  • Report:  #459480

Complaint Review: MEDRA William C. Rader John & Lisa Brower Ricci Kilgore - MALIBU California

Reported By:
- LINTHICUM, Maryland,

MEDRA William C. Rader John & Lisa Brower Ricci Kilgore
MEDRA.COM MALIBU, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am one among a multitude of people. who has been victimized by Medra, Inc, an insidious fraudulent stem cell company, owned and operated by William C. Rader, a Malibu psychiatrist, who runs his scam in the Dominican Republic and Tijuana. His web of interconnected con artists, consiting of former patients and parents of disabled children use lies, manipulation, bribery, and threats to recruit new patients and to subdue any patient that complains. Furthermore, Rader's Medra website is composed of false testimonials of patients and parents of disabled children who claim they have improved or have been miraculously cured by Rader's fetal stem cell injections. Among others, the Medra testimonies of Ricci Kilgore & John and Lisa Brower are absolutely positively lies and we have the proof to back it up.

The tactics Medra uses are identical to cult ideology and are as dangerous. In being a psychiatrist, the cult leader is an expert in recruiting easily manipulated followers to do his dirty work, raking in millions, while giving them a percentage of the take. In turn, these minions are well groomed to manipulate other patients, some who become members of the fold. Moreover, Rader's operation runs much like a pyramid Ponzi scheme but is much worse, since it targets and steals money from the most vulnerable and desperate people.

It is impossible at this time to reveal the full scope of the scam and the cast of characters that are involved to make the scam work, since a John Grisham novel could not cover the story adequately. However, a few of us, have vigilantly researched and uncovered the facts to expose William Rader/Medra and his cult of minions. It has consumed our lives and we will not rest until Rader's scam is destroyed. Unfortunately, we do not have a Dexteresque character to bring justice to our cause, otherwise our problems would be solved. Although, the proper authorities have been notified and informed, as well as media venues, the investigations are slow and our patience is growing thin. We need someone with power, influence and integrity to take action against the injustice that has destroyed the hopes and dreams of so many who have been victimized by such an evil entity.

Although, the large sum of money that we have thrown in the garbage has detrimentally affected our lives, our main priority is to save others from being scammed, while anticipating the day that Medra and it's affiliates are destroyed. We have the documented proof that is needed, plus the experiences of those who have been scammed, to make this a reality.

If anyone is interested in listening to our case or has had a fraudulent experience with Medra, please come forward. We assure you that your privacy will be protected. You may have been threatened or bribed, as we have, but don't let Medra intimidate you. We have the truth on our side and all the proof that is needed to take down these crooks.

Fraud buster



9 Updates & Rebuttals


loved the article LINTHICUM

#2General Comment

Thu, December 16, 2010

hi there LINTHICUM

i'd just like to say that the article about ricci kilgore has only made me believe that fetal stem cells work even more. see i am a paraplegic and i know what she is talking about and i believe that all of the progress she has been making is from the stem cells, reason why i think that?
well my case is very similar to hers, incomplete spinal injury.. with slight feeling in my legs and feet; BUT that does classify me as a paraplegic!!! i don't have any movement below the waist only feelings of pain.
now hearing ricci story i can only see results from the fetal stem cell therapy, as it gave her movement!!! and she could work on it from there, she was able to walk again after that not before.
i to have walked after my injury but only with braces and a walker, that was only using my upper body strength and you can not classify that as walking with your own two feet. i would use my stomach muscles to drag my leg to take one step, and the only way i could be held up is with braces and upper body not my legs they had no power.
so from hearing her story it didn't look like she had much power in her leg before stem cells, and to be able to walk with out braces is  HUGE improvement... and that only happened after the stem cell treatment right?
anyway the article got it wrong.. it was fetal stem cells not embryonic! just thought i'd thank you for letting me read that, it has given me a good deal of goooooood information.

