  • Report:  #378118


Reported By:
- Durham, Ontario,

1400 Bayly St Suite 16B Pickering, L1W 3R2 Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I'll start by saying this, I worked in Bond and with Brad Rice for some time. In fact long enough to know that there will probably be no reply to this report. And if there is, it will mostly state how Iobviously 'wasn't cut out for it' or the business 'wasn't for me'.

That being said, I'm going to openly warn anyone who is thinking of applying at Bond, or has been approached by them in any manner. Bond is an independent MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company associated with Smart Circle, aka... DSMAX. (If you don't know who DSMAX is, do a quick google search, I'm confident you can find out very quickly).

Simply put, this is a Door to Door sales company that pays 100% commission. They will force you to sign an independent distributor agreement stating that you are not an employee, and are therefore not entitled to any of the rights of an employee under the Canadian Government (ie, disability, a T4, unemployment insurance, workplace grievances like wages, sexual harassment etc...).

Now that you know what they do, I will now tell you how they operate. Bond (all of Smart Circle in generally really) prey on recent college and university graduates looking to start their careers. They advertise 'Entry Level Sports Marketing Positions' due to their 'expanding client base'.

Just so we're clear...the only sports marketing you will be doing is peddling golf course coupons or discount Toronto Marlie tickets door to door, or business to business.

They will also claim to work with companies like Kaneff Golf, New York Yankees, Pizza Hut...etc. Bond does not represent any of these clients. Smart Circle, the organization that supplies Brad with his coupons, signed and manages those clients. Bond is just the office that sells them. Especially the clients that are not located in toronto. those are handled by other offices that have no affiliation with Bond whatsoever.

Bond will also have an 'Account Manager' break down their Management Training Program' during their 'Second Interview'. This consists mainly of you following one of their salespeople door to door for a whole day. The management training program is where most people, like myself, were drawn into this business.

They claim that if you work hard and put the time in, training and hiring people under yourself to do sales, in a year you could be in brad's position running an office. I'm going to be clear and say that they are 100% right here. But I stress the COULD. I will say that in my own eyes, i've seen 1 out of hundreds of people that i've witnessed gone through bond, open their own physical office. Some make it to assistant management, but they are constantly hiring new people because the turnover at Bond is unheard of. They will say this is because their business is designed to weed out the weak. However, it is truly designed to break people down and obey everything the 'system' tells them to, as well as ignore everything outside of the 'business', like family, friends, and loved ones.

This is common in many MLM's and cults.

Those who do open an office, are subject to the never ending game of recruiting a young, impressionable salesforce to finance their business. Bond will claim that the average owner nets a six figure income, however that is untrue. The average owner in Smart Circle will earn 35-40k working 80 hours a week

( If you would like a source for this check out www.groups.msn.com/dsmaxtheaftermath there you will find many ex DSMAX'ers and managers disclosing the real facts about the business)

Brad himself will admit to paying himself a modest salary, and funneling the rest into his business ($25,000-$40,000 to monster, careerbuilder, etc) due to the high cost of recruitment.

In Closing I will say this, if you are thinking of applying here, I would recommend you didn't, if you must though, be sure you know what your getting into. Ask the right questions, ask where they get those financial figures from, ask how many offices have failed in the history of the company, show the 'Independent Distributor Agreement' to a family member or friend before signing it. And whatever you do, DO NOT be pressured into working there. Make up your own mind.

If you already work at Bond NOW METROCM.NET as a 'leader' and aren't completely brainwashed, ask yourself this. Has anything you've done so far made your life any better? At all? And why is it that whenever something bad happens, it is always the individuals fault, never brad, never the company?

think about it. That's all I ask.


Durham, Ontario


Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on ds-max, dsmax, ds/max, granton marketing, cydcor

10 Updates & Rebuttals


thanks for the heads up

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 21, 2009

A couple days ago I applied on monster.ca for this job thinking "metro" was the company who bought over Dominion the grocery retailer. After receiving an email on a Sunday which i found odd from this person named Valerie, who explained she was very interested in setting up an interview. She posted a link on the email she sent for the companies website. The company had no explanation of what exactly it does and it just sounded like a scam all together. So I did a google search, found your article and am glad I did. Thanks allot I could have wasted allot of time


thanks for the heads up

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 21, 2009

A couple days ago I applied on monster.ca for this job thinking "metro" was the company who bought over Dominion the grocery retailer. After receiving an email on a Sunday which i found odd from this person named Valerie, who explained she was very interested in setting up an interview. She posted a link on the email she sent for the companies website. The company had no explanation of what exactly it does and it just sounded like a scam all together. So I did a google search, found your article and am glad I did. Thanks allot I could have wasted allot of time


