  • Report:  #760652

Complaint Review: [email protected] - Internet Internet

Reported By:
marla - dugger, Indiana, United States of America

9 wellington noid#174 sherbrooke qc canada j1h581 Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
me and my friend denise had been on the internet together entering sweepstakes and decided to look for free psychic readings online.we came across 123psychics.com and decided to try a free reading for each of us.
we both entered our information and separate email addresses and then moved on to something else.A few hours later we got back on the computer and checked our emails.I checked mine first and had an email from melinda. She was very nice and sounded very sincere and really had my best interest at heart.I believed everything she said unfortunately. she told me that she felt a psychic connection with me and told me i could trust her.she told me that i was in a fragile state and that i needed her help quickly to be able to get rid of negative things around me and to be able to achieve things that she had invisioned for my upcoming future.she said that i was psychologically tired and that she was my friend and was sent at just the right time to help me out of some bad times..I was so confused after the reading and didnt know what to think and was doubting myself and really starting wandering if i was in a fragile state and needed her.me and denise moved on to her emails and found that she also had a reading from melinda. we started reading it together and realized that we were actually reading the exact same reading that melinda had sent to me. we continued through to the end and sure enough the reading was an exact duplicate of my reading..I was so upset that i started to cry and broke down right then..she emotionally turned me inside out and i layed on the couch until early in the morning.  

Denise had spent the night with me because she was worried about me and when she saw that i was awake she got up with me. we talked about it and decided that something should be done about what melinda had done.and so here we are.I have been through so much emotionally in the past 7 years and have survived 2 brain surgeries to remove tumors and am on disability now..i have come so far and to have someone try to tear me down and make me doubt my strengths and independency and make me feel like i need her just was wrong on so many levels! THANKS FOR LISTENING. P.S. we have saved the emails just in case they might be of interest to you

4 Updates & Rebuttals


South Carolina,
United States of America
Glad I found this...

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, October 22, 2012

I got a free reading from her, which was at best, vague, & at worst mostly inaccurate.  However, she has continued to send me emails weekly over the past month & for some weird reason 3 out of 4 were correct, in saying that she could see I had a permanent falling-out with a very close friend that day (that was true, I've known the girl since I was 8 & after what she did i'll never speak to her again) & 1 other day when she emailed & said that I would meet up with a family friend that night & romance would blossom (it did so i was impressed because i never knew this guy had any interest in me at all...it was a big shock), & the last one predicting a serious legal problem arising for an immediate family member that day, which came true.  So anyway, I saw that her paid reading (which of course she keeps bugging you to buy) was only $27 & I wanted to try it since it's not much money & by some coindence i guess those 3 emails were dead-on, BUT I am NOT GOING TO BUY IT NOW, I WOULDN'T EVEN TAKE IT FOR FREE. 

I also wanted to say that I'm really sorry for what you went through.  The email that did not come true (thank god) really terrified me...it actually said that something "terrible may be headed your way today".  As someone who's been through alot of trauma over the past year, I did NOT need to see this, nor does anyone else.

The last thing I wanted to say is that it infuriates & depresses me to see more & more reports of people who are threatened, harassed, intimidated, robbed etc. by tarot readers & psychics, not only on a personal level but a professional level, because I myself am a tarot reader.  I'm a single mom trying to finish college so i have no plans of turning this into a career, but it just helps with a little bit of extra cash is all.  (I am not psychic however by any means & I always tell clients that...not all tarot readers are psychic & many who say they are are lying, from what I've observed).  I started reading free on a website & then found out I was pretty good & clients offered to pay so I started my own small website & business, & I was VERY PROUD that I could be good at something, try to help people & start a small business all by myself doing both paid & free readings.  I'm seriously questioning whether or not to even be a reader anymore because of people like Melinda.  It's hard enough to be taken seriously as a tarot reader & I don't want to be in a profession filled with sociopaths.  THANKS FOR NOTHING MELINDA & ALL THE OTHER SCAM PSYCHICS ON THIS WEBSITE!!


Niagara falls,
[email protected]

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, August 25, 2012

Hi...I  have gotten a free reading from this  Psychic Melinda a few days ago....Basically what her long winded reading said was that I was coming into something she refereed to as a " transition"Phase in my life as of Sept 7 th 2012. my life can be turned around then if I allow her to guide me to know what directions I should take ect...ect.... for $79...and this was here special price !! 

