  • Report:  #196783

Complaint Review: MGR Solutions - MGR Resources - Houston Texas

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

MGR Solutions - MGR Resources
14781 Memorial Dr. Suite 1999 Houston, 77079 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Like many others reporting here, we too were in search of funding from legitimate sources and stumbled upon this website. Within 24 hours of my wife completing the online form, we received the call from Michael Turner aka Michael Bollen aka many other alias names to fit the call. He indicated that Cindy had been pre-approved by their matching funds criteria authorization system for $25,000 and up to $100,000 of free, government grant money in order to start a business. All we had to do was send them a check (business, certified or cashiers) for $449.00, overnight delivery. Upon receipt, he would call us with our funding contract number and we would receive the check within 6 weeks.

During our phone conversation with Michael Turner (we conferenced my wife in as well), it was very obvious to me, due to the loud background noise, that this guy was in a boiler room situation as you could clearly hear several other individual reciting chapter and verse the same spew. As Turner spoke, being in front of my computer, I went to the website and then entered the name of the company into the Google search, which yielded the similarly negative postings from this site as well as others. I did not let on to Turner as to my discoveries and continued the conversation with elation and enthusiasm, indicating that we would send the check immediately.

After completing the cal and concluding that this was a rip-off, I began the in-depth research that many years in broadcast news had taught me. As the MGR Solutions site indicates several Testimonial Facts regarding their services, I began to track down and verify the people and companies listed.

The first box refers to a company called Beneficial Design (reality it is Designs) receiving almost $50,000 for developing a website. FACT: This is a real company that has in fact received many educational grants over the years for developing this site and other educational resources. FACT: Beneficial Designs has never heard of nor have they ever done business with MGR Solutions. They have been writing their own grants for years, a process that in reality takes many months to as long as a year to complete. WRITING A GRANT AND RECIVING GRANT FUNDS DOES NOT TAKE 6 WEEKS AS MGR SOLUTIONS WILL HAVE YOU BELIEVE.

Midway in the Testimonial Facts is Brett Stern, receiving $175,000 for an invention he was developing. FACT: Mr. Stern did receive several grants for this invention and other projects he has been working on for over 20 years. FACT: Mr. Stern has never heard of MGR Solutions and in fact has written every single grant he has ever received. Mr Stern, as was the gentleman from Beneficial Designs, was very specific in how the Grant funding process works, both indicating it is a very time consuming, explicitly specific process that takes a very long time to complete without any guarantee of receiving funds.

Grants are read by individuals tasked with determining the validity of each and every proposal and are graded on a 1-10 scale. Those proposals receiving a 10 get funded, anything left over then goes to the 9's, anything leftover after that goes to the 8's and so on. Again, this process typically willl take close to a year to complete by the time any funds are dispersed.

Other realities and facts that I discovered in my 2 hours of checking. Google the physical address in Houston and you will find the satellite imagery that clearly shows an industrial strip office park, no bulding higher than 2 stories and certainly nothing that looks like the office building depicted on the website. Turner also referred to the 19th and 21st floors, clearly they do not exist.

FACT: There is no physical presence of MGR Solutions whatsoever at this address, but there is a company called US Global Mail, 866.596.8965. The very nice lady answering that phone number indicated that in fact they were nothing more than a mail drop box/PO Box facility and that MGR Solutions did have a reciving box there where the "Suite 1999" mail went to and that an individual picked up the mail there every day. Due to privacy R&R's, she did not reveal that individual, but anyone in the Houston area could certainly sit and wait for someone to come by and receive the contents of the MGR Solutions box.

The website and domain information is registered with and managed by GoDaddy.com and a WhoIs result indicates the following:

Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)


Created on: 08-Feb-06

Expires on: 08-Feb-07

Last Updated on: 08-Feb-06

Administrative Contact:

Solutions, MGR [email protected]

14781 Memorial Dr

Suite 1999

Houston, Texas 77079

United States


Also, [email protected] is listed as the technical contact. Interestingly, that email address is Canadian and BellNet is a Canadian company.