and to ricci's husband

your wife ricci has made me want to take the same step she has, it has encouraged me to want to take this stem cell treatment so thank you for putting your response on here. i have been looking for a way to contact her and hear from Her her own story (not from someone else). i just see so much similarity with our injuries (incomplete spinal injury from the waist down... almost the same type of car accident too) i just want to know how she's doing it, how things have been improving for her. i so want to know her side of the story.
if it would be alright with the both of you.. would you be able to contact me? i don't know how though as i can't put my email on here.. maybe you can look me up on my youtube video.. here's the link  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p73ClgrluU4 my contact info is at the end. i really do hope to hear a reply... thank you for your testimony :)

Fraud Buster


#3Author of original report

Fri, July 24, 2009

Desperate Mom from VIrginia. THank you so much for sharing your experience with Medra on Ripoff Report. The fraudulent manipulative tactics that you have experienced are common practice used to prey on desperate and vulnerable people, especially parents. By coming forth, you have done a great service to anyone who is thinking about going to Medra. By spreading the word to as many relevant websites as possible will save many people from being conned. I want you to be aware that Medra and it's affiliates will use threatening intimidation tactics to silence any negative slant against them. Please do not be intimidated. They are under investigation by the FBI and IRS and will be exposed very shortly. Knowing that I saved you from throwing your money in the garbage was worth every cent of the $30,000 that I threw away. You have no idea how much we appreciate your input.

A Desperate Mother

Ruther Glen,
a desperate mother

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 21, 2009

I am a mother of a 6 year old boy that has been diagnosed with duchenne muscular dystrophy. I recently followed a link off of the muscular dystrophy site and found medra, inc. I was very excited. They called me after I had e-mailed them and they said that the doctor would be reviewing my case and that they woulg get back to me if they could help my son. Two months had past and they called back on Thursday of last week and let me know that he had been accepted and that it would be very important for me to get him in as soon as possible for treatment. I then recieved an e-mail telling me that I would have to wire the cash money to the dominican republic and that it would have to be recieved fourteen days in advance. They also gave me a name and number to a lady that had her son treated 2 weeks ago, but I never got a hold of her. I then got even more suspicious than I already was, and I found your report. Thank You. I am desperate enough to fall for this. I would like to help in any way I can to get these people off the streets. This is 2009 and they are still preying on desperate people.