Yes my life has not being going well.......but I am sure many reading that same letter might say the same thing about there life..some even worst ...or some not as bad ...But...the point is.. if she really wanted to help me and cared for my dire situation as she describes it... and could change my life for the better as apparently it is as horrible as she was trying to tell me it is ....Why is she wanting $79 to help me ? Her reason for giving free reading she says is to balance things as she states !

Why she give them free is to use them to draw you into giving her money ect.....to play on your problems and weaknesses and desires for a better life ect....Melinda knows almost everyone in this world has troubles and wished they could have a better life. She plays on this... giving free reading is a way to open doors for her to come into your life and swindle you and play on your troubles. She tries to appear as someone who cares for you and holds the Key to your happiness. She wants you to feel that you need her to make the right decisions in your life to have this better life that is supposedly waiting for you !!

When she has you sucked into her scam by believing she is on your side and cares then she asks for money to give you a deeper reading and that help....I ignored her letter when she asked for $79. Heck if I am giving anyone my money !! I knew is someone cared that I was in such dire straights they would help me just because they cared and were genuinely good people..they would ask for money and then refuse to help me just because I do not have it to give !! After I ignored and deleted her first letter  got another email from her......read it and see if you got the same letter ???? Pasted below from my own email box !!

Gail, A short time ago, you asked for my help so that you would be able to understand what's going on in your life more clearly. You were right to take this step because I have a lot to tell you about yourself.
Unfortunately Gail, you still have not asked for your life-changing reading. And yet, time is passing; and the arrival of a new cycle in your life means that time is more important than ever. 

This is a second  reading of cards for you once again this time and here is what I beleive. Please Gail, read these expectation so that you can understand that I'm here to help you. 

Your current situation: 

The first card I read represents what your situation in life is right now: The card was the Major Arcana number 16, known as the "THE HOUSE OF GOD". This is one of the most difficult cards to interpret in the whole Tarot deck. 

Gail, I apologize for being so frank, but here is what this card made me think of when I related it to your personal case: 

When the Arcana number 16 card is drawn first , it can often mean that you've been going through a difficult time for a while. "The House of God" or "The Tower" indicates the part that is played by superior forces that escape man's free will to a large extent. These forces are out to take apart and destroy what has been built up so that everything can begin again from scratch. 

To be honest with you, this card can represents a difficult time ahead and a situation where your ability to take action and determine your own destiny will be reduced to a minimum. On a practical and concrete level, this card may indicate that you have the impression that everything is falling down around you, as if you were just a victim of destiny's will. 

Maybe in the last few months, you've been through a lot of disappointment, deceptions, and frustrations. You may even have turned to the "heavens" and asked : "What have I done to deserve all this?". 

Gail, you might not be coucious about what you have done anything in particular. It just so happens that, at certain times in our lives, we all go through the situation represented by the Arcana number 16 of the Tarot deck. 

When the garden is invaded by weeds, you have to pull out the weeds so that the flowers can bloom freely again. In the same way, the disturbing events that have been happening until to now are part of a life cycle that will soon be over. Good news for you, because what you've been going through hasn't been easy I imagine. But everything can be changed for the better, and the second card drawn shows that it might happen soon:

Arcana number 20: "Judgment". 

Gail, this card indicates sweeping changes that are going happen in an unexpected way. The symbolic meaning of this card is telling: Judgment represents the sudden evolution from one state or situation to another. 

By combining the meaning of both cards, we can arrive at the following conclusion: 

Lately, things can have been really difficult for you and you've seen many hopes, plans, and dreams collapse around you like a house of cards. This situation can feel like you've been struck by lightning from the sky: feeling unfortunate, having the impression that everything is set against you, etc... This situation is suddenly going to come to an end and allow a new life cycle to begin for you. What this new life cycle will be is shown by the third and fourth tarot cards that appeared when I carried out the reading:

Third card: Outside Energies, New Life Environment

Gail, this third card - the 9 of Coins - is a very good sign. The 9 of Coins is part of the Minor Arcanas of the Tarot deck and indicates that well-being in all the different ways they come. In the symbolic language of the Tarot cards, Coins can represent money and material achievements. 

