  • Report:  #271242

Complaint Review: Micheal Bacolas Global Net Warehouse Direct Wholesale Solutions SLS Information Services - Surprise Arizona

Reported By:
- Walla Walla, Washington,

Micheal Bacolas Global Net Warehouse Direct Wholesale Solutions SLS Information Services
14519 W. Ventura Street Surprise, 85379 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Micheal Bacolas Sr. Is scamming thousands and thousands of clients of their money. He has 1800 websites and none of those people are making money including me.. He promised me checks after check and none showed up, then I just found out tha Micheal Bacolas Sr. Has other companies that are all linked together, they are as followed:

1. Global Net Warehouse

2. Direct Wholesale Solutions

3. SLS Information Services

4. Smart Lending Solutions

5. Mihally LLC.

Now if you have a website through any of these companies you are being scammed as you are reading this...also connected with these businesses is Twalla Robertson..she is the customer service rep. she runs the deals for him, that are fraud..because he doesn't want to take chance..Micheal Bacolas Sr. Has been TMF'd from all Merchant accounts, and he is on check systems for fraud on check and credit cards... So if you get a call from any of these companies just hang up and call you local police department.. the customer service line is 1-800-998-9418, 602-446-0038, 623-243-9524, and 602-288-8920.

So please watch out for any of these companies I don't want this to happen to you like it did me.

Rose Cappen

Walla Walla, Washington


7 Updates & Rebuttals


Lies about Sheryl French and Greg Lake

#2Author of original report

Fri, August 31, 2007

To all people that read the rebuttals on this report, my name is Sherylyes did work with Michael Bacolas. I on the other hand have not enbezzeled any money or taken any clients files. Michael Bacolas is a BIG LIAR me and Greg Lake are not theives, we never have been I will take Michael Bacolas to court and I have a lot of his clients and friends that will state that Michael Bacolas is a FRAUD!!!! I frankly do not care what Michael Bacolas says about me and my family I have a lot of things that I will tell the judge when I take Mr. Bacoals and his wife to court!!! Michael Bacolas has filed false police statement, which is against the law, he calls my house acting as if he is 3 years old. Waking my son who is 6 years old up in the middle of the night, because Michael Bacolas is a low life. Greg Lake does not care about Michael Bacolas or anything he says Michael is mad because I shut his income...Now Michael you can continue to be scum, but what ever you have to say to me say it in court or talk to my lawyer DAVIS AND MILES in scottsdale arizona they would be more than happy to talk to you. Now that Greg Lake is no longer with Michael Bacolas he and his family will not be protected by Greg Lake. Greg Lake kept people from harming or even killing Michael Bacolas because of all his lies, scams, and not paying emplyees. I will no longer protect Mr. Bacolas I have moved on to bigger and better things.. Mike stay a low life, money taking peice of garbage that you and your company are!! I really do not care that you gave my address out on the internet thats fine, Please everyone who wants to visit me you are more than welcome to my house, I will then go ahead and take you to Michael Bacolas's house. Remember everyone call me any time I will be more than happy to help you, and will gofurther than that I will take you to his house. Thank you so much Mr. Bacolas you have made me a star!! I will NOT think of you when I become famous!! Again all CLIENTS PLEASE chargeback NOW and please CALL ME ASAP!! For your sakes please do not start anymore businesses that do not make money ever!!! Have a blessed day. Sincerly yours, Greg and Sheryl


Bogus Reports Continue. First Greg Lake Files Falsely as Rose Capen, Now He Slanders

