Christ", then why does she seemingly contemplate suicide at times by her own admission ? If your having doubts Reader, then just write her in with some constructive criticism and see what you get back, LOL. In my opinion Prantil is a EXTREMELY MALICIOUS AND HOSTILE PERSONALITY that not only threatens suicide but who has attempted suicide again by her own admission several times, ESPECIALLY when someone doesn't give her what she wants or does not allow her to have her way in a given matter. Mary likes to call everyone else a "loser","idiot", and "moron" however in my opinion, Prantil is the biggest LOSER IDIOT MORON in the world because instead of listening to good advice and trying to get along with others, she had rather do things her own way to which is NOT the ways of a civilized society. Maybe she's still listening to the "voices" in her head telling her to do these things to people, and mistaking those same voices IN HER HEAD as being God etc. ,Of course according to Mary she's always right and everyone else knows nothing. She loves to argue and cause others conflict but doesn't like it when it comes back to bit her. Prantil is the kind of person that likes to start conflict, then climb a tree to watch her handy work . If there were a ever present force of evil living on the earth and taking the form of flesh, it would most certainly be residing in Mary Prantil. In my opinion it doesn't really matter why Mary Prantil is the way she is be it from a chemical imbalance in her TINY LITTLE brain or out right stupidity manifest on a grand scale. It doesn't matter if the ravages of insanity have utterly taken her mind over because she still is what she is ( A NUT). She's either a nut or someone who has no personal discipline what so ever and thus I would ask, Which one are you Mary ? A nut, or a out of control spoiled brat? ,, Miss Prantil is a viable threat to all peace loving people who are just trying to get by in these very uncertain times, and who moreover is someone that quickly out-wears her welcome and brings nothing but total and unwelcomed discord to all that she meets in life given my experience of three to four months of working with her and watching her activities since then over the span of a year. Mary T. Prantil is in fact a lover of anarchy and chaos who loves to bring disruption into a person's life just because she doesn't have a life of her own. In my opinion Prantil is a Pig and Lunatic who feeds off of the misery and discomfort of others, but then considers herself the the good person and a champion of whatever foolish cause that she fancies for that day,, week or month. Mary T. Prantil is really a ridiculous and out of control person whom moreover has the mentality of a piss ant despite her alleged "college degree". Hey Prantil, YOUR THE LAUGHING STOCK of Law Enforcement ,and of EVERYONE on the entire Internet from what I've been hearing. Looking For A Reason To Lock Mary Up I mean, Who do you really think your fooling here other then your own low life troublemaking self, Mary?. Law Enforcement stated to me that they're just looking for a reason to arrest you, because this is the only way they can have a rest from hearing your mouth everyday, lol. Please give them a good reason to arrest you Mary and make my day. Give us all a rest. Another message for Mary: If you think you have a case and or law suit against us, then tell your high powered fantasy lawyer to bring it on, because we would love to go to court against your pathetic a*s. It would really be a JOY in tearing the cases you think you have on us apart in a court of law. Don't talk about it Prantil and keep running your mouth; ((( JUST DO IT))) , so the whole world can watch your a*s get exposed by the legal authorities. Mary, If your reading this, and I hope you are, then just know that we think your the largest pile of retarded scum Monkey s**t in the Universe, not to mention the most vile,wicked, evil, poisonous, and despicable person that we've ever had the misfortune of knowing. In other words your Human Trash as far as we're concerned, not to mention a rebel against anything orderly or having to do with common sense. With this being said and aside, just know that you will be judged soon and found lacking in every way for your evil and twisted little deeds against Heaven and Earth. Reality Check: You are nothing but a Nasty Ignorant little b***h with a FOWL MOUTH Prantil whose words and threats mean absoluty NOTHING to most if not ALL of us out here on the net. You try to scare people with your foolery threats however, it NEVER WORKS, does it ? And it NEVER works with us. Never has, and Never will. Get It ? It doesn't work on us; and were getting bored with you as your like watching a little Monkey dance around, or watching a retarded hamster running round and round on a wheel going nowhere, until we become so bored with it all that we actually fall asleep. Prantil, The Victim Of Her Own Head Games. Irresponsible Person With A Computer And Internet Connection. Indecently Prantil , If I were you, I would be looking for the police very soon as they will be pulling up out side your apartment to beat down YOUR door not ours. They are there to arrest you especially after I've finished speaking to the New York district attorneies office today. I think their going to arrest you just because they think your crazy and their tired of you making a mockery out of justice, law enforcement, and just good old common sense. Got to get Mary off the streets before she hurts someone or herself. Wow, You really are a mixed up human piece of trash aren't you Prantil? By the way Prantil, It's you that is on the run in case you haven't noticed, and not US, you DIZZY BROAD , as we didn't move from California to New York trying to get away from our past, did we? It's not us going around trying to clean past criminal records so no one can view them on line is it ? lol. Get over yourself a*****e, because your police records are still on Rip Off Reports that moreover has a policy of never taking anything down (EVER). When you sum it all up Mary Prantil is nothing more then some attention seeking crazy person who has obtained a computer and a internet connection to whom shouldn't be allowed around any computer never the less having access to the Internet, phones, or emails. I say this for the sole reasoning that she uses these mediums to Stalk. Harass. Bully. Annoy. Slander and maliciously Intrude into the lives of the unsuspecting who have done nothing more to her then to say hello or to try and conduct business with her. Mary, You are a internet terrorist in my opinion and need to be taken off the air ways FOR GOOD. Again, she is a trouble maker who abuses the law and internet to fulfill her own twisted needs, knowing full well that what she is doing to others is wrong. Thinking back and knowing what I know about this person and hearing what I've heard I would be hard pressed to let this person into my circle of friends or even work place as she is trouble. Now, there are those of you out there that may think that I'm being a little hard on Mary however please let me just say this in my own defense and that is: I am only reporting what I've heard from credible sources, personally observed via phone and email communications with Prantil. I would encourage anyone to double check my statements concerning Prantil by simply asking me or in contacting the N.Y.P.D. Meet or talk to Prantil for yourself then determine to if I'm stretching the truth here or not. Again, Speak to the N.Y.P.D if you will and they will tell you exactly who and what she is, and what she's about. In fact, if you do take it upon yourself, Viewer to call the N.Y.P.D. do not be at all surprised if as soon as you mention the name of "Mary T. Prantil" the desk officer or Detective Carrano does not BUST OUT LAUGHING, as they did when WE called them to inquire about her, LOL. Also, please remember that the intent of this site is to report problem companies and people alike to which I'm carrying out in this instance. Attention Law Enforcement Be Advised. Even though the F.B.I. F.C.C. I.R.S and the N.Y.P.D. have a lot on their plates these days, and furthermore have more important things to do other then chase nut cases around, I would say to them please take the time to investigate some of Mary Prantil unethical and unlawful activities as by doing so you will be protecting those of us that do respect and hold the law in a high regard. Prantil is in serious need of both medical help and some confinement to keep her from doing this to others in society. In my personal opinion, Prantil is both a danger not only to herself but to society as a whole as a result of her own documented current and past actions. Again, speaking to law enforcement: Imagine if a person like this was carrying out this sort of thing against you or to your families, how would you handle this? For this matter let me just pose this same question to the general public at large being: What would you do if a person like this was intruding such as this in your lives? Again, The remedies are obvious, aren't they? JAIL or HOSPITAL for Prantil. Just a note: When we play Prantil's voice messages for law enforcement, this are the alternatives they can come up with as they shake their heads in di,gust. Everything I've stated in this posting can be proven via emails, voice messages, business records, two or three Police eye witness accounts, Police reports, and through personal observation of this person by myself, and what Prantil has stated and done to me personally. This individual is free to write whatever she will in response to this posting because after all as this is America and we do have the freedom of speech in play, however she should be held accountable for what she says and let everyone know who exactly she on this site without using fictitious names in her post as she's done in the past. When posting she should be ready to exhibit proof to back up any allegations made against another to which she never does as a general rule. In short, We don't open our mouths unless we have the proof; unlike Prantil does. We will only respond back to her in rebuttal should she follow the rules however we refuse in responding back if all we see up here is her posting junk under fictitious names in a effort to discredit what I am saying in this post. I am exercising my right of free speech and opinion here on this site of Rip Off Reports to warn any and all about this person of Mary T. Prantil as only through the exposing of this person will others out in society avoid major disruption in their lives through the coming into contact with this particular person. Furthermore I DARE Prantil to come up here and face off with me as I want to see her publically produce proof of what she's been saying about us. The Purpose Of This Report The purpose of this report is not to cause harm in any way. shape or form to this individuals reputation or otherwise, however I am defending myself and others with facts against the onslaught of Prantil's false accusations by presenting the truth entirely in the wake of Prantil's efforts to slander. defame and or drag our names through the dirt at will. This report is a direct result of we directly contacting law enforcement as per Prantil's requests, and viewing what this person has been stating about us on the open air ways. We are working earnestly to bring this person to the attention of the proper authorities, as It is our hopes that she will eventually be removed from the main stream of society and placed in a facility that can assist her in what we construe to be mental health issues, severe addiction issues, and anger management problems. Until then be aware of what I consider to be an out of control and unstable person. Should anyone like to contact us directly for any further information on Prantil or her charges against us, please feel free to


South America,
South America
this is nonsense

#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 13, 2008

lots of the so call truth is twisted and turned to make it look bad, such imaginationl lol



