  • Report:  #774792

Complaint Review: Mike Foy - Tampa, St Petersburg Florida

Reported By:
John - Tampa, Florida, United States of America

Mike Foy
2801 W Ballast Pt. Blvd Tampa, St Petersburg, 33611 Florida, United States of America
(813) 385-6482
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Please be warned. Carenter, Handyman, Mike Foy will take your money and you will never see it, him, or the work you expected again. Mike Foy was advertising as a carpenter in the Tampa and St. Petersburg, Florida area on craigslist when I found him. I contacted him to do a simple carpentry job and worked out a fair compensation. Mike asked for money to get the materials and I wrote him a check for 50% of the job on a thursday and he said he would be calling me around Saturday or Sunday to begin the installation. When Sunday morning rolled around and I contacted him and his wife Charlotte Ciolino AKA Charlotte Blume picked up and scheduled an installation for later that day. That was the first of three scheduled times where Mike Foy did not show or call to inform me he wouldnt make it.

Each time I contacted Mike Foy he had a new excuse, "Im done and just putting another coat of paint on your product" or "I'm finishing up a piece of trim". Finally after the third missed appointment Mike Foy stopped answering his phone. So I left messages, I emailed him, and still nothing. He avoided every form of contact. I looked up his address and went by his house and left a note... Nothing. His landlord called me back and said he is a deadbeat and owed him seven months of back rent. Apparently his wife Charlotte Ciolino is a convicted rapist and sex offender too. It makes me sick to have my money taken by such blatant scum. Save yourself the trouble and dont let this happen to you too. I now have an attorney and the authorities on their trail. He will probably have even more legal issues by the time you read this.

Be aware of craigslist ads from Mike Foy or Charlotte Ciolino for carpentry or handyman jobs. You will never see your money again.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Leroy Michael Foy, Mike Foy SCAM ARTIST & THIEF

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, May 06, 2012

Mike, your accusations are tired and sound desperate. You know I let you slide on rent for half a year, its too bad you rip off the people trying to help you. Its funny how Im just another person responding to a comlaint of you ripping them off too. So many people you ripped off are trying to hunt you down i guess. Let me help that person with the original complaint since you dont take responsibility.

Mike's last know address is:
4732 Lawn Av W
Tampa, FL 33611

This is what Mike and his deadbeat girlfriend (who is now incarcerated) look like, STEER CLEAR.

Report Attachments

mike foy

Michael Haynes, Slumloard, Theif, Pervert

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, May 06, 2012

You have a lot of nerve posting anything about anyone. You have stolen property from your tennets and groped and tried to molest your female tennets. I am told they may get together and file a class action lawsuit against you. Personally I think you were lucky I wasnt home the night you creeped into my house scaring my daughter I would like to have handled you personally and show you what you cant get away with but, you wouldnt have done it if I was home, its not your style. Maybe we could meet to get my property back so I could watch you flee from the police again. I bet Robert would like his property back too, its probably at your house. Does Cheryl know she is in possesion of stolen property? Or has she finally gone through with throwing you out. You are a discusting pervert. I am appauled that I have to be assiociated with the likes of you and wish I never would have rented or worked for you. Your tennets know me and were always happy to see me instead of you. I guess that is why they told me about you.


United States of America
Sad sad man

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, May 06, 2012

Leroy Michael Foy, Life must be very hard for you. Ripping people off eventually catches up to you. Its too bad you've probably never worked an honest day in your life, taken responsibility for your criminal actions, or refrained from blaming those actions on someone else. I am your landlord you idiot, and I have plenty of documented proof I can post on here about to show what kind of creep you are. The worst part is that you rip off the poeple who try to help you and take advantage of the hard working. 

P.S. Freedom of Speech is great! 

Report Attachments

mike foy

Nothing but slander and unsupported alagations

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, May 06, 2012

I am getting sick of being slandered by this pervert. I was arested for missing a traffic court date and he needs to support his claims with trying make this his forum. He was stood up by a hooker who took him. He is having trouble dealing with it he had better get his evidence ready I am ready to prosecute him for damages to my reputation and maybe Ms. Ciolino may give me a statement of his solicitations. As far as my landlord is concerned how I deal with that creep who walks into my house in the middle of the night and scares my 16 year old daughter or, leaves equipment that, I am not even aware of, in our yard then makes claims of its dissapearence. I called the police on him 3 times and made reports of him going in my house wile I was not home and stealing my property they have been trying to catch him with it or in the act but He flees when I call 911. I will not keep up defending my actions with people who feel they can get what they want by coersion. If they have some sort of proof which not only do they not but the only thing they could prove is they are making false allegations. This website should be sued for allowing people to use it without substancial evidence of the alligations.


St. Petersburg,
United States of America
Mike Foy, out of Jail... Again!

#6Author of original report

Sun, May 06, 2012

Mike Foy... Thief, Con, and general all around scumbag... Anything but the carpenter you advertise yourself to the public as. I am glad you responded to this nine months later, now that you are out of jail... For now. Guess we wont be hearing much input from your wife Charlotte, shes still locked up... Where you should be. Have you two figured out why the authorities caught up to you shortly after you ripped me off yet? :) 

Its sad to see you are still weaving lies and havent learned much from your time behind bars. This only tells me it wont be long before you rip someone else off and are right back in jail... Just like your wife. You advertise carpentry services on internet sites like craigslist and steal peoples deposits, never to be heard from or seen again. You then try to blame it on your wife (very sad). I am not the only one you have pulled this on, and unfortunately, I probably wont be the last.

Lets look at the facts... I will gladly use this forum to show anyone considering your services who you really are. A simple background check can show you Mike Foy's rap sheet of arrests a mile long (should I post it here Mike?). A simple check with the state will show you Mike Foy has never been licensed, nor been insured to do the type of work he performs (despite his insistence he runs a legitimate carpentry business). I can gladly provide you Mike Foys landlord, who had to evict him for never paying rent, and is pursuing criminal charges for theft against Mike for stealing his yard equipment and other personal property from his unit. Should I post information about your wife/accomplice Charlotte Ciolino AKA Charlotte Blume who sits in prison for violating her probation on a charge of child molestation. Yet you still advertise to rip people off...

Do yourself a huge favor and never trust Mike Foy. Dont listen to him, Dont believe a word he says, Dont even let this scum near your home. If you took one look at this guy you could tell he is a low life piece of trash. In my life, I have always liked to give people the benefit of the doubt and hope there is a shred of humanity inside them. I was naive and trusted Mike to complete work he committed to and took money from me to do. Now as you see he acts like it never happened. This is what you'll get unfortunately.

mike foy

United States of America
Very Strange Fellow

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, May 04, 2012

I did look at this mans job and Ms Ciolino did accompany me. While I was performing free design services, he gave Ms Ciolino a tour of his house. A while later they returned and he wrote Ms Ciolino a check, not me. I have no agreement or schedule with this person and was offended by his actions. I can provide references they are every job I have done. I am known for quality, dependability and reasonable prices. This landlord thing is also a hoax. I worked for him in exchange for rent as agreed and we fell out when he got out of line with his request. The only thing this strange fellow can actually prove is he wrote Ms Ciolino a check and felt he should get my services from their agreement. I write proposals and pay taxes it is to my advantage to do so. I think if he paid me he should have a receipt this is one of the items on my proposals, payments made. I sign and date each payment made w/check # so the canceled check can be attached to the proposal for proof they paid for the work 

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