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 31, 2007

Dear Valued Customers, I again apologize for the rantings of this highly jelous individual. First, he posts a fraudulent report as Rose Capen, claiming she's from Walla Walla Washington, then he posts another response that frankly does not validate any response. This gentleman and his wife are scared of prosecution for embezzlement, period. All wages paid to him have been dated and filed and complete records have been kept. He was found fraudulently posting on ripoffreport.com. Out of the kindness of my heart, I loaned him $2,500 and he embezzled another $8,500 on top of that. An intelligent reader will see the false report and the rebuttal and see that this individual lacks in all areas. I apologize for ever exposing my client files to this individual and his wife. All the allegations made are untrue and lack merit, now giving me grounds for yet another cause of action: defamation of character and slander. I finally spoke with Rose Capen, whose name he filed this fraudulent report under. Knowing making false statements and publishing them online is a tort and a crime. As none of these reports are valid, this is the last response you will be hearing from me on this matter. Please call me if you need clarification. It is disgusting and disturbing that this individual would stoop so low to slander my children. Along with his obvious lying and falsifying reports under a client's name, to state these horrible things that are both untrue and disgusting, and is a reflection of the character of this human being. Very disgusting and dispicable, but it will not hinder the embezzlement prosecution. If you were one of my clients which Greg Lake stole from my database, you can seek remedy at his home address: Greg Lake & Sheryl French 17833 N. Dreyfuss St. Surprise, AZ 85379 This is my last communication on these invalid and fraudulent reports. All these correspondences are forwarded to the Surprise Police Department to support my prosecution for embezzlement, Case NO. 07086593 Sincerely, Michael Bacolas SLS Information Services