#7Consumer Comment

Sat, January 05, 2008

This is my last and final response to Celeste Morgan's statements as I don't wish to keep wasting my or your time either responding to Celeste Morgan's, Stanley Michael Cahill's and or Mary T. Prantil's false allegations for either of these individuals and others in her camp. In the past I have conveyed to the Public with the utmost clarity as to what my relationship has been to these three Individuals and what has transpired between us all up on this site. Celeste's last posting had some inconsistencies that I felt needed to be addressed as she's still trying to deceive the Public in light of what I've read. Again, This is my final statement in clarifying these false statements made on her part. I just don't have the time to keep repeating my same statements over and over again. If Celeste or others want to keep posting, then this is their perogative, however I just refuse to reply to their dubious allegations and or conjectures any longer. Celeste has stated that I've painted her in a negative light and that my facts and or statements about her aren't true, however I can assure you that my statements are pure fact and zero percent fiction. My statements are NOT coming from a heart broken soon to be ex-husband more so then their originating from someone with a great sense of relief who has moreover been freed from a very long and emotionally abusive relationship with Celeste Morgan, ( "Lady Dragoness" ) to which all most cost me my life. Celeste has done everything within her power to not only interfere with my present life circumstances with Jan, but has also attempted to defame and verbally attack a completely innocent business and the personal lives of Jan and myself as a direct result of her not accepting personal responsibility for her part in the failure of our marriage and or her part contributed to that failure of this same union. Celeste has written and taken part in this conspiracy to avenge not only her own hurt feelings against Jan and her Company but by further enlisting the support of less then desirable persons mainly speaking in regards to Mary T. Prantil AKA "Honest Person" etc. who has posted any and every kind of false and harmful statement that she could against us on this site until we started posting Mary T. Prantil's criminal records that clearly show Prantil to be guilty of the same things that she has falsely accused us of. This conflict started as a result of Cahill's copyright infringement issue with my site of Dragon Spells. Celeste saw this as a perfect opportunity to cause conflict to Jan Windglows and her site of Blood Love And Lust Spells. She not only carried this out through her ill fated legal advice to Mike Cahill ( by means of her "Black's Law Dictionary" lol ) to which all most cost him $700,000 a night in fines, but did in fact almost cost him his freedom, as the violation of Copyright Infringement is a Felony Offense punishable by no less than Five years in a Federal Prison if convicted. My Legal Firm served Mike Cahill with a "cease and desist" letter, legally ordering him to take my written material off of his web site, which he did- otherwise I would have had him convicted in a Federal Court Of Law thereby having him sentenced accordingly thus Cahill would have in fact been sent to a Federal Prison had he not removed my Copyrighted material from his web site. Celeste Morgan also chose to engage the services of Mary Prantil to do her dirty work for her while eventually and personally posting her own highly negative comments against Jan's and my Sites not to mention our personal characters,to which she knows nothing about. Celeste's and Prantil's statements were geared to cause great financial loss to Miss Windglows and her site. Celeste feels that Jan some how had stolen me away from her and caused our marriage to fail, when the fact of the matter concerning the failed marriage was in existence many years before Miss Windglows and I met, which in fact is another clear indication of Celeste not wanting to admit her shortcomings and mistakes that caused the marriage to fail, however instead of admitting to her abusive, hateful, chaotic behaviour that in fact did eventually lead to my leaving her, but targeted Miss Windglows as the reason why her relationship with me failed when in fact Miss Windglows had nothing to do with my failed relationship with Celeste Morgan to begin with. Again, Celeste had failed to take responsibility for her own mistakes during the marriage and then tried to place this responsibility or blame on anyone she could other then herself. Celeste primarily vented her anger at Jan who really had nothing to do with anything concerning my failed marriage to Celeste Morgan. Celeste directed her hatred at us while using anyone she could to accomplish her goals however I'm happy to say that these efforts on her part were and ARE a complete failure. After I had resolved the copyright issue via legal remedy against Cahill and disproved all of Prantil's insane accusations not to mention showing everyone what a Criminal she is, I now find myself authoring yet another long posting to illustrate the inconsistencies of yet another one of Celeste Morgan's postings. A lot of you reading this are more then likely asking yourselves why is he taking the time to sit down to write these rather long and winded rebuttals and why should we even care? It's true that these rebuttals are long and some what winded but I feel it important to present a true and correct version of the whole story to the Public but more importantly to confront these deceptive people making all this lunacy up. My personal goal here is not in defaming a given site or obtaining and exacting any kind of revenge toward a particular site. It's not in obtaining any sort of revenue by speaking badly of another site for gain as frankly Jan does enough business all ready and I'm retired, so there's no need for any of this even if it were in our personalities to carry out this kind of negative behavior. However, it is in presenting the cold hard facts of both deeds performed and exposing false statements made against the innocent. As you the reader move over these following paragraphs below it will become very apparent to you who is telling the truth here and what the motives of these certain Individuals would be . Please be sure to read over everything very carefully before making your decision either for or against us or the ones in question attacking us. Below you will observe the names of Celeste Morgan and James Morgan at the beginning of each statement. This is of course what she is stating and what I am conveying as my points of interest. At the end of Celeste Morgan's statements you will notice a link to another page on this site that does in fact show inconsistencies and contradictions in what Celeste Morgan is stating currently as fact. The primary statements of Celeste Morgan currently would be in the way that she wishes Jan and I " all the best", and that she would never do anything to harm Jan's business. Celeste goes on to state that she never had anything to do with, nor does she personally know a person by the name of Mary Prantil AKA "Honest Person." And still yet, Celeste is charging me with raging against Mike Cahill by stating slanderous statements against him moreover she says that I'm stating false facts against all of them here as well. I will prove beyond a reasonable doubt all these statements on Celeste Morgan's part to be fictitious and dubious at best, and thereof exposing the Plot against Jan and myself by Celeste Morgan and others. Why should you the Viewer care about this case ?. You should care because this case involves and exposes rogue spell casters who have gone nuts out of Greed. Jealousy and Pride. Who present themselves as something they're not. Who will do anything to bring down a reputable site and moreover ruin the lives of two innocent people. So please care and take the time to read this completely and be sure to cross reference the links included that back up and prove for yourself who is actually making false statements here. . CELESTE MORGAN : "Yes it is true I have emailed this woman several times and told her not to involve me in her and Jim and Janhett's problems- I have never spoke to this woman, did work for her, or intend to do anything connected with her, as I have stated here before." http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.htm JAMES MORGAN: Below is a few email headers from Mary Prantil AKA "Honest Person", cc to both Celeste and myself committing attempted Black Mail and Extortion against me personally. She is clearly acting out on this in Celeste's behalf. Prantil's goal here is to apparently scare me into leaving Celeste Morgan my home of 14 years in a divorce property settlement in exchange for her not turning me in for alleged tax evasion etc. There Is NO tax evasion on my part and I can prove this. It would seem that Prantil and Celeste are better friends then Celeste has portrayed above in her statement. Celeste is also lying in the way that her Daughter did in fact perform magical work for Prantil and that Celeste had counseled and or had spoken to Mary Prantil over the phone on occasions, of which I have copies of e-mails to prove this also. To further support this relationship other Prantil statements can be found on this site of rip off reports under "Honest Person" AKA "Enforcer Of Justice" AKA "Marc" AKA "Enforcer Of Truth" etc. to which is actually Mary Prantil defending Celeste Morgan & Mike Cahill and further stating that Celeste is beautiful while calling Jan Windglows fat and ugly to which is definitely Not The Case. Please view Mary T. Prantil's Criminal Record at : http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/294/RipOff0294295.htm. You can also find more statements by Prantil by typing in the key words of dragon spells. blood love and lust spells or just type in Jan Windglows and or James Morgan and this will bring it up for you. From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2 cc [email protected] Sent: 12/13/2007 5:57:31 A.M. Pacific Standard Time Subject: Advice - Leave Celeste Morgan the house to avoid Tax Evasion From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2 cc [email protected] Sent: 12/14/2007 6:45:43 A.M. Pacific Standard Time Subject: Give CELESTE the house - report your tax earnings From: Prant99 To: Wizardmorgan2 cc [email protected] Jim, The FCC is involved and is aware of your perjury on Ripoff Report.com. I never denied being Honest Person or Enforcer of truth. I filed honest reports on Ripoff Report .com CELESTE MORGAN : "Jim will slander and discredit good and honest people just for trying to defend his jealous and out-raged attacks, where is your professionalism you once had when you started Dragon Spells years ago?" http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 JAMES MORGAN: Who are you defending here Celeste ?. Prantil or Cahill or perhaps both ?. Good & Honest People YOU SAY ?. Your kidding Right ?. I'm going to post this one more time so you can get it through your thick skull Celeste. This was Cahill's warning from MSN to which he didn't listen to it because of your bad legal advice that caused him to eventually to lose his msn site of Angelic Seals at http://communities.msn.com/angelicseals Not to mention causing him to all most lose his site of : www.magicangelspells.com through a law suit and so fourth. If your referring to Mary as a GOOD and Honest Person then your a bigger idiot then I thought you were in the first place lol. Please view Mary T. Prantil's Criminal Record at : http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/294/RipOff0294295.htm. Mike Cahill's warning and site disable letters from MSN following below. SRX1047180129ID - MSN Groups Warning - Action Required (Angelic Seals)? From: Microsoft Customer Support (GRUPS.FREE.WW.00.EN.SYK.MNL.AU.T01.SPT.00.EM@css.one.microsoft.com) Sent: Mon 10/15/07 11:27 PM To: [email protected] Hello Managers, We have found materials involving Copyright Infringement in your Group, Angelic Seals. Please refer to the following links for reference: Please remove these materials and any other images, messages or links in your Group that violate the MSN Groups Code of Conduct within 48 hours. Violations include, but are not limited to, nudity, partial nudity, pornography, harassment, and illegal or offensive behavior. For a complete description of content that is not allowed on MSN Groups, please visit our Code of Conduct at: http://groups.msn.com/conduct If you remove all violating content, your Group will again be in accordance with the MSN Groups Code of Conduct, and will remain accessible for your use. Otherwise, we will be forced to close down your Group. Thank you for helping MSN Groups provide a friendly and safe experience for all of our customers. Sincerely, MSN Groups Customer Support RE: SRX1047214752ID - URGENT PLEASE READ? From: Microsoft Customer Support (GRUPS.FREE.WW.00.EN.SYK.MNL.AU.T01.SPT.00.EM@css.one.microsoft.com Sent: Wed 10/17/07 7:50 AM To: james morgan ([email protected]) Hello James, Thank you for writing to back MSN Groups. We appreciate your effort in informing us about the inappropriate activity at the "angelicseals" Group. We are pleased to inform you that the Group "angelicseals" has already been disabled for non-compliance of our warning regarding the copyright infringement you reported to us. We want your MSN Groups experience to be positive and we will do our best to restrain illegal behavior. We appreciate your continued support as we strive to provide you with the highest quality service available. Thank you for using MSN Groups. Sincerely, Jeffrey MSN Groups Customer Support. JAMES MORGAN : The following statements below will show Celeste Morgan's intentions specifically directed to Defame the good names of both of our sites and personal characters. Celeste Morgan's forth coming statements are clearly and maliciously intended to Mislead. Misinform. Distort. Lead. Defame and Slander our professional sites and personal characters on the open air ways in her efforts to destroy our personal names and reputations as you the reader can see. These statements will also show connection and motive on the parts of Celeste Ann Morgan. Stanley Michael Cahill and Mary T. Prantil in the way of attempting to cause Jan and I physical stress and financial loss through their combined and consorted efforts, so please be sure to follow the links provided as this will present the full conversation coming from all sides. Just to give you the Reader a Update: Celeste A. Morgan was served twice with a dissolution of marriage law suit papers. The first legal team was a little tame with her and was fired as a result however the second Firm hired was just what I was looking for in the way of being a more aggressive law firm. The second law suit served on Celeste Morgan has and will force her to answer for all of her past statements and deeds performed against Philip Dee Mollenhour. Janhett T. Windglows, and myself over the last year and five years back. Celeste had asked me to "bring it on", and I did lol. Celeste will also be served with other law suits dealing with her statements up here as well. Mike Cahill was legally Forced to remove EIGHT PAGES off of his 14 page web site of www.magicangelspells.com as these eight pages were copyrighted material under the copyright of James R. Morgan ll, and the former Dragon Spells LLC found at http://communities.msn.com/dragonspells. Had Mr. Cahill not removed these pages from his site and maintained his listening to Celeste's advice then he would have been subjugated to paying out Huge fines to the tune of $ 700,000, to $800,000 a night per his infractions and would have faced no less then five years and no more then ten years in a federal prison had he been convicted of these charges. He would have been convicted as his criminal offense was witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people on the net. The Attorney General's Office. The Law Firm that I employed and so on, lol. Mary T. Prantil has been exposed in the way of her Criminal Records posted up on this site and others plus through her and connection to Celeste Morgan and Mike Cahill. Below is a recent email that I received from Stanley Michael Cahill of www.magicangelspells.com admitting that he is still working for Mary Prantil and that Celeste had been communicating with her up to a point at least as seen below. Mary T. Prantil's Criminal Records have been turned into the very County. State and Federal Agencies that she had turned Jan and myself into regarding her false police reports of tax evasion etc. I would imagine that it's only a matter of time before they pick her up for something pertaining to not only this situation but concerning her past infractions of the law. Two out of the three will have further law suits filed on them in the very near future for the record. Cahill's Recent Email following immediately below. [email protected] wrote: You had called my phone a minute ago Mike. What can I do for you. Your not blocked so write your reply back here. