  • Report:  #813415


Reported By:
Florida Criminal Investigations - Lakeland, Florida, United States of America

ATLANTA ATLANTA, Georgia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
December 23, 2011

At 2:23 PM on December 23rd, 2011 I received a THREATENING  vial, harassing, telephone call from someone who identified himself as EARVIN BOWEN SI. This a** whole, toilet seat toilet licker proceeded to tell me he had a WARRANT for my ARREST and he was coming to my residency to ARREST ME.Being a Brooklyn guy, I do not take lightly to threats. This Johnny Reb Confederate Southern Drawl pick up mentality , boot licken chaw tobacco ,(((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) starts threatening me.

I proceeded to ask this tampon pr*** what the HELL he was talking about . He proceeds to tell me that I took out a payday loan FROM SOME COMPANY AND I NEVER PAID THEM BACK, AND HE WAS GOING TO arrest ME. First Of all, I never took out a loan. I never received a check from any pay day loan company. Third, I told this menstrual licking twit even if I did, it wasnt a crime to not pay somebody. Maybe in the friggen South, but not in my country. Theres no such thing as debtors prison. In addition, I told him if I did get somebodys money and didnt pay them, it was a CIVIL matter not a CRIMINAL matter. This dumb b******* has been spoken to much reefer. This was one stupid (((REDACTED FOUL LANGUAGE))) . See what inbreeding gets you total stupidity hee haw. _Too much time in the barn with the mule.

He continues his bullsh*t telling me Im comin for ya . I tell him bring it on. Now we have a WAR about to commence. I told him, he has NO IDEA what he just did. I told him  that for his own good hed better read what THE CASTLE ACT is.  The Castle Act states

If you feel that you are being threaten by any individual at your home, place of business or in your vehicle by any person or persons, and you feel the threat being made against you is serious, you have the right to use extreme force to protect your person, your property or your family from those threats.

I live by that code. I will without a doubt in my mind hesitate one second to protect myself, my family, my home, my business from anyone who I believe is there to cause harm. In addition, being he claimed he would come to my residency, should he get into his vehicle and come to my business, my home etc, he will have instituted the threat by his actions. My home is fully armed, and I will leave him or anyone lying where they made their first and last mistake.

This is not a threat, its the law and I will abide by the law that protects my family, my home, my person from any individual who claims he is going to bring harm to me, my family, my home, my business anyone !!

I then called my Attorneys in Brooklyn, in Philly and here in Tampa. Each one stated you cant be ARRESTED for a CIVIL MATTER. They also stated Did you receive any letter NO .  Did you get anything in the MAIL from anybody concerning this so called debt .. NO  . Did he threaten you.. YES.  You have to be charged by a Court and by a JUDGE on a CRIME he claims you committed. He crossed the line when he threatened you on a telephone. He crossed theb line when he use a telephonic Instrument to cause due harassment, and caused you concern for you and your families well being when he made the threats. It now becomes a Federal matter because he crossed state lines of jurisdiction in his threats. Also, did he give you any address, his badfge number, his location, anything ?  NO  According to the BOYZ, hes F*****

I traced the call to Atlanta under the name of  EARVIN BOWEN SI. Out of Atlanta. Beingt in the legal field, I did some homework and made some calls to some people you dont want to SCREW with. According to their input the name EARVIN BOWEN is a 63 year old white male out of TEXAS. We now have his address.

About 7:21 Pm, I was still thinking about this PR**** b*lls in calling me and the threats made. I proceeded to call the 678-974-1978 number back and the recorder came on and I got another SURPRISE !!. It was the same voice, same jerk off voice only this time it saidyou have reached MATT CARLISLE Investigator I am not in leave your name and number blah blah blah.

So the pr***s name isnt EARVIN BOWEN, its Matt  Carlisle out of Atlanta. I made a few calls to some people in Atlanta and guess what I found this pricks address hummmnice to know !!. See it pays to have associates around you that can count on. Now, I want to see what this A** wipe does next. You f*cked with the WRONG person. I think it best you cram that bulls*it up your a** Mr. Carlisle. You want to fight with fire ?

We have a saying in Brooklyn Dont stick your hands out to test out the fire  to see if the fire is hot you may get burned by your actions. I suggest you move on. Its not worth it on your part move on !!

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Florida Criminal Investigations

United States of America
Report the Bastards to The State & Local Authorities NOW !!

#2Author of original report

Sun, December 25, 2011



Update on MATT CARLISLE and his BS company at  EBSS ASSOCIATES ATLANTA , Georgia is going to see the Inside of a Civil & Criminal Court as well as having  their LICENSE taken away if we have anything to say about it. Their time of corruption, threats of ARREST and EXTORTION are coming to and end and its going to start right now Trust me They are going DOWN BIG TIME !!..

I will give you my word, that I am going to pull in every favor, write to both the State Authorities, The County Authorities and The Federal authorities are these son of a bitches !!. I give you my WORD they are going to FALL and FALL HARD .

I got a return call today because I called a few people in Chicago, In New York, and in Atlanta regarding this p***k who according to information I received is the SCUM of the EARTH.  According to input received if you go to YAHOO and in the SEARCH BAR type in : 678-974-1978 a vast amount of information is going to come up on this weasel, his company,
some other people named Earvin Bowen , LAVE:: BOWEN,  some other bit*h who seem to enjoy threatening people with bull s**t ARREST phone calls. These Southern trash seem to think that your going to sit there and be abused by these mental capacity drop outs. If anything, if you have the balls, youll write to the various State and local authorities many people have given in their complaints regarding EBSS, MATT CARLISLE or Carlilse, Mr. EARVIN BOWEN, LAVELL BOWEN and the inbred low life whose name appears throughout the numerous complaints. I read most of them and gave up
after 10. This is without a DOUBT in my mind one reason to wear rubbers during sex. That reason is so you dont bring other morons into this world. I would be surprised if these people had thumbs.