Michael Bacolas and Twalla Robinson

#4Author of original report

Fri, August 31, 2007

Smart lending Solutions/ Direct Wholesale/ Global Net Warehouse/ Mihaly LLC/ SLS Information Services. I would like to take the time out to tell all those client about Michael Bacolas and Twalla Bacolas SCAMS. If you look search under Direct Wholesale Solutions you will find that Michael Bacolas is the biggest LIAR in the USA...if you find on rippoffreports.com Direct Wholesale Solutions-Global Net Warehouse, you will see that his wife Twalla Bacolas/ Robinson and her former partner, Elizabeth have filed complaints on Michael Bacolas on 11/11/2006 about the Scamming he and Michael Broviach and Joshua Nunez had done to the other clients. He has put false accusations on Lakes Millionaire Marketing and Greg Lake. I Greg Lake worked with Michael Bacolas at Smart Lending Solutions in January of 2006, as a closer, then moved up to loan officer/Branch Manager. In May of 2007 Michael Bacolas could not handle being a business owner so then decided to take employees money and use them for his own habits... He still owes his sister Paula Bacolas $40,000.00...Michael ran up the credit card, took advantage of her kindness, and yes I do have proof. Paula is in the middle of suing her brother Michael Bacolas. Michael Bacolas was TMF which means he can not have a Merchant account again because of all the fraud; I have a witness to that. He also is in check systems for fraud on all his former employees of Smart Lending Solutions and SLS Information Services, I have many people that will vouch that he does not pay his employees, bills, or his rent, he owes his former landlord of his business, $3000.00. He just packed up on day and said "I am Shutting down because I can afford to keep this business open." So he packed up and moved it to a storage unit where it sits now until he opens up another business... Michael Bacolas goes by the alias Paul Harrison...He uses Paul Harrison because people that know Michael Bacolas and Direct Wholesales are connected so that is why he uses Paul Harrison... Michael Bacolas lost merchant accounts had no business and approached me (Greg Lake) about being his business partner. I thought it would be a good deal he offered me 40% of all deals, So I took that offer, not knowing how deep of trouble he was in at the time he helped me get merchant accounts.. Then my percentage went up to 47 and a half percent. I am an adverting specialist not a computer savvy person, Michael Bacolas took in his own hands to run the deals through my merchant account and telling me later I owe him this much money. I told him I want out of the business I don't like it and I can do my own thing by myself, he got mad and said " If you shut my business down I will make your life miserable, and I know my way around a computer and you don't I can make things look like you did it but you really didn't" So I stayed on another couple of weeks, and decided to shut my business down and do something else. Lakes Millionaire Marketing is no longer in business; my relationship with Michael Bacolas is done. Now Sheryl French was customer service which had nothing to do with any deals at all, she actually worked from home...Michael Bacolas has every single file at his house, and Sheryl French never has never touched a deal in his office only to verify the credit card numbers and information on the clients, The calls were never monitored like the script said. Sheryl French is in overdrawn in her bank account $1200.00 because Michael Bacolas used her business name and deposited 20 bad checks and $1079.00 in merchant accounts. I feel that Michael Bacolas and Twalla Bacolas has taken advantage of Greg Lake and Sheryl French, and right now owes Greg Lake $10,000.00 for money that was never paid, for bad checks, 1 check cashing place is PLS Check Cashing on Indian School Road and 7th Ave Phoenix, Michael Bacolas was writing out bad checks to pay his employees, and as soon as they went to cash their checks they got in trouble and did not get the money, they shut down his Bank Wells Fargo, out of fraud checks he owes me $10,000.00. Michael Bacolas is just like Don Lapree, the Worlds Greatest Vitamin, these companies are scammed companies, that take old people/handicapped/disabled income out of the pockets, Michael Bacolas said to me " I do not care about these people just there money!!!" Just ask JULIE ENGER in California. I got tired of all the scams running through my account from Michael Bacolas, so when I told him I was done with his lies and scams, he got mad called the police and lied to them said I had a gun and pointed it at his son. Which was a lie the police investigated the incident; they are going to get Michael Bacolas for filing a false police report. Michael Bacolas is not suppose to be in Business no where on the internet, but he uses other alias Like Paul Harrison which all the clients did not know that was Michael Bacolas all along... He used me also like he does everyone that comes around him...Michael Bacolas and his wife Twalla Bacolas are in a new Business right now scamming people, the saga continues. The family of Bacolas are all meth addicts. His son Christopher who has bad mental problems because of hard drugs. Michael Bacolas Jr. has his credit messed up for $250,000 from scams on the internet poor boy can't buy nothing, 2 young nice daughters very smart but he says nasty sexual things to them at times...The wife Twalla Bacolas and alcoholic filed against Michael Bacolas for scams in 11/06 on them, now the same Lady Twalla Bacolas Married him and now these 2 are scamming again. I Quit, at is why I'm on here from Michael Bacolas. He says he will scam until he gets caught because he is a paralegal with a lot of knowledge how to scam and not get caught, but to put bad things on people with little knowledge of computers like myself...He laughs at me and says I've been scamming clients since 2000, Im sure he probably wont get caught but I sure do have a lot of people that will go to court and back me up. I had no knowledge of wrong doing until people started telling me to watch him... Michael Bacolas at SLS Information services will no longer scam people through my Merchants I'm shutting him down for good I myself...He doesn't deserve to do business in the US. He has been laundering Money for a long time he just keep changing names of his Business. He gets his Websites From Homestead, then he charges people like Narcine Hartfield for a cheap website and took her for $12,000 on purpose, got witnesses, he is scum someone has to stop him. I was tired of watching him take advantage is why I shut SLS Information services down by leaving, but Michael is a pure criminal that has not been caught yet because his sons take criminal charges for him. His kid's lives are screwed up because of him and Twalla Bacolas with their gay relationship. Michael also has a drug charge. Also he slanders other peoples name to clean him self up. Lakes Millionaire Marketing holds no responsibility for any charges when I don't know about business and was taken advantage of by Michael Bacolas... Do a check on Michael Bacolas He is TMF by the Government, and on check systems for fraud, and my company is not that is why I shut it down. He is not suppose to do internet business, I wish all of you guys would do chargeback's its over Michael Bacolas and Twalla Bacolas the world knows you're a scam remember clients of the USA, charge back now... All these companies are scams. Direct Wholesale, SLS Information Services, Smart Lending Solutions. Michael Bacolas is a big drug dealer hiding behind his kids, they will go to jail for Direct Wholesale Solutions, Michael Bacolas, and Twalla Bacolas ALL vulnerable clients LOOK OUT, for these companies and these people. The FBI is currently investigating Michael Bacolas and Twalla Bacolas for internet fraud, and scamming helpless people out of their money, to get their cheap thrills in life. If you want to find Michael Bacolas has been hiding no one has his address he uses different addresses to hide from his clients I am going to give it to you his address is: Michael Bacolas 14519 W. Ventura Street Surprise, AZ. 85379 Business phone numbers are as followed: 1. Customer Service: 800-998-9418 and 602-446-0038 2. Business line: 602-288-8920 3. His PERSONAL: 623-243-9524 Thank you for taking the time to read the REAL TRUTH!!!!! And remember to look up companies on rippoffreport,com before doing any business from home, none of these websites listed above make any money as home based businesses NEVER no client has ever made $5.00 while having a website through Michael Bacolas, no internet business makes money just the owners like Michael Bacolas, and Twalla Bacolas. Small guys like myself we don't make money either, because of people like Michael Bacolas that wants to steal and take from everyone. I stopped working for him 3 weeks ago because of all the bad stuff he has done to clients, Now he wants to run my name in the dirt like his company I am letting the world know about these internet businesses, mortgage websites, GPS tracking companies, Worlds Greatest Vitamin, Dish Network, Direct TV websites, Medical Billing websites, Envelope Stuffing, do not get involved with these scams. Thank you, Greg Lake