Fraud Buster


#5Author of original report

Mon, June 29, 2009

IF you want more proof that Ricci is a fraud, the following articles from the Idaho State Journal confirms her lies. Publication:Idaho State; Date:Mar 22, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 ISU pole vaulters surgery successful By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Ricci Kilgore, the Idaho State University freshman pole vaulter who was injured in a car accident on Sunday as she and two other freshman athletes returned home from a trip to Reno, Nev., underwent surgery Tuesday morning to relieve pressure on the injured part of her broken back. The surgery was termed a success by hospital medical staff. Feeling was restored throughout her legs and the medical team that performed the operation said she should regain full use of her legs. Kilgore, who attended Reno High School, was driving back to Pocatello with Nick Herald and Paul Litchfield, when their van encountered black ice about a mile east of the I-84/I-86 junction and flipped. Kilgore, who was sent out of the back window of the van, was thrown 30 feet and broke her back upon impact. The affected vertebrae is located in the lumbar region, almost straight back from the belly button. Herald, who was driving, and Litchfield did not require medical attention. Kilgore was taken to Cassia Hospital in Burley, Idaho, then Life-Flighted to Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Her surgery began at 11 a.m. local time and entailed cleaning out the bone fragments from the ruptured vertebrae, straightening out the two vertebrae above the injured one to relieve pressure, and grafting bone from her hip to reconstruct the damaged segment. Paul Heglar, her high school track coach, said that everything could not have gone better, regarding the surgery Tuesday. Date:Mar 23, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 Injured Bengal pole vaulter regains feeling By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Following successful surgery Tuesday on Ricci Kilgores broken back, feeling has been restored throughout her legs and into her toes, and physical therapy could begin as early as the end of the week. Kilgore, a freshman pole vaulter from Idaho State, was injured as she and two others freshman track athletes returned home from a trip to Reno, Nev. A 6-8 hour surgery was performed Tuesday at Renos Washoe Medical Center to repair and relieve pressure on a ruptured vertebrae in her broken back. Contacted in Intensive Care Wednesday morning at Washoe, Kilgore said she has regained feeling to her toes and said she may begin physical therapy at the end of the week to begin the recovery process. Kilgore states on the Medra infomercial, I wasn't offered a whole lot of therapy because they didn't have a lot hope. She continues to lie as proven below. She was walking with a walker 2 months out of surgery. Any neurologist will tell you that someone with a broken back is not considered a Spinal Cord Injury Patient. Most SCI patients are lucky to be sitting in a wheelchair much less walking with a walker after 2 months. Furthermore, I'm shocked that Ricci is not doing better. For Ricci's injury level, the improvements she has made are considered nothing more than standard. Plenty of SCI patients with higher injury levels are walking. Since Ricci is a pathological liar and a narcissist, it makes one wonder if she's faking her disability to draw attention to herself and become a fraudulent contender in the Para Olympics. Publication:Idaho State; Date:May 27, 2000; Section:Undefined; Page Number:1 Injured ISU athlete on way back home By The Journal Staff RENO, Nev. Idaho State freshman Ricci Kilgore has progressed to outpatient status, two months after suffering a broken back in a traffic accident here. Kilgore, a pole vaulter for the Idaho State track and field team last fall, was thrown from a van on the way back to Pocatello from Reno, Nev., on March 19. During the initial hours following the accident, Kilgore had no feeling in her legs or toes. Surgery was performed after the accident to repair the injured vertebrae and the long road of recovery started with physical therapy sessions to strengthen the area around the injury. Kilgore does about 90 minutes of work with her physical therapist each day, then does an additional three hours of work on her own. Because of her hard work, Kilgore can now recover in the comfort of her own home. Paul Heglar, her track coach at Reno High School who has been with Kilgore throughout the ordeal, said the physical therapy is currently focused on strengthening her legs, specifically the hamstrings. Kilgore lost a lot of weight initially after the accident, but has put back on nine pounds in the past few weeks. They are working with her everyday in the walker and working on her holding her own weight, Heglar said. They are trying to regain muscle. Kilgores goal is to pole vault again, but for the immediate future her focus is on therapy, in the hopes of re-enrolling in college next fall or the following spring Notice in 2005, Ricci changes her story and claims that doctors said she would never walk again. This is at about the same time she lied on the Medra Infomercial stating the same thing. In 2000, she had feeling down to her toes, but this 2005 article contradicts the claims she and the doctors made in the previous articles. Also, in the Medra infomercial she gives all the credit for her improvements to the fetal stem cell injection, omitting all the various and extensive therapies, plus her rigorous workout regiments she underwent that are really responsible for her improvements. Publication:Idaho State; Date:Aug 7, 2005; Section:sports; Page Number:22 