When Michael Turner called me the next day, he was pissed that he did not receive the check I promised to send and I indicated (still playing stupid) that I would like him to email me MGR Solutions "Money Back Guarantee" which is indicated on the website by a seal of approval type icon but there is no specific wording describing what that money back guarantee involves nor is there anywhere on the site any type of terms and conditions regarding services provided by MGR Solutions. When asked, Turner refused to provide them to me saying that if I did not want to do business their way that I could re-apply next year. I asked him who [email protected] was, he stated that he knew that tsako was some higher up executive and then abruptly hing up on me.

Bottom line, this is a classic buyer beware, if it sounds to good to be true, it typically is not and you have only your own foolishnees and money to lose to these very sophisticated con artists. They have done their homework to ensure their success to defraud you, now it is up to you to hopefully have done your's! Good Luck!

By the way, there is no grant money available just because you want to start up a business. The internet is full of real info, as is the government website for grants. Just do your homework and don't be in such a hurry or you will lose money to the con artists.


San Diego, California

7 Updates & Rebuttals


They Got me too

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, September 21, 2008

I too fell into this ploy. I had a hobby that I was trying to turn into a business. Obviously, a grant would allow me more room to work with, and MGR Solutions made it sound so simple. Far from. Once my $449 was in their hands phone calls and emails were ignored, and that was that. I lost my $449 that could have gone a very long ways towards my business goals at the time. I now see that this was a scam, and a well set up one at that. I honestly thought that I was going to get the help I needed to get my business going. Foolish, yes, but I fell for it hook line and sinker. Next time I will do more research before putting any money on the table.


Need help going after these Scambags?

#3Author of original report

Mon, March 17, 2008

As a follow up to my original report, if any of you need additional help in going after these scambags and the ring leader aka Michael Turner and are trying to get your money back, I can pass on some great info to you. You may contact me at [email protected] Let's nail this thief!

Fool Me Once Shame On U Fool Me Twice Shame On Me

Bowling Green,
What about me?

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, March 14, 2008

About 1 year ago, my husband and i needed studant loan grants. WE found mgr and sent them the 449.00 required. We filled out the booklet they sent us and mailed it back. I spoke with them one other time after that, where they advised me it would be 6-8 weeks before anything else. So i waited, when i tried to call back, i couldnt get through, all i got was an answering service. Now the number is blocked. So you see michael, these arent people just wanting to put a company down, theyre legitmate. I would like my money back, at this time, that does not seem like its going to happen. I am going to contact my lawyer and am being forced to sue! If anyone else would like to join me, feel free to contact me! My attorney is located in Corydon, Indiana and is willing and ready to hire a private investigator and file the paper work to sue MGR Solutions and any person affiliated with them. This will very quickly turn into a class action law suit. I have not heard from MGR Solutions or any affiliates of them for over 2 months now and frankly i have waited long enough! I had to go get a personal loan to pay that 449.00 and with interest, i ended up paying back about 700. I was really counting on that grant of 40,000$ that i was promised to further my education. I no longer attend school because i can no longer afford it. MGR Solutions gave me false hope and caused alot of suffering (another part of my soon to be law suit). Like I said before I am going all out on this. My Grandfather Works for the mayor Of Louisville, Ky and i can and will use that influence to make sure something is done about this. It is not right for people to sit back and get screwed out of hard earned money while others sit on their butts and take our money. It is time for people to make a stand! Not just with MGR Solutions, but with any company that is going to do this to them! Now I call out to the victims of this company. Writing what happened on 1 website does not make a difference. Call your local TV Stations, newspapers, senators, mayors of towns, govenors, radio stations. Write 20/20, nightline, Brian Williams, CNN. ABC, NBC, CBS, whatever it takes to get this out in the open. You may not believe this, but knowing from personal experience, Politicians love a good way to stand up and make themselves look like heros that saved all these poor victimized people (it pulls in lots of votes) so tap into that! Stop sitting around and griping, get up and do something about it. BRING IT ON MGR!!!!! IM NOT GOING TO SIT BACK ANYMORE!!!!!!