Bogus Complaint by Former Employee Greg Lake Embezzlement Investigation

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 31, 2007

Dear Valued Customers, On August 29, 2007, it was brought to my attention that my client database was stolen from my home by former employees Greg Lake and Sheryl French. After a merchant account investigation it was found that Greg Lake and Sheryl French took client files, called these files as "Lake's Millionaire Marketing" and "LMM Marketing" and other fraudulent names, and sold my clients web site marketing and advertising. A complaint for embezzlement was made with the Surprise Police Department on August 29, 2007 by Michael Bacolas against Greg Lake. Complaint NO. 07086593. On that day, Mr. Lake sent an email to my company that he was in receipt of the funds he had embezzled. I sent my eldest children to Mr. Lake's home to retrieve the embezzled funds he indicated he would return, but they were threatened with a gun at his door. Another report was filed with the Surprise Police Department for threats and intimidation. Any clients contacted to do business or advertising for Direct Wholesale or Mihaly LLC should be made aware that these web sites are no longer online as I have legal issues with the hosting company for non fullfillment of paid services to maintain client web sites. Please be advised not to conduct business with anyone representing themselves on behalf of Direct Wholesale Solutions or Mihaly LLC as these client files were stolen by Greg Lake and Sheryl French. This is a bogus report not filed by Ms. Rose. Rose does not know or have ever been contacted by my wife, Twalla, as we were married on August 12, 2007, and began dating on June 17, and all business dealings with this client predated June. Rose has never been contacted by my wife, nor does she know I am married. This is a bogus report filed by Greg Lake and Sheryl French to deflect attention from the current embezzlement investigation against them. I tried contacting this client, but apparently Mr. Lake stole that client file as well as I cannot find her in my database. This is also being turned over to the authorities. Furthermore, this bogus report claims that Rose lives in Walla Walla Washington, which is incorrect. Rose lives in Thermopolis, Wyoming. This report is false and was submitted by Greg Lake to defame my name in the community in response to the ongoing embezzlement investigation. SLS Information Services is a mortgage business opportunity with absolutely no BBB complaints, no AG complaints, and absolutely no complaints on this rip off report. All our clients are happy with our products and services. These ramblings are from former employees Gregory Lake and Sheryl French who were caught embezzling funds and fraudulently running scared of prosecution, and not Rose from Walla Walla Washington. Rose from Wyoming claimed Greg Lake took $1,750 under the auspices of SLS Information Services and I am working with her to return those funds. To all my vauled customers at SLS Information Services. Should you be contacted by anyone other than a representative of our company regarding your web site, you are directed to contact our customer service department immediately. Your client files have been stolen. After the fact it was learned that these two individuals have felony records and are repeat offenders. The only disservice I did to my customers is loose employee screening during the hiring process and allowing these people access to my client records. That I apologize for, but the problem is being rectified. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me toll free at 1 800 998 9418. Sincerely yours, Michael Bacolas SLS Information Services