Uphill Climb The woman who doctors said would never walk again hangs from a cliff. Ricci Kilgore straddles an outcropping of rock and hoists herself about three feet using nothing but her upper body. Her biceps are flexed and the taut muscles on her tan back ripple. Her blond hair is tied up in a bun, and her legs - clad in plastic braces from the knees down - dangle. After she pulls herself over the ledge, she swings her right leg to pull her foot up to a ledge. Once she does the same thing with her left leg, she can rest. On this climbing wall in Upper Ross Park, Kilgore is doing something few can. She is paralyzed from the knees down, and 80 percent of her climbing strength comes from her upper body. If she had listened to her neurosurgeon, she would be spending her life sitting in a wheelchair. But Kilgore is stubborn. It's why she took up hippotherapy - riding horses to help get circulation flowing in her legs. It's why she decided to get embryonic stem cell treatments. It's why she's hiking, biking and fire dancing. It's why she is scaling this cliff. Just before she reaches the top, her right leg tires and she needs to come down. Once back on the ground, Kilgore takes a seat on a rock and gives good friend Jessica McAleese a high-five. Kilgore is smiling. She seems content. This 25-year-old former pole vaulter at Idaho State is doing anything she can to make her life fulfilling, including thrusting herself into the controversy surrounding embryonic stem cell treatments. Because of her unwavering resolve and determination, she is walking again. "I think being an athlete prepares you for this journey," Kilgore says. "I'm still very motivated and determined to become who I was again. I finally know that I'm not going to be the person that I was, but I've definitely changed for the better." Kilgore's "journey" began in 2000, during her freshman year at ISU. On the way back from a track meet in Reno, Nev., a van carrying Kilgore, Nick Herald and Kilgore, asleep in the passenger seat, woke up to the surreal feeling of the van spinning. Then it started to roll. Kilgore was thrown 65 feet from the van and suffered a broken back. "It was really peaceful," Kilgore said of the accident. "It wasn't traumatic for me. I really believe I had angels with me. I didn't get any road rash or brain damage." A truck driver who witnessed the accident stopped to help. He diverted traffic and put flares around Kilgore. She still doesn't know the trucker's name, and said she wants to find him and thank him. Kilgore was flown to the Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Her mother, Valerie, was alerted of accident when her sister, Earlene Forsythe, arrived at her front door after midnight. "She said, 'I have some really bad news.' I was very devastated," Valerie said. Valerie immediately shifted her thoughts to an accident 17 years prior, an accident that claimed the life of her husband, Rick. After a vacation in Reno, the family was driving back to their home in Missoula, Mont. Rick fell asleep at the wheel. Somehow, Rick grabbed Ricci as the car started to roll. With his arms wrapped around the 2-year-old, Rick saved his daughter's life. "It was a real miracle that she was alive after that," Valerie said. Ricci spent a month in intensive care after the first accident. "To go through it once is bad enough," Valerie said. "To go through it a second time, it rehashes all the memories." But bad memories don't stop the Kilgores. If anything, Ricci used the memories as motivation. Instead of hiding from the tragedies of her past, she embraced them and moved forward. Eight months after breaking her back, Ricci started hippotherapy. Marv Davis, a good friend, gave her a horse, Troy, and she started riding as much as her body allowed. Sometimes she spent just 10 minutes on the horse before the pain became unbearable. But each ride proved to be therapeutic. "He brought him to the hospital," Ricci said of the first time she met Troy. "I wheeled out in my wheelchair. He stopped and brought him out of the trailer. He knew exactly what was going on. He came up to me. He put his head down, and started breathing at me. It went all the way up my face. It gave me the chills, and then I started crying." The hippotherapy helped with circulation, but Kilgore still wanted to get feeling in her legs. She began to investigate other medical procedures that would help her be more self-sufficient. Then her uncle, Dr. James Forsythe, heard about stem cell treatments. Ricci was apprehensive, but she agreed to meet with specialists, Dr. Albert Scheller, from Germany and Dr. William Rader, who works in Malibu, Calif. "I'm really picky about doctors, because they think they can play God," Ricci said. Rader and Scheller put her at ease quickly. "Their presence was just really calming," Ricci said of Scheller and Rader. "They weren't really trying to persuade me. They just gave me the facts. Dr. Scheller told me he worked with rats. He would sever their spinal cords and inject embryonic stem cells in their back, and within four months, they'd have full use of their legs." She decided to give it a try. "I really wanted to make a difference for people in my situation," Ricci said. "I figured, if nobody else is going to do it, I might as well stand up and make a difference." Before signing up for the treatment, which costs $25,000, Ricci and Valerie needed to weigh the pros and cons. Embryonic stem cell research is controversial, with the argument centering on the question: Are the embryos used in the treatments living beings? "When you have tried everything else, and nothing else will work," Valerie said, "why not take the chance to have their life a little bit easier or get to the