  • Report:  #1097507

Complaint Review: MASS D.O.R. - Hyannis Massachusetts

Reported By:
Ripped Off - Daytona Beach, Florida,

60 Perserverance Way Hyannis, 02601 Massachusetts, USA
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My nightmare started 13 years ago, i lived in Connecticut and my soon to be ex lived in Screw you Massechusets, I was working close to 80 hours a week, so Judge Scanderra decided that taking more than 65% of my disposable income would be wonderful, it was $600 a week, went on for a couple of years, but all that was based on overtime, the start of Mass DOR illegal, returned to court for a modification, Judge Scandera stated that I was being GENEROUS, the amount far serpassed the guidelines, even for that messed up state, nice,the BS continues, the ex-wife lying and being decietful and manipulating the court system over and over, only problem is they never verify anything that she presents, just continue to screw me based on her lies, I move to Florida to be closer to aging parents, I have remarried, we have a child, (prior to leaving Connecticut), the BS contiues.

    In 2008 the case in transfered and entered into the court system in Volusia County, Judge Scandera done now, told ex-wife to take it up with the court system in Florida, thats where I still currently reside, never going back north, She filed paperwork here, and everything was transfered here. the BS continues, now to top it off we hads had 4 children together , the last 2 a set of twins, the state of florida emancipated them three years ago on ther 18TH birthday, now mind you one never graduated high school, the other is a run away between Mass and New Hampshire where a boyfriend resides that the ex herself tried to have a relationship with and when that did not happen she filed charges against him for being with at that time a minor, it went to court. the ex and the children resided with there grandparents, the children more so than the ex, she resided everywhere and with everyone, She still to this day uses the parents address on the Cape as her residence so that she can continue to fraud the State of Mass. To get to the current matter at hand, 4 years ago a letter from the state of Mass, DOR shows up at my then employer and states to disregard all Mass wage garnishment for child support and honor all requests from the state of Florida, which was decreased to $65 a week, finally bearable, then roughly 1 year ago Florida closes the case done now, all is good for roughly 6 months, then I decide that I am going to change jobs, well Mass gets wind of this and sends a new request to the new employer for once again a rediculous amount of money per week from my check and still once again more than 65% of my disposable income, I try presenting the paperwork sent on May of 2009 to disregard all future Mass orders, but it goes back and forth and the now new order i in place, mind you the case was closed by the State of Florida whose jurisdiction it is. So now we are back to the same BS.

   A few key points to throw into the mix, she keeps contending that she is due spoucle support, she married DEC. 24 2010, three years ago, never told the courts, funny ha, she is going afetr education expenses for the twins, stating that they are attending college, one never graduated high school and works at Staples as a computer tech, and as stated before the other is a run away between Mass and New Hampshire.Nither go to school, neither ever have, she attened college trying to go for her CNA, never got it , but amazing enough works in a con home as a CNA, she had tried to get my eldest sons number and license to use as he is a CNA, and so is his wife, she obviously has some ones, practicing illegally, she was arrested twice prior for stealing from the elderly but charges were never pressed as the people in question passed, there are articled in the paper to verify this.

  Mass DOR is negligent and liable for not following through on any of her stories, she waves a piece of paper in their face and they believe it, never bothering to verify anything, the order was transfered to Florida and closed, they reopened after I changed jobs and the new employer had no idea as to what was going on, Negligence, fraud and dishonesty on their part. My credit is trashed, I am currenty bringing no money home per week and we have a special needs child. There has to be some way to get this travesty resolved and keep the Court systems from destroying more people and there also has to be a way to hold them responsible and accountable for their absolute negligence in the case. You can not close a case and reopen based on an unsuspecting new employer.It was transfered to Florida, they have no jurisdiction.


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