Bogus Complaint by Former Employee Greg Lake Embezzlement Investigation

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 31, 2007

Dear Valued Customers, On August 29, 2007, it was brought to my attention that my client database was stolen from my home by former employees Greg Lake and Sheryl French. After a merchant account investigation it was found that Greg Lake and Sheryl French took client files, called these files as "Lake's Millionaire Marketing" and "LMM Marketing" and other fraudulent names, and sold my clients web site marketing and advertising. A complaint for embezzlement was made with the Surprise Police Department on August 29, 2007 by Michael Bacolas against Greg Lake. Complaint NO. 07086593. On that day, Mr. Lake sent an email to my company that he was in receipt of the funds he had embezzled. I sent my eldest children to Mr. Lake's home to retrieve the embezzled funds he indicated he would return, but they were threatened with a gun at his door. Another report was filed with the Surprise Police Department for threats and intimidation. Any clients contacted to do business or advertising for Direct Wholesale or Mihaly LLC should be made aware that these web sites are no longer online as I have legal issues with the hosting company for non fullfillment of paid services to maintain client web sites. Please be advised not to conduct business with anyone representing themselves on behalf of Direct Wholesale Solutions or Mihaly LLC as these client files were stolen by Greg Lake and Sheryl French. This is a bogus report not filed by Ms. Rose. Rose does not know or have ever been contacted by my wife, Twalla, as we were married on August 12, 2007, and began dating on June 17, and all business dealings with this client predated June. Rose has never been contacted by my wife, nor does she know I am married. This is a bogus report filed by Greg Lake and Sheryl French to deflect attention from the current embezzlement investigation against them. I tried contacting this client, but apparently Mr. Lake stole that client file as well as I cannot find her in my database. This is also being turned over to the authorities. Furthermore, this bogus report claims that Rose lives in Walla Walla Washington, which is incorrect. Rose lives in Thermopolis, Wyoming. This report is false and was submitted by Greg Lake to defame my name in the community in response to the ongoing embezzlement investigation. SLS Information Services is a mortgage business opportunity with absolutely no BBB complaints, no AG complaints, and absolutely no complaints on this rip off report. All our clients are happy with our products and services. These ramblings are from former employees Gregory Lake and Sheryl French who were caught embezzling funds and fraudulently running scared of prosecution, and not Rose from Walla Walla Washington. Rose from Wyoming claimed Greg Lake took $1,750 under the auspices of SLS Information Services and I am working with her to return those funds. To all my vauled customers at SLS Information Services. Should you be contacted by anyone other than a representative of our company regarding your web site, you are directed to contact our customer service department immediately. Your client files have been stolen. After the fact it was learned that these two individuals have felony records and are repeat offenders. The only disservice I did to my customers is loose employee screening during the hiring process and allowing these people access to my client records. That I apologize for, but the problem is being rectified. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me toll free at 1 800 998 9418. Sincerely yours, Michael Bacolas SLS Information Services


Bogus Complaint by Former Employee Greg Lake Embezzlement Investigation

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 31, 2007

Dear Valued Customers, On August 29, 2007, it was brought to my attention that my client database was stolen from my home by former employees Greg Lake and Sheryl French. After a merchant account investigation it was found that Greg Lake and Sheryl French took client files, called these files as "Lake's Millionaire Marketing" and "LMM Marketing" and other fraudulent names, and sold my clients web site marketing and advertising. A complaint for embezzlement was made with the Surprise Police Department on August 29, 2007 by Michael Bacolas against Greg Lake. Complaint NO. 07086593. On that day, Mr. Lake sent an email to my company that he was in receipt of the funds he had embezzled. I sent my eldest children to Mr. Lake's home to retrieve the embezzled funds he indicated he would return, but they were threatened with a gun at his door. Another report was filed with the Surprise Police Department for threats and intimidation. Any clients contacted to do business or advertising for Direct Wholesale or Mihaly LLC should be made aware that these web sites are no longer online as I have legal issues with the hosting company for non fullfillment of paid services to maintain client web sites. Please be advised not to conduct business with anyone representing themselves on behalf of Direct Wholesale Solutions or Mihaly LLC as these client files were stolen by Greg Lake and Sheryl French. This is a bogus report not filed by Ms. Rose. Rose does not know or have ever been contacted by my wife, Twalla, as we were married on August 12, 2007, and began dating on June 17, and all business dealings with this client predated June. Rose has never been contacted by my wife, nor does she know I am married. This is a bogus report filed by Greg Lake and Sheryl French to deflect attention from the current embezzlement investigation against them. I tried contacting this client, but apparently Mr. Lake stole that client file as well as I cannot find her in my database. This is also being turned over to the authorities. Furthermore, this bogus report claims that Rose lives in Walla Walla Washington, which is incorrect. Rose lives in Thermopolis, Wyoming. This report is false and was submitted by Greg Lake to defame my name in the community in response to the ongoing embezzlement investigation. SLS Information Services is a mortgage business opportunity with absolutely no BBB complaints, no AG complaints, and absolutely no complaints on this rip off report. All our clients are happy with our products and services. These ramblings are from former employees Gregory Lake and Sheryl French who were caught embezzling funds and fraudulently running scared of prosecution, and not Rose from Walla Walla Washington. Rose from Wyoming claimed Greg Lake took $1,750 under the auspices of SLS Information Services and I am working with her to return those funds. To all my vauled customers at SLS Information Services. Should you be contacted by anyone other than a representative of our company regarding your web site, you are directed to contact our customer service department immediately. Your client files have been stolen. After the fact it was learned that these two individuals have felony records and are repeat offenders. The only disservice I did to my customers is loose employee screening during the hiring process and allowing these people access to my client records. That I apologize for, but the problem is being rectified. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me toll free at 1 800 998 9418. Sincerely yours, Michael Bacolas SLS Information Services