point that they were before the accident? "I really didn't have any problem in making the decision." Before Ricci flew to the Dominican Republic for her first treatment, she appeared on a radio talk-show in Reno. Callers said she was too young to be making the decision to have the treatments. Some even went so far as to call Ricci a murderer. The accusations didn't dissuade her. "If someone tells me, 'No, you shouldn't do it,' it makes me want to do it even more," Kilgore said. She didn't know what to expect when she got there. On the day of the treatment, she arrived at what she described as an abandoned hospital. She wondered if protesters might greet her at the hospital. "I think people were still practicing there, but hardly anybody was there," Ricci said. "It was just a really small room, the size of a bathroom." Ricci added that she noticed cracks in the walls as she lay on the hospital bed. She was hooked up to an IV into which fetal pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells were injected. She also received an injection of fetal neuronal stem cells in her stomach. The procedure took about an hour, and Ricci turned the rest of the trip into a vacation: sitting on the beach, skeet shooting and horseback riding. Within four weeks, she started getting feeling in her legs. She gained muscle in her quads and felt more stamina. After a second stem cell treatment, she noticed an improvement in just two weeks. "To have someone like Ricci gives me great pleasure because she pushes the envelope," said Dr. Rader in a phone interview from his office. "I'm not surprised at (her improvement). This is what we see. This is what we do. Of course it's impressive. She has that great spirit. I do give her a lot of credit." Now the feeling is back in the upper half of her legs. She has partial feeling in her right leg from the knees down now. The first time she noticed the feeling was while sitting down to dinner with her mother. "A fly landed on my leg," Ricci said. "I thought, 'This is really weird. What's going on?' I looked down and there's a fly crawling up my leg." After the treatment, Ricci said the recovery process was difficult. "There was a lot of pain involved when your nerves regenerate," Ricci said. "It's like a burning sensation. It's almost like a third-degree burn. Every once in a while I'll get them in my legs. I describe them as shooting stars going down my leg." But the slow, steady restoration of feeling made the treatments worthwhile. The first time Ricci walked on her own again was at a park across the street from her mother's house after her first stem cell treatment. Two friends encouraged her. "'We know you can do it,'" Ricci remembers them saying. "'We've seen you walk a little bit. Let's go try it.'" She made it about 100 feet. Her friends carried her home. Valerie was at work at the time, but the first time she saw her daughter walk again is still etched into her memory. "I was just crying," Valerie said. "It was very touching. It was a total miracle." It gave the family hope. In fact, Ricci is planning a third trip for a stem cell treatment around Thanksgiving. The past five years of Ricci's life spun around so fast she felt like a dervish. If you see her in Pocatello one day, she'll be back in Reno the next. If she's rock climbing one day, she's hiking two days later. "We see ability, not disability," said Jessica McAleese. "I just see Ricci." Ricci is set to finish her degree at University of Nevada, Reno in December, and plans to work with large animals. She does so much, there's little time for anything else. But she is also beginning to give motivational speeches. ISU track coach Dave Nielsen said Ricci's personality is made for the motivational speaking circuit. "Ricci's quite a character," Nielsen said. "She's quite a lot of fun. It was really a pleasure to have her on the team." Ricci's first speech came in June, when she spoke to Douglas High School in Carson City, Nev. "After I gave that speech, it felt like a load off," Ricci said. "I think it's time, but I've always wanted to tell my story." Rest isn't something Ricci gets much of. Back at Upper Ross Park, she is sitting on a rock and talking to McAleese about the climb. Ricci's dog, an Alaskan Malamute-wolf mix named Dakota, is watching. Like Ricci, Dakota is an explorer, but for now he's relaxing with his head resting on his paws. One day, Ricci still hopes to get all of the feeling back in her legs. Every now and then, when she looks in the mirror and sees her toned upper body, she thinks she can still pole vault. "Oh yeah, I still have the urge," Ricci says. "When people ask me, 'Are you still interested in track?' I'm like, 'Heck yeah. Give me a pole, and see if you could put a skateboard underneath me.' I still want it. I truly believe, if I can get this far and achieve this much, what am I going to do in another five years? Who knows? I could be pole vaulting again." After her rest, she heads back to her truck with Nevada license plates. Her wheelchair sits in the bed. She doesn't need it much now. Paralympics next for Kilgore? Ricci Kilgore is attempting to qualify for the U.S. Paralympic Ski team, which will compete at the 2006 Paralympic Games in Torino, Italy. She'll have to do well in competitions in New Zealand, Korea, Japan and Switzerland to qualify. She's also finishing her degree at the University of Nevada, Reno, flying back to the Dominican Republic for another stem cell treatment and, at some point, planning her wedding. Throw in all the time she spends climbing and fire dancing, and it's amazing she gets any time to relax. For Kilgore, that's just the way life goes. I am very sorry that you were conned by your wife. Join the club!