#5Consumer Comment

Tue, March 27, 2007

I AM A CURRENT VICTIM March 27, 2007 My Grant Resources Solutions 1320 State Route 9 Champlain, New York 12919 1-877-931-2249 OR 14781 Memorial Drive P.O. Box 1999 Houston, TX 77079 To Whom It May Concern: I, Evior T, have phoned your organization for several weeks in concerns of the status of a grant for my home. The response I have received on January 23, 2007, which was my first try, I was told would be receiving a response in about ten days. Then I placed another call again on February 6, 2007, and I was told that I should be receiving an response in about two to three days from some of the agencies that my information was sent to for processing. Then I called on today February 14, 2007, and the male receptionist told me I had another six to eight weeks before I would be receiving a response. When initially I was told that it would take about ten to twelve weeks from the time your organization received the book with my information on me and my family; and your organization received that information on November 9, 2006; and it was signed for by a V. Martin. Then I spoke with another gentleman again February 14, 2007, he assured me that by Friday, February 16, 2007 or Monday, February 19, 2007, that I would have an answer from one of the agencies and he would contact me. Due to that Monday, February 19, 2007 being a holiday, I had given your organization an extra two days to continue doing any research so that you may receive a response, and intern contact me with an much suitable response. However, when I contacted MGR (My Grant Resources) again on February 22, 2007, I was told that I had another two weeks before I receive an response. March 4, 2007, at approximately 10:01 a.m., CTS, and I still have not received a letter or had an response from MGR or an agency. On March 9, 2007, at 9:46 a.m., I placed another call to your organization for the status of my grant, and the male receptionist told me that we are just around the corner for our results and that I have another two weeks before I receive my results. Today, is now Monday, March 26, 2007, the time is now 11:11 a.m., and I have been trying to contact you since your opening time of this morning, but for some reason you are unavailable to receive call at the time during the hours you are open. You have had my information long enough, and the process that you have put me through has given me nothing but the run around. I am asking for suitable answers about the status of my grant or a refund on my money that I had given to your organization at the start of the process. I would prefer to have actual names and numbers of the agencies that you have given my information to about the grant. I have been very patient with your organization about the process of my grant, and getting information on the status of it as well. Now, I have given you more that the allotted time that you indicated to me in the contract that I signed at the beginning of this process. I am willing and ready to attain a lawyer to legally get the answers that I am inquiring.



#6Consumer Comment

Fri, June 30, 2006

Funny how not one item of fact is addressed in Michael Turners rant against me personally. He just does not adress the facts, like the testimonials on thier website, they are unauthorized and MGR Solutions does not have permission to use, nor have they ever assisted in any way, the people and situations represented on their website. Do a Google search as I did for Brett Stern or Beneficial Designs, call them up and hear from the real folks that are represented as being MGR Solution clients. Brett Stern contacted MGR Solutions and told them that they were misrepresenting and outright lying to the public that they had anything whatsoever to do with grants he has obtained over the years. They immediately removed him from the Testimonial list. Bottom line, all of the testimonials may be factual in their substance in that grants may well have been received by these people BUT, MGR-Solutions did not, in any way whatsoever have anything to do with obtaining those funds. They did not prepare aplications or write the grants, they have just illegally used the situational facts of the grants for their own misrepresentation and public rip-off! I do not, nor have I ever worked for or engaged in any business for the purpose of obtaining grants or other types of funding from the governmant or other financial institutions. I have been in broadcast television and film for over 30 years. Michael's reference as such is just air and also scary. There are many other companies out there representing they can do the same thing. They only want to steal money from you, PERIOD! Obtaining Government Grants are long, tedious efforts that do not happen in 6 weeks. Anyone representing this or similar is a fraud and has no idea what they are speaking of. Check with the federal government first or, as Brett Stern did, go to Matt Lesko's site and read one of his many books on the subject. This is how Brett obtained his grant funding. Bottom line here folks, the facts presented are not even addressed by Michael Turner, not one fact at all and MGR Solutions and many other companies like them are a rip off and if you choose to deal with them, then you do so with blind faith. (Great band!) If it is worth losing $450 dollars then go for it. I find it hard to believe that anyone with that much money to lose wouldn't take a few moments to thoroughly conduct research specific to obtaining grants before sending your money off to these yahoos. Who knows, in these times, with all of the internet scams, you might inadvertently be funding a terrorist organization. As for growing up, well, been there, continuing to do it and learning from scambags like you. By the way, found our money through private investment, something I recommend when you realize that grants aren't necessarily right for you. Remember, nothing is truly free any more these days, especially from our government.