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: 12/27/2007 4:42:50 P.M. Pacific Standard Time Subj: Re: You had called my phone In a message dated 12/27/2007 4:42:50 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, [email protected] writes: hope jan, phil and you had a great holiday and happy new year to you - i was just concerned as your e mail i'm going away seemed a little strange and i wanted to make sure your ok and to explain about mary and her games - she ignores me when i chew her out and tell her to stop bothering you and then sher cc's everything to me and celeste like we are part of it - lesty blocked her because lesty doesn't even know her period nor does she want to after what --- had to say about her etc. - if you need to talk i'm always here - sorry i won't bother you again sincerely mike JAMES MORGAN : Below are the links that will clearly show Celeste Morgan's conflicting statements concerning what she had said in the past and what she's now saying . Notice how Celeste Morgan is quoting law from her OUTDATED "Black's Law" legal dictionary regarding copyright and slander liable laws, then view the out come of her bad legal advice above as previously mentioned concerning above in copyright infringement. Notice her definition of Slander, and then look through her past and current statements below and this should pretty much show you who the Slanderous person is here. Notice how she's speaking for not only herself here but for others when she says ("Bring It on") in the third link below. Notice how she has very little if any regard pertaining to others in this matter. In short. As long as she can use others and can get them to do her dirty work for her, then she has no problems in throwing them to the wolves in the end when others she has used to accomplish her dirty work for her no longer prove to be useful. In the fourth link Celeste is stating that she has told nothing but the truth and that everything she's said in rebuttal against my charges is nothing but fact. As you can see in her statements above they are clearly not facts but attempts to guard or protect someone that was in the wrong being Mike Cahill, and Mary T. Prantil. Please see Link five and how she's speaking in regards to slander suits coming back on me as a result of my statements made against Prantil and Cahill. What Slander I ask you ?. The proof is posted above. Stanley Michael Cahill was guilty of 8 counts of copyright infringement. Mike Cahill was a previous Client of mine approximately five years ago, that didn't listen to advice and as a result his case failed. Mike Cahill used to call me up asking advice about all his relationships to which happened to be with what I consider to be Prostitutes on crack cocaine. Mike Cahill didn't complete his magical lessons with me and quit the course I offered after two or three days of study under my instruction. Mike Cahill is a Low magick Practioner as a result of not finishing his lessons with me. Cahill stated to me that he learned his magical art off of the Internet ( which I find very humourous ) in light of the fact that the Internet is full of magickal mis - information. Stanley Michael Cahill spoke badly of me to Clients to which I referred to him. That Cahill begged me to send him Clients as his business was doing poorly. Cahill did in fact start working for this Client that Jan Windglows had dropped her after countless warnings against her violent and numerous infractions of misconduct against us and others in her spell situation. This client was Mary T. Prantil that had hired Cahill. She received his contact information off one of Jan's referral slips before Prantil's case was actually terminated by Jan. It's funny because Cahill was asked if he wanted to handle this problem Client before hand but rejected her because as he said: ( "I have enough insane clients and I don't need anymore"). Also this particular case wasn't paying him enough to take on from what I had understood from him. Cahill and Celeste Morgan used this person of Mary Prantil to eventually slam us in every possible negative and untruthful way on this site of Rip Off Reports. After all she was a disgruntled client now after having her case terminated by Jan. Prantil found a new friend in Cahill who was in turn close to Celeste and there's the connection,motive, and intent. So, What's not factual about these statements I ask you, Celeste? Incidently Celeste, Cahill is YOUR friend and not mine. Again, Please let me remind you the reader that Cahill's recent email to me is stating that he warned Mary Prantil not to play her head games as mentioned above at the starting of this rebuttal. In link six the Viewer can see where Mary T. Prantil is actually working with Cahill while stating that he is the best thing that ever happened to her. Link seven Celeste states that I seem to have all the facts against Prantil however I am in some way performing a criminal act by exposing these people. Link 8 Celeste Morgan is stating that I will lie and do anything to get people to believe me. Or I will say anything to harm another's reputation and so fourth. Let's talk about you Celeste. I stated fact when I said that you and Mike are low grade magick sites due to your lack of magical knowledge. Fact. You have very little to no high magical knowledge other then what I left behind text wise to which wasn't much. Fact. You have performed death spells on Jan and love spells on myself to which didn't work. Fact. Your site was started up and financed by myself in order to give you gainful employment to which you have abused. Fact. You were the manager of Dragon Spells LLC and bailed on me because you wanted to see everything go to sh_t because you forced me to leave you with your unbridled, rageful, and chaotic behaviour which did not give me a second's peace. When I left, you couldn't deal with it and this was the way you took your revenge. I can prove it all Celeste. What can you prove? Let's look at Mary Prantil, Celeste. You stated that you did not know her in the beginning regarding your replys back to "Honest Person". You're obviously lying when you say that you don't know her as in your first statement,- but then you turn around and state in your current posting that you e-mailed Prantil back and fourth several times, and that you had numerous e-mail communications with her on a regular basis , as can be seen at the beginning of this posting. You say that you never spoke to her however this is obviously not true either- as your daughter who was counseling Prantil was sharing her cell phone with you Celeste at the time. When Mary Prantil would call your daughter's cell phone anywhere from ten to fifteen times per day, since your daughter and yourself were sharing the same cell phone at times, of course you would have had to answer calls from Prantil. How could you NOT? I have e-mails in their entirety to prove that your daughter did magickal spell- work, PLUS telephone and e-mail counseling from Mary Prantil. Prantil made numerous postings referring to you and Cahill being good people etc. Prantil has proven herself to be a Liar. Black Mailer and Extortionist in your behalf while attempting to get me to leave you my home in a property settlement. All this is posted so What Haven't I proven so far ?. I've proven that all of you are Dirt Bags and that Prantil like yourself is mentally unstable with a side order of criminal intent. Again, Viewer please pay close attention to the links below as they will prove my point further. (1)-CELESTE MORGAN : As for Copywright infringement...when Jim dissolved his company back in March of this year, that voided the Copywrights he held, which by the way he did not own, he owned the company; Dragon Spells LLC owned the Copywrights-one can't infringe on something that is no longer valid...sorry Jim. ,http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#267279 (2)-CELESTE MORGAN : As for a slander suit that is suppose to be filed or put against Mike and/or any others, according to the Blacks Law dictionary slander is only the case if it is meant to defame one's reputation by use of words which would affect one's means of livelihood, community standing, office, trade or business...this can be done by speaking false and malicious words concerning another, etc. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#267279 (3-CELESTE MORGAN: You want to take the whole world to court, then bring it on, I have now and never have had anything to hide, as well as others... http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 (4)-CELESTE MORGAN: at this point I have only stated facts about the accussations you made about our freind, Mike Cahill, that is all I did. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.htm (5)-Celeste MORGAN: Jim if I were you I would be careful, because Slander suits can work both ways, and I am not just addressing Jim Morgan/Janhett Windglows. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#267279 (6)-MARY T PRANTIL: Jim Morgan is a complete liar about Mike Cahill. Jim Morgan is committing slander about Mike Cahill. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#266417 (7)-CELESTE MORGAN: Please don't talk about the other criminal attacks others make Jim, even though you have a good point and facts it appears to back up what you are stating, http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.htm (8)-CELESTE MORGAN : if he can't report the truth his paranoid mind will make it up and try to get others to believe him...you call yourself a man of God http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 JAMES MORGAN: Ok, Let's move on to Celeste Morgan's statements below. Firstly she states that she has no intentions or desire to interfere with the lives of James Morgan and Jan Windglows however she has done nothing but interfere with our lives concerning her unlawful court actions against myself or useing the system for her gain and in her negative postings against Jan Windglows and myself up here on rip off reports. Celeste has not accepted the changing situation in our lives and continues to Defame our personal and site names as can be viewed in her links below. Tell me Celeste, Who exactly are you making these charges against in these previous postings of yours? I wonder because you not only mention Jan and myself but our sites solely in your rebuttals but no other magick websites in a derrogatory way. So, everything negative that your saying is attached to us without you actually saying or speaking our site name etc. This is leading and suggestive speech geared to defame in a indirect way. Then you go on to speak in such a way to insinuate that we were the ones that acted in a less then professional way concerning this particular Client Mary Prantil AKA "Honest Person". The same "Honest Person" to whom you were responding back to in your defamatory postings that you said that you didn't know, when obviously you knew Prantil all along- through Mike Cahill ( your VERY good and CLOSE friend, LOL. ) Moreover after you were finished trashing and or making your accusations against whomever, you start plugging Cahill and your sites in a positive light, while plugging our web sites in a negative light. What's this about? And lastly your proclaiming to ( "Know How It All Works" ) along with Stanley Michael Cahill. How Does it All Work Celeste? Please tell us all as I'm sure many would love to hear your so called "magickal wisdoms", LOL. Celeste states that she isn't out to defame or slander our sites and still yet states everything she says is factual information however if you read down on the links you can view her statements against my personal character in the way that I'm not the professional man that I used to be and so on. My question would be : How would you know this Celeste? You haven't been around me in over a year. How exactly would you know about anything Jan and myself do as we don't tell you anything about Jan's business or our personal lives for that matter. Celeste's other statements are : That I (Jim ) don't have anymore to offer to the public because I have some how fallen from Divine grace. She further states or implies that she wouldn't go to anyone who likes to hurt people and so fourth. Are you speaking in regards to Jan and I, Celeste, or someone else? Please clarify your statements here or we will assume that your speaking in regards to us and our sites. By the way Celeste , who ever said that I was a God? I never implied this to anyone nor have I ever led or suggested this to anyone at any time in my entire life. Where are you getting THIS from? I SERVE DIVINITY period, unlike you. You serve yourself and have made the physical world and money your God. You will be judged according to your level of involvement in everything that has transpired on and off the net and moreover to your degree of sin. Who do you think your Fuc_ing with here? Your actually defaming Divinity and Their Work with your words. Your the one who is Shamed here, so take responsibility for your own negative actions against Divinity and other innocent people that got caught in your web of chaos, hatred, jealousy, and lies. I am not a God, however I AM a Messenger of Divinity. Therefore, please allow me to give you this message: What your'e doing up here on this site and moreover what you've caused others to do around you hasn't gone un - noticed by Divinity. Divinity's Court has all ready judged you for all your deeds, actions, speech, and all of your crimes against Divinity and other innocent people. Soon you will be judged by the Public and the Courts of this land. You and your friends through your treacherous statements up here and actions in private have only caused the Lost to stray that much further from the light of Divinities teachings. The Shame is yours forever, Celeste....YOU OWN IT. This is the most unforgivable Sin that one could ever commit here upon this earth. If your implying that we hurt or mislead people to which I think you are, then please just let me just say that this is simply untrue and not the case. You are the enemy of The Faith and further are leading the lost into oblivion with your speech and actions. You have become the False Prophet; so get out of my face. What your doing is a great dis-service to both Heaven and man so come back down to earth, mother superior. So, in the links below you say that : You've chosen not to attack us. Is this correct ? You say this isn't the right place to do this, correct? And all you did was to present the facts. Is this correct? You further state that you have accepted Jan and I being together and that you've moved on with your life. We have your "blessing" as is stated in links 1, 2, and 3. You have attacked us daily without stopping while saying every Negative. Hurtful and despicable thing that you could come up with against us, exactly as Mary T. Prantil has done in her postings here. Also, Your still talking sh_t as my charges have been proven against Cahill. I will download the letter here on rip off report for all the world to read. Your stateing that you have presented nothing but Facts however anyone can see that your statements and postings are anything but the facts as all can clearly see. Lastly, We don't need your fuc_ing blessings OK ? Your A Monster and a Fake so again. Get out of my face you little punk. Your definitely NO ONE and mean NOTHING to us so why would we be looking for YOUR "blessings" ?. Readers, please read Celeste's statements below, then go to the links included with each of her statements that will prove the complete opposite of what Celeste is stating here and how her statements in these following links contradict everything Celeste has stated below. (1)- CELESTE MORGAN: I have chosen not to attack you or Janhett, as this is not the place to do this, and at this point I have only stated facts about the accussations you made about our freind, Mike Cahill, that is all I did. