  • Report:  #1208845

Complaint Review: Minnesota Department of Motor Vehicle - Minnesota

Reported By:
Sue - Montrose, Minnesota,

Minnesota Department of Motor Vehicle
55363 Minnesota, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I had a court hearing for a Driving after Cancellation ticket. After a few months of going to the courthouse in St. Paul I asked why my license was cancelled. The ADA told me he didn't know and it must be from moving violations. He explained that all I had to do was pay a fine, re-take my written test and road test and nothing would be on my permanent record.  I didn't have the cash to pay the fines so I just let it go.

A year later I was pulled over for driving with a cancelled license again. I asked the police officer if he knew why my license was cancelled since I have no violations or parking tickets on my record. He told me he didn't know and to go to the courthouse and ask the judge or DA. So back to court I go.  My case keeps getting continued due to the fact that no one can tell me why my license was cancelled in the first place. Finally, after speaking to yet another prosecutor, they finally stated that my license was cancelled due to non-renewal of my license.

I was appalled. I never knew it was the law to renew your license. I didn't have a car and was living in New York at the time and there was no need for me to drive, so why a license. They just shrugged their shoulders and said pay the fine and re-take written and road test and you can have your license back without a moving violation on your record.

I called the DMV to see if I can set up a payment plan so that I may get my fine paid off and was told that we do not accept partial payment or weekly payments. I would have to pay it all in one lump sum. Being a mother of four, divorced and receiving no child-support at the time it was nearly impossible for me to pay it off right away and even harder to save money on my own until it was paid. I was exhausted both from the mental anguish and from the almost 2 years of fighting with the courts.

After tax season of 2012 I realized my fine had been paid in full from my tax returns. So I set up appt. for written test and passed, yay, then made appointment for my road test. I arrived excited to know that after I passed my test I would be a licensed driver again. Well I passed and the instructor told me I couldn't go in and take my photo that I would have to speak to a Motor Vehicle CONSULTANT before I was allowed to take photo. I didn't understand what the problem was. So home I go and call to make appointment with this gentleman. Well after several weeks of no answer and several messages I left on his answering machine I decided to go to Motor Vehicle myself and see if I can speak to him.

I arrived at the Eagan Motor Vehicle and asked the front desk how to speak to the Consultant. She said I needed to make appointment with him and I explained about all my attempts to call him without any luck. She sighed and said that she would be right back. She walked into a room down the hall and came back several minutes later and told me that I needed to call and make an appointment. So I walked up to the room, looked in, and saw a gentleman eating what I assumed was his lunch. I gently knocked on the open door and said, "excuse me sir".  He looked up and said one minute please and came and closed his door.  So I stood in the hallway with my daughter for almost 35 minutes.  He then emerged and started to walk down the hall when I called to him. I told him that I tried to call to make appt. to speak with him and after weeks of no luck I came in person to find out why I couldn't take my photo. He asked my name and went directly to the same exact woman I asked in the first place to help me. He came back and told me there was a problem with my identification.

According to Motor Vehicle my VALID Minnesota State ID that had not yet expired, which has my address, birthdate and photo and my social security card (which was in my married name "Spar" - being that I was not going to return to my maiden name after my divorce I left my i.d. as Susan Spar) Both these forms of ID, both in the name Susan Spar, that I have had since my marriage in 1992, were denied after they accepted it with my cash for the written and road test. I was told I needed a notarized copy of my birth certificate, marriage license and divorce decree before I can take my photo. So I commented on why they let me take my road test with my State ID if it wasn't good enough to prove who I was. All the lady said was get what you need and come back.

I have seen with my own eyes people who couldn't even answer questions because they didn't understand english and did not have to show any i.d. step up to the camera and get their picture taken. Why do I, born in the United States and like a majority of most  americans is divorced,has legal picture ID (MN. State IDA) has to produce three more documents to prove that Susan Higgins and Susan Spar are the same person. I gave up. I didn't have the money to send away for these documents from 2 different states at this time so I gave up.

In the fall of 2013 due to a family emergency my children and I had to move out west to Waverly Mn. It was about 9 miles from Buffalo Mn. We needed to reside here for at least 1 -2 years to take care of horses that my ex-husband had recently purchased,  while he was incarcerated. Now I needed to get my license valid to drive. There is no public transportation at all out here so you need a car. Well my ex supplied the car and I looked for a job within walking distance so that I can save up money for my license, insurance and tabs. In the process of trying to get all this resolved I was pulled over 2 times. The police officer that gave me the ticket asked why I just don't go get my license. I explained everything that happened in the past two years and he told me to just go up to Buffalo and tell them you need to get your photo taken. That you passed the road test but couldnt find your picture ID. and see if it works (but you didn't hear it from me).

So off to Buffalo I go and my road test had recently expired. So she said all I had to do is take the written test and road test again. Here we go again. I took and passed the written test right there on the spot and tried to make my road test appt. She accepted my Mn. State ID for the written so I felt very positive that the road test would not result in any more problems. I made the appointment, passed the road test and when I went to the front desk was told I had fines I needed to pay before they take my picture. I asked how much and started to cry when she told me somewhere around 1200 dollars. I had a friend that put my daughter's truck on his insurance policy and I paid $100.00 a month to insure it so that my daughter can drive legally. When I received my 2 driving violation in Waverly I was charged with no insurance. The "friend" who accepted my $100  that month never used it for insurance and failed to inform me. I had no clue it was not valid since he gave me a copy of the insurance card stating it was good for 6 more months. She told me my record showed two driving after cancellation and one driving without insurance so the total for my fines was $1200.

She asked why I was crying and I told her my story of my past 2 1/2 years of trying to get my license and now I am facing hell. I cannot come up with the fine money. It is impossible to pay this. I am almost at poverty level and no resources to help. She told me that my State ID was enough valid ID to get my license and she didn't know why they gave me a hard time since I was not returning to my maiden name and keeping the name I had for 23 years.

I am pissed about this situation. I have no problem with people from other countries moving here to start a life but when I was born here and need to prove my identity when I have seen over and over again people who have no proof of identity because they are new to our country or cannot speak a word of english get their license without any problem I cannot accept this. I will not accept this. Is there any other American Citizen that gets not even 1 minute of concern or help from our governmental or state employess. Treated like we do not exist yet thousands of illegal or legal aliens are driving around in new cars with valid licenses. Is there anything I can do to help me resolve this situation. I get pulled over for driving, but I drive to work to pay fines to get my drivers license, so I'm like a dog chasing his tail in circles.

PLEASE HELP ME. All I want is a legal drivers license so that I can get to work, to pay rent, and to feed my children. I don't drink and drive, I don't speed, I don't park illegally. All I want is to drive the 3 miles to and from work without any more problems.






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