The 9 is the best of all the cards in the series of Minor Arcana. The 9 almost always indicates great happiness and good things. In this case, it can represents a great opportunity to be happy. But above all, this card can  indicate that a new life will follow the road to well-being and material growth. 

Fourth card: The events that should occur in this new life cycle. 


I am glad to tell you that great luck involving YOUR HAPINESS gainArcana number 10 which is known as "The Wheel of Fortune." Many consider the Arcana number 10 as a card which generally represents luck. As for the symbolic meaning of this Tarot card, the Arcana number 10 is considered to represent the perpetual movement that makes things continuously change and evolve. What was at the top will eventually go to the bottom and what was at the bottom will one day make its way to the top. This is part of the life cycle in which all things are destined to evolve. 

Gail, it is also important to note that any individual Tarot card should always be interpreted in relation to the other cards that are drawn. If this approach is applied to all of the cards that appeared in the reading I did for you, everything indicates luck, specifically the 9 of Coins and the Arcana number 20 known as "Judgment". You're maybe about  to change your mindset and that will lead  you to major success regarding  life.

Gail, I can't tell you right now how much you can be tranmsformed but all I can tell you is that the combined appearance of the 9 of Coins and "The Wheel of Fortune" probably indicates a turning point about how you see your life.

Fifth card: The plan of action to follow during your new life cycle. 

This time,  the Major Arcana number 2 from the Tarot deck, a card known as "THE HIGH PRIESTESS." This card emphasizes the necessity to re-establish harmony between your conscious and subconscious forces. The High Priestess represents a person's subconscious resources, and the hidden potential that you are not using. 

When I drew this card, several feelings came over me. First, I felt that there is a clash that has been going on for the past several months between what you feel consciously and what you feel subconsciously. Kind of like if two contrary forces were pulling you in two opposite directions. 
I think that lately you might feel torn between several possible choices that will determine your life and your future. In my opinion, this can be traced back to the presence of the energies from the first card: "The House of God".

You can find yourself in a situation where on the surface everything seems to be crumbling around you, but deep inside you, you still have the hope that there are better days to come. But this hope of better days to come always ends up getting shot down by unfortunate circumstances. 

The Tarot cards might be  telling you to listen to your inner voice and trust your intuition a little more than you've been doing. This is also demonstrated by "The High Priestess" card which symbolically represents "letting go" or the ability to let yourself be driven by events rather than spending your time trying to provoke them. 

That's why I'm being insistent Gail. 

I think Im truly in a position to guide you for new life that you couldl be entering soon. 

This card especially is about the importance of getting more in touch with your inner self. It could well be that you suffer from a lack of self-confidence that's stopping you from believing in your own potential to be happy. Your "job" during the next few days and weeks is to become aware of your potential to be happy. And I would really like to help you with this task by providing you with the right teachings in order to fully realise your 'mission'.

I have thousands of certified testimonials available for your examination, which all attest to the help I have been able to give to people who thought that their situation was desperate. And I say this as I think of your current situation shown by card number 16 which represents the trials and tribulations you've been going through lately.

Gail, don't forget that these troubles can soon be behind you. Better days are here to stay. The most important thing for you is to do is be smart and take advantage of all the opportunities for luck,  happiness that may come your way within the next days. That's why you'll need to have the very important teachings from your Life-Changing Reading

Click Here To Get Your Life-Changing Reading:
 ( link removed)

P.S If you have paid for a reading and erroneously never got it please contact: [email protected]

 Try a free reading and see if your emails are exactly the same or close !! BUT please DO NOT send her any money....anyway she is NOT getting my money and her emails do not frighten me...my life will get better if I make it better myself with hard work and determination. I accept life will not be easy all the time...but even with the bad times there are still good time to be happy for..you just have to look closer at your life....You and only you can make the right choices in your life.... and if you make a mistake that is ok too...learn from it and do better next time ! No psychic can change your life with a reading ect......only you can !! Believe and have a little faith in yourself !! 



#4Consumer Comment

Thu, August 04, 2011

Yes, ALL psychics are absolute, pure, 100% unadulterated fraud, nothing more.

All they will do is make your problems worse by ripping you off.

Please do not communicate with them or send them any money.

Joseph Brown

South Carolina,

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, August 04, 2011

You aren't fragile. You're an idiot for believing in psychics!

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