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.htm (2)-CELESTE MORGAN: I have no intentions or desire to interfere with your lives or businesses, you started this all remember by defaming an honest person who was just trying to do things his way, Divinities way, http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 (3)-CELESTE MORGAN: I have accepted you and Janhett are moving on together-and I have moved on as well with my life...what you two do as a couple is strictly your business, both private and personal...and I couldn't care less, in fact you both have my blessing. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.htm Let's look at links starting at link four, then working our way down to link thirteen concerning Celeste Morgan's negative statements. Remember Viewer, that this is a person who proclaims to be Spiritual person who knows what Divinity wants and how a person should conduct themselves. Moreover how magick should be performed. This is a person that says one thing on thir site of www.blackandwhitemagickspellsrituals.com but then comes on a site like this while saying the exact opposite. This is the same person that states that they have moved on in life and that they would never perform anything un- ethical or unlawful against another. This is a Individual that teaches love and peace on their site but then appears on this site slamming innocent people who tried to do nothing but help her in life in the past. The fourth link states that I didn't give these folks the opportunity to address my charges against them. Not True. They have had every available opportunity to address my charges on and off the air. Also, It would seem that Celeste is the one attempting to discredit others on the air instead of the other way around - just for the record. In links five, six, and seven, Celeste is speaking to and defending Mary T. Prantil AKA "Honest Person", AKA "Enforcer Of Justice", AKA "Enforcer Of Truth", AKA "Marc"; the person that admitted posting against us and the one that we found to have a long criminal record ETC. In this posting by Celeste against us she is trying to drop every negative seed and or to plant considerable doubt in the Viewers minds against us. How Spiritual of her to do this for us wouldn't you say, Viewer? Celeste Morgan AKA "Lady Dragoness" AKA "Lesty" thinks we are unaware of what she's doing here, but we know better do we not, Viewers? (4)-CELESTE MORGAN : Well it appears Jim has plenty of time to defend his girl friend and her site He doesn't return calls when we try to defend his accusations, as he dosen't have time to discuss anything like a rational person or business would do...it is far better to make all attempts to discredit others personal and professional lives on the international airways... http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 (5)-CELESTE MORGAN'S :(A)-I feel for these people who feel thay have been mistreated, neglected, ripped off etc. from Jim and/or Janhett (B): The reason I withdrew my position at that time was I felt at the time that possible unethical or unhealthy actions, (C): I have my own Magic site, and wish to keep Magic as a good name, meant to help people through the help of Divinity. One needs to draw their own conclusion (D): If you wish to contact me I do have a Magic site, or you can contact me by wrting me at ([email protected])...I will give you a link to what my site says how Magic is truly suppose to be, and another site which Mike Cahill owns, as he has many of the same beliefs, (E)-I can not recommend any other site from my personal experience at this time http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm (6)- CELESTE MORGAN : (I): Like I said, I am sorry for this person's poor experience with Magic sites, please don't compare a few sites that could be out for a quick buck, and wish or choose to ignore their responsibilty as a truly blessed spell caster of Divinity, by providing the services they agreed too: it takes patience and understanding on the spell casters part to have empathy, and be sypathetic to the plight of these individuals who come to them as their last resort, with hard earned money, and work with them, not when it is only convenient to them, http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm (7)-CELESTE MORGAN :I know it works, one has to believe and realize that magic was and is meant to be a religion that truly helps those in need, but is not to be used just for one's own individual wants, meaning to hurt others or to curse others by unjustified means. Makes one wonder about her (their)honesty when facts are put on the public Internet, that are less than accurate and/or misleading... http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm (8)-CELESTE MORGAN : What a shame-you had so much to offer the world and man kind working with Divinity and you turned into what you have become today-an enraged person who can't even give Divinity the respect by supporting what true Magick is, but instead causes this 'rebuttal' to go on and on and on attacking those who go against your ways, because you have different views and can't control them any more. http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 (9)-CELESTE MORGAN : It truly saddens me to even have to write this as a man I once had much respect for has come to this of accusing others falsely, even past clients, and used name calling to get his point across...who is truly out of control here, you make that decision http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/280/RipOff0280918.htm#267279 (10-CELESTE MORGAN : you were once such a great Wizard and were blessed with many gifts from Divinity who would have never done what you are doing today -Celeste Ann Morgan http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 (11)-CELESTE MORGAN : you are not a God! And where has your professionalism gone? http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 (12)- CELESTE MORGAN :Divinity, doing God's work? You should be ashamed of your self http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 (13)- CELESTE MORGAN : I wouldn't go to anyone who makes it his/her goal to hurt people http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 JAMES MORGAN'S IMPORTANT SPECIAL NOTE: ( IN REFERENCE TO THESE ABOVE STATEMENTS OF HOW A COMPASSIONATE SERVANT OF DIVINITY AND "GIFTED" SPELLCASTER SHOULD CONDUCT THEMSELVES, AGAIN, VIEWERS, PLEASE NOTE IN MIKE CAHILL'S RECENT E-MAIL TO ME AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS REBUTTAL CLEARLY STATING THAT CELESTE ANN MORGAN HAS MARY T. PRANTIL BLOCKED FROM HER E-MAIL ADDRESS....WHAT A "COMPASSIONATE AND UNDERSTANDING SPELL CASTER" AND "SERVANT OF DIVINITY" CELESTE ANN MORGAN AKA "LADY DRAGONESS" OBVIOUSLY IS.......oh please.....WHAT A JOKE, LOL. ) JAMES MORGAN: Yes Celeste how low will someone go to prove their point ?. This is a question you should be putting to yourself and not me or the public. Another question you should be asking yourself is how many more people are left for you to pull into your madness just so you can use them to do your fighting for you? Your a absolute disgrace to the laws of fairness and Magick over all. As far as airing dirty laundry goes. Do you call defending one's self from dirt bags like you, Prantil, and Mike airing dirty laundry ?. If so, then I'm airing away, lol. As I keep saying over and over to you. ( You started this Miss Chaos Queen ) by interfering with a conflict that was going on between Cahill and myself with the copyright infringement issue. Am I suppose to sit here and let your little low life Prantil make false accusations against us and then do nothing about it in the way of defending ourselves especially when we're trying to warn the public about a imposter? ANSWER: NO I DON'T THINK SO. Are we supposed to sit back and let you come on this site while making your little false statements trying to defame us? ANSWER: I DON'T THINK SO. You started this conflict on air just like you started numerous other conflicts one right after another all through the 14 year span of time that I've known you. Your a busy body. A Gossip and a lover of Chaos. This is why I left your a*s. BECAUSE YOU LIKE STARTING TROUBLE for any and everyone that you come in contact with. No one has ever benefited from being around you and that's the God's honest truth. You talk about what magick is and ( "How You Know What It's supposed To Be" ) but you really don't have a clue do you? Obviously not. You talk about how this is hurting other Magick sites. If the truth be known no one is being hurt here but you every time you open your mouth up on the air. When this happens everyone sees just how pathetic you really are in the way of what your trying to do up here. Your right with one thing though and that's when you STATED that Divinity isn't happy with what's going on up here. Divinity Isn't happy with YOU, False Prophet and Lover of Conflict. Concerning the name calling. Yes, It pisses me off to know that someone like you can come up here and talk sh_t without being made to take responsibility for your statements. Yah, Name Calling. Just like when you make any and every kind of negative statement you can about me such as: ("Oh I wouldn't go to anyone that hurts people") or ( "Boy, Your not the Wizard you used to be") and yet (" I feel so sorry for those POOR people that didn't get the services promised by Jim and Jan" ). IS THAT NAME CALLING, OR just out right deception, Celeste? What kind of statements are these, YOU fuc_king Moron? You think this is a game but it's not, and obviously you are finding this out for yourself. You think the people on this site are absolute Retards but they're not. You think that no one sees what you and your little dirt bag friends are doing up here but they do. Your games over so why don't you just slither back into your little hole where you belong ;OR don't you have ANY kind of a LIFE at all??? You are a Vile woman with a great sense of EGO to which is your downfall in life. You're a Bully who has screwed up her life with your pushy attitude. A "know it all"- who really knows nothing. Your a Hypocrite and a Liar Celeste not to mention a poisonous and venomous creature for anyone to be around. Please Viewer see the links 1 through 4 below to further my point. (1)-CELESTE MORGAN: How low will someone go to defame someone, you may ask, I guess pretty darn low as that is what happened here...http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.htm (2)-CELESTE MORGAN: You have been determined to air dirty laundry, which the readers who are looking for Spell work done, couldn't care less, this is not showing anything but your intentions to discredit me in any way, shape or form, just because you feel you have the right to do so. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.htm (3)-CELESTE MORGAN: I know this has hurt many Magick sites and Divinity is not happy with this-as we are suppose to be providing spiritual guidance to those who need it,http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.htm (4)-CELESTE MORGAN: Name calling is childish and only shows one's ignorance...you may ask how I know Jim posted a picture and false statement about me, posing as me joining that site, and picked out the worse picture he still had in his files, when I was overweight and severly depressed at a time in our marriage was at an all time low-just because I know he took that picture and had it in his computer, so therefore it had to be him or Janhett-since she lives with him. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.htm JAMES MORGAN : Regarding the posting of your pictures. I was sent a link to this site that had your ugly a*s picture posted and then it disappeared thank God. It oddly enough it was under the fictitious name of "Honest Person", lol. The same name Prantil uses up on this site. In light of her criminal activities would it be such a far stretch of the imagination to wonder if she could be a hacker on top of her other criminal attributes? Perhaps she retrieved this picture out of your computer and posted it up on this site for the purpose of creating further conflict. I also noticed that Prantil had posted some crap about me up on this same site of www.meetup.com as well about me stating that I "had a small weiner" and that I "should come out of the closet", but you don't hear me telling you that you posted this sh_t about me do yah? Who's the paranoid one here Celeste? I don't like you Celeste because of what you've become and thus I have erased just about every picture I have of you other than the ones I sent down to you lol. If your going to accuse me of this on air then perhaps I should post the few pictures I do still have of you all over the Internet. What do yah think about that Idea? In fact maybe I will just post our conversations back and fourth up here on Rip Off Reports all over the internet just so people can see who and what you REALLY are, and be warned to stay away from you. As far as Prantil's statements go on this comedy site she is stating that, "Celeste is hot". How is one to take that Celeste? "Hot" in what way? "Hot "in the way of a summers day? "Hot" in the way of being sexually attracted to you, Celeste? Perhaps she just thinks your good looking. Hmmmmm...... Makes one wonder doesn't it? Mary Prantil does seem to like you enough to attempt black mail and extortion in your behalf. She likes you enough to express this numerous times up on this site in her various postings. She apparently likes you enough to post all kinds of false statements about Jan and I in your behalf up here, calling Jan a "l*****n"....calling me "gay".......etc. A person that goes to this length for another person would in my opinion go way beyond common friendship. Does This bother you Celeste, because I know that you hate gays or anything to do with them right - despite what you state about gays and moreover Drag Queens on your web site, ( as "those people" ). This is despite your postings on your site concerning how you love (( those people )) referring to Drag Queens and so fourth. If the truth be known Celeste doesn't like anyone that is not Catholic or that thinks the way she thinks. Like you say, Celeste, "draw your own conclusions" lol. Perhaps it was a Enemy of yours as you have many