Bogus Complaint by Former Employee Greg Lake Embezzlement Investigation

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 30, 2007

Dear Valued Customers, On August 29, 2007, it was brought to my attention that my client database was stolen from my home by former employees Greg Lake and Sheryl French. After a merchant account investigation it was found that Greg Lake and Sheryl French took client files, called these files as "Lake's Millionaire Marketing" and "LMM Marketing" and other fraudulent names, and sold my clients web site marketing and advertising. A complaint for embezzlement was made with the Surprise Police Department on August 29, 2007 by Michael Bacolas against Greg Lake. Complaint NO. 07086593. On that day, Mr. Lake sent an email to my company that he was in receipt of the funds he had embezzled. I sent my eldest children to Mr. Lake's home to retrieve the embezzled funds he indicated he would return, but they were threatened with a gun at his door. Another report was filed with the Surprise Police Department for threats and intimidation. Any clients contacted to do business or advertising for Direct Wholesale or Mihaly LLC should be made aware that these web sites are no longer online as I have legal issues with the hosting company for non fullfillment of paid services to maintain client web sites. Please be advised not to conduct business with anyone representing themselves on behalf of Direct Wholesale Solutions or Mihaly LLC as these client files were stolen by Greg Lake and Sheryl French. This is a bogus report not filed by Ms. Rose Capen. Rose does not know or have ever been contacted by my wife, Twalla, as we were married on August 12, 2007, and began dating on June 17, and all business dealings with this client predated June. Rose Capen has never been contacted by my wife, nor does she know I am married. This is a bogus report filed by Greg Lake and Sheryl French to deflect attention from the current embezzlement investigation against them. I tried contacting this client, but apparently Mr. Lake stole that client file as well as I cannot find her in my database. This is also being turned over to the authorities. Furthermore, this bogus report claims that Rose Capen lives in Walla Walla Washington, which is incorrect. Ms. Capen lives in Thermopolis, Wyoming. This report is false and was submitted by Greg Lake to defame my name in the community in response to the ongoing embezzlement investigation. SLS Information Services is a mortgage business opportunity with absolutely no BBB complaints, no AG complaints, and absolutely no complaints on this rip off report. All our clients are happy with our products and services. These ramblings are from former employees Gregory Lake and Sheryl French who were caught embezzling funds and fraudulently running scared of prosecution, and not Rose Capen from Walla Walla Washington. Rose Capen from Wyoming claimed Greg Lake took $1,750 under the auspices of SLS Information Services and I am working with her to return those funds. To all my vauled customers at SLS Information Services. Should you be contacted by anyone other than a representative of our company regarding your web site, you are directed to contact our customer service department immediately. Your client files have been stolen. After the fact it was learned that these two individuals have felony records and are repeat offenders. The only disservice I did to my customers is loose employee screening during the hiring process and allowing these people access to my client records. That I apologize for, but the problem is being rectified. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me toll free at 1 800 998 9418. Sincerely yours, Michael Bacolas SLS Information Services

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