thanks for the heads up

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 21, 2009

A couple days ago I applied on monster.ca for this job thinking "metro" was the company who bought over Dominion the grocery retailer. After receiving an email on a Sunday which i found odd from this person named Valerie, who explained she was very interested in setting up an interview. She posted a link on the email she sent for the companies website. The company had no explanation of what exactly it does and it just sounded like a scam all together. So I did a google search, found your article and am glad I did. Thanks allot I could have wasted allot of time


thanks for the heads up

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, June 21, 2009

A couple days ago I applied on monster.ca for this job thinking "metro" was the company who bought over Dominion the grocery retailer. After receiving an email on a Sunday which i found odd from this person named Valerie, who explained she was very interested in setting up an interview. She posted a link on the email she sent for the companies website. The company had no explanation of what exactly it does and it just sounded like a scam all together. So I did a google search, found your article and am glad I did. Thanks allot I could have wasted allot of time


Almost got ripped off. Thnx for the report

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, May 04, 2009

Thank you for your report. I actually had an interview scheduled with the Pickering location at Metro this week. I responded to their online posting of the "Event Marking" or "Personal Relations", and they contacted me the next day. I guess it shows how desperate they are about finding someone asap. So I received an e-mail back from Metro telling me that they were interested in meeting me. They also told me that the "2nd step" to this process was to call them and book a potential interview. I called them one hour after I received the e-mail. Being someone who is looking for a job I anticipated talking to them. I called twice one day. . and tried again another. NO ONE PICKED UP. To me, being a professional office, it seemed sketchy that NO ONE would pick up my phone call. I left 3 messages and still no response. They called me back a few days later saying there was an issue with their phone line. Wether it was BS or not, it was still sketchy to me. I was only interested in Marketing which is the position I applied for, and they told me the positions were all "FULL" and that only sales was needed. After reading your post, it was clear to me everything they said to me was absolute BS. She told me it was 100% commission, and that I had the potential to grow within the company. It seemed too good to be true. Everything from the start .. to applying for the position and getting a call back telling me very little information I felt a little uneasy going in for an interview all the way to Pickering. I asked for information and she told me that all of my questions would be answered in person on the day of my interview. After I read your reports, I e-mailed them and cancelled my interview immediately. I don't find a point in going all the way to Pickering, wasting gas and my time to even try to get a job somewhere who's reputation is clearly horrible. So thanks for the report. Seriously


Cite your sources

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 02, 2009

This original post was written by me about a year ago. I keep seeing it popping up on this site under this different user and for new companies. I don't mind people citing my posts but please don't try and pass it off as your own.


Cite your sources

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 02, 2009

This original post was written by me about a year ago. I keep seeing it popping up on this site under this different user and for new companies. I don't mind people citing my posts but please don't try and pass it off as your own.


Cite your sources

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 02, 2009

This original post was written by me about a year ago. I keep seeing it popping up on this site under this different user and for new companies. I don't mind people citing my posts but please don't try and pass it off as your own.


good info

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, November 20, 2008

thnx for this, I recently had an interview there (Pickering location) and noticed it seemed a little sketchy while I was there, the words and story I was told seemed a little too good to be true considering the state of the office and overall level of professionalism. After asking Brad several questions about what they are about, he said "you're making this harder than it has to be"...and just put off an overall "i run the show here" attitude. I was actually called to go for the 'second interview' but it didnt intrigue me; putting in a full 8-10 hour day (even as training) without pay doesn't seem called for. After seeing this article amongst others about the organization, I decided against it, they were the deciding factor. Sorry Brad, this 'entry level' job isnt for me, but good luck with your future endeavours. Just wondering free and happy, and for all of you that actually worked there as the entry level position, how much $ did you bring in a week and how many hours did you work while you were there? All new graduates, don't be fooled by companies like this; they are not legit!


good info

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, November 20, 2008

thnx for this, I recently had an interview there (Pickering location) and noticed it seemed a little sketchy while I was there, the words and story I was told seemed a little too good to be true considering the state of the office and overall level of professionalism. After asking Brad several questions about what they are about, he said "you're making this harder than it has to be"...and just put off an overall "i run the show here" attitude. I was actually called to go for the 'second interview' but it didnt intrigue me; putting in a full 8-10 hour day (even as training) without pay doesn't seem called for. After seeing this article amongst others about the organization, I decided against it, they were the deciding factor. Sorry Brad, this 'entry level' job isnt for me, but good luck with your future endeavours. Just wondering free and happy, and for all of you that actually worked there as the entry level position, how much $ did you bring in a week and how many hours did you work while you were there? All new graduates, don't be fooled by companies like this; they are not legit!

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