  • Report:  #105686


Reported By:
- ASHLAND, Virginia,

223 W. JACKSON BLVD. SUITE 900 CHICAGO, 60606 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Merchants Credit Guide has been calling me since july 9th and will not stop. they have an automated message that calls you from Adam Kelly. I do not owe them any money yet they continue to call and harras me! I have filed a claim with the virginia consumer affairs office. When alyon responded they said they are no longer part of merchants credit guide as of three months ago. then Amy Bandino, with Alyon, said i was lying about the phone call! I have the phone bill where they call me at work on my 800 number!

Merchants Credit Guide does not know when to quit! they say they are not calling me. But they sure are calling my phone number that is in my name only! They have already violated 3 virginia state law as to collections and harrasment.

I don't know what they are trying to pull but i will hire a lawyer if need be. I will not put up with being hassased in my house and work!


ASHLAND, Virginia

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Buena Park,
Rip-Off Report Must Have Had a Gun to Their Head to post what they did! California AG is suing Alyon for $2+ million in damages

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 01, 2004

I made a report over a year ago against Alyon Technologies. I became a victim when I received bills from Alyon for hundreds of dollars when a minor visiting my household accessed their site. They employed their special redialing software to disconnect my local connection, routed it through New Jersey, then off to Barbados so they can start billing for $5 a minute or what ever they charge. This is a crime no matter what way you slice it. Since then, I have been very busy working with my attorney general for Californa in preparing a case that is going to court very soon. My AG is suing Alyon for $2+ million in damages on behalf of the citizens of California. I plan to be their star witness; I have letters, documents, copies of filed complaints etc. It seems that my AG Bill Lockyer is the only one who cares about we average citizens. There was a similar incident that I located on the FTC website, a company using Madagascar just like Alyon has been using Barbados as a front for their egregious tactics. This fight may not have been started if not for this wonderful website, as well as, the dedicated individuals who are managing it. Unfortunately, and according to the ROR, this site has endured exhorbitant legal fees of several hundreds of thousands of dollars defending those of us who have been taken advantage of by Alyon and other unscrupulous businesses. Please send Rip-off Report money to help this battle! It is a shame that the citizens of this country have to utilize a private party like this to go after crooks, something that the Federal Trade Commission and other law enforcement personnel are unwilling to do. I am appalled at the audacity of these government officials, especially the governor and AG from New Jersey. Alyon is nothing more than thieves and crooks, preying on the less fortunate of our society. I have worked in the sales/customer service/collection industries and what I have witnessed would make everyone sick to their stomachs. I do not understand how people could be so greedy and heartless. I suppose America is the land of opportunity afterall. This site provides an invaluable resource for venting against companies like Alyon and others, just read the multiple pages of complaints about the same businesses. Since filing my report, I have monitored this site. What is alarming to me is the fact that many many more people have been taken advantage of by Alyon since I originally made my post. How many people, who don't understand the law, have paid millions to Alyon under this scam? This is a scam of the worst kind, and I will do what is necessay to stop this company from causing any more harm to the public. I predict, once my AG gets done with Alyon, there will be a domino affect across the nation. Every AG from every state in this country should be going after these crooks. Together we can send a very clear message that the people of this country will not stand for any more of these types of business practices. As citizens, we can file our own small claims actions against Alyon. Filing a small claims suit is easier than anyone thinks, I have done it before, and I am preparing to take another crook to small claims. Yes, it is possible to fight these thieves, you just need to educate yourself. I recommend using "NOLO PRESS" they have a very large list of "how to" books for the common person in dealing with the law. It is also a shame that Alyon has used its influence in various states to countersue unsuspecting individuals. This is a common practice of businesses. Their plan includes filing suits that seek to drain the resources of good companies like Rip-off Report in defending their rights against these crooks. We must all fight back, like David Horowitz used to say.

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