#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 30, 2006

Dear Scott, What an interesting story, unfortunately as a reporter you are probably out of work or looking for some publicity? Please take the time and read my reply. 1. Does Scott work for the competion? It is unfortunately typical of a small minority of individuals who are seeking help but want something for nothing to complain for invalid reasons. MGR Solutions is a for profit corporation and not a charity. As you stated you're a reporter, well rather than waste time writing about us why not spend your time finding out why the government or private foundations make receiving a grant so complex and difficult. Once that is done there would be no professionals including accountants, lawyers and other business professionals earning a fee for services rendered for assisting an individual or corporation at receiving a grant? This means I would be without a job! (Scott I also suspect that you are one of our competitor's intent on destroying our reputation and not a reporter.) 2. The Truth about Grants. Let me confirm for you that all grant programs are not standardized. Each and every program has a complex set of rules that makes it difficult for so many people to understand and navigate. I am a professional, and try to help individuals better themselves. Not a single applicant is ever forced to accept our/my services. You can apply for grants on your own that is 100% free. You are absolutely correct doing things on your own can take forever. You are absolutely correct applications are scrutinized, evaluated, and graded. That's why so many people refer there needs to experts. So when it comes time to get things done in an efficient and timely way many chose our services. We do provide a full refund if you do not receive a grant if you use our services. 3. Free Trade, Globalization, are we TRADERS and turncoats!!! As for one of our executives using services of a Canadian company well I do not know anything about it; however Scott I suspect that you would think that the majority of us in America are traders! That's right Scott traders, Americans fly on foreign owned airlines, buy products made abroad, eat food grown in a foreign country, purchase products made all over the world, all if which are available to us because we live in a free country. Now this may come to you as a big shock but some of the wealthier people in America have homes abroad. I personally know of some individuals who maintain properties in many countries including Canada. Hey what about all those American publicly traded companies who have foreign investors who buy their stocks is that a crime or is it globalization. What about our citizens who buy the stock of foreign companies are they traders to the American economy as well? Were does this conspiracy in America end? We live in a global economy. Every corporation in the world is looking at achieving better margins, keep the prices down, make sure that stock holders get the highest return on investment, and outsource everything and anything. Look around and you will see people who buy foreign made cars, travel abroad, buy the least expensive item, get the best deal, why? Its human nature and we live in a completive and consumer oriented market. Next time take a long look at what ever you buy and checkout where it's manufactured. The president of the good old USA has us fighting for freedom in IRAQ; all with the goal of have that country enjoys freedom and democracy or are you against these ideals? (I maybe against the war but not against freedom) 4. Grants are not cake recipes As for the background noise in my world, well my friend if you worked in journalism you may have worked in an open office environment. It times it can be noisy, unfortunately in today's business environment the luxury and expensive of posh and private offices is a thing of the past. It would be nice but then our clients would have to pay for our pampered comforts. You also question the fact that my colleagues are reciting chapter and verse what do you want us to speak about? Would you be happier if we gave you a cake or pie recopies instead? Scott in my department the applicants want to start businesses and are seeking grant assistance, so what's your question? Let me guess you probably see your medical doctor and speak about how to mow your lawn, or change the transmission oil in your car. Scott you seemed more concerned about the floor I work on rather than the results we get, which is very odd! 5. Payment options recommended by banks and the government We do business the old fashioned way we ask you to send us a payment just like the Phone Company, utilities, and government agencies. We do not ask clients to reveal their personal data such as checking account numbers or credit card numbers over the phone. Scott I get to speak to people who for what ever reason were victims of scam artists. So the fact that you question our payment options the same ones used by good corporate citizens and the government makes me think that you have something to hide? 6. America the land of Choice Once again Scott, I work for a profit oriented company, not a charity, if you want our expertise you pay for it, if not then you have other choices. Remember you were looking for our expertise and help; we were not looking for you. You do not like how we do business then do not let us stop you from dealing with anyone else. America is about choices, there are lots of them. I do not fix my own car, perform surgery, or fly an airplane, I deal with experts who do what I cannot or will not do for myself and I pay their fees with pleasure. 