I read the input from various people who have received  these calls and was not surprised these morons do what they do. After all inbreeding ruins the mind. I suggest should this SCUM contact you, you a) record the conversation. Every
answering machine has the capacity to record a conversation. Second, write to that a*s whole MATT CARLISLE  or CARLIlSE and specifically to EBSS and its CHIEF lunatic EARVIN, and in your letter copy EARVIN BOWEN, LAVELL BOWEN  and the female whose name appears throughout the numerous complaints by CERTIFIED MAIL, return receipt request with a CEASE & DESIST notification letter. Example.  Effective this date you are hereby duly notified that you are to CEASE
& DESIST any further contact to my residency by Telephone , by mail ,by your company , by its employees and from any correspondence by any means that is addressed to ( your name your address ). You are to CEASE & DESIST any and all contact by a telephonic instrument, by any letters remitted by the United States Postal Service, by  e-mails, or by any THIRD party effective this date ( put date in ).

Send it to their office via CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. They will have to sign for your Letter. If they do sign for it, you will get the GREEN CARD you need to fill out at the POST OFFICE returned to you with a signature. They will at that time be put on NOTICE. Should they be so STUPID to continue to contact you by telephone or by mail you have actions for a lawsuit. You can then contact THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, THE GEORGIA ATTORNEY GENERAL, THE FULTON COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY, THE DWEPARTMENT of REGULATIONS in ATLANTA, THE BUREAU of
LICENSES ( agency license ),  Department of Business Regulations in Atlanta, The FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIONS ( FBI ) ,  The Department of Commerce (regulates Collection Agencies ). I suggest you write one letter and cc (
copy ) each of the above entities. You have to do it not only for yourself but for others who are being brutalized by these BASTARDS. Trust me, the more you write, the more the STATE and COUNTY will respond to you. They are required by Law to reply to your Letter. As a bureau representing State Authorities and County Authorities as well as FEDERAL
AUTHORITIES these  government agencies are required by LAW to respond and investigate these claims. Dont let
one letter go out and let it die on the vine. You should be persistent.  These BASTARDS brought HARM into your life. They had INTENT to HARRASSE  and ALARM you on purpose.  They have caused you STRESS, and will continue to contact you in the future.

I have been involved in the Legal field over 24 years. And I will tell you that their INTENT is intimidation, to harass, and alarm you until your STUPID enough to send them MONEY they have NO RIGHT in receiving. You want to get even??? You sit down and you write to the entities I gave you above. As God is my witness the s**t will hit the fan. They will eventually be brought to Criminal & Civil LAWSUITS, which will be done by the COURTS in a GRAND JURY INDICTMENT  against them. Trust me, I have HELPED put other SCUMBAG LOW LIFES in JAIL already. I have had GRAND JURY INDICTMENTS started and people faced the COURTS for what they did. I have one case right now in BROWARD
COUNTY FLORIDA and this guy without a DOUBT is facing JAIL TIME. He called people NATIONWIDE and SCREWED them over now hes facing 3 to 5, numerous fines ( HEAVY ) and he will no longer be able to continue doing business in the State . When you have the Balls to SCREW people you sometimes get BURNED .

Dont be a  door mat. Only you can HELP yourself by protecting your CIVIL RIGHTS. Only you can join those who came forward and reported these a*s wholes. People cant fight for you. You have to join us in our fight to put these pathetic inbred snakes  out of business. Every complaint is another nail in their coffin. The State and Federal and State authorities will contact you by letter.

You have to just sit down, take twenty minutes of your day and write the letter. You are to copy  the same letter,
and send it to each State, and local authority and you MUST state in your letter. PLEASE RETURN AV RESPONSE TO MY RESIDENCY REGARDING THIS LETTER. If you do NOT make the tone of your LETTER urgent, it will be placed on somebodys desk with no great rush to investigate it. You must. I repeat you MUST make the tone of your letter seem URGENT and that you were in fact THREATENED by EBSS ASSOCIATES 1100 HAMMOND DRIVE NE 
ste No. 41-A, ATLANTA, Ga. 30327 ( 678) 974-1978. YOU  ****    MUST   *** put a tone in your letter of FEAR, Harassment, that has caused you to not know if these people may show up at your front door and cause you harm.

I also suggest you contact the local Police or Sherriffs Department and make a formal complaint so it is on file. The
Federal Authorities, The State and Local Courts are going to ask you for your proof that you filed a complaint. If you do not make a formal complaint with your local POLICE DEPARTMENT or Local Sherriffs Department in writing
you have nobody to blame but yourself. Just DIAL 911, a car will be DISPATCHED to your home. The investigating Officer will take your statement. It is BEST that you have it written down in a formal statement. The Investigating Officer will take
your written statement and send to his Commander who in turn will send it to The State and Local Courts. As the Investigation proceeds through the District Attorneys Office, your input and that of others will be in their files to support claims being made against EBSS ASSOCIATES and MATT CARLISLE, EARVIN BOWEN, LAVELL BOWEN and the others. Get off your a*s and HELP our CAUSE. We want these Bastards SHUT DOWN & PUT IN JAIL where they belong. 


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