LINTHICUM makes claims that can't be backed up!

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, June 23, 2009

I am Ricci Kilgores husband, and she did not want me to respond. She says that responding to people like you is a waste of time and energy. We have been dealing with those who claim to have been there and received treatment and we have worked with those who have gone there for spinal cord treatment and are angry because they can't do the Tango the next day. Ricci has been receiving treatment for almost nine years now and her recovery has been slow but positive. Ricci, like everyone else paid her dues and has invested a great deal of money into her treatment. LINTHICUM uses the pyramid ponzi scheme because to make a negative connection. We work hard to help people by working with non-profits and politicians to make the treatment in the US legal. If we were involved in some grand scam, why would we be actively working to put ourselves out of business by trying to make the treatments legal in the US? How could we trick people into going to the DR or TJ if one could get it done here in the US, that doesn't make much sense does it? For those who think they are clever detectives and have the Reno article that says Ricci had feeling after the accident, she did have some feeling in her left quad. That is amazing an incomplete with some sensation, that never happens does it? That doesn't mean she could walk and she could not. Some one else made the claim that the doctor told her she would be able to walk. Who ever made this claim is the criminal who should be sued for libel. Ricci was excited that she had some feeling and the doctor crushed her enthusiasm and hope by saying she would be wheelchair bound! All she wants and wanted to do was pole-vault again. It says it in the article in case you tricky detectives missed that one. Not only that but ask a neurologist what is likely to happen after three years of the initial accident and they will more than likely tell you what they told Ricci on three separate occasions by three different doctors: nothing! They told her that all the gains she had would mature after about three years but some how she keeps gaining more feeling and movement. Her endurance has increased and she is walking further and further every day. She has even been able to walk with our newborn in her arms from one side of the house to the other. Since all the doctors with their magnificent knowledge told her she would never be able to walk, there must be something different in the equation that is helping her do this. All I have to say in conclusion is that if you have proof this is a scam bring it on and show the world don't just claim to have it; it doesn't really matter though because you are the scam who wants to stifle progress and new technology of healing.

Fraud buster

Medra Fetal Stem Cells FRAUD William C. Rader John Lisa Brower Jakes Miracle Ricci Kilgore Dominican Republic Tijuana Malibu California

#7Author of original report

Mon, June 08, 2009

I am one among a multitude of people. who has been victimized by Medra, Inc, an insidious fraudulent stem cell company, owned and operated by William C. Rader, a Malibu psychiatrist, who runs his scam in the Dominican Republic and Tijuana. His web of interconnected con artists, consiting of former patients and parents of disabled children use lies, manipulation, bribery, and threats to recruit new patients and to subdue any patient that complains. Furthermore, Rader's Medra website is composed of false testimonials of patients and parents of disabled children who claim they have improved or have been miraculously cured by Rader's fetal stem cell injections. Among others, the Medra testimonies of Ricci Kilgore & John and Lisa Brower are absolutely positively lies and we have the proof to back it up. The tactics Medra uses are identical to cult ideology and are as dangerous. In being a psychiatrist, the cult leader is an expert in recruiting easily manipulated followers to do his dirty work, raking in millions, while giving them a percentage of the take. In turn, these minions are well groomed to manipulate other patients, some who become members of the fold. Moreover, Rader's operation runs much like a pyramid Ponzi scheme but is much worse, since it targets and steals money from the most vulnerable and desperate people. It is impossible at this time to reveal the full scope of the scam and the cast of characters that are involved to make the scam work, since a John Grisham novel could not cover the story adequately. However, a few of us, have vigilantly researched and uncovered the facts to expose William Rader/Medra and his cult of minions. It has consumed our lives and we will not rest until Rader's scam is destroyed. Unfortunately, we do not have a Dexteresque character to bring justice to our cause, otherwise our problems would be solved. Although, the proper authorities have been notified and informed, as well as media venues, the investigations are slow and our patience is growing thin. We need someone with power, influence and integrity to take action against the injustice that has destroyed the hopes and dreams of so many who have been victimized by such an evil entity. Although, the large sum of money that we have thrown in the garbage has detrimentally affected our lives, our main priority is to save others from being scammed, while anticipating the day that Medra and it's affiliates are destroyed. We have the documented proof that is needed, plus the experiences of those who have been scammed, to make this a reality. If anyone is interested in listening to our case or has had a fraudulent experience with Medra, please come forward. We assure you that your privacy will be protected. You may have been threatened or bribed, as we have, but don't let Medra intimidate you. We have the truth on our side and all the proof that is needed to take down these crooks. Fraud buster