and still yet perhaps it could have been a loyal Client of mine who did this without my consent. People will do what people will do, and neither one of us have control over this as you very well should know. I've seen other sites on the air with your pictures posted in a rather bad light. I'm assuming by a ex boyfriend or other friends you've made since I left your sorry a*s. Actually one site in particular was pretty funny with such comments directed at you as: ("Her Knickers go up and down like a Yo Yo") and ("Watching her eat is like watching a garbage truck being loaded") and ( " she only drinks when you're buying" ) .....and lastly ( "she has the personality of a ROCK").....LOL LOL LOL. What have you been up to down there in the Florida swamplands, Celeste lol? If you think I posted anything concerning a picture or otherwise sending emails then produce the proof or stop making your weak allegations towards me. Produce the IP addresses and statements if you think it was me, and make sure they match. Then we'll turn them in to my internet law firm whom I've employed who specialize in IP addresses, computer key strokes, and everything concerning Internet Law, Computer Law, and Fraudulent Computer Activity. Better yet, why don't you turn this into the State's Attorney's Offitce if you think you have a case against me? You are stating that you don't want these good folks to think of you in the bad light that I have painted around you. I'm sorry to say that you have panted this light around yourself Celeste by hanging out with criminals and committing criminal acts yourself up here with your postings not to mention the things you've done and tried to do to us in private. Regarding Your statement that it would be "Political Suicide" if you were caught lying. We'll you've been caught not only lying but in contradicting yourself all over the place up here on Rip Off Reports. Congradulations for your "outstanding" achievements, Miss Perry Mason, LOL. It's going to be great to watch my Attorneys cross examine you during the (Trials ) you have coming up pertaining to our divorce and other legal issues lol. Especially when they want to know where all the money went back when you were the Manager of the Former Dragon Spells LLC Company. Let's not forget about that little property matter of who owns what and the damage incurred to the property and home after I was forced to leave you lol. It's going to be good for you. Tell Me Celeste. Why were you going to shut your site down? Was it because I'm doing a really good job of Exposing you up here or was it for some other reason like lack of finance because you can't CON or GUILT me into paying your bills for you any more? For your information, since I am in fact retired, it was not ME paying ANY of your bills at the time money was being sent and your bills were being paid- because Jan ( the one that you have been attacking here on this web site ) was the one in fact paying your bills and sending you money through her Pay Pal account to help you buy food and pay your house payment and home insurance, credit card, etc. and as a result of your malicious, vindictive, and hostile actions and postings against Jan by yourself, Celeste, Jan has since some time ago, absoleutely refused to send you any further financial aide whatsoever. And in light of this, since I am retired and do not have any money, you are pretty much financially screwed now, aren't you? In my own opionion and observation, you can add INGRATE to you long list of negative"attributes." You should probably close your site down just to save yourself A LOT of embarrassment huh? After all, it's only a matter of time before I have more things to post about you. Real Facts unlike your bull sh_t that you post about me all the time. Please see Celeste Morgan's statements below 1 through 6. Does this sound like a person that doesn't want to defame another person? Does this sound like a person that likes to tell the truth? Clearly, this is a hateful and miserable woman named Celeste Morgan who likes to twist and distort the facts to her advantage in her futile efforts to save face in the wake of not only her slanderous accusations about Jan and myself, but also in the onslaught of the factual information that is in fact shedding a light and dismanteling Celeste's illegitimate postings on this web site. ()-CELESTE MORGAN: Just like the incident of Jim posting an old picture of me on a site she is connected too inferring I am having a relationship/freindship of some sort with this woman I don't even know, just to try to prove I am involved with her some kind of a conspiracy to defame his and Janhett's sites, couldn't be furthest from the truth, as I couldn't care less-this is not the way I operate, as I said I am a professional in every way and my clients will attest to that. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.html (1)-CELESTE MORGAN: I caught you posing as MARY and you even answered to it, stating such. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.html (2)- CELESTE MORGAN: Just like the incident of Jim posting an old picture of me on a site she is connected too inferring I am having a relationship/freindship of some sort with this woman I don't even know, just to try to prove I am involved with her some kind of a conspiracy to defame his and Janhett's sites, couldn't be furthest from the truth, http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.html (3)-CELESTE MORGAN: Please don't talk about the other criminal attacks others make Jim, even though you have a good point and facts it appears to back up what you are stating, http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.html (4)-CELESTE MORGAN : You know you don't have to worry about anyone making an a*s out of yoursself-you're doing a great job all by yourself, stop this needless vendetta by giving Magick and Divinity a bad name... http://ripoffreport.com/reports/0/258/RipOff0258135.htm#271988 (5)-CELESTE MORGAN: so please don't think of me as the way Jim is trying to represent me to the public. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.html (6)-CELESTE MORGAN: as it would be political suicide to lie http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.html JAMES MORGAN : Ok. Here we have Celeste latest posting so let's address and dismantle it as we've done with all her other Ignorant postings. Firstly, Jimmy Boy? ( excuse me, are you referring to me? ) I see that you really don't have respect for anyone do you? Where did you get this from? Your friend Mike Cahill no doubt, as this is what he called me in some of his nasty emails before I legally took his a*s down for his copyright infringement. So your ecstatic are yah. Is that why you keep bothering us everyday isn't it, Bit_h? Is that why you keep posting your crap on Rip Off ? Is That why you keep trying to ride on my name as long as you can, you loser ? Your stating that I don't know how to conduct myself when people disagree with me. (WRONG) People disagree with me everyday but I don't go off on them do I ? However, I do like intelligence, and LOATHE ignorance......which is another reason this against you, you ignoramus. Read the Dragon Spells web site that you "managed" for so long- as it's all about free thought and spiritual growth. Here you go again planting your negative little seeds huh, False Prophet and Traitor. I am the most open minded person that you'll ever meet and you know it. Yes, I do get angry when low life human trash like you get up here on air while talking all kinds of sh_t hoping that people will believe you because you think everyone's a stupid a*s etc. News Flash: They're Not, as they can see right through you and all of your pathetic games. As far as unethical information. Firstly, What the hell is unethical information ?. Did you mean not factual information or un-true information ?. Maybe false information ?. I think you better read this posting from the beginning concerning false statements Celeste. If anyone is un-factual here it's YOU. Your a real piece of Sh_t aren't you ?. Hacking into emails ?. I've never hacked into anything personally. Don't know how. Wished I did but I don't . However I have been sent information by others THAT DON'T LIKE YOU. What's the matter Celeste, are you mad that you've been caught with your bull Sh_t ?. Open up false email accounts ?. Like I said there's a lot of people that don't buy into your deception and this could be anyone doing this to you. That is if it is in fact happening at all. Again, If you think I did something like this then prove it. Identity theft you say. Mmm What about signing my name to obtain credit cards so you could max them out and leave them for me to pay? Incidentally Discover card has a report on you for Identity Theft filed by myself when I left because you were buying sh_t and signing my name to it Just like you spent $3,000 off a credit card that was not supposed to be used-- that Jan was attempting to pay off for me. This is why your blocked from this account now. Let's talk about Identity Theft Celeste. This will be brought up as well in one of the court hearings that you'll be going to in the future. For your information my life is blessed and orderly as Jan and I are both doing great. This also bothers you doesn't it Celeste? After people get through reading this you won't be the one they will want to come to for spell work that's for sure. Your nothing but a real scam and a fraud Celeste and you know it......and so are your lowly little friends Mike Cahill and Mary T. Prantil. You are anything but professional and your destroying yourself. I have no need to destroy anything of yours Celeste as all I want is to get the hell away from you. It would seem that your the one who keeps attacking US-- not the other way around. Look at your statements in the previous postings you've made. Tell me who started this and who is slamming who here in the start ? ANSWER IS : YOU. Your destroying yourself with your uninformed statements. Ask Anyone out side your little circle of scum bucket friends and they will tell you straight up. Another thing, Celeste. You should get over YOURSELF first - then perhaps people would take you seriously. When working such long hours as you do at your insurance job, how do your find all the extra energy to HAUL around that HUGE EGO of yours? I have news for you Celeste and that is that you DON'T INTIMIDATE us either with all your little plots and bull Sh_t games. The only person that is discrediting themselves up here is YOU. Yes, Jan and I do have a lot in common more so then I ever had in common with you especially now in light of the way you turned out to be from when I first met you fourteen years ago, to in what you have evolved to in this present day. I have my good, reputable, extremely happy and very content life with Divinity and Jan now, however it would seem that your the one that NEEDS a life, being that your under going a divorce and are sitting down there alone for the most part, outside of your one nights stands once in a while. Big Brother is watching me? Good because when he finally comes calling I will send him to your a*s for the tax and business records. You'll be speaking to Big Brother sooner then you know. You have so many skeletons in your closet you are the one that should be worried about "Big Brother" calling.......LOL. After witnessing your behavior up on this site and over the last year I am convinced that I made the right decision in leaving and divorcing you. How can one so screwed up in a relationship or in life even think that they can help another? Your like the blind leading the blind Celeste and I feel sorry for the Clients that come to you. I'm not out to harm anyone here, however after reading your postings and listening to your constant accusations not to mention suffering your attacks against Jan and myself over the last couple of months you leave me no other choice except to prove the real truth about you and defend myself and Jan because we have in fact done nothing wrong. I now in retrospect believe that a person like you shouldn't be on the air at all not alone casting spells for someone's life especially when you cannot even get your own sh_t together and get on with your own life. You've done and said a lot of things on air and in private that Divinity will and is judging you for Celeste. BAD KARMA is your portion. GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEAVE US ALONE both on and off air. Quit using people to take revenge out for your hurt feelings. Quit throwing the innocent to the wolves. I'M NOT COMING BACK TO YOU so YOU get over it. I don't Even Want you as a friend as you have proven yourself to be derelict in every conceivable area of friendly and or remotely decent interaction. As I said at the starting of this posting that I'm not wasting my time any more responding back to you or your scum a*s friends as I believe I've made my points crystal clear up here on Rip Off Reports. CELESTE MORGAN : Temper, temper Jimmy boy-Now I know why I am happy this working and private relationship with you that has been severed has made me estatic! You do not know how to conduct your self with clients, friends, or any one who disagrees with you, you fly off the handle-use insulting and unfactual information to try to prove your point is the only one that is true, no matter how you got the information you received; hacking into people's private computers, to get emails private and personal, (oh is that against the law, I didn;'t know that???), using false information to open up email accounts and saying they are someone they are not (could that be Identiy theft, imagine that???) , and opening up site accounts, by using someone elses name etc. to do so...the list goes on and on... How can you get on your site and say you are a man of Divinity or God/Goddess, and direct someone who would want to pay you money and put their life in your hands with their life, when you are apparently having trouble keeping yours in tact? I tried to be professional here, something you should try to practice up on, and you just won't accept anything from me as all you want to do is destroy my name, business and by any and all means you can...get over it Jim, you DON'T INTIMIDATE ME AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CONTROL me by using illegal ways to try to keep discrediting me-I am happy Janhett is with you both privately and professionally, you two seem to have a lot in common...get on with your life and quit blasting mine and my business etc. Big brother is watching you...Celeste Morgan http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/293/RipOff0293514.htm#279042 JAMES MORGAN'S SUMMARY : What we have going on here is: A Bitter. Resentful and Vindictive EX- Wife in Celeste Morgan whom I'm divorcing. Moreover that doesn't want the divorce to go through no matter what she says on air about it one way or the other. A Guy named Cahill whom is Very Good friends with Celeste Morgan and Prantil that was either not creative enough to write his own web site material or was to d**n lazy to do it whatever the case may be. A guy who didn't have good sense to stay away from Celeste Morgan and who moreover listened to her bad legal advice to which got him in a lot of legal trouble. We have a EX- Client by the name of Prantil from Jan's site who most certainly has some mental and criminal issues going on that ended up employing the services of Stanley Michael Cahill's for her love situation etc. So we have Celeste Morgan. Mary T. Prantil and Stanley Michael Cahill who have all had legal action taken against them in some form or another by ourselves. We have three people with motive and intent for vengeance who all have something to gain by smearing not only our names but our web sites. We hav

