Mike Petroski
POMPANO,#2REBUTTAL Individual responds
Mon, May 11, 2009
Once again Dan Goodman x employee
pompano,#3Author of original report
Fri, May 08, 2009
It is so funny to me that mike thinks he can blame disgruntled employees for his mistakes. I happen to know that mr. Dan Goodman DID NOT make that report. He just happens to be the scapegoat because michael has a personal problem with the young man who lives where michael lived previously before his ex threw him out for reasons that would involve the law if notified. Before you start naming names Michael, you better look in the mirror and tell sam she better watch out since she is in coherts with you. Everyone is becoming aware of the drug selling on the job and michael helps his secretary sell drugs. So before you blame a 19 year old for your stupid mistakes, you better watch yourself. Your bosses already got arrested you fool, and what goes up must come down and so will all of you, if you dont get busted for drugs first. I am going to make sure the authorities know about both of you and I never worked there!
Mike Petroski
POMPANO,#4REBUTTAL Individual responds
Wed, May 06, 2009
This was written by Dan Goodman an x employee who is upset ,our company is surly not cannon credit although we were thinking upon this name a long time ago,Mr goodman is the only person that knew this .Nice try Dan remember we have no clients in Ft Lauderdale