Fraud buster

Medra Fetal Stem Cells FRAUD William C. Rader John Lisa Brower Jakes Miracle Ricci Kilgore Dominican Republic Tijuana Malibu California

#8Author of original report

Mon, June 08, 2009

I am one among a multitude of people. who has been victimized by Medra, Inc, an insidious fraudulent stem cell company, owned and operated by William C. Rader, a Malibu psychiatrist, who runs his scam in the Dominican Republic and Tijuana. His web of interconnected con artists, consiting of former patients and parents of disabled children use lies, manipulation, bribery, and threats to recruit new patients and to subdue any patient that complains. Furthermore, Rader's Medra website is composed of false testimonials of patients and parents of disabled children who claim they have improved or have been miraculously cured by Rader's fetal stem cell injections. Among others, the Medra testimonies of Ricci Kilgore & John and Lisa Brower are absolutely positively lies and we have the proof to back it up. The tactics Medra uses are identical to cult ideology and are as dangerous. In being a psychiatrist, the cult leader is an expert in recruiting easily manipulated followers to do his dirty work, raking in millions, while giving them a percentage of the take. In turn, these minions are well groomed to manipulate other patients, some who become members of the fold. Moreover, Rader's operation runs much like a pyramid Ponzi scheme but is much worse, since it targets and steals money from the most vulnerable and desperate people. It is impossible at this time to reveal the full scope of the scam and the cast of characters that are involved to make the scam work, since a John Grisham novel could not cover the story adequately. However, a few of us, have vigilantly researched and uncovered the facts to expose William Rader/Medra and his cult of minions. It has consumed our lives and we will not rest until Rader's scam is destroyed. Unfortunately, we do not have a Dexteresque character to bring justice to our cause, otherwise our problems would be solved. Although, the proper authorities have been notified and informed, as well as media venues, the investigations are slow and our patience is growing thin. We need someone with power, influence and integrity to take action against the injustice that has destroyed the hopes and dreams of so many who have been victimized by such an evil entity. Although, the large sum of money that we have thrown in the garbage has detrimentally affected our lives, our main priority is to save others from being scammed, while anticipating the day that Medra and it's affiliates are destroyed. We have the documented proof that is needed, plus the experiences of those who have been scammed, to make this a reality. If anyone is interested in listening to our case or has had a fraudulent experience with Medra, please come forward. We assure you that your privacy will be protected. You may have been threatened or bribed, as we have, but don't let Medra intimidate you. We have the truth on our side and all the proof that is needed to take down these crooks. Fraud buster

Fraud buster

Medra Fetal Stem Cells FRAUD William C. Rader John Lisa Brower Jakes Miracle Ricci Kilgore Dominican Republic Tijuana Malibu California