Lady Dragoness

Your are unbelievable Jim Morgan-false accusations must be your way of life...

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 02, 2008

Temper, temper Jimmy boy-Now I know why I am happy this working and private relationship with you that has been severed has made me estatic! You do not know how to conduct your self with clients, friends, or any one who disagrees with you, you fly off the handle-use insulting and unfactual information to try to prove your point is the only one that is true, no matter how you got the information you received; hacking into people's private computers, to get emails private and personal, (oh is that against the law, I didn;'t know that???), using false information to open up email accounts and saying they are someone they are not (could that be Identiy theft, imagine that???) , and opening up site accounts, by using someone elses name etc. to do so...the list goes on and on... How can you get on your site and say you are a man of Divinity or God/Goddess, and direct someone who would want to pay you money and put their life in your hands with their life, when you are apparently having trouble keeping yours in tact? I tried to be professional here, something you should try to practice up on, and you just won't accept anything from me as all you want to do is destroy my name, business and by any and all means you can...get over it Jim, you DON'T INTIMIDATE ME AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CONTROL me by using illegal ways to try to keep discrediting me-I am happy Janhett is with you both privately and professionally, you two seem to have a lot in common...get on with your life and quit blasting mine and my business etc. Big brother is watching you...Celeste Morgan

Lady Dragoness

Your are unbelievable Jim Morgan-false accusations must be your way of life...

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 02, 2008

Temper, temper Jimmy boy-Now I know why I am happy this working and private relationship with you that has been severed has made me estatic! You do not know how to conduct your self with clients, friends, or any one who disagrees with you, you fly off the handle-use insulting and unfactual information to try to prove your point is the only one that is true, no matter how you got the information you received; hacking into people's private computers, to get emails private and personal, (oh is that against the law, I didn;'t know that???), using false information to open up email accounts and saying they are someone they are not (could that be Identiy theft, imagine that???) , and opening up site accounts, by using someone elses name etc. to do so...the list goes on and on... How can you get on your site and say you are a man of Divinity or God/Goddess, and direct someone who would want to pay you money and put their life in your hands with their life, when you are apparently having trouble keeping yours in tact? I tried to be professional here, something you should try to practice up on, and you just won't accept anything from me as all you want to do is destroy my name, business and by any and all means you can...get over it Jim, you DON'T INTIMIDATE ME AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CONTROL me by using illegal ways to try to keep discrediting me-I am happy Janhett is with you both privately and professionally, you two seem to have a lot in common...get on with your life and quit blasting mine and my business etc. Big brother is watching you...Celeste Morgan

Lady Dragoness

Your are unbelievable Jim Morgan-false accusations must be your way of life...

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 02, 2008

Temper, temper Jimmy boy-Now I know why I am happy this working and private relationship with you that has been severed has made me estatic! You do not know how to conduct your self with clients, friends, or any one who disagrees with you, you fly off the handle-use insulting and unfactual information to try to prove your point is the only one that is true, no matter how you got the information you received; hacking into people's private computers, to get emails private and personal, (oh is that against the law, I didn;'t know that???), using false information to open up email accounts and saying they are someone they are not (could that be Identiy theft, imagine that???) , and opening up site accounts, by using someone elses name etc. to do so...the list goes on and on... How can you get on your site and say you are a man of Divinity or God/Goddess, and direct someone who would want to pay you money and put their life in your hands with their life, when you are apparently having trouble keeping yours in tact? I tried to be professional here, something you should try to practice up on, and you just won't accept anything from me as all you want to do is destroy my name, business and by any and all means you can...get over it Jim, you DON'T INTIMIDATE ME AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CONTROL me by using illegal ways to try to keep discrediting me-I am happy Janhett is with you both privately and professionally, you two seem to have a lot in common...get on with your life and quit blasting mine and my business etc. Big brother is watching you...Celeste Morgan

Lady Dragoness

Your are unbelievable Jim Morgan-false accusations must be your way of life...