7. Complainers and bellyachers or cheapskates? When I look at those that have complained on rip-off report I only know of one individual who had a legitimate beef and that was an over an error that MGR Solution's admitted to on this same site and corrected immediately and that information was then reported by the client themselves in an update to rip-off repot. The remaining complaints are from people who just do not want to pay for our service which is perfectly acceptable; or as I suspect are our competitors trying to discredit us. Scott according to your logic if things were so straight forward we would not need doctors, accountants, lawyers, engineers etc.; I think that you are getting my drift. Hey just buy a book, or take a class and become an instant expert, that's what a lot of people think, which is fine if you have time on your hands. I am sure that with your experience as a reporter that you honed your skills and worked hard to achieve a level of expertise! Now should I assume correctly that what you do are just words on paper? Following your logic there is no value to your work. So I would guess that you probably never got paid for your work; after all words on paper are worthless aren't they? Since you were a broadcast journalist you just read things back to your audience or at least someone else did! Ah let me think, you got paid to have us listen to your innuendos, grand standing, and probably nothing more than useless information. I would never assume that any professional should not be paid for his or her services, because I have respect for other peoples work, and if they are professional then they get paid for their services! I would expect that we all make choices when we hire a professional, you chose them or you chose someone else. But if you simply cannot afford the fee must you tarnish their reputation? Why does anybody charge anything for the work that they do? Why not grow your own food, make your own furniture, paint your own house, and build your own car? Let's look at the cost of sport shoes or maybe clothing so much is bought by the public at large at so called affordable prices. For example sport shoes, labor, materials, shipping etc. probably does not amount to more than $10.00 yet we gladly pay over $100.00 WOW is that not a crime. Look around you there are so many examples of over priced products and services yet we all gladly fork over the money, WHY it's called I CAN'T DO THIS ON MY OWN so I need someone else's help. But we also have the option to make other choices. 8. Security and Fanatics If you are so eager (sounds like you lived during the McCarthy era) to right all the wrongs start with yourself. We live in an age where fortune 500 companies all have mailing addresses. Again, why is that? Maybe to avoid crazed gun totting fanatics with narrow visions of the world who settle things with violence? Unfortunately, we all live in fear; look at the drive by shootings, road rage, children shooting each other in schools, just a fraction of what we all face every day. MGR Solutions use a mailing address just like every other business in America, it's about security. 9. Scott strikes out again I do not make corporate decisions but I guess those that do probably get to chose which supplier they work with and how to improve there services so once again Scotty boy you strike out with your Go daddy info. If you were a baseball pitcher and I the coach I would send you to the showers. Now if I were the owner I would send you to the minors where you belong. Rather than waste your time on me and MGR Solutions why not look into the fact that too many people in America have low paying jobs with zero benefits. What about single parents who are struggling to put food on the table? Spend your time on real issues and contribute to these instead. In passing the name Michael is a very common first name please ask Michael Douglas, Mike Tyson, and Michael Moore if you do not believe me. Scott grow up and get a life for Gods sake, stop looking for the bogyman at MGR Solutions and do something real with yourself. Michael Turner Consultant MGR Solutions


Michael Turners Direct Phone #

#8Author of original report

Fri, June 16, 2006

Here is Michael Turners direct phone #, 832-644-2577 and the info on this number is (832) 644-2577 is a land line based in Humble, TX. The registered service provider is Focal Communications Corp. More info to follow in the next couple of days.

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