#9Author of original report

Mon, June 08, 2009

I am one among a multitude of people. who has been victimized by Medra, Inc, an insidious fraudulent stem cell company, owned and operated by William C. Rader, a Malibu psychiatrist, who runs his scam in the Dominican Republic and Tijuana. His web of interconnected con artists, consiting of former patients and parents of disabled children use lies, manipulation, bribery, and threats to recruit new patients and to subdue any patient that complains. Furthermore, Rader's Medra website is composed of false testimonials of patients and parents of disabled children who claim they have improved or have been miraculously cured by Rader's fetal stem cell injections. Among others, the Medra testimonies of Ricci Kilgore & John and Lisa Brower are absolutely positively lies and we have the proof to back it up. The tactics Medra uses are identical to cult ideology and are as dangerous. In being a psychiatrist, the cult leader is an expert in recruiting easily manipulated followers to do his dirty work, raking in millions, while giving them a percentage of the take. In turn, these minions are well groomed to manipulate other patients, some who become members of the fold. Moreover, Rader's operation runs much like a pyramid Ponzi scheme but is much worse, since it targets and steals money from the most vulnerable and desperate people. It is impossible at this time to reveal the full scope of the scam and the cast of characters that are involved to make the scam work, since a John Grisham novel could not cover the story adequately. However, a few of us, have vigilantly researched and uncovered the facts to expose William Rader/Medra and his cult of minions. It has consumed our lives and we will not rest until Rader's scam is destroyed. Unfortunately, we do not have a Dexteresque character to bring justice to our cause, otherwise our problems would be solved. Although, the proper authorities have been notified and informed, as well as media venues, the investigations are slow and our patience is growing thin. We need someone with power, influence and integrity to take action against the injustice that has destroyed the hopes and dreams of so many who have been victimized by such an evil entity. Although, the large sum of money that we have thrown in the garbage has detrimentally affected our lives, our main priority is to save others from being scammed, while anticipating the day that Medra and it's affiliates are destroyed. We have the documented proof that is needed, plus the experiences of those who have been scammed, to make this a reality. If anyone is interested in listening to our case or has had a fraudulent experience with Medra, please come forward. We assure you that your privacy will be protected. You may have been threatened or bribed, as we have, but don't let Medra intimidate you. We have the truth on our side and all the proof that is needed to take down these crooks. Fraud buster

Fraud buster

Medra Fetal Stem Cells FRAUD William C. Rader John Lisa Brower Jakes Miracle Ricci Kilgore Dominican Republic Tijuana Malibu California

#10Author of original report

Mon, June 08, 2009

I am one among a multitude of people. who has been victimized by Medra, Inc, an insidious fraudulent stem cell company, owned and operated by William C. Rader, a Malibu psychiatrist, who runs his scam in the Dominican Republic and Tijuana. His web of interconnected con artists, consiting of former patients and parents of disabled children use lies, manipulation, bribery, and threats to recruit new patients and to subdue any patient that complains. Furthermore, Rader's Medra website is composed of false testimonials of patients and parents of disabled children who claim they have improved or have been miraculously cured by Rader's fetal stem cell injections. Among others, the Medra testimonies of Ricci Kilgore & John and Lisa Brower are absolutely positively lies and we have the proof to back it up. The tactics Medra uses are identical to cult ideology and are as dangerous. In being a psychiatrist, the cult leader is an expert in recruiting easily manipulated followers to do his dirty work, raking in millions, while giving them a percentage of the take. In turn, these minions are well groomed to manipulate other patients, some who become members of the fold. Moreover, Rader's operation runs much like a pyramid Ponzi scheme but is much worse, since it targets and steals money from the most vulnerable and desperate people. It is impossible at this time to reveal the full scope of the scam and the cast of characters that are involved to make the scam work, since a John Grisham novel could not cover the story adequately. However, a few of us, have vigilantly researched and uncovered the facts to expose William Rader/Medra and his cult of minions. It has consumed our lives and we will not rest until Rader's scam is destroyed. Unfortunately, we do not have a Dexteresque character to bring justice to our cause, otherwise our problems would be solved. Although, the proper authorities have been notified and informed, as well as media venues, the investigations are slow and our patience is growing thin. We need someone with power, influence and integrity to take action against the injustice that has destroyed the hopes and dreams of so many who have been victimized by such an evil entity. Although, the large sum of money that we have thrown in the garbage has detrimentally affected our lives, our main priority is to save others from being scammed, while anticipating the day that Medra and it's affiliates are destroyed. We have the documented proof that is needed, plus the experiences of those who have been scammed, to make this a reality. If anyone is interested in listening to our case or has had a fraudulent experience with Medra, please come forward. We assure you that your privacy will be protected. You may have been threatened or bribed, as we have, but don't let Medra intimidate you. We have the truth on our side and all the proof that is needed to take down these crooks. Fraud buster

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