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, January 02, 2008

Temper, temper Jimmy boy-Now I know why I am happy this working and private relationship with you that has been severed has made me estatic! You do not know how to conduct your self with clients, friends, or any one who disagrees with you, you fly off the handle-use insulting and unfactual information to try to prove your point is the only one that is true, no matter how you got the information you received; hacking into people's private computers, to get emails private and personal, (oh is that against the law, I didn;'t know that???), using false information to open up email accounts and saying they are someone they are not (could that be Identiy theft, imagine that???) , and opening up site accounts, by using someone elses name etc. to do so...the list goes on and on... How can you get on your site and say you are a man of Divinity or God/Goddess, and direct someone who would want to pay you money and put their life in your hands with their life, when you are apparently having trouble keeping yours in tact? I tried to be professional here, something you should try to practice up on, and you just won't accept anything from me as all you want to do is destroy my name, business and by any and all means you can...get over it Jim, you DON'T INTIMIDATE ME AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO CONTROL me by using illegal ways to try to keep discrediting me-I am happy Janhett is with you both privately and professionally, you two seem to have a lot in common...get on with your life and quit blasting mine and my business etc. Big brother is watching you...Celeste Morgan



#12UPDATE Employee

Sun, December 30, 2007

GO TO HELL CELESTE. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID AND IT WAS WRONG WRONG WRONG AND YOUR GOING DOWN LEGALLY FOR EVERYTHING you've done over the last year to three years against Phil. Jan and myself. Who are you kidding. You don't wish happness for anyone so stop your little I'm a sweet little old lady crap before I post all the emails I have of yours. You posted a false report on Jan's site and Dragon not to mention sticking your fat nose into my business with Cahil up on this site. For the record I don't have to defame your a*s because your postings against Jan and myself this do this for you. Concerning Mike Cahill. Do you want me to re-post his copyright infringement violations back on the air ?. I mean the full report. Maybe I should post some of Cahill's emails talking about the releationship between you and Prantil. I even have a new one of his stateing how he kept telling Prantil to quit playing her head games with us and how you blocked her lol. What's the matter Celeste is your old friend getting to much for you to handle ?. As far as our divorce goes. Your going to be pulled into court and held accountable for all the things that not only you've done but allowed others to do so go Fuc_ yourself OK ?. Would you like me to tell everyone how and why our marriage went to s**t Celeste ?. And what transpired after I left to my home and property in you care ?. I can't wait to be rid of your evil self-rightious and manipulating a*s. You were up here defending criminal Prantil AKA Honest Person and Cahill who was clearly in violation of copyright laws so don't come off with your self-rightious crap now. Do me a big favor and just slither back into your red neck little exsistence OK ?. Get out of my air space and stay out. I feel sorry for the next guy you sucker into your life. If I could I'd warn him to run like hell from you and the Chaos cloud that constantly hangs over your life I would. Bye Celeste and have a wonderful mixed up uninformed and paranoid existence.

Lady Dragoness

I did NOT write this report-Celeste A. Morgan

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 28, 2007

Hi readers, first off I guess someone likes to keep this going, no matter how I try to avoid answering all these accusations on me, I felt this one needed to be addressed-it's almost like I keep being pushed to reply and/or keep this going, whether I want to or not... I have a good guess who this really was who put my name to this report, as it certainly was not me, I do not conduct myself by speaking to people in that unprofessional and rude fashion...you know who did this and you should be ashamed, and Rip off reports needs to be aware that I did not write this statement about Mary Prantil, as I alsways sign my statements, as Lady Dragoness...Yes it is true I have emailed this woman several times and told her not to involve me in her and Jim and Janhett's problems-I have never spoke to this woman, did work for her, or intend to do anything connected with her, as I have stated here before. Just like the incident of Jim posting an old picture of me on a site she is connected too inferring I am having a relationship/freindship of some sort with this woman I don't even know, just to try to prove I am involved with her some kind of a conspiracy to defame his and Janhett's sites, couldn't be furthest from the truth, as I couldn't care less-this is not the way I operate, as I said I am a professional in every way and my clients will attest to that. Name calling is childish and only shows one's ignorance...you may ask how I know Jim posted a picture and false statement about me, posing as me joining that site, and picked out the worse picture he still had in his files, when I was overweight and severly depressed at a time in our marriage was at an all time low-just because I know he took that picture and had it in his computer, so therefore it had to be him or Janhett-since she lives with him. How low will someone go to defame someone, you may ask, I guess pretty darn low as that is what happened here...Please don't talk about the other criminal attacks others make Jim, even though you have a good point and facts it appears to back up what you are stating, on some of your accussations, this still doesn't give you the right to send me emails saying you are Mary, or signing me up on a site, without my knowledge, implying you are me just so you can try to "catch me in something" to take to court with you to prove you are right. You are the one acting like a criminal here, and yes I kept all the stuff you sent me and your email where I caught you posing as MARY and you even answered to it, stating such. Come on Jim, please get on with your life-and quit trying to involve me in your games...putting private information on the internet only shows one's immaturity...I have accepted you and Janhett are moving on together-and I have moved on as well with my life...what you two do as a couple is strictly your business, both private and personal...and I couldn't care less, in fact you both have my blessing. You have been determined to air dirty laundry, which the readers who are looking for Spell work done, couldn't care less, this is not showing anything but your intentions to discredit me in any way, shape or form, just because you feel you have the right to do so. I have chosen not to attack you or Janhett, as this is not the place to do this, and at this point I have only stated facts about the accussations you made about our freind, Mike Cahill, that is all I did. I know this has hurt many Magick sites and Divinity is not happy with this-as we are suppose to be providing spiritual guidance to those who need it, this is not the way to do it, by attacking falsely at times, just because one has a vendetta out for some one. Our divorce will be final in a little over two weeks-please accept this as what you wanted and move on with your life-I have not wrote, called written or bothered you in several months, except for the reply when you were misrepresenting yourself as Mary by making a false email address to try and catch me in something. I apologize tothe general public for all this mess on this forum-but again I did not write this statement above, so please don't think of me as the way Jim is trying to represent me to the public. My family and clients know I do not do things like this or conduct myself in this manner, as it would be political suicide, God and Goddess bless every one in the new year-please remember Divinity is always there for us, if you can't find a true messenger or teacher of Divinity just keep searching, there are plenty out there...take care Celeste Ann Morgan AKA Lady Dragoness

Lady Dragoness

I did NOT write this report-Celeste A. Morgan

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 28, 2007

Hi readers, first off I guess someone likes to keep this going, no matter how I try to avoid answering all these accusations on me, I felt this one needed to be addressed-it's almost like I keep being pushed to reply and/or keep this going, whether I want to or not... I have a good guess who this really was who put my name to this report, as it certainly was not me, I do not conduct myself by speaking to people in that unprofessional and rude fashion...you know who did this and you should be ashamed, and Rip off reports needs to be aware that I did not write this statement about Mary Prantil, as I alsways sign my statements, as Lady Dragoness...Yes it is true I have emailed this woman several times and told her not to involve me in her and Jim and Janhett's problems-I have never spoke to this woman, did work for her, or intend to do anything connected with her, as I have stated here before. Just like the incident of Jim posting an old picture of me on a site she is connected too inferring I am having a relationship/freindship of some sort with this woman I don't even know, just to try to prove I am involved with her some kind of a conspiracy to defame his and Janhett's sites, couldn't be furthest from the truth, as I couldn't care less-this is not the way I operate, as I said I am a professional in every way and my clients will attest to that. Name calling is childish and only shows one's ignorance...you may ask how I know Jim posted a picture and false statement about me, posing as me joining that site, and picked out the worse picture he still had in his files, when I was overweight and severly depressed at a time in our marriage was at an all time low-just because I know he took that picture and had it in his computer, so therefore it had to be him or Janhett-since she lives with him. How low will someone go to defame someone, you may ask, I guess pretty darn low as that is what happened here...Please don't talk about the other criminal attacks others make Jim, even though you have a good point and facts it appears to back up what you are stating, on some of your accussations, this still doesn't give you the right to send me emails saying you are Mary, or signing me up on a site, without my knowledge, implying you are me just so you can try to "catch me in something" to take to court with you to prove you are right. You are the one acting like a criminal here, and yes I kept all the stuff you sent me and your email where I caught you posing as MARY and you even answered to it, stating such. Come on Jim, please get on with your life-and quit trying to involve me in your games...putting private information on the internet only shows one's immaturity...I have accepted you and Janhett are moving on together-and I have moved on as well with my life...what you two do as a couple is strictly your business, both private and personal...and I couldn't care less, in fact you both have my blessing. You have been determined to air dirty laundry, which the readers who are looking for Spell work done, couldn't care less, this is not showing anything but your intentions to discredit me in any way, shape or form, just because you feel you have the right to do so. I have chosen not to attack you or Janhett, as this is not the place to do this, and at this point I have only stated facts about the accussations you made about our freind, Mike Cahill, that is all I did. I know this has hurt many Magick sites and Divinity is not happy with this-as we are suppose to be providing spiritual guidance to those who need it, this is not the way to do it, by attacking falsely at times, just because one has a vendetta out for some one. Our divorce will be final in a little over two weeks-please accept this as what you wanted and move on with your life-I have not wrote, called written or bothered you in several months, except for the reply when you were misrepresenting yourself as Mary by making a false email address to try and catch me in something. I apologize tothe general public for all this mess on this forum-but again I did not write this statement above, so please don't think of me as the way Jim is trying to represent me to the public. My family and clients know I do not do things like this or conduct myself in this manner, as it would be political suicide, God and Goddess bless every one in the new year-please remember Divinity is always there for us, if you can't find a true messenger or teacher of Divinity just keep searching, there are plenty out there...take care Celeste Ann Morgan AKA Lady Dragoness

Lady Dragoness

I did NOT write this report-Celeste A. Morgan

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 28, 2007

Hi readers, first off I guess someone likes to keep this going, no matter how I try to avoid answering all these accusations on me, I felt this one needed to be addressed-it's almost like I keep being pushed to reply and/or keep this going, whether I want to or not... I have a good guess who this really was who put my name to this report, as it certainly was not me, I do not conduct myself by speaking to people in that unprofessional and rude fashion...you know who did this and you should be ashamed, and Rip off reports needs to be aware that I did not write this statement about Mary Prantil, as I alsways sign my statements, as Lady Dragoness...Yes it is true I have emailed this woman several times and told her not to involve me in her and Jim and Janhett's problems-I have never spoke to this woman, did work for her, or intend to do anything connected with her, as I have stated here before. Just like the incident of Jim posting an old picture of me on a site she is connected too inferring I am having a relationship/freindship of some sort with this woman I don't even know, just to try to prove I am involved with her some kind of a conspiracy to defame his and Janhett's sites, couldn't be furthest from the truth, as I couldn't care less-this is not the way I operate, as I said I am a professional in every way and my clients will attest to that. Name calling is childish and only shows one's ignorance...you may ask how I know Jim posted a picture and false statement about me, posing as me joining that site, and picked out the worse picture he still had in his files, when I was overweight and severly depressed at a time in our marriage was at an all time low-just because I know he took that picture and had it in his computer, so therefore it had to be him or Janhett-since she lives with him. How low will someone go to defame someone, you may ask, I guess pretty darn low as that is what happened here...Please don't talk about the other criminal attacks others make Jim, even though you have a good point and facts it appears to back up what you are stating, on some of your accussations, this still doesn't give you the right to send me emails saying you are Mary, or signing me up on a site, without my knowledge, implying you are me just so you can try to "catch me in something" to take to court with you to prove you are right. You are the one acting like a criminal here, and yes I kept all the stuff you sent me and your email where I caught you posing as MARY and you even answered to it, stating such. Come on Jim, please get on with your life-and quit trying to involve me in your games...putting private information on the internet only shows one's immaturity...I have accepted you and Janhett are moving on together-and I have moved on as well with my life...what you two do as a couple is strictly your business, both private and personal...and I couldn't care less, in fact you both have my blessing. You have been determined to air dirty laundry, which the readers who are looking for Spell work done, couldn't care less, this is not showing anything but your intentions to discredit me in any way, shape or form, just because you feel you have the right to do so. I have chosen not to attack you or Janhett, as this is not the place to do this, and at this point I have only stated facts about the accussations you made about our freind, Mike Cahill, that is all I did. I know this has hurt many Magick sites and Divinity is not happy with this-as we are suppose to be providing spiritual guidance to those who need it, this is not the way to do it, by attacking falsely at times, just because one has a vendetta out for some one. Our divorce will be final in a little over two weeks-please accept this as what you wanted and move on with your life-I have not wrote, called written or bothered you in several months, except for the reply when you were misrepresenting yourself as Mary by making a false email address to try and catch me in something. I apologize tothe general public for all this mess on this forum-but again I did not write this statement above, so please don't think of me as the way Jim is trying to represent me to the public. My family and clients know I do not do things like this or conduct myself in this manner, as it would be political suicide, God and Goddess bless every one in the new year-please remember Divinity is always there for us, if you can't find a true messenger or teacher of Divinity just keep searching, there are plenty out there...take care Celeste Ann Morgan AKA Lady Dragoness

Lady Dragoness

I did NOT write this report-Celeste A. Morgan

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, December 28, 2007

Hi readers, first off I guess someone likes to keep this going, no matter how I try to avoid answering all these accusations on me, I felt this one needed to be addressed-it's almost like I keep being pushed to reply and/or keep this going, whether I want to or not... I have a good guess who this really was who put my name to this report, as it certainly was not me, I do not conduct myself by speaking to people in that unprofessional and rude fashion...you know who did this and you should be ashamed, and Rip off reports needs to be aware that I did not write this statement about Mary Prantil, as I alsways sign my statements, as Lady Dragoness...Yes it is true I have emailed this woman several times and told her not to involve me in her and Jim and Janhett's problems-I have never spoke to this woman, did work for her, or intend to do anything connected with her, as I have stated here before. Just like the incident of Jim posting an old picture of me on a site she is connected too inferring I am having a relationship/freindship of some sort with this woman I don't even know, just to try to prove I am involved with her some kind of a conspiracy to defame his and Janhett's sites, couldn't be furthest from the truth, as I couldn't care less-this is not the way I operate, as I said I am a professional in every way and my clients will attest to that. Name calling is childish and only shows one's ignorance...you may ask how I know Jim posted a picture and false statement about me, posing as me joining that site, and picked out the worse picture he still had in his files, when I was overweight and severly depressed at a time in our marriage was at an all time low-just because I know he took that picture and had it in his computer, so therefore it had to be him or Janhett-since she lives with him. How low will someone go to defame someone, you may ask, I guess pretty darn low as that is what happened here...Please don't talk about the other criminal attacks others make Jim, even though you have a good point and facts it appears to back up what you are stating, on some of your accussations, this still doesn't give you the right to send me emails saying you are Mary, or signing me up on a site, without my knowledge, implying you are me just so you can try to "catch me in something" to take to court with you to prove you are right. You are the one acting like a criminal here, and yes I kept all the stuff you sent me and your email where I caught you posing as MARY and you even answered to it, stating such. Come on Jim, please get on with your life-and quit trying to involve me in your games...putting private information on the internet only shows one's immaturity...I have accepted you and Janhett are moving on together-and I have moved on as well with my life...what you two do as a couple is strictly your business, both private and personal...and I couldn't care less, in fact you both have my blessing. You have been determined to air dirty laundry, which the readers who are looking for Spell work done, couldn't care less, this is not showing anything but your intentions to discredit me in any way, shape or form, just because you feel you have the right to do so. I have chosen not to attack you or Janhett, as this is not the place to do this, and at this point I have only stated facts about the accussations you made about our freind, Mike Cahill, that is all I did. I know this has hurt many Magick sites and Divinity is not happy with this-as we are suppose to be providing spiritual guidance to those who need it, this is not the way to do it, by attacking falsely at times, just because one has a vendetta out for some one. Our divorce will be final in a little over two weeks-please accept this as what you wanted and move on with your life-I have not wrote, called written or bothered you in several months, except for the reply when you were misrepresenting yourself as Mary by making a false email address to try and catch me in something. I apologize tothe general public for all this mess on this forum-but again I did not write this statement above, so please don't think of me as the way Jim is trying to represent me to the public. My family and clients know I do not do things like this or conduct myself in this manner, as it would be political suicide, God and Goddess bless every one in the new year-please remember Divinity is always there for us, if you can't find a true messenger or teacher of Divinity just keep searching, there are plenty out there...take care Celeste Ann Morgan AKA Lady Dragoness

Celeste Morgan

Mary Theresa. Prantil MARY T. PRANTIL 3285 33rd St, Astoria, NY 11106 MARY T. PRANTIL 3285 33rd St, Astoria, NY 11106 APT C-2 HBO CNN Mary Theresa Prantil CNN HBO CRIMINAL RECORDS CALIFORNIA HBO CNN MARY PRAINTIL IS A CRIMINAL DOESN'T PAY HER BILLS 3285 3

#17Author of original report

Tue, December 25, 2007

Hi Mary this is Celeste, Me and Mike just wanted to let you know that we don't appreciate you involving us in your smearing campaign against these magick sites. We think your the biggest piece of s**t on earth and a CRIMINAL as well. We don't want you to involve us anymore of your games. Remember I have more on you so just disappear before I post it up here for everyone to see. Pervious address Locations: 3285 33rd St, Astoria, NY 11106 Reported:12/01/2002 251 32nd St, New York, NY 10016 Reported:07/18/2001 3285 33 Wusd # 69, Astoria, NY 11106 Reported:06/01/2001 3044 1st Ave, San Diego, CA 92103 Reported:11/13/2000 1352 PO Box, New York, NY 10150 Reported:06/18/1997 3044 Juniper St # 2, San Diego, CA 92104 Reported:10/01/1995 1154 22nd # 2, San Diego, CA 92102 Reported:12/01/1993 319 Gravilla St, La Jolla, CA 92037 Reported:08/01/1992 Criminal Court Records Criminal Profile Subject Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Date: 12/8/2007 3:45:39 PM Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: M695524 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T105836 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T108343 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T110326 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Source State: AOCDOCCourts County: SAN DIEGO Date Reported(CA): 10/30/2006 Offense: 1 NOT SPECIFIED BY STATE Offense State: CA Offense County: SAN DIEGO Case Number: T120948 Criminal Court Records Name: PRANTIL, MARY T Case Number: M598531 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 03/23/1990 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: M695524 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 02/01/1995 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T105836 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 11/13/1992 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T108343 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 01/04/1993 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T110326 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 02/02/1993 Name: PRANTIL, MARY THERESA Case Number: T120948 Case County: San Diego Source State: CA Case File Date: 08/09/1993 Bankruptcies, Tax Liens & Judgments by Name for: Name: PRANTIL,MARY T Address: PO BOX 1352, NEW YORK NY 10150 Action: STATE TAX LIEN Court: SACRAMENTO COUNTY COURT (RD) Plaintiff: STATE OF CALIFORNIA Case: 9706100302 (06/10/1997) Liability/Assests: $1,310.00/NA Name: PRANTIL,MARY T Address: 251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY 10016 Action: BANKRUPTCY Court: NEW YORK FED COURT-NEW YORK CITY (NEW YORK County) Case: 9640110 (01/11/1996) Liability/Assests: NA/NA Name: PRANTIL,MARY T Address: 251 E 32ND ST #2C, NEW YORK NY 10016 Action: BANKRUPTCY Court: NEW YORK FED COURT-NEW YORK CITY (NEW YORK County) Plaintiff: PRO SE Case: 9640110 (01/11/1996) Liability/Assests: NA/NA Judgement Against Name: PRANTIL,MARY T Address: 3038 DICKENS ST, SAN DIEGO CA 92106 Action: SMALL CLAIMS JUDGMENT Court: KEARNEY MESA MUNI - SAN DIEGO CO Plaintiff: LIBS CHIROPRACTOR CENTER Case: 570215 (12/19/1991) Liability/Assests: $2,198.00/NA Celeste A. Morgan Bushnell, Florida U.S.A.

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